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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. So, Tohkann, how ya doin'? Long time, no see...
  2. Let's talk Vanilla Ice.
  3. The problem is that the violence in the Hunger Games is subdued (in order to enhance box office performance) to the point where it lacks impact and thus abandones much of the book's meaning.Also, the argument of "isolating the target audience" is somewhat moot, considering the much higher levels of violence that have been in PG-13 movies before.
  4. Okay, because some thoughtless member deleted my earlier post, I repeat that in my opinion, The Boondocks, the comic strip (Jesus!), is better than Calvin and Hobbes. I like Calvin and Hobbes (good pacing and creative stories), but occasionally it seems a little too sureal and "out of it," if you get what I mean, and occasionally, particularly with large stoylines, it seems reluctant to take a big step and sort of takes the easy way out to wrap it up. The Boondocks, in my opinion, however, is very good at blending real life with obvious fiction and never hesitates to do anything. I do like Calvin and Hobbes' art better though...
  5. Huh. Funny how infrequently these downtimes happen to other forums (which I visited during this one). Glad this hiatus was over sooner than the last one was.
  6. I'm not sure if you (or Lego) understand what "gang themes," as we commonly refer to them today, actually are. The Piraka are not gangsta. Nothing Bionicle-related, including the promotional material in 2006, is gangsta. If anything in Bionicle was gangsta, it sure as heck wouldn't be discussed on a family forum. Frankly, I think anything gangsta would be really out of place in Bionicle.
  7. I do agree that Surge is a bit annoying sometimes. Still, I feel it´s unfair to hate him for that. Or maybe I´m taking things too seriously and forgetting that the Heroes do not exist in real life but are written characters. I´ve never seen them fooling around, always focusing on their tasks instead.-Gata Well, it's not that Surge isn't focused on the task ahead, he just feels the need to make obnoxious comments along the way... as do most of the other heroes, to a lesser extent.
  8. I believe Tahu and Gali Mistika were switched at the last minute, actually. Some video showed a red Gali and a blue Tahu as prototypes.
  9. Hope this gets fixed faster than last time... Good luck, though.
  10. In one of the comics, wasn't one of the Makuta saying something about Av-Matoran being more likely to become Toa than other Matoran? And if that's the case, then why is there only one Toa of Light?
  11. Gotta tell ya, I really dug Zaktan. He was just a completely remorseless fiend with an interesting (if woefully underused) ability. Shame we didn't see more of him....Besides, Tekulo: Toa of Gales, I think we all know why you really like Roodaka so much...
  12. She had an all six Toa combo going for her for a second there, so I don't think three Toa would be too difficult to handle...
  13. I think Teridax's, at least, is the Shadow Titan form. I might be recalling this incorrectly, but wasn't it said before that Antroz's was his form in the Jetrax T6 set?
  14. ...Gonna be honest, that sounds a little dark for Hero Factory. Sounds like the kind of thing I'd expect the Master to use in Doctor Who. It's not too dark, as it's not like anybody will actually be crushed or anything, though...
  15. But the reason Thresher "died" was because VON NEBULA RAN AWAY FOR NO REASON!!!!! This makes no sense at all.
  16. The doom box (according to the plot summary for a young reader's book) is a device that can grow, trap stuff inside it, then shrink rapidly and crush its occupants. It can potentially grow the size of the universe. No idea why the villains would want that to happen, though...
  17. Evo looks really weird with his headgear retracted...
  18. Never mind, my previous post was wrong. The worst part of Bionicle, hands down, was the awful Bionicle Heroes cutscenes. What were they thinking?
  19. Why don't they announce the air date of these? Must really hurt their ratings. Thank god I've got Tivo or I'd've missed it...So. The episode. Pros: better (sort of) animation, more entertaining fight scenes, a little more violence, nice ending.Cons: ...What the heck just happened? Von Nebula just... comes out of Voltix... then the black hole suddenly appears out of nowhere... what? Then, later, Zib is saying something about the Quaza not working because Black Phantom is evil (The quaza has a bias now? So it's intelligent? But it worked for Witch Doctor...), and then Black Phantom or Zib say something about "anti-quaza" and Black Phantom just zapped everyone for no reason? This plot makes no freaking sense. I can usually suspend disbelief for this show (usually, if the plot in a Lego movie is competent enough for me to stop having to suspend disbelief and actually start questioning it, like Ninjago, it's a good thing), but this just made no sense at all. Hopefully the episode in the summer will be better...As far as the new voices go... I actually kind of liked Voltix; Splitface was passable; Black Phantom was kind of "eh;" Toxic Reapa was what I should of expected, I guess; Jawblade sounded kind of dumb, frankly; and Speeda Demon was godawful. Then there's Evo. On one hand, I kind of like a Hero who actually sounds like a regular guy, and doesn't have some kind of annoying dialect or whatever just because the voice actors aren't skilled enough to differentiate them well. On the other hand, I really didn't mind the Japanese accent he had in Ordeal of Fire, and this actor sounded a little... dull, I guess. Why couldn't this guy have replaced Surge, who, inexplicably, seems to have gotten more annoying since we've seen him (although, thankfully, Rocka and the reporter toned their act down a little). Oh, well. No gorrilaphants this time, at least.Overall, better than Savage Planet and (I guess) Ordeal of Fire.
  20. Riddle of the freakin' Great Beings. 'Nuff said.
  21. Why the heck is the collectable minifigure rapper white? What's this, the wood?
  22. That prototype Witch Doctor was WAY better than the final product...
  23. I thought only Toa of the six basic elements could form a seal.
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