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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Everything posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. Have you gotten to the crazy couple yet? They're the BEST!
  2. Shingeki no Kyogin: ATTACK ON TITAN.

  3. Attack on Titan ep. 3 It's getting cooler by the episode!
  4. The Shingeki no Kyogin OP goes with everything. There are versions for anything you can think of.

  5. Infra Arcana "Why did it have to be Deep Ones"- Last Words
  6. My favorite book I have read this year is Ender's Game.
  7. So apperently Supernatural: The Animation is a thing.. I'll probably watch it.
  8. I'm probably gonna sig that^ Anyways, Taka open for interaction in Ko.
  9. SDGO. Got the Infinite Justice Gundam for free. 'Twas awesome
  10. Ahhh yes, the dreaded sunburn itch. Enemy of beachgoers the world over.
  11. So, SDGO is a game I was playing a while ago. It was fun, but It stopped working because of a glitch. Thanks to the new update, I have gotten back into the game. My go-to team: Freedom Gundam(S) Palace Athens(BS) 0 Gundam(A) Astray Red Frame© Anyone else play? Or exited for the new update? oh, and all players this month get a Infinite Justice Gundam(SS).
  12. Ummm, what does it mean if this comes up when I try to run SDGO?
  13. Looks a bit like the gogolithic mass' head from S:S&S.
  14. What if you want to make a Private Investigator? Could we play as a non-student/faculty?
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