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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Everything posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. I'm not the only one with two pony forms.
  2. Although time-consuming, that would be very fun!
  3. Phones = Calls/text. Computer = Limitless Internet. Phones + Computer = Disaster. I'm telling you, it should be simple ...
  4. Dell? We are in the process of getting rid of a Dell. Good luck with this one!
  5. ...I have no words to express my admiration for this. It's one thing to have all those pieces and have them match, but it's an entirely different thing to have the mental skill to build this!Yes, I have been amazed for the day.
  6. :drool:Ditto with Zarohum ... I love it.Don't change any aspect of it or I will kill you.Now I have an excuse to MOC something. I'm going to use this for inspriration, and I will certainly give credit to you, should I ever post it.The only thing I ask is that you post pictures of the interior of the torso or post building instructions. I know those can be difficult, so it's fine if you don't.... Now to figure out what kind of character I'm going to build ...
  7. I like his body build and his shoulder wheels. He has a lean, yet bulky look at the same time, and the wheels give him the bulky look, in my honest opinion. I even think they could play an important role in protecting the sides of his head in battle. The pipe around his torso adds a nice effect, too.I never thought of using the head pieces for forearms like that. It's interesting.
  8. Oh man ... I really do pity Starparu ...Meso's lack of feelings for Starparu made me laugh
  9. O majhost, willt thou continuest to work from now on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avohkah Tamer

      Avohkah Tamer

      Yeah, as far as I'm aware, they should be up for the forseeable future (barring any new-server-hiccups). The site admin posted on a social page that they had a hardware failure, and they had to move everything to a shiny, brand-new server.

    3. Calvirick


      Isn't it true that Majhost and brickshelf are interconnected?

    4. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Yes, I believe that Brickshelf was a "spinoff" from majhost after everyone discovered the LEGO fans liked to post their MOC's.

  10. Where did your avatar come from? It's certainly a lovely beast. *hugs icy dragon*

    1. Calvirick


      LOL it's not an ice dragon. It's a bone dragon, or more stony than bone. I photoshoped the image a little. I got it from this blog where this guy posted 45 epic dragon drawings. And believe me, some of those drawings were indeed epic. Wanna link?

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Yeah, I began to wonder if my calling it an ice dragon was wrong ... and he'd probably eat my head off if I tried to hug him. ^_^

      Nah, that's fine, I don't need a link. I've seen plenty of dragons all over the internet to be satisfied. :P

  11. *stays tuned*Ya'know, I think Utah and Joland's favorite food is tacos, not nachos, but I can hardly tell the difference. :PIt's a Mexican food and it's spicey. That's about all I know.
  12. Oh, and by the way, I named my rifle from my spritesheet Firefly. I explain why within the first few sentences of my userpage, if you were curious.

  13. Happy late birthday. :P

    1. Utah


      Thanks! XD


      I'm a happy-state at the age of 15. Except for drivers ed......that isn't very fun.

    2. LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      Happy even LATER birthday. May your sword stay sharp!


      Trust me, you're going to want a sharp sword if you're doing drivers ED. ^_^

  14. Did other things while I waited for it to load. It was only 4 years. :PI think there's nothing Biocry won't be ...
  15. I've done that once with my brother's "Thor's hammer." He eventually asked where it was ...
  16. I would probably upload MOC's and other Bionicle-related images, images for sigs and avatars and such, but keep the non-Bionicle images (like ponies) on majhost. I'd really like this feature and whether its for all users or just premier doesn't matter to me. I do plan on becoming premier soon anyway. I think it'd be useful for comic kits, sprites, Bionicle artwork and MOC images. But I don't know enough about the server-overloading issue to comment on that.
  17. I noticed something in your first post.You say this, I'll have a header by next week, and a new comic or two by tommorow.But you clearly have a header, and who could forget one like that? ^_^Thought I might point that out (it's the second to last sentence right before your quote "It's good to be back").Sorry if this annoys you, my organizing side can go overboard sometimes.
  18. Nope, hardly have a yard to begin with!TPBM is or wants to live in a wide open country area.
  19. Probably.TPBM has been a BZP member for at least five years.
  20. O majhost, thou leavest me totally confused. O_o

    1. Squishyfrog


      You know, I'd really like for them to decide if they're going to be down or up.

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      I, the Luminescent one, agrees with thou, Squishypony.

  21. What does "nope.avi" mean anyway? My BZP experience is much too inexperienced to understand. :P

    1. ~Allegretto~


      It's from a Team Fortress 2 video. If you Google it you should find it.

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Ah, I think I've seen a gif file around BZP. A hard hat guy's neck grows like a giraffe?

    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Ya'know, I just realized that I ask more questions that I originally thought. :P

      I guess that's how I learn.

  22. Ninja'd ....Dunno what SNES stands for, so no.TPBM likes night better than day.
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