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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Aderia

  1. oh, jeez, i've been spelling novacaine wrong my whole life... btw, did i ever give you my new approval? it looks cooler than the old one ;D
  2. Aderia

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    Okay, Blitz. You got it. You go by Blitz or DB?
  3. Haha, that would've been epic, by the speaker towers. :D Have any autographs?

  4. Haha, well, if we both go this year, we could both see each other and never know it :P *doffs hat to fellow Pennsylvanian and Skillet/Superchick/David Crowder Band/TobyMac/Bionicle fan*

  5. haha, Gary Paulsen FTW!! so, I've never read Ender's Game, but ppz i know always talk about it. Would you reccomend??

  6. Haha, righteous!! *highfives* it's such a shame he's a Turaga now...

  7. Well, i'm not entirely sure, but one of the girls in my small group went to a creation concert over the summer, in the middle of PA somewhere, and we were thinking of all going as a small group.

  8. Aderia

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    dat mean no more calling you mango?
  9. Yeah,I found it on google images somewhere. Am I right in thinking that your avatar is the awesomest Toa of Stone ever to live? ;D

  10. Aderia

    New Name

    ;D Dang straight it is!
  11. Aderia

    So Quotes

    hehe, some people are awesome enough that they don't need to use reverse psychology to get on the quote block, LL XD j/k, but i feel famous now, Zar
  12. Aderia

    Der Blitz Ist Gut

    hayy, luvin the revamp, man!!
  13. Sorry to break it to you man, but your 'awesome rhymes' look more like gibberish/pygmy chatter to me.

  14. Hrmm, you should consider starting up an umbrella rental booth for your blog, so when people walk in here, they don't get rained on J/K, nice revamp!
  15. was that english?

  16. bwahaha, finally got around to leaving a review!! sorry it took so long XD. But if you like SS's, 'Lessons of the Past' and 'Walking Her Home' aren't too long. If you're looking for an epic, 'Second to None' is the one I'm working on.

  17. Heh, about 36 posts ago?

  18. Haha, how can I reccomend my own stories?? But there's an archive on my blog, if you want to browse.

  19. Haha, yeah, same. Trying to avoid playing catch-up around the fourms and all. I've skimmed that one SS of yours, Soulless, but I still haven't really gotten around to really reading it. I'll be sure to read through it when I find the time, and maybe drop a review. ;D

  20. allo thar :D I recognize your name, because you're the guy who posts with the gold-ish font all the time ;D wuzzup?

  21. Heh, so you knocked over your tree?? ... /away: dying of laughter in next room over *wipes eyes* Hahahahaha...ahh, ha... *sigh* Sorry, it wasn't that funny. *lie detector asplodes*
  22. I see. So if you got one dinosaur a year... *punches buttons on calculator*... wouldn't you theoretically have 1,000,000+ dinos in your herd?

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