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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. I dunno. Did you at all look for the large number of health updates and/or the starter post for the round?
  2. IC - HP: 11/20 - moving up Deciding that the lasers no longer wanted me on this level I quickly ascended the ladder. Then I began to try and hack the ladder down with my sword. OOC: iBrow, can I maroon everyone to their deaths?
  3. IC: "Y'know, there was this ship that left on some voyage or something. Why don't we chase after them, see if they have rum or something?" Floria said as he picked herself up from the ground of.....wherever it was they were at.
  4. IC: (Endless Ocean) "Well then," I began, "What exactly is it you want to know about your crew?"
  5. The fact that this following sequence was said: Convinces me of it even more. Flickering thumb and claw? Echelon and Antidermis (After all, leftie says "The calamity you bottled, regardless of its volume, cannot open windows."). Too bad it won't be him who opens the safe. For all we know their centuries of history could've been something that played out in the Legend.
  6. IC - HP: 13/20 - Leaping away and towards The first thing that greeted me on level 2 was the site of Zakaro before he promptly hurled what looked to be a car made out of dirt towards me. Quickly, I leapt towards the side and out of the way of the ugly car before it crashed into me, only to hear something get launched from somewhere. Then a fire bomb landed beside me, and I promptly picked it up. "Thanks!" I shouted to nobody, then sprinted towards the next ladder up.
  7. IC: (Endless Ocean) There was a sudden creak of wood beside me, alongside a loud thud. However, it didn't stun me at all. Turning to face Potas, I looked to the other Toa who'd dropped down from the masts above me. "What brings you down here?" I asked with a smile.
  8. IC - HP: 13/20 - Status: Ascending to level 2 - Level 2 Quietly, I poked my head above level 2's floor as I climbed the ladder, looking down to see whether anyone had followed me before promptly pulling myself up. I stood beside the ladder, waiting. OOC: Well, life. That was cool - 7 health lost because I was asleep.
  9. OOC: There was quite a bit of a hiatus the last few days, to be honest. Yes, real life happens and it sucks, but it's similarly unfair to us if all of a sudden everybody who had decided to engage you must for no apparent reason stop what they're doing rather than, y'know, attack. Block what you can, take what you can't, and in the end try to have the most fun out of everything. IC - HP: 9/20 - Status: u wanna go blade huh huh I watched as, with a snap of his fingers, Blade himself was engulfed by another form of blue energy - lightning. With a twist, he launched a ball of the white-blue electricity towards me with a footballers kick (NOTICE HOW I DIDN'T SAY SOCCER). I reacted quickly, bring both of my swords in front of me to form an X. Channeling my own power through my weapons, I let the ball of lightning hit my swords with a bright flare that cut off my vision of pretty much everything else - before promptly absorbing it through my swords and into my body. Momentarily, the blue glow around me shone brighter. And with that, I leaped forwards, sprinting across the snow as fast as I could towards Blade.
  10. IC - HP: 14/20 - Freeze Burning What. the. frick. First there was a volcanic explosion that was practically unavoidable, so that singed and banged us up pretty good. Then it turns out quite a bit of frozen wind would blow at us as well. So hot and so cold at the same time, damage was unavoidable. HP: 9/20 (OOC: Thanks Blade!) Still, I lived. In the distance, I saw Blade pick himself up as well, before a triple of sheer lightning bolts left his hands towards Unit. Then he span in a circle, blue lights radiating around him, as he fired off more lightning bolts - at us. I couldn't absorb all the lightning, but I did manage to absorb the bolt of lightning that was hurled directed to me. Hoping that all my teammates survived and Blade died, I felt the rush as the energy entered my body. So, head count. I'd so far absorbed a kinetic fist, a flamethrower and a lightning bolt. It was pretty energizing, and considering it was now the final moments of the fight, I let all the energy begin to permeate and radiate within me, and my biomechanical frame began to glow a cerulean blue. "COME HERE, BLADE!" I shouted at Blade.
  11. Good job to all the winners, and good luck in your RPG's term!
  12. Ok. Sad to see you go. Good luck with your life, and on the near-nil chance that you do come back, we'll still be here, happy to have you back. Who knows - the future is in the future, after all.
  13. While quality of writing definitely helps in playing out something that is combat based, I don't think you should be asking for help just to help you fight, but to actually get better at writing in general.
  14. How? Do you have to use it on yourself, have it, or what?
  15. OOC: How exactly does fire bombs affect the cold? Sorry if I missed something.
  16. - JL -

    Two For All discussion

    Darn brotherhood we were lucky in picking who to kill If only DH people contacted us
  17. TBH As DH Detec I was crazy lucky, finding both Brotherhood Detec and Teridax by chance. Also, isn't it the Black Rod of Power?
  18. Thats ok. I thought I got, like, teleported into death in some post I didn't find.
  19. OOC: Chro, What do you mean I disappeared? O.o I'm so confused as to what's going on, if somebody could give me a quick summary that'd be very helpful. IC - HP: 14/20 - Status: Confused but combat ready I looked around. Chro had apparently smoshed into a wall and disappeared, though I figured it was because he quickly made himself into tons of miChros. Looking around for somebody else to fight, I saw Snake blow fire out of his mouth towards my teammate Canis. At once, I held out my hands, focusing with my own power upon the elemental energy that Snake had released. The fire itself disappeared mid-burn, (I hoped I was quick enough to stop Canis from burning [OOC: For fairness. Decide yourself if you want to get hit or not, Canis.]) turning into white-blue ethereal energy that flowed into me. I now had within me the energy from both an energy punch and a flamethrower. Cool. And with that, I decided to try and taunt Snake of his fire powers even more by lobbing my own firebomb at him, dishing him a hefty three damage again.
  20. Says the guy who went around proclaiming the medicness to the other team. I knew quite a few roles of the other team too. Good Game.
  21. Read all the good posts, see what's great, and try to find your own niche for writing.
  22. IC - HP: 14/20 - Cold but here's a fire bomb! A bit of snow was swept up into my face, and coupled with a sudden breeze, I shuddered again. However, by amazing luck a Fire Bomb popped up right beside me, and immediately I claimed it, chuckling at how Voxumo had decided to run away. Looking around for someone else to fight, I realized what exactly I wanted to use the bomb for - because splash damage on a bunch of mi-Chros would be pretty cool. I started trudging along the snow, headed towards Ehks and Chro.
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