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Everything posted by Chro


  2. fabulous not really a fan of that nokama but the gali nails the weird lanky mata aesthetic, and of course that tarakava is adorable
  3. exo was the first line i was really obsessed with as a kid, i'd love to see a ccbs reboot
  4. full-game wipe in one round still hasn't happened in a hitman game, has it?
  5. Night 0 death: Blade bladed by Air
  6. i personally like this one, but that aside, you're dead on ding ding ding
  7. I shall be very put out.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion! Nice MOCIt's not my MOC but I based mine off of this one.I wish I knew who made it to give them the credit for it. My bad, I misread "I used this on my child protector MOC, I got the idea from this" as "I used this on my child protector MOC, here it is" Google reverse search says it's by Starbugs on DeviantArt
  9. Thanks for the suggestion! Nice MOC
  10. i mean you are lucifer incarnate so can you really blame them for recognizing your true power love you sv
  11. I vote for TTL's Alto Saxophone
  12. You're definitely right, the Visk's colors are bland – I wanted to round out the colors of the trio but it could've done with more purple than black, rather than vice versa. The Mogont was definitely the most fun to build, and I think the best of the three. Thanks Aanch!
  13. Thanks to the staff for featuring this post! Arna is orange, not Keet, but Metru feet would probably work in terms of proportions. The Mogont is deliberately ultra-lanky, kinda Xenomorph inspired I guess? Thank you! And regarding "seasonal" – I was thinking Halloween, but posted them a little late. Thanks! I really enjoy making pairs of builds that fit together not just from a story perspective, but also visually. Thanks guys! Eh... xd Awww too kind. Thanks for the tip on the link, I'll fix that ASAP. Yes it is! Thanks.
  14. Hey trying to help as much as I can.Still really cool MOCs none the least. Sorry if my tone came across negatively – I appreciate the feedback very much! Thank you
  15. Thank you! Bohrok feet have literally the same issue as the Protector feet. Might work if they came in orange but obviously that's not the case. Unfortunately I don't have enough orange bricks to make feet that'd actually look like feet, but good suggestion.
  16. Alas the only HF 1.0 feet I own are white, and still straddle the line of what's unreasonably large, in terms of this MOC's proportions... and the Protector feet (which were actually used as the base for Arna's anyway) are what I was referring to when I said "looks out of place".
  17. Yeah the feet are a bit weird. I can see what you were trying to do but it still strikes me as odd. Thanks for the feedback. Still working on techniques for small feet that don't look out of place.
  18. Thanks! The blade is from a Technic helicopter set, I believe. The Mogont is indeed eyeless.
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