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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Not throwing all the serials out the window. Throwing anything other than the serials out the window for a 100% hard reboot. Lightening the tone to any degree. Making the story lower in quality in any way to any degree.
  2. Well, glad to see others have most excellently answered the question already. But for some help in similar dilemmas, here are some general guidelines. 1. The sets are generally 98% accurate to the canon appearance. Only obvious things like the Bahrag being incapacitated by pin removal, the Rahkshi losing their Kraata by being bonked on the head, Pewku treads, and the ACTION FIGURE GAME MONITOR THINGIES are non-canon. 2. MU inhabitants are basically robots with organic stuff inside so they run smoother. Bara Magnans are organic beings with mechanical stuff added so they're stronger. The result on both ends is a being that can be mistaken for 100% robotic even if you closely examine them, unless you take a look at their insides. So, anything that doesn't fit our standards of anatomy (like not having treads, or having humanlike proportions) is perfectly acceptable.
  3. I liked the name Makuta better. BUT on to the main issue. I don't mind either way. They can bring him back, or they can leave him dead and bring in a new villain. As long as whatever we're given is good, I'm happy with it.
  4. Drawing Grimlock now. I don't know where to start! Argh!

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Draw the original Grimlock. New movie was bad.

    2. Axilus Prime
  5. On SM, after long enough that old plot threads don't matter anymore but we still have our favorite old characters. As for the serials, they were cluttered. I say retcon them, throw them out the window, something along those lines. I don't know what I want the driving force of the new plotlines to be, I just hope it's good.
  6. Awesome! And it was slightly funny to. Glad to hear the next comic's coming soon!
  7. On the way to our houses from school, some of us found a riot shield. Naturally, with it being bulletproof, we took turns punching it!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      So you get to keep it right? Isn't that how this works?

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Nah, it's in a zero-security storage right outside the police station, so I'm not entirely sure keeping it is a good idea. It doesn't look like they need it, but maybe there is a reason for it being there. I don't know.

    4. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Then go there and ask if you can keep it or if they need it.

  8. I'm also guessing the Makuta could not use their Kraata powers to the degree a Stage 6 Kraata would, due to the Kraata being extremely specialized or something. And that Kraata advance in stage very, very slowly, hence why legitimately dangerous Kraata were very rarely seen.
  9. For free stuff coming with your McDonalds food, they are definitely worthy. And they were actual sets, however small they were, unlike the scrap they packed with the meals in later years. Silly non-buildable miniaturized little things...
  10. I liked them. Shame they didn't have more appearances, every story arc from 01-03 could easily have given Kaita more canon appearances and storyline significance without throwing the plot off at all. I had a headcanon where Bohrok Kaita squads were occasionally sighted and fought against, that the Toa Kaita faced the Bahrag in a two on two battle, and that the Turaga Nui and Matoran Nui worked together to defend the entrance to the Bahrag lair to prevent any Bohrok from following after the Toa and helping the Bahrag. The Bohrok-Kal also formed their Kaita and defeated the Toa Nuva Kaita in one of the battles leading up to the final confrontation with the Vahi and Nuva Symbols. And the Toa Nuva Kaita fought the Rahkshi Kaita while Takua had to struggle to figure out what to do with the Mask of Light, defending him while he tried all manner of strange ideas until finally putting on the mask. Actually, I've been considering doing a retelling of all the main story arcs with my headcanons put in.
  11. There are methods, but whichever you use may cause damage to one or more of the pieces. They were never really meant to be taken out. And I think all the Toa heads were the same color anyway, so unless you accidentally gave Takanuva the wrong eye color...
  12. I think the title of Chronicler does suit him for reasons mentioned above. And I prefer the Komau. It suits a shy personality when you look at it the right way, while the Matatu's a little too bold looking for him no matter how I look at it.
  13. "In the time before time, the Great Spirit Mata Nui descended from the heavens, bringing to use the virtues of Unity, Duty, and Destiny. But our happiness was not to last. His dark brother, the Makuta, followed Mata Nui to make war against us all. They battled, and after a tremendous struggle, the Makuta was vanquished, once and for all. With his final strength, the Great Spirit reunited our shattered planet, and created this paradise. But the Makuta was not all that threatened our peace. Dark forces of all manner lurk in the shadows around us, ready to strike. And strike us...they will." Boom. No need to read up on complicated backstory unless you want to, and at the same time, we throw nothing other than some of the serials out the window. A continuation can work, and it can be good.
  14. Yeah, I'm also quite partial to Akamai. I'd love to see him with a story role as well.
  15. That was a nice comic. Never thought Nidhiki could breakdance. Fourth wall breaking (twice) was unexpected. In a good way, though. Are Akamai and Wairuha here to stay?
  16. When I was younger, and still had sets, no one at my old school liked it. At all. Now, I almost never have reason to bring it up in school. There are a few friends who I brought it up with in passing, some of who, I was glad to discover, also liked it back in the day. They don't remember enough of it to hold a proper conversation on the topic though. Conversely there are those who shun and mock things like Bionicle, but to them I respond, "What? You gonna sue me?" As for me, somehow, despite never even speaking the word Bionicle for a period of years and mostly spending my time here in COT, I remember almost all the names of characters, and even the names of masks.
  17. That was a really particularly funny comic. "BLASPHEMY!" That, the Heat Vision thing, and the cookie jar were all hilarious.
  18. lol funny cuz all the sets you just named I do not have. I also do encourage posting pics of sets in awesome poses. Thanks tho You have Kongu '01, actually. The Le-Matoran. And, still, none of my collection counts since they're all impossible to restore. I currently have no Bionicle stuff at all.
  19. Holy scrap. This is an amazing collection. And here I am with my collection of five sets. Kongu '01, Jaller and Nuparu '06, Axonn, and Gorast. All with broken and scattered parts.
  20. Nice! The second to last one...mysterious. But I recognize one of those mystery guys!
  21. That video had quite a lot of funny pictures. But the real interesting part was the character sheets. It was nice seeing those little bits of info, along with the addition of weapons to characters who previously were never seen with them. That unknown good guy is definitely huge from the look of things.
  22. Well, that is a nice jet mode. There was a typo, though. You said "can" instead of "can't". I have noticed a trend of things building up to cliffhangers, which then get underwhelming and excessively brief resolutions, then more buildup for another cliffhanger that gets the same resolution. You need to put huge struggles on an epic scale that last multiple comics to resolve cliffhangers like that, otherwise they just leave the reader feeling deflated and bored.
  23. Yep, the tubes in-story are simply oddly shaped gills. I headcanon them as breathing tubes like the video showed though. In the event they run out of air, Kongu can just make more.
  24. This seems most likely, since wearing one mask on top of another seems to be a movie-only thing.
  25. This was interesting. Since I'm dead I forgot to keep up with this stuff. But...hasn't it been way more than 48 hours since the last scene?
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