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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Aderia

  1. *le gasp* what did I do to make the word filter so angry? I sure don't remember typing 'it is fair and just'. :P I'm sure it was nothing terribly villainous. ;D But Zar, how'd you get your Dino Herd in the first place?

  2. Dwahh, you have dinos now? it is fair and just!

  3. You could give it to a bunch of dwarves and laugh. And KNI, I think you slay Vampires with a wooden stake through the heart, not werewolves.
  4. We can see the town's fireworks from my back deck, so that's what I was watching at midnight.
  5. hay, if you walked in in a dress and a tiara, could I call you a girl? and do you mean WZ, or Mang's bloog?

  6. Always a first, my dinosauric old friend. ;D

  7. XD, you're a smart one, you are. ;D

  8. I have short hair. Want to say I look like I guy?

  9. wat, so any girl with short hair looks like a guy, despite wearing a dress, tiara and otherwise LOOKING LIKE A GIRL?

  10. *sigh* To each their own. *mutters about grumpy old men*

  11. hahahaha... oh. I still dun get it.

  12. *gasp* she does not look like a guy!!

  13. Hay, if you haven't noticed, I haven't been around, and I won't be around today either, cuz I gotta go up to my cousins in NYC or sumthin, so KNI, you're on your own for the time being.
  14. blue? what blue? I r confuzzled

  15. OMC, happy new years!

  16. Wahoo!! Happy New Year to you too!!

  17. Happy New Years!!

  18. *chases with airhorn and firework* Happy New Year!!

  19. would that count as an unofficial rpg? but anyways, I was thinking for my char Name: Cassus Species: Vortixx Mask: None Weapon: Hammer Axe (like a picaxe with one end like a hammer), Carving dagger Bio: Long story short, he didn't like Xia, dithched the system, and is looking for a place to start new. He's very dexterous and likes to carve little figurines. Even though he doesn't come across as a guy who would leap at the chance of adventure, he is. (more to come?) Okay, that's all I have so far, it's not done yet, but I need pointers, because I haven't RP'd like, at all. Idk if that's decent, boring, or just plain weird.
  20. Wat about a Vortixx? No Roodaka, as in no Vortixx, or just no Roodaka? and wat about a guy vortixx, with no social standing?
  21. blaargh!!! I just took a little looksee in the RPG fourm, and there's so much info there, it's not even funny! I'm just kinda like ... are you on MNI?
  22. *sigh* see, all you guys know each other already, and have actually RP'd before. Do you think there'll be a team for noobs that I might be less likely to embarrass myself in??
  23. Haha, no worries indeed. Hakuna matata and thanx a bunch. :D

  24. Hay, whoa, I like the sound of 'team'. If my character has less of a chance of being ditched and/or ignored, I think it might be worth looking into.
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