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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. IC: Diegol (Outside Marine HQ)As he sat, Diegol was gratified to see how many gazes passed right over him without really registering his appearance. Glad to see it still works out here, he thought, his mouth forming a slight grin as he remembered. Still, he thought, there was that one who did notice me...who did remember. Led to some of my better work, actually. Wonder if she's still working here? If nothing else, she'll at least know more about what's going on here.Getting up with his seat, he walks across the street to the Headquarters, arriving just as a Ga-Matoran guard happened to open the door. "Excuse me," Diegol asks, "I'm here to see an old ally. Is Captain Iraira in?"
  2. Nope. At time of introduction, he'll have just found his way into one of the Dark Walks as he fights to find his way to the surface. Most likely the Ta-koro DW, though it could possibly be any of the others.
  3. I think I'm getting into the swing of things. This post only took half of the day to write. Getting started in a new RPG is always hard. :PStill think I'll wait until I've got both Nalita and Diegol running at a good pace before I intro either of the others--or better yet, could try to jam with somebody for Gaargl's intro.
  4. IC: Diegol (Outside Marine HQ)There was a curious amount of activity around Ga-koro today. Good, he thought, I'm an exceptionally curious Matoran.The Mata-Nui Daily had mentioned a squad of the Ussalry visiting the Koro, and now everyone and their brother seemed to be milling about the Marine headquarters. Something big was happening here, and Diegol was going to find out what.Clusters of beings--both native and foreign--milled about outside the Marines' headquarters. There was an air of secrecy about the Koro, as rumors were exchanged as whispered secrets for trusted ears only.But Diegol was a De-Matoran. And whispered secrets were his stock in trade.So far, the rumors he overheard were vague, nebulous. A Marine-sponsored dive--well, of course, they weren't exactly strangers to the task. Recruiting foreigners--unusual, but not unheard-of; at best it indicated the mission was not important enough to dedicate actual Marine resources to. But if it wasn't important--why was the half the Koro abuzz with talk about it? At last he had found one of the fliers--'Name your reward.' What on Mata-Nui? What could possibly be worth that price? It hadn't taken long after that for a loose-lipped pair of guards to mention it--the Kumu Islets. Xa-koro. The City of Danger. Once home of countless thieves, killers, and madmen...now home to their secrets. Yes...that will be worth something. It will be worth something indeed. But would it be worth the risk? Pondering this decision, Diegol decides to make the best of both worlds and wait outside the Headquarters of the Ga-Koro Marines for more information--on this rumored dive, or anything else of interest.OOC: If anyone wants to interact with Diegol, PM me--I can get him pretty much anywhere other than Ko-Koro fairly easily.
  5. "No, I am not in a guild, and...first responder, you said? Ah...that seems...just a moment." Nalita shifts the heavy stack of papers to her left hand, then lifts them above her head so she can actually see the Matoran. "Much better. I...ah...believe that will be good. I will be back with the completed forms." She locates the waiting area the Matoran had indicated and gingerly takes a seat, still balancing the monumental stack of paperwork on one hand. With exceeding care and attention, she finally sets it down in front of her, extracts a writing implement from her satchel, and lifts her hood again before beginning to write. First responder, huh? Probably best to start in the field anyway. More familiar. Too far out of my experience and I might...well... Her thoughts drift back to 'that' day, but she wrenches her attention back to the forms, which seemed to be asking the same questions over and over again using different words. She took a deep breath and released it, using the monotony of the paperwork to focus her mind into something of a trance state. No emotion...no regret...only Peace. Peace. Peace is what I strive for. Peace is all I desire. Peace is what I need...Even in Nalita's meditative state, however, the forms were time-consuming to complete. By the time she finished, the moon, which had hung directly above the village when she arrived, had moved nearly two-thirds of the way to the horizon. She hastens back to the counter with her completed forms, but the brown-eyed Matoran is nowhere in sight. Determined not to repeat her earlier mistake, she gingerly taps the bell and waits.
  6. Strange thought: Aqua Magna had a moon of its own, right? I seem to recall something about moonlight on Mata Nui, but for the life of me I can't think of where. (For now I'll assume a moon unless otherwise corrected.)
  7. OK, despite reading the BZRPG saga guides on the wiki and reading through some of the present topics, I'm still somewhat confused; what exactly is going on in Ga-Koro with the marines and the expedition to Xa-koro? Is it related to the arrival of the Ussalry, or are these two separate events? (And is it still possible to get into one or both of these storylines?)I'm sorry I have to ask all these questions, I really am trying to dig through the saga by reading what's already been written, but there's a LOT of material and a lot of backstories being referenced that I'm missing, so it's somewhat difficult to know where I can jump in without stepping on someone else. :blush:
  8. Awesome, thanks. :)Out of curiosity, have any of the Metru-era Matoran played any significant role in the story thus far? I'm rather a fan of Tehutti, and I'm hoping he'll eventually make an appearance.
  9. IC: Nalita (Ko-Koro, Nuju-Marillion Research Institute)Idiot! Nalita thought to herself. Two extra seconds and you would have seen the bell. Two extra seconds...two extra seconds and maybe you'd still have a partner among the living. Her violet eyes--the only part of her that still betrayed anything of her past--fell and grew dim. "I am sorry. I am...unused to such calm. My name is Nalita, and I seek to heal. I have field experience in use of my abilities, but I have never been in any permanent establishment of healing. I am prepared to serve, in whatever capacity you'll have me." Nalita lowered her hood to reveal her Mask of Healing, wrapping the rest of her cloak more tightly around her as if to counteract the exposure.
  10. IC: Nalita (Ko-koro)So this is the Academy, the cloaked figure thought to herself. She had journeyed for nearly six months now, wandering the island looking for a place where she could heal. Finally, a Ga-Matoran had pointed her here, to Ko-koro--and so she had come. There were two buildings, situated next to each other--she chose the one that appeared most like a place of healing and headed towards it.As she opened the door and stepped inside, Nalita was surprised to find the ever-present chill had abated somewhat compared to how it had been outside--clearly, whoever had built this place had taken everything into consideration. Spotting an attendant at what appeared to be an information desk of some sort, she cleared her throat to announce her presence. "Greetings. My name is Nalita. I am a healer, and I wish to practice my craft. Where may I be of aid?"OOC: Nalita is open for interaction.
  11. Secret-trader. He deals in information, and controlling the flow of said information, for a price.EDIT: What's the general "elemental rock-paper-scissors" weakness for gravity? I can't think of it off the top of my head, and it's the last thing I need for Nalita's profile.
  12. How does the Mata Nui Daily work in-universe? Is it a pre-installed app on all iStones or something, or...?Also, I'm trying to decide whether to have my first char appear in Ta-koro, Ga-koro, or Po-koro. Decisions, decisions...
  13. (Update: All current characters complete! )Diegol Nalita Gaargl Numa + Neko
  14. I like that Sableye and Spiritomb have no type weaknesses--that's their entire gimmick, and without it they're quickly eclipsed by other Pokemon.
  15. Going to take a shot at joining the BZRPG...

    1. Franco


      Your shot was on the dot.

  16. Question: of the BZRPG staff members/other people in charge (or even just those with a lot of experience with BZRPG), who would it be best for me to contact with questions about character creation? Not so much about "is this allowed?" as much as "is this interesting?"
  17. I love watching people play Magic, even though I can't afford a collection of my own (no, seriously, trust me...my LEGO addiction is expensive enough ). I've tried playing once or twice, but never had time for a full game. For me, though, there's a joy in watching that's different and, for me, more fulfilling than the actual act of playing. That's just me, though.
  18. I don't see how borrowing someone's Iron Furnace is a problem, especially if (like me) you bring your own fuel and replant their spider-trampled crops for them when you see it.I don't like being treated like a griefer. I don't grief. I've never griefed. I don't like griefers, and I don't approve of griefing, or even PvP in general. I am the kind of guy who'll hand out spare iron to noobs (assuming I have SOME sort of stable setup already) just out of the niceness of my heart. Bottom line: if I am in the area, only good things will be happening to you. If you don't want me around, fine, but for the love of Mata Nui be nice about it, OK?(In case you can't tell, this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. I'm kind of seriously annoyed at this point, especially because you guys of all people should KNOW me by this point, should know I'm not gonna screw up your stuff. Do I seriously come off like a 'cool dude'? Because I'm not. I don't think I could actually be a 'cool dude' if I tried, I'm just that nice of a person.)
  19. Over-territorial, much? >:-((Not you, sirius.)
  20. I LIKE vanilla DW20, actually. My only suggestion might be to add NEI Mystcraft plugin, and maybe FlatBedrock since vanilla bedrock is annoying and obnoxious.
  21. This post has gained mad respect from me on a number of levels. :DBe sure to PM me if you want to test, I'm usually busy in the mornings but I SHOULD have afternoons free.
  22. But then what happens if Surf is hacked into something that shouldn't be able to learn it? Return of Missingno?
  23. Wasn't Lucario based on the same thing? Or am I confusing it with a different source of inspiration?
  24. I understand Elo's struggle between work and personal projects, I really do. What I don't understand is why she won't accept help from other modification authors, and why she's one of the few big mod authors who's still closed-source. I mean, I GUESS I might be a protective of my work if I were in her shoes, but it seems like such a lonely existence. If she at least had a collaborator (or several collaborators), she wouldn't be alone, and they would be able to stand up for her against all of the criticism--not to mention, it wouldn't be NEARLY as difficult for her to work out the bugs in her code in her limited time.That may be my own loneliness and attitude toward it thereof talking, though. :blush:In any event, some of the other modifications may try to pick up some of the slack. I know Xycraft has some planned features that will serve as alternates to RedPower, and I know there's at least one other modification that's planning to implement microblocks.
  25. What he said. I mean, remember what Minecraft was like the first time you played it? FtB offers another chance to experience that kind of wonder.That said, if you're just too intimidated, I highly recommend Direwolf20's Let's Play series--Season 5 offers a nice overview of many of the Feed the Beast modifications, and his style is generally rather tutorial-esque in style anyway. ;)EDIT: Coestar and Avidya's co-op LP of FtB is another good primer, but it's not NEARLY as in-depth as Direwolf, not to mention their LP was on the FtB Beta pack, which is outdated now. It's a better example of general pace and progression than Dire, though, as Dire is a lot more familiar with FtB and its component mods than Coe is.
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