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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Your sig works, yeah. Is that Akino trying to find Soran a new body...underground?
  2. Yeah the movie was terrible but the book series was excellent, one of the best I've ever read. On to the MOC itself. It definitely doesn't click with how I pictured the Ra'zac. The cloak doesn't cover it up very well either. I kinda pictured them as all black and gray, though the body structure itself is pretty much how I pictured them, only with a different head. I guess there are limitations to what you could do with your pieces.
  3. Well. Akino had a lot more willpower than I thought. And his inner self somehow manages to look threatening.
  4. I don't think his voice would actually change, Mal. Anyway, RvB sound effect! Noticed that. This should be interesting...
  5. It does have the shape of the Gravity Hammer, vaguely at least. Sadly wouldn't recognize it if not for the fact that you stated it was one. Too bad it can't be held as it is in the game, also. But on the bright side, it's heavy like the real thing!
  6. That really shouldn't be. If you have to live in fear of speaking what you think about the site (which here we don't, thankfully) it's a major problem.
  7. Oh now I can't wait to see the plots collide.
  8. So you're having trouble with GIMP...is that why you started using Blender?
  9. That just made me realize that skull spiders are removable headcrabs. They even have the same number of variants.
  10. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That was the last thing I expected the next comic to be. And it was awesome.
  11. Oh now that just looks great. The bulging eyes and fangs really work here. It's also so clearly a Bohrok that I have to give bonus points for that. Very recognizable and looks cooler than the original.
  12. Well, it's not like they can shoot him for trespassing...right?
  13. LOL "Nope, that's enough coffee this week."
  14. Looks like he needs a new body. Oh, and "break a leg" as I heard it explained was actually more advice than wishing good luck. The idea is you're telling them to give it their all, even if that goes to the point of breaking a leg. Alternatively you can mean it quite literally as a good luck wish to an MMA fighter. After all, if he breaks a leg there, it's a good thing. Long as it's not one of his anyway.
  15. Ooh! The irony there is astounding. And yeah, I do like puns. The last 3 comics have all been quite punny so that's good for me.
  16. Heheh! Maybe rushed, but this was one of the funnier ones.
  17. Huh. Wonder how that was never an issue until now.
  18. Well, there's an explanation...I wasn't expecting to get one but this is as good as any.
  19. Thank God, it's here! I have an Xbox One!

  20. Heheh. Dunno why he has a problem with Akino doing it. The guy can hop around with his feet in concrete, he should be able to dig too. WHOA there Bulik. LOL
  21. I do think they're the best canister level sets ever, but Gen2's story is atrocious. Took me a while to get the main joke of this comic, and sadly I didn't find it all that funny this time. What was hilarious was the ironic news article in the first panel.
  22. Yeah, it worked out. Heheh. I once had interest in getting one of those. Gave it up to prioritize something much more fun, but that spider really knows no bounds.
  23. It's a good game plan and now that Bionicle Racers has some context I think it'll be interesting. Not a fan of racing stuff generally but if it's that heavy on deep lore info, how can I object? As for the music, I don't like the first one as much but I do like the second. Now I'm sure the first one fits Piras when the context is given but I don't like the sound of the song itself as much. The second I do think fits already since we have some context for it and I do like the song. I think it also does fit well with the other Bionicle songs, so there's that.
  24. That last panel took me by surprise. Added humor to the sort of argument I find more annoying than funny normally.
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