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Everything posted by Wade.

  1. IC: Volin Volin's eyes were on the crowd in front of him, but they barely registered anything they saw. He was too busy in his own thoughts, smoking away on autopilot and not even noticing the familiar face that strolled towards him. Only when...what was her name, Onamazu? Yeah, only when Onamazu sat down beside him did he actually snap back to reality. "An introvert? Hardly." he chuckled, his tone low and dry. "I just talk too much. Need to keep my mouth shut for a bit." He tapped his cigarette to the side, its ashes falling to the ground. "Want one?"
  2. IC: Minjao "Dibs on wearing the Captain's face!" Minjao's lone chuckle echoed in the cave, though a more serious tone of voice followed. Well, as serious as it could get in his case. "I meant that, by the way," he continued. "Infiltration's my strong suit; I have an eye for detail and I know how to get around unfamiliar areas without raising any red flags, as you already know. The only difference this time would be that I'll be running around as a ghoooooooooooooost, so my job'll be a bajillion times easier." It was obvious that last part excited him. "ALSO," he boomed, pointing a finger each at Sade and the Captain. "Keep in mind that if she agrees to it, she might have to ~touch~ the body you're going to wear. Technically, whatever she does to it, she'll have done to ~you~ so long as you're inside of it." Jao smiled. "Ooh la la."
  3. Kuuuuuumbaaaaayaaaaaaa
  4. IC: Volin Of course all the shaded areas were packed. Even the natives, who were accustomed to the brutal heat, knew better than to suffer in the sun for too long. Thoroughly annoyed, he bit down on his cigarette, accidentally crumpling the end in his mouth and practically ruining it. "Great." he muttered, dropping the stick on the ground and smudging it against his heel. Pulling another one out from the pack, he kept walking around in search of somewhere he could sit undisturbed but to no avail. Finally, he gave in and sat down on a lone, unshaded bench that stood not too far off from the station gate. Made of stone and built for Matoran, the rock felt hard against his lower back, and the sun beat down on him mercilessly. He took a long drag and exhaled. As uncomfortable as Volin was, at least no one sat with him. ... Nobody ever sat with him.
  5. Well, I'm not seeing any votes so here's one for Underscore.
  6. IC: Rungui Rungui watched Dina trail out of the room, waiting until she was out of sight before he began mowing down his breakfast. A sound of pleasure escaped him when he bit into a strip of bacon, its salty, savoury flavour a perfect compliment to the blandness of the eggs. Even the toast was a godsend, and it astounded him how a simple slice of buttered bread could taste so good. "Either this is a really average meal and I've been deprived of normal food for too long," he started, taking a sip of his coffee. "Or your family really knows how to cook. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here." He took another sip, which he followed by shoving more eggs in his face. Though he seemed distracted, he hadn't forgotten how Dally had almost cried right in front of him. "So were you actually serious when you said I'm smart or was that just sarcasm?"
  7. IC: Volin "Well, I'll be waiting." Volin drawled, gradually fading into the crowd as he stayed his course. He jammed a hand in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, fiddling one out which he followed with a quick light. It hung lazily from the side of his mouth, the other end blowing smoke as he waded through a sea of people, following his memory all the way to the train station. There it is... With the railway in sight, he kept his eyes peeled for somewhere he could sit, preferably a shaded bench.
  8. IC: Rungui "Mmmm." Rungui hummed, nodding thoughtfully. He twirled his fork diligently, his mind jumping to theories and conclusions. Maybe prodding wasn't the best course of action, but he had never abided by the unspoken rules of conversation. He wasn't about to start now. "You lost someone, didn't you?" --- IC: Minjao Jao looked at the captain suspiciously. "Don't tell me that turns you on, captain."
  9. I doubt Zaktan'll be singing kumbaya with us, but he seems like better company than Avak. Choice B.
  10. IC: Alfon "I wouldn't mind leaving tomorrow."
  11. IC: Alfon "Keep it in your pants, Ril."
  12. See ya around Nuju, it was great having you. Thanks for all your hard work and overall contribution to the game. Tyler, congrats. Break a leg.
  13. IC: Volin Savfina received a lazy thumbs up.
  14. IC: Minjao Minjao could barely restrain his laughter. "Ahoy, captain."
  15. I'd feel bad voting for fishers again (just did in another game), so I'm gonna roll with Tiragath.
  16. My beef with Jed from Five Faction Face-Off has been settled, so I'm gonna let him slide As for the rest, I don't know you guys well enough so I'm gonna use my trusty random thing picker. ... Well, it picked Jed twice. Third time's the charm though: fishers64
  17. 'Preciate it, buddy, even if that suggests lynching in my future. I'll remember your generosity when the noose is around my neck. As for my vote, well...the idea of keeping a madman around in the long run puts me on edge, so I'm gonna toss one at Burnmad before he does something crazy. Nothing personal.
  18. Ah, the Pyro. Lovely. Guess I'll gamble with C and hope the odds stack up in our favour.
  19. A vote for me is beef with me, I guess Gonna cast a vote for Jed here.
  20. Sailing in dangerous waters is always prone to something going wrong. We have no idea what's in the DH base, could be dangerous, could be helpful, so it's a gamble. Not sure if I'm up for risk/reward this early on in the game, so I'm gonna go with the safest option: taking shelter and hoping we don't freeze to death. Option B
  21. IC: Alfon "I don't think anyone wants to see Ril aroused in the middle of a fight."
  22. IC: Volin "We'll wait for you at the train station." Volin said, a cheeky wave in the air.
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