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The Swimming Beard

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Everything posted by The Swimming Beard

  1. Granted. It is so underpowered that it can't even move. I wish I owned a restaurant.
  2. Correct. TPBM is a fan of the CUPCAKE SEAL. (The actual seal, not my username.)
  3. 7 is one of the best MOCs I have ever seen, let alone of those in this contest.
    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      If you keep making such great MOC's I fear you will be arrested. lol

    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


  4. A Toa of Light, turned to Shadow. Originally, Xiroc was an ordinary Av-Matoran in Karda Nui. When the Makuta invaded, however, he became a Toa, and was trained as a sniper. However, soon into the fight, he killed a Shadow Matoran, and was exiled from the forces. Enraged, he turned to Makuta - who was unaware that he killed a Shadow Matoran - gaining the element of shadow. He fought as a Makuta sniper in of Karda Nui, fighting the toa and seeking revenge on those who exiled him. That backstory was't great, I know. I must say, I believe this to be one of my best mocs. It will most likely be displayed at several of the remaining Lego conventions this year, including Brickfair VA. Sorry about the bad pics. Thanks for the mask, JMJ. Feedback appreciated.
  5. Thoros, Toa of thorium: (Click the image to view the Mocpages gallery.) This is my first new MOC in quite some time. Another periodic elemental Toa, much like Iodes and Neorus. Regarding the color scheme, the silver represents pure thorium metal, the black represents thorium metal that has oxidized in air, and the white represents thorium oxide powder. C&C are appreciated.
  6. Granted, it's .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% better. I wish for sideburns.
  7. Darn. Well, it was a good run. 3rd place is a lot better than any other contest I've been in. Early congratulations to Ballom!
  8. Witch doctor. All that technic...
  9. What were the actual vote counts? Also, congratulations to the winners.
  10. Granted, but it doesn't work. I wish for free cake.
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