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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. Relapse

    Blitzing Is Boring

    Obi-Wan is the queen, and Leia is bishop? Twisted, Mangs, twisted...
  2. Wow. Now, if he had a rabbit moc, I wouldn't have to keep bugging you about it!
  3. Geez, your defensive...

    *Evaporates and revaporates back at his comic studio*

    Eh, no time for a fight, and I know your awesome. Why else would you be buying me PM-ship?

  4. I've got time, and if you wish to stay alive, you will not call me padawan ;)

  5. How come they called you "berelen" on the front page?!?!? This is an outrage!

  6. *Uses metal powers to fuse Mangai's armor*

    Well, if its a fight, you might as well surrender now. Unless of course, you can destroy me.

  7. *Trips you with air-blast* I would overthrow you, but the team would most likely rebel. And we can't have that, can we?

  8. *Catches fist, twists, and kicks Hawk's face*

    You spelled dis wrong.

  9. Difference is...we already knew you were a complete fool. Looked it up? My vocabulary is superior, obviously.

  10. Ignorance is lack of intelligence on a matter, apathy is lack of enthusiasm and/or emotion about a subject. Not knowing or caring removes all doubt that these words desribe the student. What, just because I'm eleven I'm not smart?

  11. To add on to what Kini said, have you ever heard of Transformers? How about Star Wars?

  12. Relapse

    Happy Thanksgiving

    You guys, your all wrong, it's: OM NOM NOM!!!
  13. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving, Zar!

  15. Oh, good! Anyways, how's it been going for you?

  16. Congratulations on the news report proto boost!

  17. Oops, my bad... Uh, lets justskip that part where he got up.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving! Will you take a look at my comics? And, like, post?

  19. The thanksgiving special comic came out!
  20. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Thanks! Squirt isn't all bad, I guess. :P

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