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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. Then we should discuss them anyway and tell Lego to take a look at its own message boards next time they tell us to stop.
  2. What are you talking about?! The heavy moderation of every post on the Lego message boards is exactly my point! Lego reads every post, so obviously they're okay with discussion of leaked images, so I'm saying we should be able to discuss them on here (I also think we should be able to link to them, but I see why not there, so that's besides the point).Besides, Lego banned Greg from talking to members he doesn't know are over 13 (almost everybody), and he hasn't made contact with anybody since sometime in October.Greg has been a member for as long as I can remember being here. That was pretty great when we could have discussion with him, an since his current status is getting an online "license," breaking a few rules that Lego would not support may scare him away. And I guess I have to clarify that when I mean they have total control on their forums, they have total control. If anyone tries to link, go too far, or break the rules, they won't show up. We can, though. It may take 5 minutes for the moderators to notice, or 2 hours. Lego has a problem with us discussing it on another uncontrollable website, I think if we want to stay with our good status with Lego, we should follow their rules.I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. These aren't Lego's rules, these are the rules the staff put in place, and here's the simplest explanation I could write to explain to you why the rule needs to be lifted: Lego moderates every comment on its message boards. Therefore, Lego knows about and approves of everything on its message boards. There is much, much discussion of leaked prototype set images on the Lego message boards.Therefore, Lego obviously approves of discussion of (although maybe not links to) leaked prototype sets. And finally, there is no reason for a ban on discussion of leaked prototype sets on BZPower because Lego obviously doesn't mind us doing so. Case closed.
  3. What are you talking about?! The heavy moderation of every post on the Lego message boards is exactly my point! Lego reads every post, so obviously they're okay with discussion of leaked images, so I'm saying we should be able to discuss them on here (I also think we should be able to link to them, but I see why not there, so that's besides the point).Besides, Lego banned Greg from talking to members he doesn't know are over 13 (almost everybody), and he hasn't made contact with anybody since sometime in October.
  4. I've got a feeling that, with the superheroes, there'll be a few less sets per wave. Maybe four heroes. In that case, I'd guess Stormer XL (judging by the video), Bulk (probably $13), Stringer, and Nex. The sets'll likely be a direct continuation of the winter wave.
  5. If Stormer and Stringer are released this summer, hopefully Bulk and Nex will be, too, so we can have a complete upgraded Alpha Team.
  6. The sad part is, despite the massive drop in active BZPower membership, the rest of the Bionicle fan community has likely been reduced so significantly that we actually represent a greater portion of the fanbase now than we did while Bionicle was alive.
  7. You know guys, you're not an immature noob or anything if you want Bionicle back. A lot of members seem to think so.As for me, if the story was at least as good as before an the sets were better than the Bionicle Stars, yeah, I'd definitely want it back. Exactly.Obviously not, because we had about 50 gajillion unanswered plot points going for us before Bionicle ended, and that was when they were trying to wrap up the story. They definitely could have dragged this out a little longer if they wanted to.
  8. Hope this isn't topic revival...I've become a bit of a misanthrope politically.
  9. The thing is, the fact that once they are uploaded they become widespread doesn´t mean they aren´t still illegally distributed. BZPower obviously doesn´t want to support anything that is illegal, especially when it concerns LEGO who we want to maintain a good relationship with.~Gata. Lego lets people discuss leaked images on its own message boards. No joke. I don't think we'd have too much to worry about.
  10. This is gonna get a lot of people angry, but...I think we should lift restrictions on (discussing, at least) leaked images. I mean, we didn't steal them from Lego ourselves, and once it hits the web, I think it should be fair game for anyone. That's how it works on other forums... What is "Wet Mane?" Sorry I don't follow the brony stuff.It was an image lifted from the second season episode "Sisterhooves Social", where one of the mane ponies, Rarity, got her mane thoroughly doused. (Wet manes had appeared earlier, in season one, but the Sisterhooves Social mane became the debacle.) One of the curators of a large pony site (which must remain anonymous due to its large commenting system and occasionally inappropriate content) posted a vector of Rarity - lifted from the episode - but cropped out to make her look semi-seductive. The vector was altered by the Photoshop wizards of the world, and all ponies ended up getting "wet mane'd". This included some male characters, which instantly creeped out even the most faithful of the bronies.Wet mane images were posted in the BZPower blogs, and the comments got a bit saucy - too much so, in fact, as blog leader DeeVee stepped in and said "tone it down". The images were never removed and were never formally banned, but the posters of the wet manes got offended. Things got a bit heated - the wet mane posters and defenders attacked DeeVee for his "banning" of them, and DeeVee attacked back in defense. After a PM to Black Six, he investigated the situation, allowing any wet mane image as long as the commenters didn't break BZP's rules, "overruling" DeeVee.The more you know.I haven't seen the comments, but I think DeeVee overreacted to the pictures. I've seen racier stuff in the BZPower art forum.Thanks for clearing this up, Black Six.EDIT: Seen the comments now. Really, DeeVee? These are all really just along the lines of "she's hot," etc.
  11. ...I was less misanthropic back then.
  12. Look at the legs. Doesn't look standard size to me.Let me guess. You saw some leaked images, one being a "Stormer XL," but being such an outstanding BZPower citizen, you decided to deny the possibility of the existence of leaked images. Most likely, then, we've got a Stormer XL headed our way.
  13. ...keeping my mouth shut about leaked sets is hard... gotta just wait until Toy Fair...
  14. Maybe Kraahlix could get in touch with Greg, since he must have his phone number from the interview.
  15. So have Breez and Thornraxx completely disappeared from existence, or what?
  16. They're made of metal. so they probably aren't light. I'd say Toa weigh more than 250...
  17. Someone suggested it to me. You know, if you think about it, there are a lot of eerie similarities...
  18. Yes, there used to be political discussions on BZPower. A very long time ago. No, I don't have links, because I don't feel like digging through ten years of information in CoT to find them. Those rules have been in place for a very long time, the topics I'm referencing are not recent. Not even a little bit.So you tried something once, ten years ago, and due to a few offensive posts (mildly offensive, obviously, due to the word filter), and now you've put down your foot and said that every member on BZPower is, a decade after the original incident, completely and entirely incapable of engaging in any sort of (again, heavily filtered) political discussion whatsoever? BZPower isn't incapable of political discussion; a few members who have likely completely disappeared from the site said a few stupid things, so now you're banning all the rest of us from discussion.Your assumption is completely unfair to us members who haven't proved ourselves at all yet.
  19. So they're cannibals? Oh, God... still probably what they do, anyway... :PSeriously, Skakdi are probably cannibalistic, anyway
  20. Unless this is just a poorly expressed joke, it does not do justice to Greg.Greg has spent much of his own time over the many years of Bionicle on here answering questions, and hosting contests while reicveing no monetary rewards. He has written Bionicle serials that he cannot possibly have been paid for since the end of Bionicle. The reason he does this is for enhancing the Bionicle storyline, as an end in itself.And as for your theory that he is afraid of the questions he will be asked, that doesn't seem consistent with his past actions. Even when people tried to slow down the flow of questions to save Greg trouble, he would tell them to just keep sending as many as they wanted. He has always welcomed questions.The real reasons for his absence are obvious and have been stated many times in this topic. Firstly, Lego's new rule about talking to kids + The Great Downtime cut him off completely from the fanbase. Secondly he has a baby to take care of, which has cut into his writing time. Thirdly, with the success of Ninjago, I wouldn't be surprised if he has more work than before.Subsequently he has understandably lost the habit of writing serials.---That said, I would be REALLY happy if he came back.I don't know if your read this topic Greg, but if you do, please come back and take care of your other baby, Bionicle. - 55555It is true that he has been willing to do a lot for the fan community for free in the past, but the truth is if he had pay as an incentive the web serials would undeniably be coming out more frequently (I think this is what Fishers64 meant). I'm not blaming him; it'd be the same for anyone.P962, several fan-made Bionicle continuation projects have been started in the past, but all (with a few exceptions, Legend of Ignaqua, etc) have failed. Especially with the downtime, I don't think there's enough of a community to really put together something like that.
  21. This topic seems to state that there used to be political discussion on BZPower. Could someone please link to a topic or something? In all the time I've been following BZPower (several years before I joined) I've never seen political discussion.
  22. I disagree, Fishers64. Almost this entire topic is people encouraging Greg to spend time with his family and spend as much time as he possibly needs on the web serials. Most members would probably be happy to see him come back.Greg obviously knows Erebus is over 13. Can't Erebus PM him again, or has Greg completely left the forums?
  23. I thought the site had been locked. Why move it to a new server?
  24. Sort of an odd topic to post this...
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