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Timelady Gallade

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Everything posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. That mew was the slowpoke glitch one silly. xD Okay, now I want a gameboy adavne sp for ruby and sapphire.... Also, i got pokemon stadium for 2 pounds at a charity shop...yeah, i thin i'll just sell, then buy SOUL SILVERRR WOOOOO
  2. Don't think so. But I would love that... someone buy it and then play WITH IT AT NEXT YEARS COMIC CON WOOO
  3. I just caught a mew in my blue game. Levels up easy. Already level 20.
  4. Should be on the science muesum webstite. http://www.giftzone.co.uk/image/cache/dr-who-rc-dalek-2-500x500.jpg I had a ago and I was terrible.
  5. So I went to the science museum today and they had radio controlled inflatable daleks for £35. I just got a K-9 keyring instead. B^D
  6. None, although I have completed Lego Batman DS with every red brick, Traded it away eventually. :3
  7. Oh hey, this is pretty popular. Man, that ebay set MUST be shown to TTV for On Ebay Today. Like seriously. That would be the best thing ever. Better than that $999.99 Kopaka. xD
  8. Im still level 1! Been like that for nearly a year. xD Also, how do I have 54 tyres... o.O Oh, and I have an uncut ruby. Annnd 182 thronrax. O___O
  9. Never got round to buying it, I and wont ever be able to wtahc one ep off yours. Trust me, REALLY short attention span here. Like, I go through 5 videos in 8 minutes. o.O But hey, they look nice. :3
  10. Same. Still, they should add beavers and lizards though. Oh, and never buy membership. Costs too much a year. Besides, 60 dollars for 1 year membership? Thats a rip-off.
  11. can someone come on, its so lonely. i fund like 20 diamods today over 48 gold. can someone plz come on. thnx. EDIT: Please can someone come. so lnely. its like singlepalyer expect with the hope off someone coming. lpz may someione come.
  12. RANA. BEAST BOY. THE TWO STEVES. Me wanty see them. :3
  13. I just got a bulbsaur plush for 1 quid. ^v^ Oh, and got a charmander and bulbasur from two canadain trades.
  14. Granted, now the world is increddibly messing and you tidy the rest of the Milky Way. I wish I had control over paradoxes and time and space and everything and my wish has to always be granted. Got it?
  15. Granted, uou end up killing Akahaten and everyone else in the process. I wish for a paradox. (muhhhhhhahhahh)
  16. Bet its something like: Yabba Dabba Diboda BanbambamdoOooOooOooooooOooOo Try saying that with a straight face! EDIT: TRELO'S GONE INSANE! HEELP! *taptaptaptap*
  17. TELL US. TELL USSS. Also, is it me or is the Racnoss' screaming ''MY CHILDREENNNNN'' Absolutely hilarious?
  18. Comic con. Also, I got Volume 2-4 of the 9th doctor on Dvd today at a carboot sale. Only £1.50. Pretty good huh? Now I need to figure out how it works...
  19. Am I the only persone who doesn't want to see the trailer? Like, spoilers. Yup. Never watch a trailer for a movie/tv show/whatever. Just ruins it.
  20. I found that before you found it. Also, Youtube's allowed now? Did someone wish really hard? Also, I made a model tardis. Tardis' are cool. I'll see if i can get a pic.
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