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Dr. Giggles PhD

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Everything posted by Dr. Giggles PhD

  1. Welcome to BZPower!

    1. UngluedBike


      Thanks. didn't even realise you had spoken..... I am here for the long term, hopefully.

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD
  2. It's nice to see a fellow Doctor around here.

  3. What's on my mind? You think I'm gonna tell you? Huh? HAIL NAH

  4. I don't like your music.

    1. Eyru


      fair enough. i don't like yours either.

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Oh good... I was worried you did... otherwise I would have to run away with pancakes and MAPLE SYRUP...

  5. You could hav been canoli bones.

  6. Okay. Goodnight. _______________________________________ And I am going to fix some sizes, probably will be ready in the next 2 - 3 comics.
  7. New comic in Noobicorn Inc.!

  8. New comic! Home queer home... First comic outside of the prologue. Just so you know, it may be confusing to read these if you haven't read the prologue. So you may want to read the prologue and then read the rest. Hope you enjoy!
  9. The smell!? Of the Noobicorn??? lol Maybe. Maybe the Noobicorn smells like roses... and chicken... I'd imagine the chicken part being true... Trying to imply something? huh? Tell me.
  10. The smell!? Of the Noobicorn??? lol Maybe. Maybe the Noobicorn smells like roses... and chicken...
  11. Prologue comics are finish. Fifth Generation comics are coming soon. Hope I get more posts with the real comics than the prologue.
  12. Hey! Who wants to try to revive the comic forum?

    1. -Windrider-


      I've been thinking of making a comic...but I would have to draw it.

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      oh coool!

      that would be cool!

  13. ummm Welcome to BZPower!

  14. Facebook is not responding? BIG SURPRISE!

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