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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Portalfig

  1. Portalfig

    Hitman 19

    This is when I ask you again when do you sleep isn't it? kk when do you even sleep dude oh my goodness
  2. ohey yeah I am back I don't really know what is happening other than apparently everybody a significant group of people is voting shadowhawk so I vote Dragon.star because you don't mention the bandwagon. there we go *fades back into obscurity*
  3. So guys I kinda feel like a jerk because I dropped off the face of the earth and then came back and voted for my own game but I did. so yeah sorry guys. D= TMC could have definitely gone better, and I certainly will work on some of the over-convoluted wonkiness of it all for the future. I think it could be really fun if people weren't concerned about making illegal posts and such. (also I totally just had a design revelation and am facepalming myself so hard right now) I do want to mention that we had an absolutely fantastic turnout though. I am super proud that we got 11 quality entries! That is much better than the two we got for the Ninjago contest. =P MOUP worked quite well(and I got some sweet loot from it), from what I read Bionifight was quality (as always haha), I liked the theory behind Rise and Fall and I just wish I hadn't freaked out about making it not an rpg and just played the game, Six Armies seemed sweet(and I wish I had just posted and played it because man I love the ASCII fortresses), and Conquer, I think, did great with the alliance theme it had. The other games all seemed really good too, but I either didn't play them/didn't read them enough to really comment on how they worked, so. They all seemed really good though. *thumbs up* Basically I'm super proud of all of you guys and just ahhh we did so good for a first G&T contest ahhhh. Good luck to everybody, and may the best game win!
  4. anndddd I may be kinda back? Whew, I totally just missed the entire second week of The Matoran's Court. Oops. D=

  5. the relient k mmhmm X tour came like two and a half hours away from me I learned about it literally two days after it happened *shakes fist* Welcome back! I remember you from back in my more stalkerish days. =P
  6. I did actually like the pm list that you sent out, I just kept totally forgetting to read my own replies enough to realize that I was sending in a different action than I wanted. xD Honestly, if I was to vote for something other than my game, it probably would be this. I think this and Bionifight had the best run out of all of the games, and I won't vote for something that already has a history like a Bionifight or a Mafia game. Not in a contest like this. =P But, yeah! Was pretty cool. I can see something like this catching on like hitman or something.
  7. "Reward PMs" waitaminute *checks first post* oh holy moly I totally missed that there were rewards of any kind huh xD good game, everybody! I knew stockpiling those masks of earth would be helpful. =P
  8. @Pahrak Yup, now that is a name I can get behind. *nods* @Voltex Shhh. We can't spoil it for everybody else yet! (but yeah, obviously)
  9. I could probably be in for something like that, yeah. We would probably need a rework for the name though. How about The Completely Overpowered Adventures of Portal and his Minions, the Matoran Voltex, Pahrak, and Underscore, as they Solve the Mysteries of Okoto and Totally try to Usurp all of the Glory from their Mighty Leader but Fail because Portal is 2 Protal? Too short, maybe? =P
  10. (I made up almost all of the tiwitter posts and such.) (It was more for the theme of reality tv-show courtroom drama than anything) (plus I found it pretty fun =P)
  11. (Sorry this took so long everybody. Internet died last night and I couldn't post this.) Final Round “Here we go. We have many Vahki in the back at this very moment counting up your votes, so let’s begin to get ready. But first, some highlights of the case, from your expert post-case analysis. “Now, let’s see what you had to say! @TheThreeIsWatching said this:” “However, we seemed to get more than a few posts more like this one by @LiterallyTheUniverse.” “Alright, here it is. The moment has come, for us to find out who is the winner. Is Mr. Tavolia Venigard guilty, or does he get the free pass? We’ll get right to that, after the break!” A familiar musical cue goes off, and the camera zooms backwards into the commercial. The Aviary of Saints We got the MOOOOM. Call now, and for a limited time get half for the price of one! --- The camera swings back down the darkened room at the sound that familiar jingle, zooming in possible too close to the Judge’s chiseled chin. “Welcome back! Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.” Slowly, the Judge walks over to the Defendants table, and looks Mr. Venigard in the eyes. “Mr. Venigard...” He reaches into a pocket in his long robes, and pulls out a small envelop. He opens it, and slowly begins to pull out the results. “You are... ” “NOT GUILTY!” All the lights on the stage flair up, and Mr. Venigard almost faints with happiness. Multicolored confetti falls from the ceiling, and a triumphant tune begins to blast out of the speakers. The stage gets rushed by all of Mr. Venigard’s friends and family, as the Judge walks back towards the middle of the stage. “Justice has been served once again! Tune in next week for a new case, and more twists and turns than you can imagine. Once again, keep Metru-Nui safe. Always.” He points at the camera as it pans back away. Credits begin to roll, and then the television gets turned off. --- Defendants win! With that, I will open up signups for more players/let those already signed up unsign for the next 24 hours or so, then we will start the second round. Thanks for playing so far! Maybe I can make this go a bit faster this next time around and not be so busy... We’ll see. For a quick discussion topic during this time of break, does anybody have any thoughts about the game? Once the contest is over, the posting restrictions are certainly being taken down. Maybe a rework of the witness system, one where I actually play the witnesses? I don’t know, what are you guys thinking? xD
  12. oh i thought S_I protected herself the night i died wealp xD
  13. I will attempt to make two masks of earth. I mean. Water. E: Just putting the formatting I wanted but couldn't put because I was on mobile. Don't mind me.
  14. (Witnesses work just like the evidence. Basically, you can make the witness say anything for four one piece of new evidence, and then both sides control them, basically. So, you could be all like “miss blue replied that joe died in her arms” then the opposition could respond with a different question. Like I said, evidence of all kinds is provided by the players. So, I guess the answer is "all of the above". =P Also, the Prosecution has to speak before you can post, Ghidora. Although I think, if I make this a thing after the contest, I might lessen the posting structure. However, I can’t do that now unless Windy asks me to, so yeah haha. Now, for a scene that is like 24 hours late...) Once again the lights go out, and then come back up on the center platform. The Judge sits, gravel in hand. “Welcome back, jury! After some... Technical difficulties yesterday, we are back! And let’s see what you had to say about the last day of the Case!” “@HELLOMETRUNUI seemed pretty pumped about this case, and had this to say about it.” “To follow up, @IceIsNice seemed a little more... critical of these developments.” “Finally, @TotallyNOTaTuraga said this.” “Only 36 hours left! Make sure to tag all your things with #TMC and have a chance to be featured!” “Now, for some short messages from our sponsors!” Mafioso Funerals, LLC “Eh, why even bury them?”
  15. apples and grapes oh wait. those aren't elements fire and jungle
  16. I feel like we need to coin a phrase "that happens once in an XX" "We're smart once in an XX" idunno. Something like that
  17. (Yeah, as long as you don't make another argument right after you have already made an argument for your side you are good) (I was wondering why the game just straight up and died for a bit like that)
  18. This is eerily simular to a thing that me and Doorman were brainstorming the other day. Pretty interesting haha
  19. For a brief moment, the spotlights fade from the jury, from the attorneys and lawyers making the case. A single spotlight rises on the massive bench in the middle of the stage, and the Judge then looks around and begins to speak. “Welcome, everybody, to our first day break! We have stuff to look back on already, so let’s see what you all thought of day one of this case!” “@KanohiMaster670 said the following.” “Conversely, @TotallyNOTaTuraga said this:” “The reputable Court Magazine of CMZ had this to say on the day in whole:” “Overall, it seems the general populace is leaning very slightly towards the defendants. Maybe just because they were the last one to speak. We’ll see what happens in the next few days. After all, we haven’t even touched the actual action of the crime yet, or even who both the defendant and the victim were! Or, who could this mysterious third culprit even be? Tune in right after these short messages to find out!” “And remember! Tag all your Matoran’s Court photos, videos, reactions, and Tweeters with #TMC for a chance to be featured right here, on the show!” Olaf and Sons Armaments Because nobody can hurt you if they are all dead.
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