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Everything posted by UngluedBike

  1. I'm surprised no-one wanted that Pohatu, thought everyone would go crazy for it
  2. Yes, but that's not why I'm selling them. Even when Bionicle was still around, I wasn't very interested in the story. I liked building sets and collecting masks. I had a ton of fun collecting everything, but it's all been boxed up in my closet for years. I have other hobbies I'd like to pursue. I decided to liquidate my masks and fund other projects while clearing out space. I'll still hang onto a few masks for old times' sake. ahh, seems a shame. Unfortunately I can't afford any of this stuff, but good luck selling
  3. How much for shipping to the UK? I may be interested in your Nuhvok Kal.
  4. why are you getting rid of all these incredible items? have you lost interest in Bionicle?
  5. definitely going for that. INSANE 99p Pohatu Nuva MISB: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=161277625744 I will be going for that too.
  6. overpriced is an understatement. I agree; though I have a feeling that it was a lot funnier to say that it was only "a bit overpriced". hmmm. well anyway, I checked the condition. The spine is torn and there is heavy wear. that thing isn't even worth $5
  7. The planet is made of antimatter. You die. My mask.
  8. peculiar. I got one in my first mask pack some months,ago. that's incredibly lucky. Are you selling it?nope. Got a collection of my own to finish!
  9. peculiar. I got one in my first mask pack some months,ago.
  10. That's weird. none of my avohkii's have ever done that. EDIT: just remembered that they were only unsealed a year or so ago.
  11. I know of 2,506 in public hands: 2,500 mailed to Proto Squad members in June 2003 plus 6 given by Lego to the administrator of another Bionicle site. Assuming all 8 variations were produced in equal amounts, that comes out to about 313 of each Krana type. What makes them so rare is that only a very small number of Proto Squad members were actually part of the online Lego/Bionicle communities. Most weren't. And now, 11 years later, the few that were have moved on. I'd wager at least 90% of all the VMKK and GPKK sent out that summer are collecting dust in boxes in attics and basements. perhaps someone should make a tv advert, might attract some public interest. The question is, how would someone go about that? In this day and age, it would probably be cheaper and likely more widespread to do an online advertisement. Then you need to figure out how it's going to reach the biggest audience. Make it a sponsored Facebook ad? Paid advertisement on Google? - I'll have a look at facebook ads. so many people use that site, it may be worth a shot. If enough people fess up about their GPKK or VMKK, then it will cause a decrease in price and it will allow the less lucky fans to acquire some, because they will be more common. Perhaps we can work out a deal here lhikan.
  12. I know of 2,506 in public hands: 2,500 mailed to Proto Squad members in June 2003 plus 6 given by Lego to the administrator of another Bionicle site. Assuming all 8 variations were produced in equal amounts, that comes out to about 313 of each Krana type. What makes them so rare is that only a very small number of Proto Squad members were actually part of the online Lego/Bionicle communities. Most weren't. And now, 11 years later, the few that were have moved on. I'd wager at least 90% of all the VMKK and GPKK sent out that summer are collecting dust in boxes in attics and basements. perhaps someone should make a tv advert, might attract some public interest.
  13. Just wondering, how many GPKK were there total? I have the number 72 in my head, But I don't think that's right?
  14. That is just sick. @Niven, sick deal. It hasn't got any bids yet. If noone bids, seeing as it has free postage, I might pick it up, I don't know though. This one is from America, DC comics #1-21 missing #16, $20 buy it now. I would have bought it, but the postage to the UK is more expensive than the actual item. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Huge-Lot-of-DC-COMICS-LEGO-Bionicle-1-21-EXC-COND-/251501238628?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3a8ea45964 Wait, I've changed my mind, that Rahkshi will be mine lol looks like you have a rival.I probably shouldn't have posted that here! Looks like my future aquisition got more expensive. Who am I bidding against, you or Wazdakka? Put it this way, I'm not letting it go easily, only thing is I may save my money and go for one of the GPKK >.<
  15. That is just sick. @Niven, sick deal. It hasn't got any bids yet. If noone bids, seeing as it has free postage, I might pick it up, I don't know though. This one is from America, DC comics #1-21 missing #16, $20 buy it now. I would have bought it, but the postage to the UK is more expensive than the actual item. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Huge-Lot-of-DC-COMICS-LEGO-Bionicle-1-21-EXC-COND-/251501238628?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3a8ea45964 Wait, I've changed my mind, that Rahkshi will be mine lol looks like you have a rival.
  16. Hey man! Been a while. I got one through a trade, and one from a sale, and one by contacting an ex-Proto Squad member. Hope you've been doing well. Just PM'd you. EDIT: I Tried to PM you, but it says you cannot receive any new messages. Is your inbox full?
  17. I'd infiltrate russia, and use nukes to destroy the planet. WWYDI A bomb was about to explode on your head?
  18. I really want that Ca, but the only decent things I could offer you are an MISB Pohatu Nuva, MISB Vhisola, and $164. I would love to get it as then I would have a GPKK and a VMKK Ca >.<
  19. That's a rather impressive deal I must say. Yeah, so many Technic-Based Bionicles like Cahdok and Gahdok, Exo-Toa, Various Rahi, Makuta, etc. It would also help if it shipped to Canada. Now, back to some more listings: The headless heroes! yours for only 10 bucks http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Bionicles-Parts-Pieces/281296918560?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222003%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D21143%26meid%3D6024303695836321521%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D9373%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D221405557165&rt=nc Nearly Snapped-Head Nick (Horrible reference) and his buddy, JUMPSUIT IRON MAN! You can see the look of agony on their victim's face... OVER 50 PIECES! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Lot-Over-50-Loose-Parts-Pieces-Hero-Factory-Bionicle/331166974449?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222003%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D21143%26meid%3D6024369179912419387%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D9373%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D281296918560&rt=nc On a more serious note: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Bionicle-Loose-Parts-Lot-5-78-LBS-manuals-box-/400674297477?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item5d4a0c9685 The 4 Musketeers, and their leader: WAIT WHAT? A NEO SHIFTER! I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEGO-BIONICLES-4-LBS-MIXED-LOT-PARTIAL-FIGURES-MASKS-PARTS-/191128102126?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item2c801f64ee This army of giraffes *cough* I mean warriors are here to MESS YOU UP! As you can see they have already ganged up on a bohrok, and with all those other mangled body parts who knows what they have done before this... http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Oz-LEGO-Bionicle-Parts-Pieces-4-Near-Complete-Mixed-Lot-Building-Toys-Blocks-/360853551321?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item54048c38d9 I'm not any better off, they don't ship to the UK either :/ The listing with the Dume box is a must have! I have ultimate dume but I got him from a box of parts lol
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