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Makuta of Time

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Everything posted by Makuta of Time

  1. IC: Caboose [Celldweller] (20/20) Klayton gets up and sees the corpses around him. "This look like something I could make a song into." He notices Luroka and Ghidora around him wonders what's going on. "So this is it huh? What else is new." Klayton then leaves the area where they are and tries to find some shelter so he won't be disturbed. OOC: That's how I'll be calling myself even though I write Caboose on top.
  2. Member Name: Captain Caboose Weapon: An Electric Guitar which channel his powers through. Power: Sonics Appearance: http://img.karaoke-lyrics.net/img/artists/12182/celldweller-284448.jpg Drift Force Weapons: None
  3. One question, can I channel my powers through my weapon?
  4. IC: Dandy Th Feralgatir charged Razorface with its powerful jaws.The Barbaracle blocked its atta by holding its jaws open and pushing it back. "Click, show this gator what small packages contain." Dandy extended his left arm out and the purple Joltik made its way towards his palm. It let out a web of electricity which tangled itself on the Feralgatir. "Nice going little buddy." The bug replied with several clicks. Though the Feralgatir was now even more angry than it was before. It broke the web and was now in a state of rage. "I think we mad it more mad." Razorface placed himself ready to take any hits to come to Dandy at any cost. The Water Pokemon usd Aqua Tail and hit the Barbaracle as it tried to block. "Hang in there Razorface! Click, use your Discharge!" The Joltik happily replied by doing as it commanded and let out a discharge of electricity at the Feralgatir. The Feralgatir was still in rage and it seemed no help was in sight. "If only we had some help."
  5. Seeing how I'm not keeing up so good, I'll put in what I saw from the Earthquake post. IC: [90/100] Caboose's army was the modern Spartan Army. Wielding Mjolnir IV Armor with Hardlight shield and Energy Swords, they were ready for anything. Special forces troops wielded a heavy anti-tank rifle which can blow anything as strong as a tank. Vehicle units stayed close behind the army to provide a means of quick movement. As Caboose's armt advanced forward from Chima base, Caboose himself looked out upon the battles going on. He saw TBK's army laying down fire on Blade's, whom was a valuable ally to him. "Send in the Rocket Jeeps!" Warthogs with rocket launhers on their backs rolled in front of the phalanx and began to bombard TBK's army with missiles. [Attacking TBK's army]
  6. IC: 10/20 Caboose ran away as fast as he could to avoid any further damage from the other fighters. He decided to watch the ohers battle it out as he reloded the China Lake. Once he finished loading all 4 grenades, he looked iut onto the battle to see whi was ready to be obliterated. He saw Chro taking a beating so he decided to return fire at him for the hits he made on him. He fired all four grenades at Chro and swapped to his Scorpion EVO and fired its bullets at him.
  7. OOC: Finally get to introduce myself formally. IC: Dandy The boat rocked back and forth on the waves of the seas. The crew on deck were scrabbling about to get everything in order so they can surpass the storm. on board the boat on the lower deck was Maximus 'Dandy' Sarukai and his Pokemon. Dandy was bot feeling so well with the tumblong of the boat on the rough seas. "Eeh. I don't feel so good." Dandy then grabbed a bucket and proceeded to vomit into it. The purple mutated Joltik on his shoulder gave several clicks into Dandy's ear. "I know it's rough but I can't hold it in. Who knows what will happen to my body." The captain of the boat soon saw that it was hopeless to keep on sailing, but there was no where to dock or to another vessel out. The crew will soon crash onto Seven Isles but how long till then? The further the boat went I to the water towards Seven Isles, the more treacherous the journey was. The captain grabbed his radio and turned it on to an open channel, "May day may day, this Captain Eisenhower. We've been caught into a storm off the coast of Seven Isles. Requesting a search party for survivors of this ship upon arrival. We may not make it out alive." Soon the boat neared a rocky shore of Seven Isles and the ship soon collided with it. The crew was threw in various directions depending on where they were moving towards to. Dandy was thrown forward towards the sandy shore along wih his Pokemon. He became unconscious for a moment and his Barbarcle, Razorface, had to drag him further in land so as to nit be dragging by the waves iut to sea. His Vulpix, Sun Hound, cuddled around him to try to warm him up from the chilling water. Click, the Jultik, just made clicking noises to try to see if Dandy wouldhear his calls. Soon Dandy woke up and looked at his Pokemon. "Thanks guys, I don't know what I would've done without ya." Sun Hound gave him several licks on the cheek and soon went to his side to await him. "Ok guys. Let's find a way out of here before what else happens." To Dandy's bad luck, a Feraligatr poinced from behind a bush at him. "Ah! Great now I'm about to be lunch for a croc. Can this get any worse." Razorfave leapt in front of Dandy and readied himself for combat against the Feraligatr.
  8. IC: [12/20] Caboose now began to get hit by Vox and Rider now. His hp was now at about half and he places another 40mm Grenade into internal mag to have a total of five. He launches all four grenades at Riders position then switches to his Scorpion EVO to fire a barrage of bullets at him.
  9. OoC: Chro, do not reply to the pistol shooting at your feet. I just remembered I do not have a M9 but a China Lake. So...GRENADE OUT! IC: [16/20] Caboose falls down as he trys to dodge the shadow blasts but is hit. As he lays down, he pulls out his grenade launcher and fires at his feet. OOC: This is what you should've replied to. This is just the previous post placed with the correction.
  10. Pupwa's been eliminated. I don't know how he's alive. Someone explain. (Will return at 4:30 p.m CDT)
  11. IC: [16/20] Caboose couldn't make it in time to dodge the blast of shadow as he barely maade it to the left when he got blasted in the legs. "Ouch! That hurt." Caboose pulled out his Berreta M9 and fired at Chro's legs as to cripple his legs. Caboose then got up an ran for cover so as not to be hit by Chro once more.
  12. IC: [17/20] Caboose noticed on his HUD that he was being attacked from behind. As he turned around he saw Chro im his sights. He reloaded his Scorpion EVO 3 and fired his entire mag at Chro while charging him. (Charging Chro)
  13. IC: Caboose (20/20) I think Still not knowing who's against who, Caboose run out of his hiding spot shooting widly into the air. "I don't know what I'm doing!" OOC: Didn't Pupwa die from me? Why is TBK attacking if he's eliminated.?
  14. I have an idea for a Mafia game. We set it in a city modern to ours but the "village" is a subdivision in the city. The Dark Hunters are like actually mafia people trying to harm the people of the subdivision and if they succeed, they terminate eveyone and collect the insurance money. Execution will be done by firing squad. How's that sound?
  15. IC: Caboose [20/20] Doesn't know what in the world is going on and runs into some building while firing buligerante at nothing.
  16. I'm watching the season premiere of Once Upon a Time right now

  17. Member Name: Captain Caboose Weapon: CZ Scorpion EVO A1 SMG Power: China Lake Grenade Launcher Appearance: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140901234535/rvb/images/d/d7/Caboose_S12E16.png Drift Force Weapons:
  18. Nominating: Raiden (Metal Ger Rising: Revengeance) Metal Kor (Jak 2)
  19. I know what it is! I will bet 50 dollars that that mask is the legendary mask of Creation worn only by Arthaka. (My mom's always been making these cruel jokes thya she's going to talk to Lego to stop makin them.) Well guess what, too late!
  20. Please tell me that the sign up is not full and i can enter?
  21. Hey guys, what up. Just dropping by to say I really need to get back the RPs here. So anything new on what happened in the SHIELD mission?
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