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Let's Henshin!

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Everything posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. I can't even finish shows I start.
  2. Xa-Kuta was fun ngl. A bit tonally mismatched, but fun.
  3. This place has always been comfy. Better profiles too.
  4. I feel called out. But seriously man, I know you've had it rough and you've kicked for still persisting through it. It really is weird going from admiring the giants as you put it, to have taken on that position (you, not me, no one knows who the I am.) I don't often compliment you, but I also know so well how much you care about this game and this site. Game's in great hands with you, and I promise any newcomers that once Ty and the gang gets everything cooking you're gonna be amazed at how good the BZPRPG is. Anyway, I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I figured I had to say something after reading the post. Man dropped my name for some reason. I'll come back to the BZPRPG when BZPower gets a skin that doesn't kill my eyes. Also whenever Salvinn's mark disappears somehow. BZPower honestly probably still is my home, even if I don't visit it often anymore. You guys all still rock.
  5. IC: Kaz Arrives Again! Bring forth justice to desolate plains! Having long since placed all of his explosives, the aggressive inquisitor known by the name Kaz had found himself quite bored by his mission. Setting explosives and ordering the weak around was a mission not suited to someone who desired the thrill of combat above all else. Yet that was where he now found himself, and said mission was quick to cause Kaz to doze off. Yet his dreams of combat, would soon be interrupted by alert of a homing beacon designating that someone, somewhere, was prepping for a fight. With a bolt and a savage grin, Kaz became a mental prepping of his own. Thus sticking his boring job of watching the garrison on some random storm trooper, Kaz sprinted atop his own speeder bike. A powerful, if a bit dated, beast that currently rested outside of the kicked in doors of the outpost. Someone was probably going to get fined for Kaz's previous dramatic entrance, but for now that was the least of his concerns. Well, you couldn't really say it was a concern of his at all, it didn't even enter his thoughts if one's being honest. Now all that was left was the ecstasy of revving the engines of his speeder bike and the burning anticipation he had in hopes of the fight ahead. The speeder burned it's way across the land, rapidly approaching the origins of the homing beacon Kaz had recently received. Of course, Kaz understood a thing such as protocol existed, and so he made a courtesy call where it was needed. To one Costa Vespula, Chief Inquisitor and the woman responsible for stuff that Kaz didn't quite understand. "Fight?" He wasn't the most eloquent of beings when it came to the common tongue. To her credit, Costa was quick to reply with a rather exasperated tone of voice. "Yes, Kaz. Help fight." "Good. Who?" "Since when do you care?" "Need knowing, punch who?" "He's a big guy...for us. Armored head to toe. Liare is having trouble with him." "Good. Under roof?" "Yes, Kaz. We're under the roof." There wasn't another response from Kaz, at least not verbally. For he had a few moments before positioned himself on the roof above the ongoing battle. Thanks then to the buzzing sounds of a saber, mixed with rifle blasts, yelling and the general sounds of a skirmish, Kaz had learned a while back the position most likely to contain fun. Costa had merely confirmed that it was also the right place for him to drop in. Thus Costa received her response in the form of Kaz blasting away the roof and quite literally dropping in. Of course, he had made sure that during said drop, his saber was already out and coming down from above and behind the head of the armored being Liare was currently flanking. Always fond of a dramatic entrance, Kaz couldn't help but shout amongst the confusion and shattering wood the phrase that had long ago become a calling card of sorts for the young inquisitor. "I HAVE ARRIVED!" And in a second, so too would his blade arrive upon the head of his current target.
  6. Sigh..... This is what I come back to? brb disappearing again.
  7. Nice to see someone else who watched and enjoyed Creed. Felt it flew a bit under the radar. Speaking of movies like that, have you seen Man From U.N.C.L.E. yet by any chance? Found it to be one of the most fun movies of 2015 personally.
  8. Well it was only my campaign run that took just shy of 15 hours. I then went on to do some multiplayer stuff.
  9. And I just spent the last two days playing the entire game. It was fantastic. And no I definitely don't have a problem spending that many hours straight playing the game. It was only 15 hours in 30 hour or so period.
  10. Cut the dramatics, Hubert. Nobody would've recognised you and your miniscule post count. Sorry Onarax, you know I'm just trying to be like you.
  11. The jig is up compadre. We've been caught. But yeah I might be back as well, might not.
  12. Steltians are so cool. It's gonna be hard to beat one.
  13. Sounds like a plan. I'm thinking of making like a Vortixx that breathes fire.
  14. Sure, we can inflate our post counts together.
  15. Currently Henshin-ing my way through the Riders.
  16. Is this the place dweebs can inflate their post count?
  17. IC: Kaz Arrives! The outpost will be secured! With a crash the door to the Imperial Garrison command room was kicked open by one Adachihara Kazuma. The man always had a flair for dramatic entrances and this was nothing out of the norm. Much like this command room for the matter: blinking monitors illuminating the faces of anxious officers, pungent coffee smells emanating from those officers, and musty gray walls that made the officers anxious in the first place. Individuality wasn't really the Empire's fortee. Once you'd toured an Imperial Garrison, you've basically toured them all, which made navigation easy enough. It also created predictable responses. Such as the fact that now every trooper in the room had their blasters pointed Kaz's way. Just the way he liked it. A grin began to spread across on the man's face and his eyes appeared to spark as he took on a savage stance. Yet before he could even crack his neck, the garrison commander ranwobbled over to position himself between Kaz and the troopers. The man, while he had long abandoned his physicality to snacks, was still an astute commander. His eyes had been quick to notice the saber resting at Kaz's belt and that underneath his vibrant red jacket were the battle scared remains of an Inquisitor's robes and uniform. Let it be known however, that this commander was only quick to draw when it came to monetary matters, and thus a brawl with an Inquisitor was the last thing he wanted to do. Kaz on the other hand could only click his tongue as he ignored the platitudes and apologies of the nervous commander. It was one thing to have his fun interrupted, it was another to be greeted about a spineless commander more concerned with wealth than military dominance. It was no wonder Costa seemed to look down on the Empire if these kinds of morons were her daily experience. Although right now he had little sympathy for the woman who had assigned him this bore fest. "Ah shut up!" His patience having long since worn thin, Kaz's polite suggestion was merely his way of silencing the greedy commander. "I'm here to secure so do a headcount. Let me know if anyone's missing." With a wave of his hand, Kaz dismissed the commander and found himself a empty officer's chair to recline in. As he made himself comfortable, the Kaz used his transmitter to patch into Costa's line once more. "I have arrived. He's doing a headcount. Next time can I get the fight?" Short and sweet words tinged with an aggressive unrest, the standard Kaz approach to communication.
  18. "Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty. When you see a squad of those maniacs flying your way, you'd better hope your hyperdrive is operational." ―Kyle Katarn
  19. So, when do we kill the Klingons with our sonic screwdrivers?
  20. Obviously Yugioh is the superior game, but other than that: Approved.
  21. Man, I stop venturing the site for a bit, just from being busy. Return to find I'm declaring myself a great spirit. This is beautiful.
  22. web.skype.com I should probably start posting here again. Might aim for a Vossen post sometime this weekend.
  23. If you really don't want to be an outsider, which isn't that hard considering we don't really have much of community left down here, just start RPing, you'll get a feel for how things work. Oh, and drop the formatting, that's all we ask man.
  24. Just wondering mate, is there some reason you've got such a burning hatred for typing normally? It's hard to read and offer your critique, or take you seriously for that matter, when it feels like you're shouting all the time. Plus the excessive coloring and bad font choice does cause one's eyes to bleed. Cause again, I'd really like to give you a hand, but I just can't read your posts as they stand.
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