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Everything posted by Wade.

  1. Don't get your jimmies rustled, Ghidora. If the joke wasn't obvious, I wholeheartedly support Wasteland as a Matoran-only RPG. Having only the little guys around would get rid of all the fancy powers, meaning fewer complications, exploits and inconsistencies down the road. Besides, like Wyrd said, having Toa around would be like playing the game on easy mode. In a setting as alien and bare as this one, having elemental and Kanohi powers would only downplay its nitty gritty, survivalist nature. Nevermind that powers are super useful in a wide variety of situations, but they're equally great for combat and trump most, if not all ordinary weapons you could find. If you threw something our way, like monsters, psychos or whatever, the threat of danger would be less real because we're presented with all these cool ways to deal with it easy peasy. Light it on fire? Go ahead. Cripple it with rocks? Sure. Got a Kakama, Kadin or Huna and feel like nopeing out of there? No problemo. The list goes on. From a Matoran's point of view however, the world's a lot more intimidating. Games like these usually involve a fair bit of risk, and I find that to be successful in them, you have to think smart, creatively and on your feet, which is a lot harder when you've got nothing but your mind, a rusty butter knife, a roll of duct tape and maybe a few shifty allies at your disposal. It's more serious for these guys than for powerful beings who can toss around plasma and teleport like it's nothing. In my mind, that would certainly help to keep this game interesting in the long run. So yeah. My demand is the only demand you need. Wow I don't post here enough
  2. My demand is all the demand you need
  3. IC: Alfon "I can work with that but wow, you're poor."
  4. IC: Volin In my position, most people would spin a story about how they had the dumbest, most interesting time trying to strike a bargain with a pirate captain, but hey, I'm an honest man and I aim to please no one. So, being true to the lazy schmuck I am, I'm just gonna tell you that I had a chat with the captain of a legitimate trade ship headed to Ta-Koro, and he agreed to deliver our crew for a nominal fee of five hundred widgets. I called him cheap, so we settled on four hundred. After shaking on it and agreeing that me and my crew would pay up front the next day, I wound up back on the streets, looking for the others. Sure enough, they didn't get far 'cause there was Arvas, walking ahead of everyone else with pout on his face and sulk in his stride. Probably had enough of the hippie's ####. I know I had. "Yo!" I called out, waving for their attention. "I got us a ride!"
  5. IC: Alfon "Okay fiiiiiiiiine, I'll chill." I said, pouty face and all. "All right, we'll get our chips at the counter over there but before we do, we need to have a moment of truth." I stared her dead in the eyes. "How much cash are we blowing here?"
  6. IC: Alfon There it was again, that very same chill I felt when her last apple nearly caved in my skull, only with a little less emphasis on the whoosh! this time. Didn't get hit or anything, but flirty Alfon was gone. In a last-minute executive decision, he had concluded that devil horns were too high on the crazy scale for him. "You've got to stop doing that." I complained, eyes back on the road and now spotting the sign. "Yeah, that's it." I walked up to the doors and held one open for Skri. Then I remembered the apples and decided to walk in first.
  7. IC: Alfon The only thing my brain registered from that sentence is that she hadn't turned me down. Huh. "Well, I guess it turns out I have a fetish for cute girls with devil horns then. You learn something new every day."
  8. IC: Rungui "I'd be in jail for manslaughter if my hand handwriting couldn't be read, not working for the law."
  9. IC: Alfon "All of them, eh?" I teased, looking at her from the corner of my eye, sideways grin in full effect. "Well, if you're ever in the mood for a round of strip poker, hit me up, alright? I promise I'll let you win." Wink wink.
  10. IC: Rungui "Mute men can still write."
  11. IC: Rungui "I don't doubt it, but you're not gonna risk your pride or your rep. You'd be the laughing stock back at HQ if word got out that you're a little momma's boy."
  12. Whatever you want, man. You can go down the passive route and start your own adventure, hoping others'll tag along for the ride. Might take a while though. Toss around as many OFI as you want here. If you're feeling a little more aggressive, look for other characters to interact with. Just make sure the situation's appropriate and everyone's cool with it. This is probably the quickest way to get interaction. Also, not a dumb question
  13. IC: Rungui "Don't kid yourself, you'll be crying for mommy two minutes in."
  14. Fallout 4 is going to ruin my life

  15. IC: Alfon "It's somewhere downtown." I said, starting us on our way. "Brimstone Casino's what it's called, unsurprisingly. You run a business around here, its name better have something to do with fire, am I right? Ta's trendy like that." As if to prove my point, we passed by some restaurant called the Charred Fork, and a blacksmith's shop named Slag's Forge. Tacky. "What's your game, Skri? Poker? Blackjack? Don't tell me it's roulette."
  16. IC: Rungui Rungui leaned forward, still grinning like a fool. "Don't expect me to patch you up after I kick your ###, little man."
  17. IC: Alfon "Let's hit the casino first and see if we can add an extra zero to that paycheck. Two if you're feeling a little frisky."
  18. IC: Alfon "So you pretty much just wanna go to another bar is what you're saying."
  19. IC: Alfon In all my life, I would have never envisioned myself spending a night out on the town (in the morning!) alone with a buzzed(?) Skri before a suicide mission. This was gonna be good. "Well, if a good time's what you're looking for, you came to the right person." I grinned triumphantly, already buzzing with excitement. "What's our first stop? There's the casino, bull riding at the rodeo, skeet shooting..."
  20. IC: Alfon "Okay, okay, I'm calm." I even made a zen motion to prove it. "Alright hold up, you're asking me to help you spend your money on ####s and giggles for the next hour and a half?"
  21. IC: Alfon Alright, let's make one thing clear: I meant every word when I called this woman a demon. Watching her eat that apple was like watching a Muaka eat a cute little bunny rabbit, 'cause it made me sick and kinda scared at the same time. And that drink, oooooooooooh maaaaaaaan. Lord knows someone needed to cut this girl off before she got the beer goggles on and tried hitting on me. With her fists. "Nah Skri, I'm good with you just letting me live, thanks." I said, placing my hands on my hips. "Now what's this about work? You're not here to drag me shopping, are you?"
  22. Boogie wonderlaaaaaaand

  23. IC: Alfon My dude, I felt the cold embrace of death whoosh! right past me when I saw that apple explode against that brick wall. Like, the specific brick it hit had nearly shattered on impact, and as I stared in blank stupefaction, I could only think about what kind of brain damage I would have suffered had lady luck not been on my side. "What the ####, Skri!" I said, whirling around. "You trying to kill me!?" I shook my head and took a deep breath. I needed a moment. "You're a demon, you know that? A demon." I muttered, rubbing my temples. "What do you wa- are you drunk?!"
  24. IC: Day Day would have sighed, but half his face kept bobbing in and out of water. It was just a simple comment. "Hey," he said, materializing in front of Melna, hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. You don't have to baby him, he's probably jus-" Sure enough, the golden boy had stuck his head out. "No, it's just your imagination." Day assured with a smile, but not before giving Melna a discreet look.
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