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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. FYI, Christmas has roots as a pagan holiday. Thought those who didn't know should learn before they celebrate it.
  2. Thanks for unintentionally proving my point, Lord Kini Hawkeye. First offense proto reduction, no warning. It happens on here.
  3. Granted. The chair itself is a bomb, and, having no way to destroy it, it explodes, killing you.I wish Lego would let us discuss leaked pictures.
  4. BNG, doing well? Really? After the teaser trailer (say what you will about it), they pretty much dissolved.
  5. Anyone here seen Black Dynamite? It's a relatively recent (2009) homage/parody of Blacksploitation films. Also, an animated series is coming to Adult Swim, by the creators of The Boondocks.
  6. Granted. Your summer break dwindles to make up for lost time.I wish this wish couldn't be corrupted.
  7. Hear that? That's loyalty, everybody. Unfortunately, his returning isn't sure, so you should move on with your life.It's not really a "put this huge thing thats hanging over your head behind you so you can move on" sort of thing. Waiting doesn't really take a lot of effort. *Shrug*You'd think if someone was really that dedicated to Greg (of course, he's just flattering him, but still), that a pretty sizable chunk of his life would revolve around these updates.
  8. I remember when leaked Hero Factory pictures first popped up on the Internet, back in 2010. Members wouldn't shut up about them. The staff went on a proto-reducing spree. Members discussed leaked pics? Proto reduction. Some members made obvious references to pictures? They occasionally got through scot-free (as I recall). Some members made vague references to leaked pics that wouldn't've been obvious to anyone who hadn't seen the leaked pics? Proto reduction, no warning. Also, from the descriptions of punished members' experiences, the BZPower staff says exactly what they're punishing you for when they do it.
  9. Fourth chances, DeeVee? Really? I've seen (several) people vaguely reference leaked set images. Boom, immediate proto reduction, without warning.
  10. Granted, but after reveling in the delusion that you could actually become a member of the OoMN, your childlike naivety is crushed and you finally realize that the OoMN is nothing but a fictional organization created to promote a stupid @#$%ing toy. You wail in anguish for years, then, finally, end your misery and decide to commit suicide. You are unable to pull the trigger due to an uncanny level of self-preservation, so you ask someone else to do it for you, and he agrees. As he pulls the trigger, you finally realize that "life goes on," and you cry out for him to stop, but alas, it is too late as your guts are pumped full of led and you die miserably. The end.I wish there would be another Bioniclestory.com update.
  11. All, right, time to drop the bomb. I expect a barrage of negative response from this post. Staff, this isn't against any rules, so you can't reduce my proto energy.It is a well-known fact the number of active members has dropped significantly, and is still dropping. This is for several reasons, one being a preference for other forums as opposed to BZPower. One of these preferences is that BZPower is moderated in a stricter manner than other forums. This isn't necessarily because the rules themselves are stricter than on other websites (the rules have been discussed in length by myself and others above). This preference is predominantly due to how the BZPower staff enforces those rules. The BZPower staff is considered by many members of other forums to enforce rules much more harshly than other forums, with less warnings and more punishments carried out. This is particularly evident in the integration of the proto energy system. Other forums don't have a merit/demerit system; rather, if someone breaks a rule, the staff warns him about it or, after continuos rule-breaking (although more than on BZPower), administers punishment. It is also the opinion of many people that the staff is much more willing to reduce proto energy than to increase it. Indeed, some other forums are largely comprised of BZPower members who have been kicked off BZPower, and spend much of their time on said forums ranting about how cruel the staff is. Although this harshness can be defended by stating that it creates a family-friendly environment absent from other forum sites, the fact that it has contributed to the reduction of active membership can't be ignored. So, if BZPower is to survive, the level of rule enforcement has to be lightened considerably, possibly including the elimination of the proto energy system.
  12. Hear that? That's loyalty, everybody. Unfortunately, his returning isn't sure, so you should move on with your life.
  13. Granted, but a burger that delicious is far, far too expensive to ever afford twice, so you can never eat one again. Furthermore, the burger is sooooooooooooo delicious, everything else you attempt to eat afterwards is inedible in comparison, and you either starve to death or, after wallowing in your own despair for weeks, end your misery by hanging yourself after singing a slow, high-pitched version of "Skip to the Lou." The end.I wish someone (besides me) would PM me saying that they're also a fan of the Adult Swim TV series "Eagleheart." (Hint, hint, Eagleheart fans out there)
  14. So, let me get this straight. Basically, if a member was to post a topic where he said "all women, people of color, homosexual orientation, whatever, are all bad and should be discriminated against," (in other words, ignorant to the point of obvious, inexcusable bias) and defended his claim by stating that it was his religious belief, the BZPower staff would close the topic and maybe go straight to punishing the member as opposed to at least attempting to eliminate his bias. At that point, the only excuse for that choice of action would be that the staff agrees with the member's viewpoint.
  15. Whichever one would give me the most website control so I could start making some changes around here... so probably general discussion or something.
  16. Not by that criteria, but let's think about this for a second. Hmmmm. Monstrous beasts being controlled with an evil villain by strange devices implanted on them... now what does that remind you of?
  17. And you're misunderstanding mine. I'm not asking for political discussion to be allowed. I'm asking for the staff to deal with it differently when certain areas of discussion do arise.- TiliusWhen a member is intolerant of another member, whether it be for sexual orientation, religious belief, etc, on BZPower, BZP has made our official stance that we will not allow that type of behaviour. We have an official "we tolerate and respect each other" policy. Remember that the whole blow-up over the kissing banners is that we allowed them.Yes. You demonstrate this very well by completely closing otherwise-good topics and changing the subject, instead of actually going out and solving the problem. It does have a (fairly) good community, but we don't want to talk politics because this is a "safe haven." The restrictions are why we can't discuss politics, and we want to change that.
  18. I imagine Antroz's is the one in the Jetrax set...
  19. The updates were getting a little infrequent to begin with, but yeah, I suspect we'd have gotten at least a few more chapters if the downtime hadn't occurred.
  20. You take proto for asking for a boost? That seems way too harsh.
  21. It's not about being respectful because Lego obviously DOESN'T CARE IF WE TALK ABOUT LEAKED SETS. We can talk about leaked sets because LEGO IS OKAY WITH IT, HENCE THE DISCUSSION ON THE MESSAGE BOARDS. Is it really that hard to understand?
  22. Even if Greg finally decided to get down to it and write another chapter, it's too late. Lego said nothing about Bioniclestory.com being kept online in 2012, much less updated. Chances are, the website is coming down pretty soon.
  23. He's been writing for Ninjago, apparently.I wonder why Ninjago?Lego probably assigns him to it.For those who still believe the web serials aren't over, when would be the point where you give up on them?
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