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- JL -

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Everything posted by - JL -

  1. IC - HP: 15/20 - Status: Stabbing a tail I felt a tail wrap around my legs, and quickly pulled my arms down, slicing down at the tail.
  2. OOC: second time I got genderbent stahp vox IC - HP: 15/20 - Saving the family jewels One sword hit his shoulder armor, visibly leaving a dent before flying off the side, orange sparks flying off between the clash. Meanwhile, his staff came up - from beneath me. Thankfully, I was a duel wielder, and my other hand's sword came down and blocked the staff's upwards swipe even as I myself jumped. The combined moment of his staff with the force of my jump sent me somersaulting over Voxumo's head, and taking that chance, as I went over and above him, I slashed downwards with my swords.
  3. IC - HP: 15/20 - Status: also grammaring "You know your becoming a thorn in my side." "Let me just reply that I have no idea how I feel compelled to do this, considering we're speaking to each other, but its 'You're', not 'Your'." I ran forwards, meeting Voxumo midstride with one of my swords swinging towards his arms.
  4. OOC: Bit of an autohit but whatevs IC - HP: 17/20 - Flung I grit my teeth and tensed my neck as I saw the staff hook me from beneath my neck. Letting go of the mini-Chro, I braced myself, reaching up to grab onto the pole as well to reduce the strain on my neck - and then I was flung through the air, before smashing deep into the snow, which was beginning to get colder and colder by the minute. Picking myself up, in front of Vox, I entered stance again, both swords out and drawn. HP: 15/20
  5. IC - HP: 17/20 - Talking to Chro I saw a frown appear on Voxumo's face, and then he swiftly began to sprint towards me, covering the 30 meters within seconds. I looked at the half-Chro. "Any help?" I asked it as Voxumo came towards me. OOC: Ima wait for Chro.
  6. IC - HP: 17/20 - Using the Chroshield With one half of Chro running towards me, I held up my sword and readied myself for his swing. And when he did, I caught the hammer between my two blades with ease, before pulling hard and pivoting myself as well. Voxumo's 4 bullets flied towards me, but one-half of Chro was now my meatshield, myself crouching to cover myself with his smaller size. Suddenly, I saw a familiar shimmer in the air fly towards Ehks, and deciding to be a good teammate, I focused upon the energy-fist. Nothing touched Ehks; instead, the energy was redirected to my body.
  7. OOC: What are the rounds made of, Vox? IC - HP: 17/20 - Status: Re-engaging Chro Hearing the sound of metal chings in the distance, I turned to see Voxumo aiming his staff-rifle thingy at me. Quickly, I launched myself to the side, two rounds blasting through the spot where I had been just seconds ago. Turning to see Ehks sliding towards a Chro, buzzsaw spinning, I ran towards the Chro's as well, partly to help double team the body-splitter and partly to discourage Voxumo from firing anything else.
  8. IC - HP: 17/20 - Status: Shaking I felt the ground beneath me crack and rumble. Thankfully, I was still on snow, so when I fell flat on my face all I got was wet and colt. I did, however, see even more Chro's, and quickly pushed myself back up. "Come at me, you stupid dwarves!"
  9. IC - HP: 18/20 - Status: Running away I frowned as Chro split apart into 3 silly versions of himself. Not only that, but a sudden gust of cold air seemed to seep into the essence of my being and begin to freeze my heart. (18/20) Not good. I ducked under the Chro who tried to hammer my head in, and also stepped over the Chro swinging for my feet, but that left the annoying little final Chro who went on to whack my arm. Luckily, I still had energy radiating within me and I directed it towards my arms, letting me keep hold of my swords. At the same time, I hugged and squeezed hard on the Chro who had hit me, hoping to both lock his limbs as well as bring him with me, away from the other two Chro's. I turned and ran towards Ehks with a third of Chro in tow. Then I saw the pillar of fire that went up around Ehks, so as hard as I could, I tried to throw the Chro I had with me into the flare, temporarily ignoring the pain the little guy had given to my arms, as well as whatever annoying wiggling thing he did. (HP: 17/20) If he wasn't so ugly maybe he'd be cute. OOC: Hahaha! Had quite a bit of fun imagining mini-Chro's running around in the snow.
  10. IC - HP: 19/20 - Status: Saying Three Ooo. Have to say, did not expect myself within this predicament, as I watched the snow in front of me fluff up, and I knew immediately what was going on. And while I could begin to absorb energy, It was a surprise that the tail was going to be the next weapon. And I had to get out of this snow, right now. "Three!" I shouted towards Chro before channeling the energy I had previously absorbed from Voxumo around my body. Immediately, I felt stronger, and with a push sent the staff pressing down on me up and toward's Chro's face, and with a kick jumped out of the snow, barely evading the energy-bladed-tail that emerged to sting where my crotch had been just milliseconds ago. I landed to the side of Voxumo, swords drawn and stance ready.
  11. OOC: Oh well. Water under the bridge. IC - HP: 19/20 - Status: Sinking As I saw Vox approached, I gulped. His massive staff smashed down towards my head, and I barely managed to raise my two swords up in time to catch it. We were locked in a stalemate - except, as it turned out, he was kinda stronger than me. So I began to sink deeper into the snow. The cold didn't help my movement at all, and I knew if I didn't get out quick soon I would be way too restricted in the snow to stay safe and sound. "Do you know how bloody difficult it is to focus when I have a gnat buzzing in my ear?" "Sorry," I replied, beginning to buy for time as I started to focus on something else, "But I keep my ears clean."
  12. OOC: 15m, that's one long tail. Also, always wanted to be a girl! IC - HP: 19/20 - Status: Engaging a box I suddenly felt something wrapping wound my leg, before tugging hard. Since it was hidden by the snow, I was caught by surprise and fell forwards. Luckily, though, Snow wasn't about to break my jaw or crack my armor or anything. Quickly, I drew out my swords and , using direction as judgement, stabbed downwards, a few feet in front of my foot where hopefully Vox's tail was located.
  13. IC - HP: 19/20 - Status: Engaging a box "Haha! Box can't contain himself," I gloated as I focused my new power against the shimmering fist that quickly approached me. The fist shimmered more as my own powers began to affect it, then turned into another form of energy that I simply absorbed. That felt....energetic. In retaliation, I reached down, picked up some snow and molded it into a snowball within my palm. At once, I hurled it in the direction of Voxumo's face. OOC: Everyone takes 1 damage each day from freeze damage while on this map, I believe. :3
  14. IC - HP: 19/20 - Status: Spawning from subspace *Poof!* It was cold; I could feel myself freezing. Around me it was dark, and mushy. For a moment I thought I was being born - but then I realized that that probably happened ages ago, and wouldn't happen again for a guy who jumped through the multiverse just to play games within pocket universes. Still, I vaguely remembered having been part of this specific pocket - and I also remembered the ability to control beans. As it turned out, I could feel that my power had changed. And that was cool. I also felt a certain urge to play Rainbow Six Vegas. Which felt weird. I pushed around, deciding that I may as well start the game late rather than never, and pushed my head above the snow. Coincidentally, my sig is snowy! Or it would be if I wasnt lazy enough to,y'know, add one. Anyways, back on topic, the first person I saw as I pulled myself out of the snow blanket was Voxumo, about 15 meters away. Naturally, I did the only evolutionary correct thing possible. "Vox! You're a stupid box, you!" I insulted. OOC: Profile located back on my first post.
  15. Not me, but I would like to read you simply doing it, rather than ask for permission. Wonder what you're doing it for. :/
  16. - JL -

    Celebratory Eggnog

    that was fun. wohoo!
  17. I think ima switch from Pupwa to Norik....
  18. Still not that hard to fake it without photoediting. EDIT: Oh wow I got ninjad alot Chrome can fake far more than text.
  19. Durp for filler. Hope we got something good. Hope we don't have to wait tons for the next scene.
  20. IC: I looked around. The familiar smell and warmth of Ta-Koro was around me, though I wasn't necessarily happy about it. Things were a bit different. From my standpoint. Not anybody else's. I mean, the last time I'd been in here I'd been leaving, a little bit more than annoyed. When I came back the 'annoyance' had escalated into hate and anger and I was somehow going to try and kill someone here, but somehow that all got turned around and I'm now effectively working for the guy I originally wanted to kill, all in the span of a week or so. Things were a bit different. Still - apparently I would get something out of trying to be nice and help out the citizens or whatever, even if I did end up at the bottom of a caste that I should totally be standing at the top of, but hey. Gotta start out small before you make it big, right?
  21. Member Name: JL Weapon: Twin lightweight swords. Straight-edged blade, with an ornate hilt design. One of the swords have a dark grey blade and silver edge, while the other sword has a silver blade and blue edge. Power: Can absorb energy when focused. Also includes kinetic stuff, like getting hammered by a hammer, although usually focus has wandered into trying not to get hacked into pieces. The closer the attack, and the larger the SA-to-volume ratio (I'm writing this in chemistry class lol), the faster the energy is absorbed. Once the energy is absorbed it can be radiated and focused within his body to increase his own physical capabilities. When this happens, the energy glows blue. Or released for no apparent reason. (At least until I get some Ultimate weapons. Then they'll be released for good reason.) Appearance: JL wears white-silver based armor lined with grey, coupled with specks of blue colors that is sleek and made for mobility. Ultimate Weapons: -
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