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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Sanso and Kantai- Outskirts of Kini-Koro - Giant Friendly Crab "Maybe it's an inside joke?" "Or it grew way bigger than they expected." Sanso was already walking towards it. It appeared some of the crew were on it, and others milling about. He wanted to walk up to them, but he simply stood near it, in the middle of the pathway, marveling at the engineering of the airship. Kantai turned to thank Gnabol for leading them here. "My friend is easily impressed, despite seeing more than most," he added. OOC: @Toru Nui@BULiK@ idk who else Edit: folding in my next post into here IC: Krozen – Eastern Coast It was a couple of days since he had awakened, and Krozen realised that soon, he would have to vacate this beach. The fish were few and far between now. Perhaps they were possessed of some devious intelligence that made them aware of his presence. Perhaps the waters here were ash-poisoned and did not sustain much life. Or perhaps the Great Spirit sought to spite Krozen purely out of his ancestry from the cold land without a name. At least the Armour worked fine, Krozen thought. Its full capabilities were still out of his reach, even if he knew what they were. He had only heard of some of its supposed capabilities, but almost all of it was somehow inaccessible. It might have been damage or incompetent installation that permanently denied them to him, or a temporary state of affairs that just needed some time to fix, or to just wait. After all, the Armour seemed to have active systems that made strange sounds and moved internal components at seemingly random intervals. Unable to figure out a way to fix the Armour, Krozen had taken time between meals and scavenging data printouts from the busted stasis pod to survey his surroundings, making his way inland past leafless trees and onto mounds of dirt that gave him some elevation. From those vantage points he was able to gain some information of the land north and south along the coast. To the north lay a bay, filled with lava as if it were water. He could make out some structures along the coast of the bay, as well as several islands. Presently, he was carving a rough map of this region from the small hill he stood on, occasionally fanning away the fine ash and burnt material that wafted in the air. If there was a settlement there, they have either moved out of the lava area, or else have somehow adapted to it. Either way, they would be unlikely to be able to, or want to, render any help. He turned and looked the other direction, to the south. He had already finish sketching what he saw from this vantage point by the end of the first day, as there was nought but a forest, covered in white ash, surely the result of some disaster. The forest stretched to this beach, and the trees were seemingly all dead, yet their toughness was preserved in some sort of undeath. Krozen was about to turn back to the north when he saw a glint. No, not a glint. The unbowed king took another look, but the source of that trick of the light was far in the forest. Perhaps it was an unknowable danger lurking in that unnatural forest. Krozen gave up searching for it after a minute, turning back east and heading down to the beach that was his temporary abode. He did not even stop to consider surveying the west, its skyline dominated by an angry volcano, still very much active. Krozen knew from experience that the way it seemed to pulse with energy was extremely bad news. Or perhaps he was seeing patterns where there were none. “ this!” He reared back and swung his fist into a nearby tree. This one must have been dead, for his fist crushed the outer layer of the trunk, leaving an indent. White ash fell like noxious snow. Krozen hated this feeling. This feeling of ignorance, being out of his depth. He had gone through much adversity, but he had always felt, in some way, able to maintain a mental compass of the path he needed to take. Even in his darkest days as a slave to the Usurper… Krozen stopped when he looked at the trunk again. It appeared to be a lot more fragile than he realised. The shattered bark was but a thin layer. He reached out and peeled the cracked bark, revealing a… hole? It appeared to be some sort of natural hollow, covered with a layer of bark to disguise the opening. Krozen looked closer, and realised they were tools! He began to scoop out the unknown pieces. There was no doubt about it. At his feet lay several handfuls of… stuff. He recognised some of it as machinery, others as survival tools. With renewed energy, he began to sift through the pile, separating the clearly broken from what appeared to be usable. “Curse my luck,” he muttered, after sorting the pile out. Almost all of it were equipment and tools too degraded to be useful, merely poorly constructed, or powerless charms and unknown prayer stones. Whoever had put these items here must not have had enough time to consider the logistics of this hiding spot, as there were even perishable supplies and fragile glass ampules that were not completely useless. The only things that were somewhat useful were a utility knife, some strands of net-rope, and a broken spyglass. Krozen was able to make some use of the latter by removing the outermost cracked lens, but the spyglass was likely useless now. With a sigh, he got up and put it to his eye. To his surprise, it worked decently, giving him some telescopic vision. He observed the horizon and the northern bay, and he could make out some details that previously eluded him. Nothing that changed the utility of his simple sketch, but it was an improvement. As he scanned the horizon with his new tool, he noticed the glint again, down to the south. There was no mistake this time. He trained the spyglass on the glint and saw it: the glint came from a rounded metallic object sitting on the top of a multi-tiered structure, currently obscured by the shadow of the mountain and the forest at this distance. “Fascinating…” He put away the spyglass. The mysterious structure might imply the presence of residents, or it might be an abandoned ruin, especially given the state of the Forest. Nonetheless, it would not hurt to trek there and see if it held any supplies or residents. Surely, they would be more amenable than whoever lived in the bay of lava to the north? It was still a long shot, he concluded, returning to the beach. Whichever way he took, he had to decide soon. This beach would not sustain Krozen forever, and already he had to beat back several Rahi attacks in the past few nights. Krozen spent the rest of the day preparing a makeshift pack, containing some fish and strange nuts that would last for at least a few days. As night fell, he stored his makeshift flint, spear and other items he had fashioned for himself in the pack. Tomorrow, he would set off. He had gone through much worse. This would not, must not, break him.
  2. IC: Zekev - Fort Nektann "Yeah, same. I hope this whole discipline thing doesn't stick around too long too much," Zekev muttered, but deep down he knew, if the raid was successful, Drukharus would have the momentum needed to continue his... new style of leadership. Karz, even just being able to mobilise the Fort on a raid would probably be enough. "Say, what's your, like, specialty?" IC: Sanso and Kantai- Outskirts of Kini-Koro - Giant Friendly Crab "Into town, you say? Sure! If that's where the airship is likely to return to," Sanso said. "I can keep pace on foot, so you don't need to leave your spot," Kantai added. OOC: @Kal the Guardian @Toru Nui
  3. IC: Zekev "Uh, yeah! Looks like it is!" Zekev said, surprised Krrench went up to him. He was new here, and was completely unprepared in the aspect of "finding a battle-brother" what with the malingering. Zekev stood there dumbly for a second before a neuron activated. He stuck out his hand for a handshake. OOC: @Kal the Guardian
  4. IC: Sanso and Kantai- Kini-Koro - Giant Friendly Crab "Thank you for the offer, but I already have accommodation so it's fine," Sanso said. "Skaklets, very difficult to raise, I've heard." OOC: @Toru Nui
  5. IC: Sanso and Kantai- Kini-Koro - Giant Friendly Crab Sanso thought for a moment. "It is my, well, profession, in a manner of speaking, to travel the world and learn about its cultures. It's just what my organisation does- did." Sanso stopped and looked around at the valley, so peaceful and yet positively riddled with hidden danger. "I know it seems quite absurd to retain such an outlook in the world we find ourselves in. But, hey, we all have ways of coping. Mine is to continue my task," he shrugged. Kantai was deep in thought. "For myself, I think I've come to call this place home for a while." OOC: @Toru Nui
  6. IC: Sanso and Kantai- Kini-Koro - Giant Friendly Crab "Well met. I am Kantai. My abode is in the hills, so I don't show myself around here much," Kantai said. Sanso was about to pipe up before noticing the Manas crab. "Very healthy Manas you have there!" He bent down to touch its shell. "Oh, I am actually new here," Sanso said. "I won't be staying for long, though." OOC: @Toru Nui
  7. IC: Kantai and Sanso - Kini-Koro Along the hills that ringed the valley, two figures crested stopped near an outcropping on one of the hills. One travelled light, with a walking stick in hand, a simple hat and grey robes, with the faded image of the three virtues on their cloak. This figure led the pair with a calm, sure pace. The other was garbed in colour, carrying two bags slung across both soldiers crosswise, a slight spring in their gait, thrown slightly off-balance by the many rocks of this hillside. Prominently, a half-forgotten symbol from the old world was emblazoned on the front of their clothing. The pair stopped, admiring the vista. It was a challenging trek, Sanso reflected, but well worth the view. “Hey, I think I see the airship from here,” Sanso said, taking out a broken pair of binoculars. “I told you this place was worth checking out,” Kantai laughed. He was glad to see a familiar face here. Mata Nui knows how Sanso made to the island, but Kantai was glad to show an old friend a place he was at least slightly familiar with. “Hey now, I didn’t disagree with that!” Sanso protested, although he was a lot more interested in taking in the sights and breathing in the high-air, as he put it. After a while, Kantai spoke up. “Well, it’s about time to went back to the Koro. You should prepare for the next leg of your travels, seeing as you probably won’t stay put.” Sanso nodded. The pair began their descent back into the valley. “Think I could catch a ride on the airship?” Sanso wondered aloud as the pair re-entered the jagged shadows along the hillside, obscuring the vista once and for all. They navigated the hillside for a few quiet seconds. “Why not?” Kantai finally replied when they reached more stable footing. “Stranger things have happened.” IC: Prasral – Northern Wastes, near Tobduk-Koro Another fruitless day. Prasral leaned back, resting in the shade of a small alcove eroded from a mound of rock. He watched the shadows cast by the mound slowly, imperceptibly, shift across the sand. Why am I even searching here? That merchant was clearly telling tall tales… The monarch in exile took another sip from his canteen. No luck today. None of his people were to be found in the area. The caravan the merchant in Tobduk-Koro told him about was nowhere. Not even a trail. He miraculously found some sort of trinket, which lengthened his search by hours, but it was too generic to be of use. The old, familiar sting of fear entered his heart again. Was his reign to end like this? The last of his kind. I won’t find out sitting here. With that thought in mind, Prasral got up and retrieved his equipment. He wrenched his shield free from the makeshift condensation trap, slung his spear over his shoulder, and began the trek back to Tobduk-Koro. It was almost evening when he made it back. It looked peaceful enough at this hour. IC: Krozen – Ash Barrens >Initialising diagnostic…| >Status: Stasis hold. Maintenance in progress >No action needed >Current Runtime: 501 Waiting...| A swirling void of emotion. Anger. Hope. Cold touch of waiting. How did he get here? >Status: Stasis hold. Maintenance in progress >No action needed >Current Runtime: 4029 Images in the mind’s eye. Floating. Collapsing. Kaleidoscopic. Broken ribs. Not his. Cold iron in hand. >Status: Stasis hold >No action needed >Current Runtime: 7178 Faceplate, smashed in. Biological solvent. Red and warm. >Status: Stasis hold >No action needed >Current Runtime: 11478 Panoply. Gift of ghosts. Live to the touch. Why was he here? >Status: Stasis hold >No action needed >Current Runtime: 46655 >[Error 414] >Overflow >Execute: Resetting non-essential systems Waiting...| >[Error 002] >Status: Stasis breach >Systems failure //If you are reading this printout things have gone baaad >Execute: Emergency exit Waiti| On the eastern shore of Zakaz, a rounded, lumpy mass, covered in soot and detritus cracked open. Smoke, steam, bellowed forth. A figure fell out, coated in strange liquid. It was moving. Krozen opened his eyes for the first time in a long, long while, and saw dark, ashen sand. Sand…. Where is this? He felt heat. Everywhere. And the air… unbreathable for a lesser being. His head swimming, he thrust his arms down and pushed himself up- Wait, that wasn’t right. Krozen’s eyes focussed, trying to block out the shining sun, brighter than he remembered. He saw his body and arms and remembered the Armour. Of course. The Armour. And no thanks to the traitorous cowards. Where were they? Krozen blinked, his head mostly cleared from the stasis drugs pumped into his system and the energy fields he had been subjected to. He surveyed the surroundings of this strange world. *** It was several hours later when Krozen finally finished his makeshift shelter. He had caught a few fish and various sundry crustaceans. His biology made it so that, if they weren’t clearly lethal, Krozen had no worries eating them for sustenance. In the short-term, he was, if not fine, then in a bearable position. The warlord pulled the fish from the small fire. He found that there was surprisingly little combustible fuel in the viscinity, likely due to the ever-present heat of the large volcano in the distance. He pondered on the floating… thing above the clouds as he chewed on the fish. Neither boded well. It wasn’t difficult to piece things together. The automated life support of the stasis pod had exhausted itself fixing him up in the aftermath of Metru Nui… falling? That, or some timing system failed. It was never meant to be a permanent habitat for anyone. He wondered what effects that might have on biological tissue. His retainers were nowhere to be found, and given that there were none waiting to bow to Krozen when he exited the pod, they were either, as the saying went, dead or fled. No matter. He was still here, and he had to find a way. To do what, exactly? Krozen lay awake as night fell, pondering. OOC: Kantai, Sanso, Prasral, Krozen open for interaction.
  8. IC: Zekev - Fort Nektann "YEAAAAAA!!!!" Zekev joined in the whoops and cheers. For the moment, he forgot the inherent danger of beating up Matoran, his mind filled with images of loot and glory instead. Much like Krrench, he was nowhere near the status required to eat the good grog, so he settled with his stew at the end of one of the broken dining tables and tucked in. Zekev began to ponder about this turn of events while the din of cheering continued to ring across the mess hall. He certainly didn't want to get involved in infighting between Barius and Drukarus... but he really did want to loot! Anyway, I don't fancy my chances going against this crowd.
  9. IC: Zekev - Fort Nektann The waiting was too much. He knew he should turn off and just doze off until dinner, or whenever someone came to kick him out of his chair, but Zekev just could not silence that nagging voice in his head. He sleepily cracked an eye open, and detected motion in the courtyard. A tan Skakdi was hurrying off to the garage. The garage! Aren't we done with repairs already? Zekev got up and shaded his eyes. Yeah, no doubt about it, it's the one with the mask. The scarred one. What was his vehicle again? Quite sure we patched it- The realisation jolted Zekev awake. A raid! Maybe? Before he could stop himself, he was already on his feet and clambering down the stairs, intercepting the other Skak. "Hey! What's going on? We on a raid or what?" Zekev shouted as he caught up. OOC: @Kal the Guardian
  10. @Eyru I changed the physical weaknesses for the two Toa. New to this: Kantai is almost completely new to his powers and inexperienced with using them. Likewise, although he has been instructed in the use of weapons, this training is limited and not backed by much experience. Iron fist, glass jaw: While he can land solid hits, especially with the use of his Pakari to surgically enhance his blows, Sanso can't really take a hit. This forces him to rely on his agility to dodge or, when desperate, using his battle gloves to parry strikes.
  11. Name: Kantai Name: Sanso Name: Prasral Name: Krozen Could I also request that my characters be allowed to go on/be given quests to unlock the full power of their equipment with GM approval and assistance?
  12. IC: Zekev - Fort Nektann It was a lazy day, just the way Zekev liked it. He had ambled about in the morning, making a show of running errands and fixing things. Now that most of the fort were taking an afternoon nap or too busy to push him around, Zekev could take a well-deserved 12 hour break in the shaded confines of one of the unused guard towers. He sat his rump down on the rickety chair he had found a few days ago and leaned back, propping his feet up on the sill of the window. Ahhh, that hits the spot. The past few months had been... hectic, to say the least. The back and forth travelling and fighting had not been kind to his psyche, on several levels. But it appeared he could finally catch a break. He lazily peered over the sill of the window, and caught sight of the old task master, Drukarus. He seemed to be talking to several strangers Zekev did not recognise. Or perhaps they too were denizens of the Fort that Zekev had not bothered to know. He wondered what business they had, and hoped it didn't entail trouble.
  13. Name: Zekev Breed: GSR Ko-Skakdi Faction: Barius’ Warskak, nominally Description: Clad in white,blue and silver, Zekev is a stubby Skakdi with straight spikes forming his organic spine, his face almost permamnently distorted by a grin that gives an impression of amusement. He has a prominent chin, and large, two-toed feet. In general, he is as big and brutish in appearance as most Skakdi. Background/Occupation: For lack of a better word, Zekev is detritus. He has been, at various points, a criminal among the clans of Old Zakaz, a hired sword for the Barraki army during the invasion, an unwitting cultist swept up in the fallout of the Impact, and now a criminal again, living on the edges of Warband settlements. If nothing else, he has learnt to pick his fights and leave to fight another day. Personality: Zekev always looks out for number one. When he can get away with it, he will indulge himself and look for quick ways to profit. However, when faced with actual danger or risk, Zekev will find any way to minimise or offload such risks. While he is self-serving and cowardly, he is not twitchy or paranoid when dealing with dangers. After all, that would not benefit him in the slightest. Flaws: Despite, or perhaps because of, his continuous bouncing around, Zekev cannot stand to be alone when he could be lost in a crowd, nor will he stay in one place for too long when he could be stealing from somewhere else. His cowardice and self-serving manners are to the detriment of earning any goodwill or trust from others. Zekev’s only real experience in combat swings between two extremes: using brute force to overpower a weaker foe, or letting others take the attention of a stronger foe while he shanks them from behind. Apart from being inexperienced in proper one-on-one combat, this also means that he is, despite appearances. Powers: One primary element/power: Laser vision One secondary power: Zekev has the ability to induce limited amnesia among a person in his line of sight, causing them to be confused or forget recent events. They usually recover from these effects within an hour, though the memory of those forgotten events is imperfectly reconstructed. However, every usage of this power removes part of Zekev’s memory, usually something in his long-term memory, which likewise returns as an imperfectly reconstructed memory. Breed quirk(s): Can use the Elemental power of Ice in conjunction with another Skakdi Equipment: A hefty war axe and shield, treated to resist changes in temperature. Retractable arm blade. The blade comprises of a central body, allegedly the spike of a great beast slain by the blade’s maker, roughly the length of a forearm, with metal welded along its edges to provide a jagged cutting surface. It is usually hidden under a bracer, tucked along the back of the forearm. Upon activation, a spring-loaded mechanism snaps the blade outwards. A wrist-mounted control switch allows the blade to be electrified. An unusually pointed helmet that has saved his skull multiple times. A journal that details past events in Zekev’s life, lest he forget.
  14. Approved by Grav: The Reaver // Long Quilen The Enforcer // Adera Tarina Vellas The Prospector // Wan Tan
  15. When I was at Legoland in around 2011 I don't think I saw any Bionicle related things except the spinning teacup ride that was in the shape of Technic Gears, and I think a static display of Tahu Nuva.
  16. IC: Zekev [Wagon's Rest - Po-Koro] "Oi! Two berry-bonanzas! And whatever stew you got cooking back there!" I called out to the guy behind the long bar counter. I knew out here in Po-Koro these establishments liked to throw in free lunches along with drink, and honestly, I was famished after, what, weeks in the cold? Any stew would do. I also assumed the little guy didn't want alcohol, and as for me... Thoughts of the Brotherhood's prohibitions brought back memories of our defeat in Ko-Koro. We were- are- lost. Scattered, attacked, and now here I was enjoying Bula berry shakes. Was this what the Archangel would want? I clenched my fist, struggling not to let my frustration show. Didn't want to scare the Matoran- Luntep, right?- or get into trouble by breaking the table or something equally... unwise. The Grandmaster... him. him and his stupid plan. Why did we ever think the Serpent's Legacy would truly aid us? I was still glumly staring at the table when my meal came. I dipped the spoon into the sludge and shoveled it into my mouth. It was serviceable. "So, you never did tell me what you worked as," I said to Luntep, trying to keep my mind off the recent events that me off. OOC: So basically the current plot has reached its end, and the next big change in events will come up at the end of this topic closing and new location topics being put up. Until then, this topic is for people who want to wrap stuff up to continue posting until the next arc starts. To get a hold on the rough events, check out the linked posts in the latest News and Discussion page, you should be able to roughly understand it. Otherwise you can always check out the bzprpg wiki which covers earlier big plots @Lipuret McKaukau
  17. o7 to those we lost along the way 2014-2019 @Daniel the Finlander you can revive new characters in the next arc actually
  18. IC: Arabeth - Ihu-Koro The Toa of Lightning pushed upon the door of the Trout and Bear and looked in. It was a quiet, welcoming, and most importantly, warm establishment. Arabeth immediately entered and stood close to the fireplace.
  19. IC: Arabeth - Ihu-Koro "Yeah. I hope the other Koros are planning on retaking it before these ###### use the Koro as a base to spread further." They passed by what looked like a modest tavern. "Want to check this out?" IC: Lunefeld - Ko-Koro Lunefeld bit back a curse as the Kahu lunged at him. He barely managed to dodge the worst of the blow with a roll and brief application of his power, but the giant bird still managed to knock him flat on the floor, and it was now standing over him. Snarling, the criminal drew his Derringer and took aim at the beast's face, and squeezed the trigger, unleashing a close-range blast of hot lead into it. He didn;t wait to see the result, focusing instead on pushing himself up and to the side, aided by his elemental powers, before lunging back into the building.
  20. IC: Lunefeld - Ko-Koro The sound of the fall registered clearly, but Lunefeld knew that did not mean much. Nonetheless, the rider was out of sight. He crept out of the building, mask still activated, and spotted two groups diving in opposite directions, converging on- The sniper. Lunefeld recognised him as one of Nightfall, and most likely the shooter that had already downed several flyers. It would not do for him to die. He exerted his power for a brief moment, manipulating gravity around one of the flights of riders, while looking around to see where the previous rider had fallen. IC: Arabeth - Ihu-Koro "You... have not heard? Ko-Koro is under... new management," she said, her guilt swelling up again. I should have stayed and fought. "Followers of the Dark God. Refugees have been streaming out of the village since the capture."
  21. IC: The Chaplain - Road to Redemption "'And the Archangel said unto him, "Banish fear from your heart, the dark tendrils of the Pretender "Banish doubt from your heart, seeds of betrayal of the False Builder "By the Archangel's glory, no harm may befall you.' As it is written in the Book of Life." Dryken stopped then, opening his eyes. The craggy ceiling of the cave, barely illuminated by lightstones, stared back at him. The Chaplain slowly rose to his feet and surveyed the entourage. A wounded Toa, a Lesterin, two Matoran and an injured Skakdi. These were the only survivors Dryken had found after Blackrock was destroyed. The loss still haunted him after all these weeks. Not once, but twice in his lifetime, he'd seen the Brotherhood forced from their ancestral home. It was worse this time, as he'd already experienced the pain and loss once, and the subsequent loss of direction. Not to mention that this time, the Fortress was well and truly levelled. "We must continue, brethren." Quietly, the group slowly rose from their makeshift camp, packing up swiftly (as they had few possessions) and continuing their march through Onu-Wahi's tunnels. The servants of the Serpent and Usurper had been quick to capitalise, Dryken fumed. Barely an hour after the explosion, a raiding party of bandits, clearly linked to the Legacy in their mannerisms and arms, had arrived the the Fortress. Thoughts of continuing the alliance had been dashed as Dryken watched from under the rubble as the Legacy troops murdered any surviving Acolytes on the outside of the ruins, before looting several vital artifacts and leaving. "This way," Dryken said, leading the group through a branch in the tunnels. It was after that that the Sentinels arrived in force. In the time between the two groups' arrival, several of the able-bodied survivors had pulled their brethren from the ruins, but they were struck down by the Sentinels as they rode in, skewering fleeing unarmed Acolytes and gunning down the Knights where they stood. "Hold," the Lesterin said, after several minutes. She had heard something, and Dryken, though old, heard it too. It sounded like Rahi. Dryken had been slow to pull himself out, and when he did, all that was left was but less than a dozen survivors. It was clear that they were all Knights and servants. He was ranking commander. Dryken was tempted to stay and rebuild, but it was clear that Blackrock was no place to remain. With a heavy heart, he explained his plan to the group. They had deferred to his expertise. "Down!" Dryken ducked as the Toa slashed past him, burying his blade into the Fikou behind Dryekn, a second before the Kofo-Jaga behind the Toa struck him through the chest. They had lost so many in the journey, and this was only the latest. A primal scream erupted from the old Matoran as he hacked away at the Kofo-Jaga, stabbing it from behind repeatedly with his staff, in between spurts of its blood that washed over him. The Skakdi dispatched the Fikou she was fighting and turned, taking the distraction Dryken had made and firing her harpoon into the Kofo-Jaga's face. The beast screeched as it died, echoing throughout the tunnels. The journey was long, but after so many months, finally, they had reached their destination. A short service followed, followed by a burial that consisted of collapsing the tunnel on the corpses. Dryken wiped away the blood from his face as they continued. Lost in thought, he almost missed their destination, hours later. "Cardinal." He looked up, and saw it. The secret entrance. It was unmistakable. Months had passed for this. A shudder ran through his frame as he remembered it. It was hidden in plain sight, nothing to the passers-by hurrying to their destination, but blindingly obvious to the devoted. Barely lit by purple lightstones, a single rune on the side of this tunnel marked the secret entrance to their new, old home. "Darkmine."
  22. IC: Lunefeld - Ko-Koro Streets He was almost too slow. Several projectiles zipped through the air towards Lunefeld while he was concentrating. He heard the whizz of the disks just in time to dive away, blindly throwing his power out behind him. The projectiles only partly deviated, and they tore up the street as he rolled into the nearest building wall. He felt some shrapnel rip through his cloak and crack against his armour. The break in concentration turned off his Huna's power for a second. He was not too worried for the moment as the rider was pulling out of the attack, though he had to figure how he was detected. The Toa watched as the snow thrown up by the attack fluttered down. Footsteps. Lunefeld activated his Huna again, and let a forth a circular push of gravitational energy, throwing up much of the snow on the ground. That was merely a decoy, as he pulled out his staff and smashed through the door of the nearby building, already weakened by the recent strafing attack. He ducked in and watched through the window, concentrated on the rider breaking away. Channeling his frustration, he focused his power on the rider, aiming to rip the gunner off the Gukko by pulling in two directions. He hoped the sniper was still watching.
  23. IC: Zekev - Po-Koro (Outside the Wagon's Rest) Was that a type of job? Probably his name. I sure as Karz was not going to share my name so soon after assisting in invading Ko-Koro and subsequently being thrown out. "I... am a very hungry Skakdi who would like a place to rest." We paused, stopping in front of an inn with a well-worn sign above the entrance. The Wagon's Rest. Looked like a reliable, safe establishment. Certainly not the kind of place I would be caught dead in just months ago. "But you can call me Akruz," I said, almost off-handedly, as we entered the establishment. It was the name of an old acquaintance of mine, long before I embraced the Archangel's light. I think I still remembered where I dumped what was left of his corpse. I found a seat by the wall. The tables were cracked and the seat too small for my arse, but it was good enough. "You want to get anything?" I asked Luntep as I sat.
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