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About davidr777

  • Birthday 01/03/1997

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  • Location
    Middle of the Europe (Czech Republic)
  • Interests
    Music : Rage Against The Machine, Queen, AC/DC, and various rock/metal songs<br /> Movies : Bionicle movies, LotR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hot Shots, action movies and comedies<br /> Books : LotR, Harry Potter, Agent JFK (it is from my homeland and "JFK" means "John Francis Kovář" - somebody`s name), my homeland is in the bottom, so no Bionicle books :( , Eragon, and maybe some other books<br /> Other : Bionicle, Hero Factory, Bionicle, Lego<br /><br /> I`m from Czech Republic, so there is one Lego factory! But there are no (very) special sets and there are bad prices of Lego. I do not write/speak english perfectly (grammatik is the problem), but I understand it.<br /><br /> So it`s me, đaviđr :) .

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  1. ^ http://i.imgur.com/Cx9SulA.jpg I could've done it better for sure, but it is supposed to be there. Waiting for Brickshelf to make the gallery public.
  2. Someone had to do it. Blue lightsaber is his Jedi lightsaber, his Sith lightsaber was different, it kinda surprised me when I looked it up. Gallery
  3. "that I want in on the giveaway" It would be awesome to have an original Bionicle book, AFAIK they do not sell them here. Thanks!
  4. ^ Looks like e-shops are now getting stocked, few days ago when I checked there were only preorders. Off to shopping then!
  5. Funny we get the story sooner but the sets are yet to be released
  6. So what's the deal? Not like it will make the movie any better just by itself...
  7. Entry 8 is just hilarious! Voted for it.
  8. So you finally finished your masterpiece, really.
  9. ^ Thank you, it should be a woman, not a guy, but that's a bit hard to see when she's in a golden armor and lego-ized.
  10. Tresdin, the Legion Commander Entry picture: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/001.jpg Entry topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/12418-bbc67-tresdin-the-legion-commander/ Sorry, but Ill never remember how to remove the link adress.
  11. I hope the technic/system ratio is allright, i added as much unnecessary pieces as I could while not changing the look... So Legion Commander from Dota 2. In DotA it was a guy in black armor with a horse... Gallery (when available): http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=541176 More pics: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/img_1351.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/img_1355.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/img_1360.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/img_1366.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC67/img_1354.jpg Game announcment artwork: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/7/78/Bg_04.jpg Lore: They came without warning. Within the city walls of Stonehall there came a rumble and a terrible sound, and from blackness unknown came a force of beasts numbering beyond count, wielding flame and foul sorcery, slaying and snatching mothers and sons to dark purpose. Of once-mighty Stonehall's military strength only the Bronze Legion, led by the indomitable Commander Tresdin, was near enough to answer the call of battle. They rode into their city, fighting through bloodstained alleyways and burning markets, cutting their way through the monstrous throng to the source of the sudden invasion: an ethereal rift within the city square, and at its precipice thundered their dreaded champion. Enwrapped in a corrosive shimmer, the leader of the abyssal horde swung its massive blade, cleaving a legionnaire in two as his flesh began to spoil. Tresdin lifted her blood-stained sword and settled her sights on the beast. It turned, smiling at her through a maze of teeth. Heedless of the battle raging around them, they charged one another. Deflecting blow after blow, the pair danced their deadly duel as the Bronze Legion met its end around them. Tresdin leapt forward as her foe swung its sword to meet her. The odds turned. The attack smashed into Tresdin suddenly, a brutal thrust from the side, but even as her balance slipped she rallied her strength for another stroke. Blade scraped on blade, beyond the hilt to the gnarled paw below, carving it in two in a fearsome spray of sparks and blood. The vile audience looked on in astonishment as she pressed the attack, driving her blade through her foe's flesh into the stampeding heart within. With a scream that split the clouds above, the beast erupted in a torrent of gore and anguish. The stygian portal wavered, the power sustaining the chasm beyond vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. The remaining invaders fell quickly to Stonehall steel. Though victorious, the survivors saw little to celebrate: the city lay in ruins, and survivors were few. Fires continued to spread. Unfurling her banners of war, Tresdin gathered what allies she could. Her anger smoldered as she pledged brutal vengeance upon the forces of the abyss, and ###### be any who would dare stand in her way. (source: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Legion_Commander ) Well, it seems that a regular word is forbidden there (not the F word), it should be along the lines of "doomed" I think.
  12. Voted for Mother brain, even though I have my own entry here. I have to say that this Zombie ant is very accurate to the real ones, when I looked it up, but it has some deign choices I don't really like. Anyway good luck to everyone who made it to the final.
  13. Thanks Chro. I tried what I could with HF parts to make a nice juicy brain. I thought about using lime, but in gunmetal there are more parts and I almost never buy duplicates of sets, so I have plenty of gunmetal as it's used so much. These round shoulderpads look very organic compared to Bionicle parts, so it was much easier than what built Sparky for example. Anyway thank you once more.
  14. Entry name: The Skull Pic: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/davidr/MOCs/BBC66/001.jpg Topic: should be there - http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11310 I always forget how do I write some words instead of HTML link. :-P
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