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Everything posted by Wade.

  1. IC: Rungui "Mhmm." Rungui said, walking towards the hearth. "Seems like the typical family reunion." He sat down by the fire, the chair comfortable against his backside but not so much for his legs, which jutted out awkwardly about midway up his thigh. Not that he was bothered by this; he had grown used to undersized furniture not long after he washed up on the island. "So," he began, gazing into the crackling flames. "You gonna tell me what that was all about?"
  2. IC: Volin "Less bragging, more walking." Volin called out, already on the move. "We've wasted enough time here."
  3. IC: Alfon "Ril's a kinky guy with a lot of weird fetishes. Sweat's pretty tame for him."
  4. I'll bite. Sign me up.
  5. First Mafia game; let's see how this goes. Spot 26
  6. IC: Rungui "Your brother's here." Rungui said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.
  7. IC: Volin "There is, but I think we'd be better off in Ta." Volin replied. "Word around town has it some folks went in not too long ago and cleared the place out or something, if that's possible. There'll probably be better game in Ta-Wahi or Kini-Nui, and setting up before the hunt wouldn't be a bad idea." He rubbed the back of his neck. "We can catch a train that runs all the way to Forsi, and from there we can board a ship that'll take us to Ta-Koro."
  8. IC: Rungui "I sincerely hope your narcissism isn't a family trait."
  9. IC: Volin "I don't see why not." Volin said, looking at everyone expectantly.
  10. IC: Volin "Getting away from you."
  11. IC: Rungui Rungui craned his neck to look at Dalrin. "Not yet. She's actually standing right behind me, though I swore I saw her disappear into the backroom. Odd."
  12. Still waiting, Netflix

  13. IC: Rungui "Alright then," he said with a nod and a smile. "And yes, just breakfast, thanks." Rungui checked his watch, expecting Dalrin to walk through the door any second now.
  14. IC: Rungui "He's outside, ma'am. Should be inside any second now, had a few minutes left on patrol." he said, followed by an extended hand. "Private Rungui, military doctor."
  15. IC: Rungui Rungui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. On one hand, he was witnessing the raw potential Dally had as a drag queen, something which nearly turned his knees to jelly as he would guffaw himself to death on the floor. On the other hand, this person, this petite feminine thing that looked so much like Dally was...attractive. After a moment's hesitation, he was decidedly uncomfortable. "I'm with Dalrin." he said, his tone firm and awkward. "We were hoping for some breakfast."
  16. IC: Rungui "Your family?" Rungui said, giving Dalrin a quizzical look. For a second, it looked like he was going to say something, probably rude and inappropriate, but he merely smiled and shook his head. "Alright then. See you inside, buddy." he chuckled, followed by a mock-salute before he followed the admittedly cute stone path towards this fine establishment. When he stood on its porch, he glanced around and back one last time, feeling a little awkward as he placed his hand on the door and pushed his way in. "Hello?"
  17. IC: Day "Ah." Day said, glancing at the rock. "I think I'll do the same."
  18. IC: Rungui "I feel like we're about to get mugged...and we're cops." Rungui muttered, glancing around nervously before bringing his eyes to his watch. "You've got six minutes left."
  19. IC: Alfon "Gonna make for one ##### of a party if we pull this off." I said, leaning forward. "Sounds like fun."
  20. IC: Volin "Yeah, about that..." Volin interrupted, clearing his throat. "Might wanna get moving soon."
  21. IC: Rungui "What is this peasantry?"
  22. IC: Rungui "I could just stop guessing if that's what you want."
  23. IC: Rungui "Give me a hint."
  24. IC: Rungui "Don't tell me it's at grandma's house."
  25. IC: Rungui "An interesting theory." he remarked. "Care to test it?"
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