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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. If 20-year-olds want to see this stuff, it's legally their choice (with a few exceptions). It's not necessarily "wrong" to them. Now, on political discussion, it's no mystery that this website's rules are stricter than most, if not all, other forums (don't try to deny it). Whether or not that's a good thing is debate in another topic. Believe it or not, this is what turns many people away from BZPower and go to other, less strict forums (I'd be able to prove this if it weren't for the no-forums rule). This may not be a bad thing, yadda yadda yadda, but if a political form is going to have increased rule enforcement, then that definitely doesn't seem like something a new member would want to be a part of. A stricter politics forum isn't going to get as many members as lose them.Somebody said something about rewards. That could be interesting. We could have debates on here, etc.
  2. Look, here's the problem. If the continuation of the story is in question (which it is) during 2011, when the Lego company at least promised it could keep going, there's absolutely no way we'll be seeing anything in 2012. Lego said absolutely nothing about BIONICLESTORY.com being up after 2011. Not only will there be no story updates, sooner or later that site is coming down.
  3. Ballom, although I do see how the age filter might spark some problems, scaring people into peaceful discussion doesn't seem like a great idea for encouraging activity. All for politics, though, so if there's going to be a political forum, I'll take it.
  4. It's 2012, everybody! The Bionicle story is (officially, it was really over a long tome ago) over!
  5. Me? I imagine a bunch of forums with about three topics each that have about five replies... Maybe forty-ish members... News hasn't been updated in days and days... No Bionicle news for something like 18 months... Definitely less emphasis on the creative outlet.. BZPowercast with less frequent episodes and very, very little discussion, songs taking up most of the duration...Face it, guys; with Bionicle out of the picture, a Bionicle-forum isn't going to last. It's a bleak future.
  6. Guys, guys, calm down. That's probably not a new Stringer. More likely it's one of those background heroes they put in with a recolored 1.0 head on the new body (and you can see a few in some of the videos).
  7. All that speculation would be cool, but Lego will probably barely brush past Black Phantom's backstory, much less the others. Heck, Thornraxx probably won't make an appearance at all.
  8. I think his "character development" can more likely be attributed to inconsistent writing.Also, with all these videos, haven't they pretty much showed us the whole episode by now?
  9. I bet no one else put this...Huey Freeman.(PM me if you're a fan).
  10. You don't stop arguments by taking sides and calling the other side a bunch of cannibalistic vultures; that's how you start them. Nevertheless, I guess you're right. We should just wait...
  11. What's the best (and worst) animation you've seen in movies?
  12. In my opinion, the shows have been kinda like a roller coaster, up, down, then up again. Rise of the Rookies was cool, had a lot of character development in Stormer and Furno. It would have been nice for them to have worked on the rest, but it didn't happen. OOF was a flop. Good premise (Don't do drugs kids!) but they rushed it. Oh so rushed it. And the boogie line was terrible. Then comes Savage Planet. I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob. Well, I laughed. As has been said before, I liked seeing Bulks character development. Some things were a little strange, such as finding a hero chestplate in an ancient temple, Hero Core still attached. It was a great improvement on OOF. I personally liked the voices of the animals, Raw-Jaw made me crack up. And what hero doesn't engage in witty banter? Also, some of it, such as Nex's line ("Surge can have my game system. And tell Breez I loved her!") could be the basis for a side plot in a future production. Love triangle anyone?I think it has a lot of potential, and is moving into its own. I think they had their flops, and are learning from them (You can see that they're learning in the sets too. Black Phantom uses the Fire Lord body design, but with some great improvements.).'Anyway, my opinions. I don't want an excessively deep and confusing story, I want something fun that I can laugh at. However, I still think they could go a wee bit deeper though.I personally didn't enjoy Savage Planet much. It had its redeeming moments, but the amount of lame jokes and banter made it almost painful for me to watch. Ordeal of Fire felt rushed in many ways, but at the same time that meant less "filler".Some things in Savage Planet were really evocative, like Witch Doctor's dramatic monologue and Bulk's character development.I'll agree that Nex's lines were perhaps the funniest moment in that episode. I doubt we'll see any "love triangle" just by virtue of Breez's established character traits (while a character with no interest in romance can sometimes come around, it would require a lot more attention to that subplot than the writers could likely get away with in this kind of show). Then again, Nex is apparently more of a flirt than I had previously noticed-- in the background of one of the early scenes in Ordeal of Fire, you can see him flirting with Daniela Capricorn.I got the Savage Planet DVD for Christmas, and have already noticed more detail in Ordeal of Fire than I had previously seen, so perhaps if I re-watch it and Savage Planet I'll be able to enjoy them a bit more fully than I could watching the episodes online. I kind of disagree about the idea that a show targeted at kids can't be counted on to appeal to adults and teenagers. The whole My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic phenomenon is a particularly exceptional example of a show appealing to folks well outside its target demographic, but there are also lots of other TV shows decidedly geared toward kids that adults can easily enjoy. For example, my dad is a really big fan of Spongebob Squarepants.Really I think the flaws of the Hero Factory miniseries are because of sloppy writing in several cases. I enjoyed Rise of the Rookies, but I'll readily admit that Von Nebula's backstory was insufficiently explained and his desire for revenge seemed to come pretty much out of nowhere. Ordeal of Fire was severely limited by its 22-minute timeframe, but even so some of its lines like the infamous "boogie" line seem to make no sense within the context of the episode. Savage Planet is in my opinion the weakest of the Hero Factory episodes, with fight scenes stretched out longer than they are entertaining and cheesy banter throughout. I don't think any of these areas of weakness are really consequences of the type of story the episodes are trying to tell, or who they are trying to tell those stories to.Hmmm. I agree that Hero Factory could (and should) appeal to a larger demographic, but it's gonna take some major story revisions to get adults to like a show about crime-fighting robots built in a factory. And the last thing Hero Factory needs is to go down the Spongebob route.Also, everyone is talking about some character development by Bulk. What character development? As I recall, he barely said anything.
  13. where?Right now, just on "that video-sharing website."
  14. Videos for Evo, Surge, and Furno have appeared, although not on the Hero Factory website yet.
  15. Granted, but the non-MLP folks snap out of it, get drunk, form a mob, storm your castle, mutilate you (while strategically leaving your nervous system and essential organs last so you're alive and can feel it the whole time) with their mouths, mount what's left of your severed head on a stake, set it on fire, and dance around it singing "The king is dead! The king is dead!"I wish Jar-Jar Binks' existence never occurred.
  16. Nobody would care. Half the people on this site don't like Hero Factory.Personally, I'd be kind of disappointed, unless it was going to be replaced by Bionicle, in which case I'd be ecstatic.
  17. Videos for Evo, Surge, and Furno have been released now. Oh, yes.The apparent non-existence of Breez and Thornraxx disturbs me.
  18. Granted, but if you did, you'd probably wish for some stupid @#$% like the rest of us.I wish Kiina's "WA-HOO!" was excluded from The Legend Reborn.
  19. The problem is, every single villain we've seen thus far has known Stormer somehow, and it's become a recurring (and cliche) theme. It would help if the villains' association with Stormer wasn't what consisted of 99% of their wafer-thin backstories. Hopefully they try to differentiate a little with Black Phantom, because this is getting kind of old.
  20. I have an issue with the Hero Creator. I can't put Fire Villain Chest armor on both shoulders. When I try to, it glitches up.
  21. Evex is back, I think your hopes are are a little high here. Most likely, Black Phantom is a guy from Stormer's past who wants "revenge" on Hero Factory for no apparent reason, Toxic Reapa is similar to Nitroblast, and the rest are either like Thunder or Rotor.
  22. I recommend that you all see at least a few episodes of the show and see if you like it.
  23. Of course this topic isn't going to be all happy or whatever- this is about what bugs people on BZPower. The topic has a (somewhat) negative subject matter, so naturally there's going to be a little conflict. There's nothing wrong with that, because people are just stating their opinions.
  24. Nope. They guaranteed through 2010-2011, but after that they haven't said anything, so my guess is no.
  25. The way your posts were worded that's what it seemed.As for this so called "forced" optimism, who said it was forced? Just because someone would rather see the good side, and hope for something to get better, doesn't mean they're being forcibly optimistic. I could call youforcibly pessimistic, but what do I know?Don't assume that just because someone refuses to look at something and see everything wrong going on, and not have a bright side or be willing to wait, is forcing themself to. Just like i'm not going to assume you're forcing yourself to be pessimistic. if you even are.As the old saying goes, don't assume because it makes an *** out of u and me.Why don't you try being less optimistic, then, and see how it ends up reducing your proto energy? They're not forcing themselves to; the BZPower guidelines are. BZPower members are afraid of losing proto for being accused of perceived flaming or trolling, so they deliberately act optimistic.
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