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AuRon the champion

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Everything posted by AuRon the champion

  1. Ic: Kristen Hailey was never really a happy person. Sure, she had ups every so once and a while, but her life's story seemed to be the result of simply a train of unfortunate events, mishaps, tragedies, mistakes, and brutal failures. If she believed in fate, she would've lamented that it had the writing skills of some obscure paperback edgy-teen writer. In any case, most of the civilized world took the death of the Red Skull in stride. Some people partied until they were so drunk on hooch that they lost the ability to properly function. Some people were filled with hope and joy. Some people were just flat-out relieved. Kristen Hailey didn't really feel anything about the whole affair, other than a twinge of joy that all the X-Men made it out alive, and a flair of anger at the deceased tyrant and his organization. Ever since the X-Men returned home, she kept to herself, thinking about recent events and trying to figure out how to get her life in order. She showed up for meals, but when classes resumed she was still locked away in her room. Alone, per usual. So she was alone when she realized that she hadn't felt much about New York, and that needed to change. She figured, in her flawed, confusing sort of way, that the best way to change was to talk to someone, come clean about all her thoughts. What really happened with Walker, the guilt she felt, the madness of the voices that despite Ashlynn's best efforts- still managed to plague her dreams at night and eat away at the dull edges of her sanity. So after this personal revelation, she tried to figure out who she could actually talk to- realizing that she didn't have any real friends, or the people she had considered friends didn't really want to talk to her, and the people wanting to talk to her weren't really interested in hearing what she wanted to say and instead were more interested in other things than cheap talk. This left her with one person, who had said once before she'd be willing to listen to Kristen... Kristen knocked thrice upon Doc. Thomas's door, before folding her arms and waiting. She was dressed in what one could call her usual- A black men's v-neck, dark red and black pleated skirt that ended around her kneecaps, and black long socks. The usual. At least the red matched her eyes.
  2. Ic: "Regardless, she needs a set of eyes on her."
  3. Ic: "There's objects that respond to people with the potential for magic, and they react differently," Sam explained. "... Although, I might've read it wrong..." Sam admitted, thinking slowly, "I'm not best known for being uh- organized."
  4. Ic: "I'm positive," Sam said with a nod, before elaborating, "I had her do a few little tests of my own- little tests that gage if someone has the capability to perform magic, as well as her innate ability. For the latter, she effectively broke the upper limit of the test. No mutant power, advanced technology, bracelets from space or other kinds of genetic modification, are capable of doing that."
  5. Ic: "She needs constant supervision, at least until she becomes more mature and learns how to control the power at her disposal," Sam said after several seconds of thinking. She paused for a moment, musing on her own suggestion, before speaking. "Someone that isn't her... Compatriots. The other girl seems to be a handful, and the young woman seems to be already occupied with her. I personally fear that the clueless innocence she's displayed so far is a cover for something, like a wolf in-" Sam glanced at Krystal, worried that she might've offended the SHIELD agent. "Ahem, like a feral beast in sheep's clothing."
  6. Ic: Sam skidded to a halt, barely able to make such a quick stop without sliding. "Yes-" she said, and without catching for breathe began to lapse into an explanation. "This girl- or whatever she actually is -is casaba of magic on a scale Ive never seen before. Not only that, but she's capable of using it instantly, at whim, whenever she pleases. What tops this? Your doctors say that there's no records on her. Thing is, someone like her would be instantly detected at birth- the concentration of focused magic would be almost like a beacon to anyone focusing -and nothing in her age range has ever been detected. I think she needs to be contained until we can discover her upper limits." And this was the point that Sam started to breathe again.
  7. Ic: Elsewhere, Trinity was still around. Unlike Aella, she wasn't much more complacent with the doctor's examinations- particularly on where exactly she drew power on. No active mutant gene, or some sort of cosmic macguffin that she drew power on, so there was one last explanation for her powers. "Magic," Sam had said, with clenched jaw and a firm nod. Her recovery from the base assault had taken longer than the magician had anticipated, but as soon as she learned of Trinity's unique powers, she was immeaditely giving Trinity a number of magic-limit tests. "This girl is dripping with magic. What she's doing? I could never do in my wildest dreams. And you say she doesn't exist in the records?" Sam asked. After her tests, she immediately began to question the doctors who had been conducting the more mundane- yet still important -medical tests. They'd also been dodging her questions. "Basically?" Sam didn't offer a reply- she was off to find the nearest person in charge.
  8. I'd be down for a mad max game. And after all, the chaos, gore, and flat-out insanity got turned down for borderlands, and that turned out- oh wait.
  9. To be fair, both of you are being buffoons. Back to the subject at hand, ASOIAF's more... Mature subject matter is something that would quickly die on BZP forums, for the reasons everyone else has said. A Runescape RPG would be, obviously, much more popular, just because of all the whacky hijinks we could do. After all, it's OTC. Since when have we ever had a successful RPG with a serious plot line and serious characters?
  10. Ic: "Yes- I'm sorry about that," Jiyu apologized. He guessed that she'd tell him that he shouldn't have apologized, but it's the thought that counts. He felt like he should apologize, so he did.
  11. Ic: The Healers weren't pleased to find out that Herupa Jiyu had been injured once again, and so soon after the last time. Fortunately, while the wound was deep, a mask of healing and good-old-fashioned medicine ensured that he'd regain full use later. For now though, he was just warned to take it easy. And it would also scar. "Of course it would scar," Jiyu grumbled as the duo left hours later. He knew it wouldn't matter much, as he had already begun his own little collections. "So, any place you would like to stop before going to Oki, Shuuan?"
  12. Whose turn is it to post so things can happen?
  13. Yes, why is the police investigation so open-ended? It's taking a ridiculously long time for out interpred investigators to figure things out when there are no clues :/
  14. I guess the ball is in everyone else's court now.
  15. Ic: Jiyu wanted to stay though, perhaps for a moment more... But he knew that Shuuan was right, and staying to provoke Kulrik would only lead to a conflict that really wasn't worth his time. ::Let's go.:: Jiyu thought, turning to walk with Shuuan.
  16. Ic: Jiyu's anger flared. If anyone was privy to his mind, it was as if a thunderstorm had formed out of a clear sky. Fortunately, nobody was privy to his mind, and he kept his face neutral- He could feel his breathing quicken though, and his pulse elevate, by being around idiots like Kulrik had the tendency to irritate him to the point of violence. Thankfully for the both of them, Jiyu remained outwardly calm. "You forget your station, First Son, I am the Regent of clan Herupa. Which means, in the absence of a proper Toroshu, I am Toroshu," Jiyu stated, his single eye burning at Kulrik, "And the last time I checked, You have no right to disrespect anyone, least of all me."
  17. Ic: "You seem very intent on keeping Shuuan close by your side, Vilda Kulrik," Jiyu said with a bemused smile, "Is there anything else you'd like to say while your on your little rant?"
  18. Ic: Jiyu held in a laugh as he began to walk with Shuuan, heading towards the healers. ::Perhaps I should add it to my regular attire then?:: He jested, a small smirk on his face, ::It's not as if I'm lacking in character or anything...::
  19. ... I have the original Zelda collection on GameCube if you want to borrow it...
  20. Ic: "More trouble," Jiyu said with a sigh. ::Shuuan, if you'd like, once we visit the healers we can go back to my home... I do believe you'd enjoy the grounds there...::
  21. Ic: "Considering the lack of difficulty we suffered actually entering the chamber and retrieving the object, I doubt it'll be vital," Jiyu said with a frown, "Do what you want with it, but don't ask someone else to carry your burdens, Kulrik."
  22. Ic: "Shuuan, can you sense anything that way?" Jiyu inquired.
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