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Blog Comments posted by ~Xemnas~

  1. I can make a char, if you guys want, always willing to get in on the action.


    But first I have no idea about the background of any of this. Can someone brief me in? :P


    Ah, Rising Moon, so glad you could join us. :evilgrin: You see, Heuani (Nuju's character) contacted my group of Makuta servants and told them to gather followers for an attack on the ILS. That's what's up. And it looks like we might get Echelon and maybe even the Cultured Gentry involved.

  2. Eh, sure. Sam Nex still has a long time to wait, too.


    EDIT: I did a bit of counting, and Sam Nex's next name change would be sometime in October. Yeow. That's a long time to wait. >_>


    I mean, if everyone would be wiling to wait that long, that'd be fine, but I don't blame you if you don't feel like waiting until then.

    Sorry, I didn't find this until after I changed my name. I was annoyed as you are.

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