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25K Now!

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Blog Entries posted by 25K Now!

  1. 25K Now!
    So, I was hanging out after school, having received my exam results, so decided to discuss my results with my friends. We were mid-way through talking about how Geography was a horrible subject and how it should die in a fire when another of my friends came up. He is usually the only bastion of sanity in the entirety of Year 8, but today, he seemed to have gone mad.
    Crazy Friend: I think I drank [Friend Whose Name Starts With 'I']'s blood.
    Me: ...
    Other Friend: ... What?
    Crazy Friend: I think I need to drink some water.
    *He goes off to drink water from the nearby tap, and soon returns.*
    Me: So ...
    Crazy Friend: Hm?
    *I turned to look around, and end up seeing the 'Friend Whose Name Starts With 'I' walking down the stairs, so I call out to him.*
    Me: Hey! Did [Crazy Friend] drink your blood!?
    FWNSWI: Yes!
    *I turn back to my Crazy Friend.*
    Me: Dude, that's creepy.
    Crazy Friend: *Shrugs* It isn't that bad. I mean, drinking his blood might be good for me. FWNSWI is a player.
    It was at this moment when I decided to leave.
  2. 25K Now!
    My lack of PS3 has left me in despair!
    So, I am currently lamenting the fact that I do not have possession of a PS3, which I really want, probably because the PS3 has lots of games that I want to buy, like 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3.
    Yes yes, I know that 2nd SRW OGs is only in Japanese, and that DW: Gundam 3 is also for the 360, but mecha games man, mecha games. Of course, the only thing I really hate about the PS3 is the fact that Warriors Orochi 3 is on PSN or whatever it's called.
    I really have no idea; all I own is a PSP, and what is this WiFi Internet you speak of?
  3. 25K Now!
    List of Things I Want To Do Before Death

    Eat five Big Macs in a single outing
    Get stabbed DONE
    Sprain part of body DONE
    Break part of body
    Go to the Melbourne Anime Festival
    Actually reach Level 30 in League of Legends
    Write a book
    Eat haggis
    Drink goat milk
    Go to a country that is not China or Australia
    Get into a relationship
    Get a car
    Buy Microsoft
    Buy Apple
    Buy Nintendo
    Buy Sony
    Buy Panasonic (Screw Samsung)
    Go bungee jumping
    Eat food made from cloned animals
    Buy a Playstation 2
    Buy a Dreamcast
    Get 100% Completion in a Pokemon game.
    Obtain a wireless Internet connection for my house
    Live by myself
    Become a teacher
    Go to Comiket
    Buy Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
    Get every single Pokemon game
    Buy a Wii

    List will be updated regularly.
  4. 25K Now!
    So, I decided to do a random test to determine what Major Arcana fits me, because I was bored and yay tarot cards.
    I got the Sun Arcana, with close connection to the Death Arcana as well.
    Then I decided to find my Birth Arcana.
    It was the Sun.
    I am totally a supernova now.
  5. 25K Now!
    Here's the blog post for discussing the zodiac group, which was thought up by the guy whose name I can't really remember due to the random letters. Let's call him the GDF for now, 'Global Defence Force'. Well actually, he's called gdfgdfgdfice, but I like Global Defence Force.
    We're also not naming it the Ensigns, because that makes no sense.
    Claimed Zodiacs:
    Aries: Airias (gdfgdfgdfice)
    Taurus: Unnamed Character (Krayzikk)
    Gemini: Unnamed Character (Captain Marvel)
    Cancer: Zuriana (Wotzinaim)
    Leo: Phyrrex (AuRon)
    Virgo: Unnamed Character (BenLuke)
    Libra: 'Vaisaga' (Hubert)
    Scorpio: Rit (Toa Onarax)
    Sagittarius: Kalios (Kal Grochi)
    Capricorn: Endriin (Toa Zealokan)
    Aquarius: Jedenast (Vorex)
    Pisces: Kadaka Fo (pokemonlover360)

  6. 25K Now!
    So, we have Episode 15 up. No interview. Pretty bland. Just a recap of this week. Have Tyler as a co-host. Because Onarax was lazy and Krayzikk busy.
    You know the drill. Discuss.
  7. 25K Now!
    I really have a screwed up sense of breakfast.
    Like, on school days, I wake up, get dressed and brush teeth and all that jazz, and quickly take two pieces of bread and eat it on the car.
    On holidays, I wake up at 12 pm and eat breakfast.
    What is wrong with me?
  8. 25K Now!
    Hey guys! Guess what we have on this fine day?
    If you guessed that it was the thirteenth episode of the BZPRPG Podcast, then you guess correctly! If you didn't, you obviously didn't read the blog post title! And why am I using so many exclamation marks?! Why am I rambling about this to you anyway?!
    So after weeks of delay, we have finally gotten up this podcast episode, which will feature our reasons for the delay, along with some recent news. Recent as of yesterday, that is. Unfortunately, this time we don't have an interview, so most of you are probably rather depressed.
    Don't worry, I'm sure we may be able to get an interview next time!
    Episode 13
  9. 25K Now!
    Although it is rather unconventional for someone to post two blog posts in one day, I've decided to do exactly that. Why? Well I'm merely saddened by the fact I can't even mine in Dwarf Fortress.
    For those who do not know what Dwarf Fortress is, it is basically a simulator of fantasy life created by one guy and his brother, just like Runescape, except that this game is much more complicated than RS and probably works on a smaller budget. However, the graphics are, well, ASCII.
    Anyway, I can't seem to do anything properly in the game, so I'll just randomly rant about it.
    Their motto makes sense though.
    "Losing is fun."
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