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Everything posted by JiMing

  1. IC: Olivia/Dahlia/Aspen Seaton "Burgers should be alright, then, thanks Jessie." Olivia replied. The redheaded trainer cracked a small grin, and chuckled as they walked. "You know, if Mom knew where we were eating out, she'd be throwing a fit right now. Pizza, burgers, it'd only be worse if we had extra-large sodas." Dahlia was caught off guard by Evan's sudden change in mood. The self-declared Ex-Hero had been bombastic and jovial moments before. But now... Now he was solemn and his voice wasn't as commanding as before. "...Okay. I'll keep that in mind..." she muttered in reply. Something about his warning still seemed odd, and the gardener's gaze stayed focused on Evan for a moment longer, before she began walking. "Mr. Paul Burks then." Aspen said, shaking Paul's hand with a smile on his face. The youngest Seaton chuckled softly when he felt Terry against him, and knelt to give the Herdier a pet on the head. "From the looks of it, Dahlia is gonna stick with Evan for a bit, so maybe I could join too? We'll see. Thinking on an empty stomach isn't fun."
  2. IC: Aspen/Dahlia/Olivia Seaton Aspen paused. He hadn't considered what he might be able to do after Celadon, and was simply thinking of staying with his siblings for as long as he could. But here was Paul, offering him a chance to help search for Ellen... "Thanks for the offer, Mr. Ellen's Dad." he replied. "I'll consider it. Zach and Ryan were heading to Snowpoint to make sure their relatives are safe, and my siblings seem to be going with them but... I think I have some stuff I'll have to work out myself. We'll see." the youngest Seaton said, taking a deep breath. Dahlia blinked at Evan's sudden posing, and blinked. "...O-oh. That makes sense." she replied, not entirely sure what to make of the Ex-Hero at that point in time. "Lunch would probably be the best time to explain things more over, and stuff. I mean uh, I could probably only ask Giratina so much about the job..." "Lunch sounds nice, yeah. But where are we headed?" the eldest Seaton asked. "I mean, almost everyone's heading to the Department Store I think. Maybe they've got burgers or pizza in there or something? I don't know." Olivia said, shrugging.
  3. IC: Lachina Adaon Lachina landed on her feet and got up, frowning and groaning, a hand over her forehead. "Don't try that trick on me twice." she warned, and shook her head to clear it, looking at everyone around her with a frown. The undercover Ranger took a defensive stance, and kept the wrist with her Capture Styler out in front, even if it wouldn't help the situation, just having it first felt right. Aolani opened her mouth, energy coalescing around it. She targeted the Pokemon that had fallen back, and launched forth a Dragon Pulse, haphazardly aiming it in the process.
  4. Shovel Knight. Specifically, the Plague of Shadows campaign that was patched in. Even though the stages are only slightly different, Plague Knight's controls and mechanics are so wildly different from Shovel Knight it's really close to feeling like an entirely new game. Still amazed that Plague of Shadows is a free update...
  5. IC: Aspen/Dahlia/Olivia Seaton Aspen nodded, and listened to Paul's last statement with intrigue. "...Well. Guess we've both got our regrets." he said, and sighed. "Well, not much we can do about things now. But thanks. I wish you luck." the youngest Seaton said sincerely. "We'll have to try our hardest, it's what Ellen would want, I'm sure..." Dahlia chuckled nervously, shrugging. "W-well, guess we both didn't see this coming." she said, smiling afterwards. "Well then, it's an honor to meet you, Ex-Hero! Mr. Giratina told me to seek you out so I know you've got to be pretty amazing!" the gardener told Evan, thinking for a moment. "Though... I should ask some questions. One, what's uh, what's reverse? And.. What's expected of a Heroine of Reverse, if you have an idea?" the middle Seaton asked, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm still surprised about all this, but... I'll give it my all! I won't let this opportunity given to me be wasted!" "That's the spirit, Dahlia." Olivia said, grinning. "Congrats! With an attitude like that, I'm sure you'll do us all proud." the oldest Seaton said confidently. "Just uh, be careful around that Evan guy. He seems to be the clumsy type or so."
  6. And the spoiler character of Xenoblade Chronicles is in the game too. While I personally don't care for spoilers... Yeah I don't think people are too pleased with this addition. Doesn't help that not a lot of people actually played Xenoblade... Oh and Chrom finally got his chance another day. Yaaaaaaaaaay!
  7. IC: Aspen/Dahlia/Olivia Seaton Aspen looked up, surprised at Paul's words. He struggled to find something to say, and then noticed the Pokeball in his hand. "...Y-yeah. Your daughter's... Something else." he said with a shaking voice, staring right at the Pokeball. "I-I didn't make a good impression on Ellen, but she still treated me well, and said I was a friend... I wish I could go back and apologize." the youngest Seaton said, and sighed. "A-a little late now though, but... When you find her again... Could you please tell her I'm sorry?" Dahlia turned to Zach, and blinked, surprised he thought it was already time to bring that up. "...Well if you say so then..." the middle Seaton muttered somewhat awkwardly, turning to Evan. "So. you're the Hero of Space, right? Well... I was contacted by someone, who told me to find you." she said, and took a deep breath. "...Giratina was the one who contacted me. He told me I had been chosen to become a 'Heroine of Reverse', and to seek you out and all... If you don't believe me, I'm bewildered myself, don't worry." the gardener said, chuckling nervously. "But... Yeah. I was told to just ask you stuff... Not sure what, but I'll figure that out." Olivia watched as the four of them departed, and then looked back at Zach. "Hmm, that leaves us, Jessie, and that clown Evan, right?" she said, and looked around. "At least we have to treat four less people to lunch, huh? Our wallets won't have to cry." she pointed out teasingly, grinning while she said that.
  8. Woo-hoo! I have that exact same attitude, really. Something about crossovers really catches my attention. xD ...pfffffffffffffffffft wow that's amazing. (If that wasn't tongue-in-cheek that was supposed to mean off-topic culture. As in, this is a story that would be posted to that forum. xP)
  9. As the title suggests, none of this is final. I literally just came up with it today and I haven't set anything in stone yet. So anyways, my idea is a story centered around side-protagonists (so no generic shopkeeps from a JRPG or anything, people with a name and impact on the story but not serving as the main point of view) from different media getting invited to a sort of... Vacation home? Vacation neighborhood? Not sure what it's called. Anyways, said characters get a letter saying something along the lines of "We feel your contributions could use appreciation!" that invites them to the place, so a bunch of these wildly different side characters from wildly different series all end up in this one place. And for the first part or more, it'd be a sitcom-ish story about this ragtag group struggling to get along well and also live a rather mundane life. However... There's the potential that, as the story progresses, those at the vacation home could discover secrets that suggest something less than wholesome at work.... Or something like that. =P So yeah. That's about it. The collab part comes from selecting interested folks to control two(?) side characters from some series of their choosing, no original characters or fanon additions. Aside from a few chapters that require input from multiple writers (probably handled with a Google Doc), it'd mostly be an at-your-own-pace setup, with each member writing a chapter from the perspective of their chosen characters. If this actually becomes a thing I'll formalize a selection process but for now, I'll just listen to people who habe anything to say. I'm sure the concept needs a ton of refinement, and truth be told, I'm not sure I could actually make this happen? But if things work out alright and enough people would want to see this... Well. Time to hope for the best.
  10. IC: Aspen/Dahlia/Olivia Bree hopped on quickly onto Gnip's head, standing still like a good little passenger. The fire chick chirped some more compliments to the Garchomp, too happy to notice the discussion the others were having. Aspen blinked, and sighed in response to Paul's question. "She was really capable, and we were in a hurry, not really thinking straight..." he explained, and looked down. "I'm... I'm sorry for leaving her behind. She really helped out during Sootopolis, even ran into a burning building to save an Eevee..." the youngest Seaton muttered, still grabbing Saya's Pokeball without realizing it. Dahlia looked to Ryan, and blinked. "I thought we already went over it how you shouldn't dwell on what happened..." she muttered. "Shannon didn't blame you, so you shouldn't keep worrying about it. I mean, is that what she would want really?" the middle Seaton asked Ryan. Unlike the Hikari however, Dahlia didn't notice any sort of change with Jenny, as she was acting like the gardener remembered her to be. Olivia shrugged in response to Ray's comment, rubbing the back of her head with the hand not holding Zach's. "Yeah, things have been eventful for us the past few days, to put it lightly." she said, and shrugged. "Though, apparently I've missed a few months of weird stuff with Zach and you guys, so maybe when we go for lunch, that could be explained... And Jessie?" the redhead added, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "...Colorful boyfriend you got there. Matches someone like you to a tee."
  11. IC: Olivia/Dahlia/Aspen Seaton Aria turned at the group, looking at each of them curiously. Though she remained quiet, the Lucario also turned her gaze to Ryan, closing her eyes, and opening them, an unimpressed expression appearing on her face. "...That barrier you put up couldn't keep out an Abra. Do you really think it'd be capable of halting me?" she said simply, and shrugged. "No matter. The orange-haired boy gets it. Thank you for relaying the information with brevity. Some people just have no manners..." the Lucario said, sighing. Bree stood still as Evan struck his pose, politely waiting for the Ex-Hero to finish. Upon being thrust into the sky, the fire chick gave out an approving chirp, having enjoyed the trip that ended with her above the others, looking around. When facing Gnip again, she also chirped another greeting, not upset over the growling from earlier. Olivia blinked, the conflict with Aria ending as quickly as it had started. Quickly petting Terry on the head after the lick, she looked up, and blinked. "Wait, Ellen? The girl we saw in Sootopolis?" she muttered, raising an eyebrow. "She left to go find a friend who could help for the Celadon battle yesterday, didn't she? Now she's been kidnapped by some strange person?" the redhead muttered, squeezing Zach's hand as she contemplated what could be happening.. Dahlia giggled, and gave Terry a quick rub on the head, but looked up when the others started talking about Ellen. "The little girl? She was very friendly and sweet, last I saw her..." she said, and blinked. "Yeah. She had wanted to find a friend, because she didn't want the people in Celadon to suffer when a Rocket executive attacked it... I didn't think about it yesterday but... She didn't show up." the gardener said, starting to become very worried. "McKinley? Ford? Castelia??" Aspen said, blinking hard. "I-I-I'm not sure what's happening but... Ellen's been kidnapped, so that's not good." he replied, grabbing Saya's Pokeball without realizing it. "Yeah, when Sootopolis was in trouble, she was the first on the scene, and it seemed she cared about keeping everyone safe. You're all looking for her, then?" the youngest Seaton asked, blinking. "That's why you're here?" "...That Torchic is my trainer's, as a side note." Amethyst noted, looking at Bree being held up by Evan. "And now back to your serious discussion."
  12. IC: Olivia/Dahlia/Aspen Olivia watched Zach apologize, smirking slightly. She walked up to the auburn-haired trainer, and lightly punched his shoulder. "A bit dramatic there, Zach..." the redhead said amusedly, before turning to the others, reaching for her friend's hand as she did so. "So, I've been told about most of you here, and while some of you know me already-hi Ray, hi Jessie-I should probably introduce myself. I'm Olivia Seaton. I see Bree led us to you, huh?" "It's very nice to meet you all!" Dahlia said, smiling warmly at the others. "I'm Olivia's sister, Dahlia, and this is our brother, Aspen. What brings you all here?" the gardener asked, observing those there, trying to find out which one was Evan. Aspen scratched the back of his head, and blinked. "Oh, uh, hi." he said, blinking again. "Funny meeting you people here. Feels like it's been one coincidence after the other, really..." he said, putting a chin to his finger at the situation. Bree was slightly confused at Gnip's reaction, tilting her head. When Evan picked her up and scratched her beak though, the tiny fire chick was overjoyed, squealing with approval. She turned behind her to see her trainers speaking, and chirped excitedly. Amethyst had been in her own thoughts when she felt an unfamiliar presence reach out to her, causing the Gardevoir to snap back to reality, looking around for the source. Upon seeing Sylph, she blinked, and relayed a quick "Hiya. Amethyst, call me Am." While there wasn't anything particularly threatening about her, the last Gardevoir Amethyst had met had tried to kill her, which she wanted to not occur here. Aria closed her eyes, opening them as the blue faded from them. "Though your faces are lined with joy, there is something troubling each and every one of you." she noted, looking at the other group of people. "Do you mind relaying the information to us? It would save me the effort of prying through your thoughts, one by one."
  13. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    IC: Reyna Pherae The Hero turned around to find what looked to be yet another Hero holding his hand out for her to shake. "I apologize, but handshakes aren't what I'm accustomed to." she said politely, but then bowed. "My name is Reyna Pherae. What's yours, fine fellow? How did you get here?"
  14. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    OOC: Oops. Well now I'm kinda not sure what to do now xP
  15. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    IC: Reyna Pherae Reyna twisted her body to deflect some of the laser shots with her sword, grunting as she was slowly being pushed back. Thinking quick, she swiped her blade to the side, producing a wave of fire, wincing as she took a few shots to the shoulder in the process, however, due to the close proximity, it was also unlikely the robot could dodge the flames and the sword swipe.
  16. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    IC: Reyna Pherae Reyna first deflected a few lasers using her sword, then ran under the others, hanging low to the ground. She used that opportunity to close in on one robot, lighting up her sword and slashing at the torso of a robot with her fiery blade.
  17. IC: Lachina Adaon Unfortunately, the Ranger did not see the black-haired man coming, and promptly got lifted off the ground, struggling against his grasp. Lachina was rather sick of being called a kid then, and yelled out, headbutting the man gripping her, trying to force him to let go. Aolani didn't take the Metal Sound kindly, even as she used Cotton Guard to defend against the Ice Beam. She let out another Hyper Voice, and held it for a long time, before preparing another Dragon Pulse for later.
  18. IC: Lachina Adaon "Gotta do what we have to in order to not die." Lachina muttered, kicking the sprawled-out goon's temple. She turned her head, and frowned at the black haired main who had locked the door approach them, and held her ground for the moment, looking around as to ensure she wasn't ambushed. Aolani cried out upon seeing more Pokemon be released, and turned to the Volcarona and Walrein, charging up a Dragon Pulse, and blasted the two of them. The Altaria wasn't very occupied with ensuring their trainers wouldn't be struck, and so made no effort to prevent the goons from ending up in the crossfire.
  19. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    OOC: Hmm... Yeah. Thanks fishers! And thanks for giving Reyna something to do. IC: Reyna Pherae The five robots passed her, snapping the Hero out of her confused stupor, reinvigorated, she dashed low to the ground towards the tower, preparing her sword. When close enough, Reyna swung her sword, sending a stream of flames arcing towards the robots, also attempting to slice at least one of them in half with her superheated blade. OOC: But sadly positioning has me all confused too.... Sorry. .-.
  20. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    OOC: Reyna's position is... Well, ambiguous. She was heading to the main communication tower I think beforehand, but stopped midway. So it's pretty open right now.
  21. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    OOC: So now I'm kinda completely lost on what to do, sorry... Just not sure what I could really be participating atm with all this going on.
  22. IC: Lachina Adaon "...Well it was worth a shot." Lachina sighed, as the battle started. She turned to Aolani, whose eyes lit up at the prospect of being able to fight once more. The Ranger sighed, and nodded, covering her hands with her ears, and quickly shouting for Mercury and Zac to do the same. A moment later, the Altaria let loose an earsplitting screech, directing it to the Bisharp. During the aftermath of the attack as Aolani charged the Bisharp, Lachina dashed forward quickly and reached out for a goon's arm, tossing them on their back if she was capable of doing so
  23. IC: Lachina Adaon The undercover Ranger paused. She, Mercury, Zac, and their Pokemon had just been found out, and were stuck at the moment, with a strange man holding them up. Lachina desperately thought of a way out of the situation while keeping her breathing steady... Until she realized that a) she wasn't in her Ranger outfit, and b) looked slightly younger than she actually was. "What meddling...?" she asked in a confused tone, blinking and seeming in shock. "We were just passing by the Gym, and saw the door was open... Why are you glaring at me like that?" the undercover Ranger asked, eyes widening. "Are you... M-mad at me...?" she muttered, feigning being upset.
  24. In no particular order, here's my personal roster of characters I use in Smash 4! I'd like to think I use a pretty good variety of characters, and this is by no means final of course... But hey! This is who I tend to Smash with the most at the moment when playing with friends. The personalized roster creator I used to make this can be found here.
  25. JiMing

    HF RPG 2.0

    OOC: My indecisiveness is kicking in because it seems Katherine and Saracen are doing just fine so please bear with me here sorry sorry sorry. xP IC: Reyna Pherae "Oh, no! If you truly do need my help, I'd be willing to do what I can!" she said over the comm to Azure. Despite being made to take charge in tough situations, it seemed she had a long way to go, with her indecisiveness kicking up. "Both buildings are rather tall, and would require me to climb them one way or another, so it's not like that'd make much of a difference..."
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