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Timelady Gallade

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Everything posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. I'll prefer the surprise. Also, I saw this lady who looked a but like Donna. o.O
  2. Nice. So, any one wanna trade for a charmeleon? I need Vullaby and the one before it and ferrothorn to complete my pokedex. Also, on the gts, someone was offering me a level 1 zekrom/reshriam. I knew it was hacks. I saw someone do that on the trade thing on the global link for the dreamworld. edit: i also downloaded a pokemon blue rom and an emulator. chose squirtle 'cause blastosie is BEAST. Gonna use Blastosie in my white party. EDIT 2K Traded away the charmeleon for a vullaby. :3
  3. So when I get pokemon black I should save before encountering Reshriam and keep restarting until its shiny? Lawl. Anyway, i got a FEMALE bulbasaur, piplup and treeco from trading. and an egg that hatched into a deino. that i traded away. EDIT: If anyones planning on deleting their save data for b/w can I have zekrom? (jkjk)
  4. I would want a shiny pokemon, dont care which one. Even patrat. (always hated that dude) Also, are shiny legendary possible?
  5. If they bring it back, why not a few dudes for creator? Built in the old way, 3 in 1 and still bionicle.
  6. Anyone got a good tip for finding shines in the wild? I've never encounorterd one. And I've only ever seen Cyrogonal once. D: Shame I killed it instead of CATCHING it. ;-; Oh. and X, may I please have your friend code? Pretty please? With a ditto on top?
  7. I hope it wasnt a cyberplanner. howcanthatevenberightlikesrsly,nomakeysense
  8. Yeah, it spread to my party, where I now have a charmeleon, a wartortle, lapras, mukips stage. I didn't trade away the alkazam, but I did get an unown. Oh, and a vulpix. and conkeldorr. and I nearly got a shiny but I lost the connection. ;-; WHHHY GTS WHYYY. Most Trades I've done in a day. And yet I still havent traded from the uk. Can I just have my own floor for unity tower now? EDIT: Did you guys secretly wish me luck? Or was it just because I got it one New Years Eve Eve 2012? EDIT2: Oh, and anyone wanna trade friend codes? Heres mine: 2409 4023 0381
  9. So today I traded a level 100 Salamender for a level 100 Alakazam, and it had POKERUS. *faints* Wish me luck on the GTS. Want...Squirtle...Want...Shiny...Patrat... I got a squirtle! :DDD
  10. There was just someone in the pokemon musical called Rose. Rose, I fought you where in Pete's World. Not White Unova.
  11. I got straight 5's on Sats so I can get a reward. I'm thinking sonic screwdriver. Also, when my class we're doing woodwork for DT, they had a few screwdriver. Can you guess the obvious joke here?
  12. ...I wonder if theres an actual Thickania somewhere in the universe. Also, Gallifrey is a real place. Its in Canada.
  13. My totally cool bros got me gameboy collur as a really late birthday prezzie and pokemon blue came with it. I chose Squirtle. MUhahhahahah.
  14. Colin Baker was fired before his regen so McCoy had to do it in a blonde wig.
  15. So when people 12-14 come in, you say let's go there? No, I say Allons-y then leave the dinner hall and go out to the playground.
  16. I want to break in to Demons Run. Heh heh... Geronimo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also, I say Allons-y whenever the year 3-4s come for lunch at school. Allons-y. _________________________________________________________________________ Can I have a fez for Christmas? Pretty please? With a jammy dodger on top?
  17. I dread to think how much Serperior must hurt. (I have its figure). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wouldn't one of those TINY tooth parts hurt?
  18. I think you lot just call me Helryx.
  19. I bet the regenertion music shall be Wake Up from Rings Of Akhaten.
  20. I got a bag full of cards today and there were 6 Squrtles, 6 bulbasaurs and a few charmanders. Oh, and a shiny vaoreon. And Lots of energys. Only 2 eletrics thoigh. Oh, and a few promo pikachus. All that because I couldn't find a gameboy to play Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening on.
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