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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Everything posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. 5/5 I love They Might Be Giants.Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2 (bonus points to anyone who knows what this song was written about).
  2. First charity review completed. Lay It Down By Hahli Historian.
  3. This is an SSCC Charity review of Lay It Down by Hahli Historian (review by Proud Stigma).In terms of spelling, grammar, and general flow I encountered no problems.Now when it comes to your story, it does something that I like with the wife. She has self-serving bias, bigtime, with her refusal to accept that she could possibly be at fault. I say that because I know what it is like to deal with someone like that, where despite everything they insist it is "your problem" or "your fault" or how circular arguments somehow "don't apply" to them. This is good because that experience allows me to empathize with the male protagonist and what he goes through with the mother.But what I like more is the character of the daughter, who notices and agrees with the fathers complaints. But most of all it is that she knows that her father does not believe all she has been accused of and she does not want to abuse this. Even though it will disappoint him and she may be punished, she feels that being honest with him is more important then preserving a good lie, and at least in the way that concept is portrayed here, it is sweet to watch it play out.Whether this was intended or not, it could be a stab at how child custody is handled in divorce cases, where the wife usually has a higher chance of winning even when she is not trying to get the child, or in this case, where the daughter is clearly more happy with the father. Intended or not, I found it interesting.The level of detail in the writing itself is quite nice, and your using of the song lyrics as a transition is certainly creative.Anyway it is a good story and I enjoyed reading it, I especially liked the sympathetic characters you placed in there. All in all it was a pleasure to read, we here at the SSCC await your next story.
  4. In reply to your reply about my memory speculation/theory.This is a reply to what you said about fiction in general. Disclaimer: The reply below makes the assumption that all you said in the spoiler box containing my post was directed at me in some way, if it was not then disregard the part that mentions that. Thank you.
  5. I forgot that was today...The person below me won't post stories on BZP for the fear of someone taking your writing and making money off of them, or at least trying to take the credit for it.
  6. Yes, he now resides in my glue bottle. Just kidding, no I don't.The person below me will agree with something that sounds intelligent.
  7. Here are some more examples.-Paranoia, along with simply referring to the feeling that people are out to get you or that you are being watched can also refer to a type of Schizophrenia. -The new Dodge Dart is based on the Alfa Romeo Giuliuetta.-In America there is a Corvette Z06 police car that was originally confiscated in a drug bust and repurposed for pursuits, said car also beat a racing motorcycle in a race.-A satellite was launched to look for Type 3 civilizations on the Kardeschev Scale (a scale which measures how advanced a race is based on their ability to harvest energy, going with the belief that the more advanced your race becomes and the more members of it there are, the more energy you need), it was mostly looking for Dyson Spheres, which should have been fairly easy to spot, but found nothing.-I heard that on gun safety tests in the US, if one says that they would draw a gun as a threat then they immediately fail you because it can also show the, say, robber, that you are unwilling to actually use it.
  8. Nope, I am a ghost .The person below me can do the Gangnam Style dance.
  9. Euphoric even .The person below me loves some things, especially music, the harder it is to remember.
  10. I was thinking of getting some of the SCP games, so possibly, especially if they are free.The person below me will have harmless beliefs that are not the norm for sake of making reality more interesting (or at the very least, interesting to begin with).
  11. I can see those, but here are some more, regarding their "benevolence".-If I am correct, the GBs would try to do something benevolent, but if it screwed up then they did not seem to do much to fix it. Such as the Element Lords, who now still roam the planet with a very bad god-complex.-Since the comparison point for the Forerunners is a spoiler, it is listed in this. As for this thread, I like it, but wouldn't it belong in the halo thread?
  12. Not sure, but I would lean more towards "no".The person below me loves to deconstruct ideas.
  13. Indeed, and I love it.The person below me watches Slenderman content.
  14. Sometimes, perhaps.The person below me realized they don't need swag, after all...
  15. Granted, but it is too big and heavy to be of any practical use to you.I wish to see this be reality.
  16. I don't know those songs.Has been in a situation where everything seemed fine but later turned out to be extremely scary or horrifying when they thought about it later.
  17. I am not saying I would last forever, but certainly longer than you might think (on of my "hobbies" is to get lost and find a new way to return home).The person below me is being watched by The Operator.
  18. Actually no.The person below me likes to be alone in the wilderness, or alone in large areas.
  19. Note that setting someone fire without actually focusing some damage on them (such as when you just sweep past a group) - when they got a Medic and your other teammates aren't shooting at them - is basically just feeding the enemy Über. Make sure to aim for the Medic before you die. A Medic is worth 2 or even 3 other teammembers depending on his skill. For every 125 health he heals, someone has essentially respawned right in the field with no delay. For every person he overheals your team has to pump out a lot more damage to get them down.Medics are usually my desired targets there. Giving proper circumstances of course.
  20. Not really.The person below me watches Marble Hornets. For those curious, it is an ongoing series on ####### about the Slender Man.
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