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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2024 in Posts

  1. Like Nato said, just keep reporting the posts. It will stop eventually when a number of the bot accounts are banned, but the best thing to do is to not engage and report the posts. Remember, topics can be set up to send email notifications to the account owner whenever someone replies to a topic, so if you engage in replying to the spam topics, you could be creating false "interaction" counts that the bot presumes is people wanting to buy/learn more about the product. This in turn might be encouraging the creation of more spam topics/accounts since the bot program thinks engagement is happening. Don't reply to these topics, just report them and move on. As others mentioned, it'll clear itself up in a few days probably.
    4 points
  2. I'm sure you are al aware of the insanity in the shop section. I open it up and see this is there a way the rules around this forum can be Tightened up?
    2 points
  3. IC: Karak - Celrys' Workshop This man's demeanour reeks of cowardice. His eyes flutter around the place and I watch them weakly focus on me as he addresses me. "What is it you fear?" My words come out without confusion. OOC: @a goose
    2 points
  4. R.E.V.E.N.G.A. Mk. II Since the Galidor torso that I used as the centerpiece to create the first model of this robot also exists in black, I decided to create a new variant for this guy. I imagined that the body is its main source of energy and that all the limbs are magnetically connected to it. I also added some iron elements to his feet to better enhance this magnetic aspect of the robot. 22/02/24
    1 point
  5. Notting worth home to right about. I found them under gears
    1 point
  6. On the poll I started a couple days ago, after voting in it myself it says that "results will be displayed once this poll will be closed". When I edit the poll, I see that there's a checkbox option to automatically close the poll on a date that it then lets me specify: and I assume this means that, if set, when the closing date and time pass then the results would at that time become visible? I'd test that theory, but I'm not sure what would be a reasonable length of time to leave the poll open for. I suppose it's likely another product of when the forum software was updated a little while ago?
    1 point
  7. Yes. There are some stuff here and there. I guarantee it.
    1 point
  8. So, I'm pretty sure that, by the time the actual sets are released, both Greg's stories and any combiner/alternate model builds had to be finalized, so it wouldn't really be practical for all of them to be included in-story. You will notice that Protodax appear in one of the 2006 books but not in the corresponding comic scene. This is probably because it was easier for LEGO to have Greg write an extra segment featuring them than it would be to have more comic pages drawn and colored. But furthermore, Greg didn't personally decide things like how many books there would be, or how long they are. That probably came from corporate, with Greg having to work within that framework. Thus, he wouldn't necessarily know if he'd have time to properly conclude all his story arcs. I don't think your comparison of Makuro and the Great Beings holds up. IMO, one of the big messages of BIONICLE is that the Great Beings were arrogant and thought their intelligence gave them a pass to do whatever they wanted. Notice that the only people who really like or respect the GBs are their creations, who never actually met them. The inhabitants of Spherus Magna, some of whom might have actually met them in person, have nothing but contempt for the GBs. We as the audience are led to believe that the Spherus Magnans' opinion of the GBs is the more accurate one. But even more than that, the GBs are not implied to be as directly involved in their creations' personalities as Makuro is. Taking Nidhiki as an example, since he became a Toa on the Tren Krom Peninsula (where "heroes had to strike from the shadows, or they did not last long"), that probably played a bigger role in his betrayal than anything the Great Beings did. Nidhiki ultimately betrayed Lhikan because he didn't trust Lhikan, because he didn't trust anyone. In that sense, Nidhiki is a profoundly tragic figure. In contrast, the Heroes are implied to basically come into existence with their personalities already fully formed. What should HF have done with Von Ness and Core Hunter? Are there any protocols to try to identify future traitors? If they did have a way of knowing, what would Makuro do with them? Should they be terminated? After creating a Hero, does Hero Factory have the moral right to terminate their existence? Do HF view their Heroes as living beings, or as hardware, Mr. Makuro's property? Who determines what "good" is? Who determines what counts as a "crime"? In the Ordeal of Fire episode, we see that summoning Hero Factory requires nothing more than pressing a button. What's the process for getting one of those buttons installed? This kind of surface-level view of good vs. evil works just fine for the Saturday-morning-cartoon-level of seriousness the TV episodes go for, but Greg is a better writer than that. Had the Secret Mission series progressed further, I think the Galactic Conspiracy would have developed into something analogous to the Separatists from Star Wars, originally a well-meaning group that eventually got co-opted by villains, the original founders ultimately sidelined.
    1 point
  9. I do actually support shipping to California. I have shipping set up, no clue why that banner is there. I'm working with customer service to fix this, will send an update once it's fixed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention
    1 point
  10. After the swarms were neutralized, the Matoran quickly found a way to harness the Bohrok's rolling locomotion to traverse Mata Nui with greater speed. Happy Febrovery 2024!
    1 point
  11. Retiring Premier Membership BZPower has had the Premier Membership program for a long time, providing a way for people to help support the site financially while receiving some perks in return. Over the years, with changes to the forum software and the decrease in activity on the site, the allure of those perks has understandably been reduced, making the program much less appealing than it was in the past. Invision, the company that makes BZPower's forum software, announced that in their next major update they will be removing the store aspect of the forums, which is how Premier Memberships are managed. Keeping everything above in mind, this seems like the right time to cease the Premier Membership program. Of course, anyone who purchased a Lifetime membership will retain that title and the remaining perks, but memberships will no longer be for sale as of February 29th, 2024. The forum software does have new ways of doing subscriptions and accepting donations, so we may look into doing a new program in the future. If we do, it will be something that fits with the current activity level of the site and capabilities of the software. We appreciate everyone who has donated to support BZPower over the years! Every little bit has been helpful in keeping us running, and we thank you all!
    1 point
  12. IC: Maxas and Vraek (Streets of Tajun) - A Gnawing Feeling “Call me Vraek, please…” Jeizmel’s vocal disapproval of their leader did not go unnoticed. “But yes. The games won’t start for some time I think…” She then scanned the crowd. “Hmm… no Skrall.” Or Lutenus, for that matter. But he’d be here soon, no doubt. They’d all be here… Something gnawed at her, and she couldn’t keep herself from asking. “Pardon me, but…you will be cautious without me?” Though Tajun’s own dangers were many, she wouldn’t put it past Metus to try and silence his detractor. Maxas did his best to integrate with the crowd - a Water Agori in Tajun wasn’t unexpected, after all. No one would dare try to accost or assassinate him in front of so many witnesses… Wouldn’t they? @That Matoran with a Vahi IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, the Tower) - Unreliable Narrator It was often said that there was some sort of cataclysm that turned a supposed paradise into the wasteland they knew now. ‘Punishment for our sins,’ she had heard it said. Personally, she had thought that the world was always like this and places like Tesara and Tajun were just exceptions. The ‘tribes’ hoarded food and water for themselves, but of course, the Gatherers were the bad guys, for doing what they didn’t need to do to survive, and would do in an instant if they did need to. What was she doing again? Oh right - learning ancient lore. “Then… what happened, sir? Are you the only one left?” It was important to remember that this information was not necessarily true, or even accurate. The Ghost was no doubt telling the version of the story where he comes across as the good guy… or, as ‘good’ as a Gatherer would care for. The fact that he seemed glad that his own race was gone disturbed her. Obviously, Taldrix herself was happy to hear that - supposedly - there was no more of him. But these were HIS people they were talking about - HE should not be happy. @a goose
    1 point
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