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The UltimoScorp

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Year 13


About The UltimoScorp

  • Birthday 03/10/1995

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    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Video games, reading, writing, BIONICLE, TTRPGS, building PCs, building MOCS, and much, much more.

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The UltimoScorp's Achievements

Toa of Light Rising

Toa of Light Rising (172/293)

  1. IC Tarkahn - Akiri's office: "That is an enticing proposal, I'll admit. The health of a Koro is directly linked to the health of its people after all. Before you start to sell me on anything though, I'd much rather hear a little more about the product. The...medicine you haven't even discovered yet? You must understand as a businesswoman yourself that I'm hesitant to go into an agreement on "could-be"s. This new company of yours, what makes you so sure they can find this....wonder medicine?" @Emzee
  2. IC Tarkahn - Akiri's Office: He shook her proffered hand briefly and professionally, "Likewise, I am Tarkahn. Please, by all means, I've met with many people representing many organizations in the last few weeks and they tend to blur together after a while." @Emzee
  3. IC Yuna Koizumi - Battle on the Waikiru: I'd been ready to plunge into the water, but it seemed Ahri had returned my favor and I found myself on the deck once more. I didn't have much time to dwell on that however as more imminent matters were at hand. Namely, the mast was falling toward me and- "Raika!" The name sprung from my mouth as I pulled her back and out of the way of the falling mast. It crashed down on the deck, between us and the monster which was nice, y'know? With everything descending into chaos I really needed the second that gave me to think. Raika had taken a hit, Ahri was doing.... menti stuff, and I couldn't see Mitsuri from my position. So just me for a second. I drew my sword fully, by which time the serpent had decided it had waited long enough, and all but walked through the fallen mast without ever touching it. Suddenly the bit of crystal in my hands felt pretty useless. But here I was, so here I go. I let it make the first move, and let what little training I had guide me. It threw a stab at me with that awful bladed staff, and I let it come moving my blade to redirect the energy past me, but the blade still bit into my shoulder as it passed, and I winced, but re-angled my blade and it slid the length of the attacking weapon, and traced a line across the creatures horrible face. My satisfaction was short lived as it grabbed my sword with its other clawed hand and wrenched it from my grasp, tossing it away like a discarded toy. I stepped backwards, without my sword I was basically defenseless.
  4. IC Yuna Koizumi - the Waikiru: I had been mid mast, re-securing a rigging that had come loose when I felt the change in the sea. No sooner had I noticed than Ahri's call rang out, and I was nearly thrown violently from my perch, the call for me the only thing that had brought my hands back to the mast in time to hold on. I slid down the mast, and tucked under the sail to see what had happened, and my heartlight dropped into my stomach. More than that, however, was something new. Frustration and anger bubbled up in me. We'd worked so hard and come so far. The sea around us churned and roiled in response, and I was about to try something crazy when Ahri called out again, and... one of the Dashi ****ing turned into one of those things??!! It tore the wheel free of the ship and proceeded to knock Ahri overboard. Not on my watch. I threw my arms toward the Menti, and the sea responded, sending a pillar of water up to meet the more experienced warrior, pushing him back on deck. The second I took to help him, cost me, however, as the creature came for me next and unlike Ahri, I didn't have a shield to protect me nor had I the forethought to draw my own weapon. The creaking of the deck was my only warning, and I whirled around trying desperately to get my sword out before it could get to me. I was close, my blade made it halfway from the saya before that bladed staff came around and hit me. I got plain lucky, the bit of blade I had drawn came between me and a quick death, but it still knocked me away. I hit the railing with a crunch of broken timber and tumbled over the side into the sea below as pain bloomed in my back from the impact. @Lady Takanuva@Click@Keeper of Kraata
  5. IC Tarkahn -Akiri's Office: "Yes, come in, come in." Niici would see Tarkahn's office to much as it always was: barely contained chaos. In the corner sat a mostly disassembled exo-matoran, and scattered on the walls around it were various drawn diagrams and sketches. More of the latter were strewn across the desk, and sitting atop one, carefully placed in the opposite end of the desk from a contained heatstone, was a jaga-esque something carved crudely from ice. Behind the desk sat the lanky form of Ko-Koro's Akiri, green eyes glowing faintly behind the openings of a noble Ruru that seemed just a touch too small for his face. "Welcome, what can I do for you?" @Emzee
  6. IC Luten - Fowadi: "I *am* a little crystal person! I'm also a Kanohi! A Sanok, to be exact! And I'm very real, thank you very much!" the glow that suffused Luten's body turned red-purple as she placed tiny hands on equally tiny hips. "I came to life after my original host's mask was hit by lightning from the Red Star! But he passed away soon after, and then I met Mr. Lannon, and I got to sleep in a real bed, and then I met Mr. Oreius in the hospital, and then Mr. Kale found me and now I'm his mask, and I'm part of the crew here!" @Razgriz@otter@Snelly
  7. IC Luten - Fowadi: "Yay!" With a crystalline chime, she disappeared from Praggos' shoulder and reappeared on a railing closer to Jolek. The tiny mask spirit waved at the much taller Toa. "Hello there! My name is Luten! It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Jolek!" @Razgriz
  8. IC Luten - Fowadii: "Does that mean I can stop hiding and say hello, then?" @otter
  9. IC Luten - Fowadii Another soft chime relocated Luten to Praggos' back, and she peeked up over his shoulder, and whispered to him, "Is he a bad guy, Mr. Praggos'?" @otter
  10. IC Luten - Ta-Wahi bay? With a signature tinkling of crystal, the tiny mask spirit appeared on the railing next to Krayn, sitting precariously on the edge of the railing and kicking her legs back and forth. "Hi Mr. Krayn, hi Mr. Praggos. Whatcha doin'? And... who is that...?" @otter@Razgriz@Krayzikk
  11. IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki Village > Fishing Trawler: I nodded to Ahri, and noticed Mitsuri walking up as well. I blinked, and Raika was there, too. Had they been there all along? I shook my head, I had a fleet of refugees to worry about right now, I could figure out my mental weirdness later, once we were underway. Speaking of that fleet, I hurried onto the ship. Our ship, now I supposed. The Waikiru, according to the name across her bow. A Hacchoro style ship, a personal favorite of mine. Eight oars, three sails, and enough space to carry a few dozen people if you really crammed 'em on there. What? I work with boats and fish I'm allowed to have favorites. Tied to the aft end of her was a collection of smaller boats, mostly Tosa Wasen and little reed boats like my own. I took a deep breath in and blew it out before turning and stepping up onto the side. "Alright, folks, this is it! I need able hands to help with rigging and rowing on the ship! Once that's filled, we'll get the rest of you loaded onto the space we have!" @Keeper of Kraata@Click@Lady Takanuva@ARROW404
  12. IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki Village: I followed Ahri's gaze to the smoke rising in the distance, and an all too familiar pain gripped my heart for a moment. I glanced at Ahri. "Do.... you have people out there...?" I asked, softly. @Keeper of Kraata
  13. IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki Village I took a look at the crudely drawn map thoughtfully. "Hmmm, I can navigate either way well enough, open ocean might be a little rough on the smaller boats but not half as rough as those monsters will be if we're spotted from shore. North is probably the safer bet." It still kind of threw me for a loop that a fully trained male Menti was asking my advice but I suppose that was just another one of those crazy realities right now. I pointed to a spot along Ahri's chosen northern route. "There's a mean ocean current here, wouldn't be a problem if it was just the fishing trawler but the smaller boats might get caught in it. Nothing dangerous, but it will sweep em out further. I.... I can try and counter it but I'm not exactly an expert with the whole..." I waggled my fingers at the water "Y'know." @Keeper of Kraata@Click@Lady Takanuva@ARROW404
  14. IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki Village: Sleep didn't come easily for me that night, and it sure didn't come easy every night since. Exhaustedly I explained that something I thought I'd done had scared me, which wasn't untrue, and that after some rest I'd explain for fully. I barely got any rest. My brain obsessed over every little detail of what I would say and how and why and how the others would react, who would jump to throw me out and who would argue for my presence. Ultimately I just awoke groggy and none too well rested, but having to face the day all the same. That morning I gathered Ahri and Mitsuri and Yoka and Raika and I told them everything I could. I told them that I'd woken up on a beach here in the archipelago with no memories of how I'd gotten there, where I was or even my own name. I told them how I'd wandered the wilderness and nearly died before I stumbled across a tiny clan's home. How they'd taken me in and nursed me back to health and had even given me a name and a home. A family. I told them about my discovery of my own strange powers over water, and how that elated discovery had quickly been cut down by the horrors of fire and death. I told them how I'd buried the only family that had existed for me, had left that burned home behind with nothing but the sword I carried and memories. I told them how I'd wandered ever since, learning never to stay anywhere for too long, lest my strangeness be discovered. I told them how despite appearing a Menti in stature, I was just a oddity. A strange Saikoko with stranger abilities. After that I threw my self into the work. Repairing ships was easy, it was familiar, it was..... not enough to keep my mind occupied. I thought about what would happen when we finally got the ships in working order. I thought about what would happen when we reached the capital. I thought about what I'd say to.... I dunno, whatever high and mighties still were hanging around up there. I thought a lot about Raika, too. Or tried to. Every so often it was like they'd just.... Slip out of my mind entirely, like I'd never known them. And then I'd catch a glimpse of them or they'd come over to me and it all came flooding back. It might have been normal if it had just been once but it kept happening. Heck, I'm pretty sure I looked away from patching a hole and when I looked back, it was gone, seamless. And later I noticed Raika glancing at me more than usual. I don't know if that's connected but I was starting to think I was losing it. I planned to work up the courage to ask Mitsuri to make sure my head was on straight once we set off. Which.... Looked like it was going to be today. Zuto Nui help me. @Keeper of Kraata@Lady Takanuva@Click@ARROW404
  15. IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki village As Raika and I emerged from the forest, I was expecting several things. I expected the others to be full of questions, I expected to have to do a lot of uncomfortable explaining right away, I expected a couple of accusations, even. What I did not expect was to find the refugees all working on repairing the ship, felling trees, and building boats. I glanced at Raika nervously. Explaining to Ahri and the others was one thing, but I definitely wasn't prepared to explain my mystical voodoo water powers to an entire camp of refugees. Heck, I was barely prepared for explaining it to anyone. @Click @Lady Takanuva @ARROW404 @Keeper of Kraata
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