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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. But then we'd have to look at living bronies or whatever the @#$% they call them all the time.I wish Ronald Reagan's presidency never occurred (not going into the details, mods, just stating an opinion).
  2. Why do you want turmoil? I don't understand what the perk of having it would be, as it's really one of my personal pet peeves with this website sometimes. We've had enough turmoil as it is, why not just forget about it and get along, have a fun time chatting about plastic building blocks with other people? As a community, we can get along just fine without allowing turmoil to break us apart and create bad blood between people, as that's never a fun situation to be in -- it's quite a miserable one, really. BZPower exists as a small escape from real life, somewhere to go and just unwind and relax without whipping up drama, without stepping on other people's fun and without making the site a chore to keep civil.It's a site about entertainment, so we chat about entertainment -- and even that gets out of hand sometimes. I mean, there was a lot of turmoil between Hero Factory fans and Bionicle fans who absolutely despised Hero Factory (and even some franchises in COT got out of hand, discussion-wise), and that was just about two toylines owned by the same company that are aesthetically the same thing. Could you imagine what it would be like if some words were unfiltered during events like that? Already people threw around insults, because synonyms do exist, and giving more ammunition to a bad cause simply seems like a really stupid idea. People have used hurtful language in the past, with words that aren't filtered, (I'm not going to give the specific example I am thinking of, as then we'll end up with terminology debates before we know it) so what would stop them if they were unfiltered?At the end of the day, Zaz, this is a family-oriented, family-friendly, child-safe website that tries to give a safe space to young kids who like LEGO and want to talk about it. Why ruin it for them by introducing turmoil? How is that fair? Why can't we just, you know, get along for once and not have to deal with stupid turmoil in at least one aspect of life? There's enough drama in the real world, it's miserable and it sucks, so why bring it into something that exists for recreation?I just don't understand your position, and I don't understand how your position would allow this website to thrive with a positive community, instead of one that is constantly at odds with itself over the stupidest little things.Why would I want turmoil? There's no good reason for wanting turmoil at all. I'm saying that we should have (probably one) topic devoted to serious issues, and turmoil wouldn't happen with the word filter in place. The only way political discussion could really get intense is without the filter, so I'm saying as long as the filter's in place, political discussion should be allowed.However, I realize now that no mater what the heck I say, it's not going to convince you guys to make any of these kinds of changes (unless you've already planned some, which I heard), so I'll probably stop my argument here.And, Lord Kini Hawkeye, I'm not against optimism so much as forced optimism.
  3. The resemblance is vague enough to avoid a lawsuit or whatever.
  4. When on an Internet site and working on Free time, you rarely hit a deadline.Just be Freaking PATIENT.Now, on to the subject at hand, i'm going to assume this is a full length episode, just cause Tohkan's awesome.Just stating the facts, man. Sheesh.Good to know this'll probably be full-length.
  5. Oh, yeah. By a long shot. If you like the comic, you'll love the show, if you dislike the comic, this'll blow your mind.
  6. Not really, in the past when any sort of controversial-esque topic has cropped up, it's ended badly. A good example would be what happened from this topic the last time it was around, on the old forums, people were insulting one another, insulting groups of people, using hurtful language and it just destroyed any semblance of a "happy family atmosphere." We don't need that kind of stuff going on here, and this site is aimed at the younger crowd, not the older crowd, so BZP stays more focused on toys than world issues. If some people would want to discuss politics, join a forum that serves that purpose, same with religion or any taboo topic on this website, or just have an IM discussion with your BZPower buddies over what world issues you would want to talk about.It's not the same as COT, because toys and games are largely not controversial, and the political/religious aspect of many books isn't up for discussion down there due to the turmoil it can, and has, caused. BZPower's focus is toys, COT just broadens what toys can be discussed.What hurtful language? You guys' word filter's so tight we can't even say "cool dude" around here. I think causing major turmoil would be pretty hard around here.The staff have promied to look and revise the world filter. The cool dude filter was put in place because a member was abusing it a while ago, and I´ll stress it again, it will be revised.If you think that causing major turmoil is difficult, you clearly haven´t seen what happens here.If I haven't (and I haven't) seen major turmoil around here, it's clearly because the filter's so tight it totally blocks any possibility of it. Unless the filter goes down, there can't be any major turmoil at all.
  7. Here's an idea; the old Tohu head, but with a red backdrop and FIRE!!! Like, behind his head!
  8. One thing... after episode 5, Tohkann was talking about shortening episodes so he could make them faster. Obviously this one hasn't come out any faster than previous ones (actually slower, I think), so will this episode be short, or regular (if you can really put out a "regular" episode length) duration?
  9. Best shows on here (that none of you have ever seen, probably): 1. Eagleheart 2. The Boondocks.
  10. Can we discuss anime-inspired TV shows? Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Boondocks, etc?
  11. Not really, in the past when any sort of controversial-esque topic has cropped up, it's ended badly. A good example would be what happened from this topic the last time it was around, on the old forums, people were insulting one another, insulting groups of people, using hurtful language and it just destroyed any semblance of a "happy family atmosphere." We don't need that kind of stuff going on here, and this site is aimed at the younger crowd, not the older crowd, so BZP stays more focused on toys than world issues. If some people would want to discuss politics, join a forum that serves that purpose, same with religion or any taboo topic on this website, or just have an IM discussion with your BZPower buddies over what world issues you would want to talk about.It's not the same as COT, because toys and games are largely not controversial, and the political/religious aspect of many books isn't up for discussion down there due to the turmoil it can, and has, caused. BZPower's focus is toys, COT just broadens what toys can be discussed.What hurtful language? You guys' word filter's so tight we can't even say "cool dude" around here. I think causing major turmoil would be pretty hard around here.
  12. I think the BZPower censorship policies, which include the word filter, the ####### and forum restrictions, and the rules against discussion of politics and religion, need to be drastically changed to be less strict, and in some cases eliminated.
  13. We don't want the serials to end, we just want them to offically tell us if they're already over. It seems like we're waiting for nothing.BIONICLE was officially cancelled when LEGO stopped producing sets under the BIONICLE moniker.I mean the web serials.
  14. Ummm, what? How does LEGO Friends promote any of these things? The "beauty" aspect discussed in press releases and articles about the theme refers to the design considerations and visual harmony of the sets and figures, not some absurd standard of beauty that promotes a negative body image or clique formation. The only set with "beauty" as a main theme is a single "Beauty Shop" set. The other sets range from a convertible to a robot lab, from a cafe to a veterinary clinic, from a pet show to a swimming pool. None of those things seem to promote any of the societal problems you mentioned-- rather, they create a theme about as diverse as the more typically boy-oriented themes, except focused on diverse characters girls can identify with on a personal level, rather than on larger-than-life "heroes" (at least, as little boys tend to see them) like firefighters, police, deep sea divers, and ninjas. Well, I think it's important to have variety. Some girls may repond to fantasy-style buildable dolls, while other may prefer the more realistic scenarios and buildings. But I think some of the principles behind Friends could be applied to a constraction line, such as the more streamlined character designs and the emphasis on character and story, which, Lego has decided, appeals to girls.Who said that Lego thought that character and story appeals to girls? I don't see much story behind Lego Friends - the "girl appeal" was supposed to be in the more realistic minifigs and the girly colors.Read the lower part of the sidebar here. Each of the five "friends" will have detailed personality traits and interests. Additionally, there will be books, mini-movies, and "story extensions" (I honestly have no idea what that means). Overall, story will be a somewhat significant part of the Friends theme, although from what I've read the emphasis will still be on encouraging girls to play creatively and make up their own stories with the figures and playsets.All right. I (may) stand corrected for Lego Friends. However, I'm still sore about the sexism in Clickit, etc, so I naturally figured it'd be (and it still might) like that.
  15. It's hardly cryptic....Yes, but it gives your posts a tone of condescension that makes it difficult to take what you're saying as something said in good faith. Especially when you're using it to demean the people around you.Your point seems to be that a lot of BZP members can't handle any serious debate. You know what's generally a bad place to look for serious debate? The internet. It's impersonal and instant and is probably not going to help anyone understand the other side's points, let alone change anyone's mind. There are plenty of adults on the internet that can't make an argument deeper than "yeah well you're stupid".Now on the other hand, why would there need to be serious debate on here? This is a website for LEGO. It's a toy. For children. There may be some older people on here, but you know what, sometimes I just want to talk about non-serious things without having to think about politics or world turmoil or whatever. You can go on about how "insightful discussion" is being "negated", but there are other sites on the internet for other purposes that you can go on and have a screaming match with the opposition. Nobody is stopping you. But BZPower is for talking about toys, not politics. And it's fine by me if it stays that way.The reason why we could have serious debate is the same reason why there's a completely off-topic section.
  16. It tends to be that once you meet other people with it, you feel like you're the only normal one and they're all really far down the spectrum. Interestingly, they're probably thinking the same thing....I also sort of resent the whole "aspie" thing. I much prefer simply "people with Aspergers Syndrome," or, if that isn't necessary to point out, then just "people."
  17. Discuss Cartoon Network's Adult Programing block and its shows here.
  18. Nope. Unfortunately, the rule still applies.And "those" people? Say what you want, but at this point, I think we have a right to state an opinion, at the very least.
  19. I thought the same thing for a while. But then you have a movie like Battleship coming out. I don't know if there's even a fanbase for Battleship. Seriously, you could make anything into a movie.The one that really baffles me is Stretch Armstrong getting a film. I mean, at least kids still play with Battleship. These days, who would buy a miniature Talor Lautner made of stretchy rubber?It's not for the merchandise-consuming kids, it's for the pubescent Twilight fans who are going to show up to any movie with Taylor Lautner and drool over him for two hours, probably not even paying attention to the rest of the movie. That's the problem with Bionicle; it's hard to get star power with a movie about a bunch of biomechanical beings living in a fictional universe.
  20. CANCELLED THEATRICAL BIONICLE MOVIE REQUEST WHAT THE MOTHER@#$%ING @#$%?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?! :OMG: ...shame it never got made, although, even though it might of been technically better, the story and stuff might've been worse and even more kid-oriented.
  21. This new Lego "Friends" line and previous Lego lines for girls are blatantly sexist and are (or would be, if they actually were successful) part of the reason why young girls become overly self-concious about their physical appearances, lose their self-esteem, and form cliques that exclude other girls that don't fit their criteria for friendship. I do support Lego Bricks made for a girl and/or gender neutral audience, but definitely not if they're going to be all beauty-oriented like this. That being said, this new line sure brings up a heck of a lot of new opportunities as far as mocing is concerned.
  22. That's a pretty weird subject that could've been a bit of a jump-the-shark moment for Bionicle if they were to establish family trees and relatives and all that. I'd assume that a lot of kids died at an early age due to disease, which I imagine is rampant on Bara Magna.
  23. Yeah, although it's kind of on hiatus right now. It's like the comic strip, times 50.
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