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Nato G

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Blog Entries posted by Nato G

  1. Nato G

    Project Teaser
    I was recently reminded that blogs exist, so I figured that this was as good a place as any to post the first official teaser for an upcoming project that will be releasing later this year.
    Deep down, everyone’s afraid of the dark.
    It’s a powerful, primal thing, an instinct born long before any of us were created. In the dark, anything could be waiting.
    A ravenous rahi, a roving Rahkshi, Karzahni or Irnakk or Tren Krom or any one of the other nightmares of legend.
    But now we know there’s nothing waiting for us in the dark.
    Nothing at all.
    And somehow, that makes it even more frightening.
    In this alternate reality take on the Bionicle story, the Great Spirit Robot was mysteriously shut down shortly after Teridax took over. In the wake of this second Great Cataclysm, lightstones and heatstones begin to dim and die throughout the universe, dooming its denizens to a dark, cold demise.
    Metru Nui – with lifegiving light still seeping through the sun holes overhead, and its cold streets heated by the fires of the Great Furnace – becomes the last bastion for the Matoran species. But when the city’s Toa depart to rescue Matoran still trapped out in the dark of the dying universe, they leave the populace vulnerable to the machinations of an unexpected enemy, and return to a city they no longer recognise…
    Work on Embers began in August of 2022. During that time, I was writing for my Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi collaboration, which put me in a nostalgic, inspired frame of mind, motivating me to finally act on some story concepts I’d been toying with for a long time.
    Embers was originally envisioned as a trilogy of three “books” that I expected to be ready for release sometime in 2023, but the story ballooned massively in size and scope as I began work on it, expanding to six instalments instead. Due to my nasty habit of starting projects, getting overwhelmed, and not finishing them, I was determined to fully complete a first draft before I began posting anything. I felt that being able to go back and revise the story as a whole would also allow for a more cohesive and consistent narrative overall. As I post this teaser, I’m finishing off the first draft of Book 6. While I’ll still need to carry out a few editing passes (and probably completely rewrite some parts I rushed through), I’ll absolutely be in a position to begin posting chapters sometime later this year.
    This is by the far the biggest project I’ve attempted and actually followed through on, and I’ve already got ideas for a possible sequel trilogy if the story is well-received. Keep an eye out on the Epics forum for the official release in the coming months.
  2. Nato G
    (Similar to previous games, this story will take place in a drastically alternate timeline. The game will largely ignore a lot of the GSR stuff, including the forced gender assignments for each element, and instead focus on some of the more mystical aspects of the G1 story. If seeing the early years of Bionicle reinterpreted and retold like this isn’t your cup of tea, go somewhere else.)

    Two years have passed since the events of the first game, and the situation on Mata Nui is worsening. Swarms of roving Bohrok rampage across the island, growing in number and strength with each passing day, laying waste to the landscape. Colossal defensive barriers now surround each of the villages, shielding swathes of land and wildlife from the wrath of the ravenous creatures.
    Debates rage in every corner of every settlement as to how this crisis should be combated, with no clear answers. Some argue for unity, while others petition for independence. Followers of the old gods urge for the resurrection of Makuta, while other factions suggest that nature be allowed to take its course.
    Regardless of what line of thought one chooses to follow, one thing is abundantly clear: something needs to be done, and soon. The remaining Krana have been found, but their power is wavering. Unconfirmed sightings suggest that the rumoured ‘Generals’ of the swarms, the Bohrok-Kal, have awoken, and if they have freed themselves from their ancient prison, then it’s only a matter of time before the Bohrok Queens rise... and all life on Mata Nui succumbs to their ravenous hunger.
    Although I imagine that most of you will be somewhat familiar with how these games work by now, I’ll give a quick rundown of the basics nonetheless.
    The game will consist of seven rounds, known as Episodes. (However, the number of rounds may be increased or reduced if I feel it necessary) These episodes will last 3-5 days, depending on how much is happening, and I will announce in this topic when each episode begins or ends. Over the course of each episode, players will use PMs to travel between locations, interact with other players, and a wide variety of other actions, which will be elaborated on further below. When each episode is concluded, the actions that occurred across the various PMs will be combined into a scene and posted in this main topic.
    Keep in mind that even if you, the player, knows something from reading the scene, that doesn’t necessarily mean your character will know those same things in-game.
    In regards to PMs, there are two kinds: OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR.
    An Official PM is any PM that I have been added to. Anything you say or do in these PMs may or may not find its way into the scene, so be careful. Actions and moves made in Official PMs are the only ones that will be acknowledged in episodes, so if you wish to travel, or communicate, or do anything that will actually happen, it needs to be declared in an Official PM. Each player and village will have an Official PM, and others will be established as the game goes on. (So please ensure you have room in your inboxes for multiple PMs).
    A Backdoor PM is any PM that I’m not included in. These are the PMs where you can form secret alliances, communicate covertly with other players, or whatever else you wish. Keep in mind, though, that anything you say or do in a Backdoor PM will not be acknowledged as having actually happened. This also means that information gained in a Backdoor PM can’t be used in-game unless your character has another way of learning it.
    There are a great many actions you can take over the course of an episode, and very few limitations to what they moves can entail, but here’s a brief overview of some of the more common moves you might choose to make.
    Communication – The simplest and most integral of moves, this is the simple act of talking to another player. Obviously, you need to be in the same PM as the other person for this to work, but aside from that, there aren’t many limitations to this. Remember, only conversations that occur in an Official PM will be included in the episodes.
    Messages – Each Koro also has access to a limited number of small Kewa birds. As scavengers, they’re easier to feed and care for than most other rahi species, and serve well at the task of delivering handwritten messages between villages. Due to their small size, there is a slight risk that they can be intercepted by larger bird species, but they still provide the best way of delivering anonymous messages. (In other words, if you send a message by bird, your name won’t be explicitly mentioned in the scene unless someone sees you, or you include your name in the letter). In addition to this, certain roles also have the authority to send NPCs via Gukko bird to deliver messages on their behalf.
    Combat – Depending on how you all choose to “negotiate”, this might happen a lot, or not at all. How it works is fairly straightforward – you describe your action, then the other player/s involved will describe their response, and counteraction. You might choose to ask me to roll for certain stats to better your chances of landing or evading a hit (more on stats later), in which case you’ll need to wait for me to determine the outcome of the dice rolls before proceeding further with the battle.
    Command – Regardless of your role, you may at some point find yourself in charge of groups of NPCs. As with regular combat, battle with NPCs will be turn based, with the commanding players dictating to me which re/actions they wish to take. However, battles between NPCs will not be won solely based on whoever has the largest force at hand. The way you take advantage of terrain and resources, as well as your use of strategy and logistics, will have a major impact on deciding the outcome of any engagement.
    Travel – Another straightforward action, this is the simple act of going from one location to another. How long this takes will depend on where you’re travelling, who you’re travelling with, and what might happen along the way. As a baseline rule, though, it takes roughly 24 hours IRL to travel from one Wahi to another.
    Other – There are plenty of other things you can attempt. If you can think of it, and justify being able to pull it off, it’s probably worth a try.

    Turaga – In a slight divergence from canon, Turaga is simply the name given to the Matoran who’ve been appointed to lead each village. They get the final say in most decisions, and can potentially overrule the commands of other roles.
    Captain – Serving as both Captain of the Guard, and Admiral of the navy in certain cases, this role oversees the protection and defence of their village, and is expected to take charge during combat operations. Should the Turaga be killed or incapacitated, it may fall to the General to lead the Koro in times of crisis.
    Diplomat – These guys handle trade, negotiation, etc. with the other tribes. Much of their time is spent travelling across the island, speaking with their counterparts in the other villages. Some diplomats also have access to certain shady contacts, who may be able to provide them with integral Intel on other villages. Should a Diplomat be eliminated, or deliberately sever trade, it will take three episodes for the other villages to run out of whatever resource that diplomat was dealing in.
    Other – Each Koro will also have a fourth player. It’s up to you to pitch to me what capabilities and privileges this additional player may have – they may be a religious leader, a spymaster, or something else entirely. In some cases, this role may instead go to a returning character who is estranged from their home village.

    You don’t need to have read or participated in the original BZPMN to play this game, but if you wish to read up on the events that have come before, they can be found in the Season 1 topic. There is also a blog post explaining some of the events that have transpired between seasons, and a map of the island.
    Please post in the topic which village you would like to be assigned to, then send a PM to me entitled BZPMN 2: [Your Username]. Include in this PM your stat sheet (see below), your character’s pet (if they have one – see below), a short description of your character if you wish, and their name (if you want them to be called something other than your current username). Once all spots have been filled for a village, I’ll gather everyone into their village PMs, where you can decide on your roles.
    After roles have been settled, I may contact certain players to assign them additional character-specific secrets or special tasks. These extras will be determined by RNG after roles have been assigned. After this is done, I’ll create a short, introductory prologue episode, and then the game will begin in earnest.
    For the most part, I’ll be relying on player’s own logic and decision-making skills to determine the outcome of most of their actions, but for those of you who prefer to use numbers for these sorts of games, the stats below will help generate more divergence between players during actions and encounters. You have 15 points to distribute between the three categories, although you are limited to a maximum of 10 points for any given stat. Whenever an action occurs that requires a roll, your stat will be combined with a RNG roll out of 10, resulting in a total value out of 20.
    Strength – this stat relates to any action involving brute force or endurance, such as overpowering an opponent, fighting on despite an injury, and so on.
    Agility – this stat is used for actions relating to speed and finesse, such as attacking quickly, dodging incoming blows/projectiles, and sleight of hand.
    Intellect – this stat is used for actions involved perception and persuasion, such as convincing or deceiving someone, or noticing hidden things.

    While resources are somewhat scarce on post-cataclysm Mata Nui, there are nonetheless some Matoran in positions of power who can afford to own and care for rahi companions, which can provide certain benefits. Players are limited to only one rahi pet, which will share the same stat sheet as their owner, and are just as vulnerable to fatigue and attack.
    Brakas – Annoying, noisy, ape-like rahi, these creatures are extremely dextrous, adept at climbing trees and walls. While not the brightest animals around, they do understand simple commands, and can be instructed to fetch objects and the like. However, they’re not the most stealthy of creatures, and are therefore better suited as distractions.
    Dikapi – Well acclimated to a desert environment, these creatures are known for their strong beaks, and heightened endurance. A Dikapi is capable of carrying two Matoran, or one Matoran and additional equipment, without reducing travel time. A Dikapi can make multiple trips across the island without needing any sustenance or rest, making it an ideal mount for those who plan to do a lot of frequent travelling.
    Ussal – Similar to the Dikapi, Ussal crabs can be used to carry two Matoran, or a single Matoran with extra gear, without impacting the time it takes to travel. As well as this, many of them have been trained to serve as mounts in combat, particularly in the Great Ussalry of Onu-Koro.
    Gukko – Graceful, four-winged birds, these creatures were frequently used as mounts in Le-Koro. The few that survived the inferno have found new homes in the other villages. Riding one reduces the travel time between any location by half, but once the destination is reached, the Gukko will require 24 hours IRL to rest before it can be used in this way again. The Gukko can still fight and travel during this cooldown time, if need be.
    Hapaka – Agile, dog-like rahi, these bipedal creatures are known for their sociable, curious nature, and sharp, barking cry. They understand basic commands, can track scents, and make for amiable companions or guard dogs.
    Kavinika – The bigger, meaner cousin of the Hapaka, these vicious lupine beasts are more savage and hard to control than their relatives.
    Kahu – Cunning, hawk-like rahi, (for the purposes of this game, think of them as being more like a bird of prey, big enough to ride on your arm or shoulder), these intelligent avians have been trained to follow simple commands, and are capable of intercepting and grounding their smaller Kewa cousins.

    As detailed in the blog post linked above, many things have changed on the island of Mata Nui during the past few years. The villages have embraced a newfound sense of multiculturalism, allowing Matoran of any element to reside within their walls. As such, there are many who believe that the names of the villages are outdated, and in desperate need of changing. S0, after a village has been filled, players will have the opportunity to decide if they wish to rename their village.
    Once the villages are filled, players will be arranged into a group PM, which will contain more information about their chosen village – such as some suggested goals, some brief outlines of your current relationships with the other villages, and details regarding which named NPCs might play an important role in your village’s operations.
    A veritable fortress of stone and metal, Ta-Koro is encased in towering fortified walls, and surrounded by a moat of lava, with a retractable drawbridge to prevent enemy access during a siege. They primarily trade in metal and other goods mined from within the volcano. The village’s total population numbers at around 1000, with 300 of those serving in the guard, and 100 more in the navy. The population consists mainly of Ta and Su Matoran.
    Making judicious use of the natural defences at their disposal, Ko-Koro is situated beneath a colossal block of ice that separates two glaciers, and is surrounded on all side by crevasses. The village is accessible only via a bridge connecting to the main entrance, and a secret tunnel known to only a few high-ranking officials. With a population of skilled rahi hunters, they trade heavily in sophisticated animal traps, as well as various captive rahi and other animal goods. Their population is roughly 1000, with 300 serving in the Sanctum guard, and a further 100 in the navy. Most of the inhabitants are Ko and De Matoran.
    Situated on the vast, open plains of Po-Wahi, the skilled carvers and masons of Po-Koro have had to work hard to establish their village’s defences. A high stone wall encircles the village, and the surrounding landscape is dotted with statues and monuments that are both visually pleasing, and make for decent cover in a firefight. Officially, the population is currently around 750, with 250 of these operating as a defensive garrison, but the city is still home to a great many criminals and fugitives. Po-Koro is primarily populated by Po-Matoran, but is home to a wide variety of others as well.
    Hidden away in a cavern deep underground, Onu-Koro’s isolation is its greatest defence. A singular large tunnel connects from the village entrance to the surface, but there are numerous other entrances known only to the populace. Their exports include minerals and metals mined from beneath the earth, Their population sits at around 750, with 250 of these serving in the Ussalry. In addition to the resident Onu-Matoran, the village has also come to house a large population of Fa and Fe Matoran.
    Nestled in the heart of Naho Bay, Ga-Koro is built atop a network of giant lily pads growing up from the seabed, connected by sturdy bridges and walkways, and held aloft by a series of pumps. Much of the surrounding land is dense mangroves and inhospitable bogs, meaning that the safest approach to the village is by boat. Beyond their trade of food and water, their other goods include fish, rope, and bamboo. They have a sizeable population of 1100, 325 of whom serve in the Marines, while a further 125 make up the Gukko Force. In addition to the resident Ga-Matoran, Ga-Koro has also come to be home for the Le and Bo Matoran.
    Built atop the ruins of what was once Kini-Nui, the sprawling encampment that makes up this ‘village’ is protected by a labyrinthine mess of defensive trenches, imposing barricades, and rudimentary ramparts. It remains largely self-sufficient, housing Matoran of all elements and skillsets, and trades nothing to the rest of the island save for vague promises of ‘salvation’. The population is believed to number somewhere around 500, and given the fanatical nature of the inhabitants, it’s expected that most, if not all, of this number would commit themselves to the defence if Kra-Koro were ever to come under attack.
    The island of Mata Nui is home to a great many strange and powerful items and devices, some originating from ages long gone, others having been constructed in more recent times.
    Krana Xa – provides more complex control over the Bohrok, allowing the wearer to control 30 Lehvak and 15 Lehvak Va. (Currently worn by Tuyet of Kra-Koro).
    Krana Vu – allows the wearer to control 20 Tahnok, and 10 Tahnok Va, as well as fly short distances. (Currently in Elittra’s possession)
    Krana Su – grants the wearer greatly enhanced strength, and allows them to control 20 Gahlok, and 10 Gahlok Va. (Currently in Ga-Koro’s possession).
    Krana Za – allows the wearer to, with concentration, read the surface-level thoughts of others, as well as control 20 Kohrak and 10 Kohrak-Va. (Currently owned by Kaathe of Po-Koro).
    Krana Ca – provides the ability to generate a weak, temporary energy shield, and allows the wearer to control 20 Pahrak, and 10 Pahrak Va. (Currently in Ko-Koro).
    Krana Bo – gives night/low light vision to the wearer, and provides control over 20 Nuhvok, and 10 Nuhvok-Va. (Currently in Onu-Koro).
    Fire Sword – the famed weapon of Toa Tahu, the blade remains hot to the touch, and constantly emits a flickering, torch-like light. (Currently in Onu-Koro).
    Air Axe – once wielded by Toa Lewa, this weapon is incredibly light, and meets with no resistance when being swung through the air, allowing it to be wielded far more dextrously than is normal for an axe. (Currently owned by Grav of Ta-Koro).
    Water Hooks – the weapons of Toa Gali, these peculiar tools have a strange habit of making their way back to each other should one of them be dropped or thrown. (Currently possessed by Unit of Ko-Koro).
    Earth Claws – once owned by Toa Onua, the tips of these weapons are deceptively sharp, able to penetrate stone and metal alike with unnatural ease. (Currently located in Po-Koro).
    Ice Sword – formerly the personal weapon of Toa Kopaka, this blade gives off a constant, intense aura of cold. (Currently owned by Nidhiki of Kra-Koro).
    Toa Shield – the other tool of Toa Kopaka. Like the rest of the Toa tools, the shield appears to be utterly indestructible, although the impractical network of gaps in the surface of the shield make it semi-useless for fending off regular weapons. However, the shield has proven itself able to negate elemental attacks. (Currently in Ga-Koro).
    Staff of Light – formerly wielded by the short-lived Toa of Light, Takanuva, this staff is allegedly more powerful than the other, comparatively dormant Toa Tools. (Location currently unknown).

    As each episode occurs, it will be linked here.
    Season 1
    Teaser – Countdown to Chaos
    Prologue – Another Story's Beginning
    Episode 1 – Broken Koros, Part 1 & Part 2
    Episode 2 – Dreams of Chaos, Part 1 & Part 2
    Episode 3 – Beneath the Surface, Part 1 & Part 2
    Episode 4 – The Dawn of War, Part 1 & Part 2
    Episode 5 – A Slaughter of Ice and Fire, Part 1 & Part 2
    Episode 6 – The Cost of Victory, Overture
    Episode 7 – Into Darkness, Finale
    Season 2
    Teaser – Evolution of an Island
  3. Nato G
    After BZPower's Bara Magna got started, I thought to myself "what other settings could work for these kinds of games", and I eventually settled on the original Mata Nui as being a potentially workable location. I'm working on a modified map, which I'll add to this once it's done.
    The biggest issue I had with both BZPGOT and BZPBM (I mean no offence to the creators of those games when I say this), was that there was usually an obviously-evil NPC faction that everyone was forced to side with or against, rather than players being completely free to make their own decisions. While this probably made the games easier to run overall, it also meant that (especially in regards to BZPGOT S2) certain factions and characters got screwed over pretty badly between seasons.
    With this game, I wanted to create a situation where each village had its own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, and leave players free to their own machinations. Obviously, there are still some subplot elements that people will uncover as the game goes on, but nothing quite as blatant as an entire faction of nigh-unbeatable NPC villains.
    So, without further ado, I present:


    (Similar to Tex’s BZPGOT, and Trijhak and Voxumo’s BARA MAGNA, this story will take place in a drastically alternate timeline. The game will largely ignore most of the GSR stuff and forced genders, among other things, and focus on the more mystical aspects of the early G1 story. If seeing the early years of Bionicle distorted like this isn’t your cup of tea, back out now.)

    Long before Bara Magna, and even longer before Okoto, there existed an island mired in mystery and malice, an island where the forces legend and destiny were almost tangible, an island where two great spirits warred for centuries over the hearts and minds of the populace.
    The island of Mata Nui.
    For millennia, the island had existed in a delicate balance between good and evil, with the benevolent Mata Nui (after whom the island had been named), and the malevolent Makuta, fighting in an endless stalemate over the souls of the Matoran inhabitants. But, as time went by, the people lost faith in their legends, and Makuta was able to cast the weakened Mata Nui into an endless slumber, giving himself the freedom to wreak havoc across the island.
    All was not lost, though, as seven prophesised champions, the Toa, rose from obscurity to combat Makuta and reawaken Mata Nui. However, fate played a cruel trick on these heroes. The stories foretelling their destiny had been misconstrued, distorted, and skewed. Under the direction of the Turaga, the Toa ventured into Makuta’s lair beneath the island, and slew him.
    They never returned.
    Their mission had been to reawaken Mata Nui, and restore balance to the island. By destroying Makuta, they had instead destroyed what little balance remained, bringing about a disaster more catastrophic than anything Makuta alone could’ve managed. The island underwent an immense tectonic upheaval, the Mangai Volcano erupted, and, as a result of Ta-Koro’s attempt to redirect the lava flows away from destroying their own village, the jungles of Le-Wahi burned.
    With almost half the island incinerated, Ga-Koro soon came to hold the monopoly on water and food. With only limited land available to grow food and crops, they struck up a partnership with Po-Koro, who worked to maintain farms and fields on Ga-Koro’s behalf. However, ten years ago, Ga-Koro caught wind of rumours that Po-Koro was planning to invade and seize sole control of the food and water trade, and pre-emptively poisoned their next water shipment, slaughtering half of Po-Koro’s population. In the aftermath, the rulers of Ga-Koro made it clear that they would do the same to anyone else who crossed them, and even threatened to burn the fields and poison the water stores if they were invaded… a threat that, if carried out, would likely doom much of the island’s population to starvation.
    Now, change is on the wind once more.
    The villages have slowly recovered from the ravages of the cataclysm, their defences repaired, their populations growing, but resources remain just as scarce as always. Ko-Koro, having been quiet for years, has begun rapidly militarising, while the people of Onu-Koro have become even more elusive than usual, retreating into their defensive tunnels. Most concerning, Ga-Koro has recently undergone some manner of internal conflict, resulting in all of their leadership being replaced. Only time will tell if these new leaders will continue to threaten and extort the other villages, or seek a more peaceful path.
    Although I imagine that most of you will be somewhat familiar with how these games work by now, I’ll give a quick rundown of the basics nonetheless.
    The game will consist of ten rounds, known as Episodes. These episodes will last 3-5 days, depending on how much is happening, and I will announce in this topic when each episode begins or ends. Over the course of each episode, players will use PMs to travel between locations, interact with other players, and a wide variety of other actions, which will be elaborated on further below. When each episode is concluded, the actions that occurred across the various PMs will be combined into a scene and posted in this main topic.
    Keep in mind that even if you, the player, knows something from reading the scene, that doesn’t necessarily mean your character will know those same things in-game.
    In regards to PMs, there are two kinds: OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR.
    An Official PM is any PM that I have been added to. Anything you say or do in these PMs may or may not find its way into the scene, so be careful. Actions and moves made in Official PMs are the only ones that will be acknowledged in episodes, so if you wish to travel, or communicate, or do anything that will actually happen, it needs to be declared in an Official PM. Each player and village will have an Official PM, and others will be established as the game goes on. (So please ensure you have room in your inboxes for multiple PMs).
    A Backdoor PM is any PM that I’m not included in. These are the PMs where you can form secret alliances, communicate covertly with other players, or whatever else you wish. Keep in mind, though, that anything you say or do in a Backdoor PM will not be acknowledged as having actually happened. Keep in mind, also, that information gained in a Backdoor PM can’t be used in-game unless your character has another way of learning it.
    There are a great many actions you can take over the course of an episode, and very few limitations to what they moves can entail, but here’s a brief overview of some of the more common moves you might choose to make.
    Communication – The simplest and most integral of moves, this is the simple act of talking to another player. Obviously, you need to be in the same PM as the other person for this to work, but aside from that, there aren’t many limitations to this. Remember, only conversations that occur in an Official PM will be included in the episodes.
    Messages – Each Koro also has access to a limited number of small Kewa birds. As scavengers, they’re easier to feed and care for than most other rahi species, and serve well at the task of delivering handwritten messages between villages. Due to their small size, there is a slight risk that they can be intercepted by larger bird species, but they still provide the best way of delivering anonymous messages. (In other words, if you send a message by bird, your name won’t be explicitly mentioned in the scene unless someone sees you, or you include your name in the letter). In addition to this, certain roles also have the authority to send NPCs to deliver messages instead.
    Combat – Depending on how you all choose to “negotiate”, this might happen a lot, or not at all. How it works is fairly straightforward – you describe your action, then the other player/s involved will describe their response, and counteraction. You might choose to ask me to roll for certain stats to better your chances of landing or evading a hit (more on stats later), in which case you’ll need to wait for me to determine the outcome of the dice rolls before proceeding further with the battle.
    Travel – Another straightforward action, this is the simple act of travelling from one location to another. How long this takes will depend on where you’re travelling, who you’re travelling with, and what might happen along the way. As a baseline rule, though, it takes roughly 24 hours IRL to travel from one Wahi to another in sequence (for example, if you went from Onu-Koro to Po-Koro), and 24 to travel further than that (such as travelling from Ga-Koro to Ko-Koro). It’s also possible to travel by boat, which will take roughly the same amount of time, but is generally a little safer overall. Of course, a boat can’t sneak past guards…
    Other – There are plenty of other things you can attempt. If you can think of it, and justify being able to pull it off, it’s probably worth a try.

    Turaga – In a slight divergence from canon, Turaga is simply the name given to the Matoran who’ve been appointed to lead each village. They get the final say in most decisions, and can potentially overrule the commands of other roles. As wise, experienced rulers, they also get slight buffs to their Perception and Intelligence stats.
    Captain – Serving as both Captain of the Guard, and Admiral of the navy in certain cases, this role oversees the protection and defence of their village, and is expected to take charge during combat operations. Should the Turaga be killed or incapacitated, it may fall to the General to lead the Koro in times of crisis. As a combat-oriented position, they get a small buff to Speed and Endurance.
    Diplomat – These guys handle trade, negotiation, etc. with the other tribes. Much of their time is spent travelling across the island, speaking with their counterparts in the other villages. Should something happen to the Turaga, the Diplomat may be forced to take over that role, depending on circumstances. Should a Diplomat be eliminated, or deliberately sever trade, it will take three episodes for the other villages to run out of whatever resource that diplomat was dealing in. As their primary duty revolves around mediation and compromise, they get slight buffs to Intelligence and Luck.
    Scout – A more polite word for spy, their jobs are to gather intel, infiltrate villages, listen in on conversations, and much more, depending on the agendas of themselves or their Turaga. While they hold no official place in the chain of command, they answer only to their Turaga, and have been known to take over as military leaders if the Captain is otherwise indisposed. As a stealth/espionage-focused position, they receive a minor boost to Speed, Perception, and Luck, but also get a small penalty to Endurance.

    Please post in the topic which village you would like to be assigned to, then send a PM to me entitled BZPMN: [Your Username]. Include in this PM your stat sheet (see below), your character’s pet (if they have one – see below), a short description of your character if you wish, and their name (if you want them to be called something other than your current username). Once all spots have been filled, I’ll gather everyone into their village PMs, where you can decide on your roles.
    These village PMs will also feature some information that isn’t included in this post, including a few Goals (these are suggestions only, and there are no penalties for failing or ignoring them), and a single Secret that may prove to be a decisive factor somewhere down the line.
    After roles have been settled, I’ll create a short, introductory prologue episode, and then the game will begin in earnest.
    The stats below will help generate more divergence between players during actions and encounters. You have 30 points to distribute between the five categories, although you are limited to a maximum of 10 points for any given stat (the bonuses for different roles are exempt from this limit). Whenever an action occurs that requires a roll, your stat will be combined with a RNG roll out of 10, resulting in a total value out of 20.
    Please note, while you may feel that some actions require you to use multiple stats, please refrain from trying to spam all of your stats at once. This inevitably results in such wonderful exchanges as “I roll all of my stats to kill you”, followed by “I roll all of my stats to not die”, which somewhat defeats the purpose of having a stat system in the first place.
    Speed – This category pertains to any actions involving speed, agility, finesse, or quick reactions. Depending on your preferred combat style and choice in weaponry, you may use this or Endurance to decide attack effectiveness and damage. In addition, this value can also be used for stealth-based actions.
    Perception – This particular stat functions somewhat differently from the others, as it functions passively. Any time you enter a new area or situation, I’ll automatically roll for Perception, and detail what you see or discover, based on the result.
    Intelligence – This stat covers anything involving wisdom, charisma, manipulation, strategy, and much more. Basically, it encompasses anything that relates to planning something complicated, or trying to persuade someone of something. This is also the stat you use when trying to aim with ranged weapons, such as knives, bows, spears, or launchers.
    Endurance – This value relates to physical strength and fortitude. Whether you’re trying to overpower or pummel someone, or fight on past the pain of an injury, Endurance is the stat you’ll need. Again, dependant on your choice in weapon and type of attack, you may deign to use Speed for attack rolls instead.
    Luck – Can be used as a saving or aiding throw, to help your chances of accomplishing a complicated or risky manoeuvre, or mitigating the outcome of unfavourable rolls. It may also be used by me, alongside your Perception stat, to determine the likelihood of you finding, or being found by, something while you’re travelling.

    While resources are somewhat scarce on post-cataclysm Mata Nui, there are nonetheless some Matoran in positions of power who can afford to own and care for rahi companions, which can provide certain benefits. Players are limited to only one rahi pet, which will share the same stat sheet as their owner, and are just as vulnerable to fatigue and attack. This is a bit of an experimental addition on my part, so we’ll see how it goes.
    Brakas – Annoying, noisy, ape-like rahi, these creatures are extremely dextrous, adept at climbing trees and walls. While not the brightest animals around, they do understand simple commands, and can be instructed to fetch objects and the like. However, they’re not the most stealthy of creatures, and are therefore better suited as distractions.
    Dikapi – Well acclimated to a desert environment, these creatures are known for their strong beaks, and heightened endurance. A Dikapi is capable of carrying two Matoran, or one Matoran and additional equipment, without reducing travel time. A Dikapi can make multiple trips across the island without needing any sustenance or rest, making it an ideal mount for those who plan to do a lot of frequent travelling.
    Ussal – Similar to the Dikapi, Ussal crabs can be used to carry two Matoran, or a single Matoran with extra gear, without impacting the time it takes to travel. As well as this, many of them have been trained to serve as mounts in combat, particularly in the Great Ussalry of Onu-Koro.
    Gukko – Graceful, four-winged birds, these creatures were frequently used as mounts in Le-Koro. The few that survived the inferno have found new homes in the other villages. Riding one reduces the travel time between any location by half, but once the destination is reached, the Gukko will require 24 hours IRL to rest before it can be used in this way again. The Gukko can still fight and travel during this cooldown time, if need be.
    Hapaka – Agile, dog-like rahi, these bipedal creatures are known for their sociable, curious nature, and sharp, barking cry. They understand basic commands, can track scents, and make for amiable companions or guard dogs.
    Kavinika – The bigger, meaner cousin of the Hapaka, these vicious lupine beasts are hard to control, and are useful for little else except as savage attack animals.
    Kahu – Cunning, hawk-like rahi, (for the purposes of this game, think of them as being more like a bird of prey, big enough to ride on your arm or shoulder), these intelligent avians have been trained to follow simple commands, and are even capable of intercepting and grounding their smaller Kewa cousins, without harming them.

    A veritable fortress of stone and metal, Ta-Koro is encased in towering fortified walls, and surrounded by a moat of lava, with a retractable drawbridge to prevent enemy access during a siege. They primarily trade in metal and other goods mined from within the volcano. The village’s total population numbers at around 200, with 50 of those serving in the guard, and 50 more divided between Ta-Koro’s five military ships.
    Making judicious use of the natural defences at their disposal, Ko-Koro is situated beneath a colossal block of ice that separated two glaciers, and is surrounded on all side by crevasses. The village has only a singular entrance, guarded at all times by a heavy contingent of Sanctum Guards, although there are rumours about a tunnel that leads somewhere out into the Drifts. With a population of skilled rahi hunters, they trade heavily in sophisticated animal traps, as well as various captive rahi and other animal goods. Their population also sits at approximately 200, with 50 serving in the Sanctum guard, and a further 50 divided between their ten navy vessels.
    Situated on the vast, open plains of Po-Wahi, this village lacks the imposing natural defences possessed by most of the other villages. The Po-Matoran are skilled carvers and masons, however, and have managed to establish a high stone wall around the village, with the surrounding landscape dotted with statues and monuments that are both visually pleasing, and make for decent cover in a firefight. Their population remains low after the poisoning, with many houses remaining empty, and their total population numbering at only 100. The majority of these work as labour in the farms and fields, with a measly 25 operating as a defensive garrison. With so many empty buildings, and the guards stretched thin protecting the city, and the workers out in the fields, Po-Koro has become a den for criminals and other unsavoury sorts.
    Hidden away in a cavern deep underground, Onu-Koro suffered greatly during the cataclysm, with much of their tunnel network being damaged, or destroyed outright. With the subterranean highways connecting them to the rest of the island cut off, Onu-Koro initially struggled to re-establish trade, until they were forced to overcome their sensitivity to light and establish overland trade routes like everyone else. Their exports include minerals and metals mined from beneath the earth, although it’s rumoured that their engineers also have some kind of exclusive trade deal with Ko-Koro. Their population sits at around 150, with 50 of them serving in the Ussalry.
    Nestled in the heart of Naho Bay, Ga-Koro is built atop a network of giant lily pads growing up from the seabed, connected by sturdy bridges and walkways, and held aloft by a series of pumps. With access to multiple waterways, the area around Ga-Koro remains extremely fertile compared to the rest of the island, and is home to a prosperous rahi population… including a significant number of tarakavas, which pose as much of a threat to the locals as they do to everyone else. Beyond their trade of food and water, their other goods include fish, rope, and bamboo. They have a sizeable population of 250, 100 of whom serve in the Ga-Koroan Navy.
    As each episode occurs, it will be linked here.
    So yeah, that's the rough draft of what I've got so far. I've been weighing up whether I should change the stats and bonuses and whatnot, I just didn't want to outright copy the systems used in previous games.
    Any suggestions, feedback, etc. on the game concept as a whole would be appreciated.
  4. Nato G
    Dark forces are at work on the island of Mata Nui. Miners and explorers are vanishing all across the island, and sightings abound of strange insectoid creatures lurking in the underground. There are rumours about rusted, whispering masks being discovered in isolated corners of the continent, and enchanted Kolhii balls washing up on forgotten shores.
    Perhaps Makuta isn't quite as dead as everyone once thought.
    Suffice to say, bad things are coming.
    Ko-Wahi, Mount Ihu Summit (Two Weeks Ago)
    Turaga Nuju died screaming.
    Or, to be more accurate, he died making a shrill, strained whistling sound not dissimilar to that of a distressed Gukko bird. This sound broke off in an echoing crunch as his flailing, falling body finally struck the bottom of the ravine he’d just been pushed into.
    “What…” Matoro stammered, staring dumbstruck at the familiar being responsible for Nuju’s abrupt departure from the realm of the living, “…why?”
    “Why?” The other Matoran scoffed, taking a few steps away from the ravine edge, “Because your precious principle of peace is overrated. Because he was leading our people to stagnation and isolation. Because he was too weak to stop me. Because you were both stupid enough to agree to this meeting.”
    “Wha- what are you going to do to me?” Matoro whimpered, clawing at the flimsy bone knife strapped to his thigh. He finally managed to pull it free, and brandished it before him with his shaking hands.
    “What do you think I’m doing to do?” The other Matoran chuckled, withdrawing a compact crossbow from within the folds of his furred coat. “Are you afraid I’m going to kill you?”
    “Ye-yes.” Matoro looked to be on the verge of sobbing now.
    “There’s no need to be afraid,” the killer said gently, momentarily lowering his weapon, “But I’m still going to kill you.” Quick as a Doom Viper, he whipped his crossbow back up, and fired.
    Unlike his Turaga, Matoro didn’t even get to scream. The barbed bolt that lodged itself in his throat made sure of that.
    Onu-Wahi, Southern Mine Extension (Eleven Days Ago)
    “I’m not getting paid enough for this,” Mavrah whined, as he continued hacking away at the rockface before him with his pickaxe.
    Well, the pickaxe wasn’t his, per se. It had come with the job, and, just like the job in question, it was absolutely terrible. The useless tool broke off pieces of itself almost as often as it managed to chip chunks off of the rock wall.
    “None of us are,” snapped back the grizzled Onu-Matoran next to him, “You don’t earn the right to complain about it until you’ve been down here a few decades longer, boy.”
    “Pffft, I don’t think so,” Mavrah abandoned his pickaxe, and rounded on the older miner, “I’m getting out of here as soon as I make enough money to buy an Ussal.”
    “And what are you going to do with a crab?” the old miner scoffed, “Animals aint cheap.”
    “I know. But an Ussal gives me freedom. To travel, to explore. The island’s changed so much over the years, but no one’s made much effort to document those changes.”
    “That’s because no one cares,” the miner guffawed, “Now pick up your axe and get back to work.”
    Mavrah glowered at him a moment longer, then bent to pick up the dropped pickaxe. Ever though it had landed right by his feet, it still took him a few moments of fumbling to find it again. This was a natural tunnel that the miners had only recently burrowed down into. It was deep, and mostly unexplored, and as such, the lightstones that were normally strung up in the mining areas were few and far between in this new section. He and the old man had come across a promising-looking vein of ore while exploring, and decided to make a head start on digging it up. They only had one lightstone between them, and it seemed to grow dimmer the deeper they went.
    He heard a gravelly rustling behind him, followed by a gasp of surprise and a sort of wet crunching sound. The yellow-white glow of the lightstone on the floor behind him shifted to a grisly red. Mavrah turned around slowly, and what he saw was something that would have terrified his nightmares.
    The old miner – what was left of him, at least – was gripped in the pincers of a hunched, chitinous being, more and more of his twitching form being gradually shoved into the monster’s multi-jawed gullet. As Mavrah moved, however, the creature released its meal, and focused its narrow, beady eyes on him.
    Mavrah screamed. The creature lunged.
    His body was never found.
    Ta-Wahi, North Mine Entrance (Eight Days Ago)
    “You’re going to have to run that by me again,” Takua said, his patient tone contrasting harshly with his growing inward frustration. He was the Chronicler, one of the few Matoran on the island who could still travel free and unhampered through every village on the island, and here he was stuck in some backwater clearing in Ta-Wahi, listening to a grumpy – and quite possibly inebriated – miner boss, who was whining about a supposed ‘monster’ scaring away his workers.
    “What part aint you understandin’?” The Ta-Matoran burped, “Three o’ me workers quit yesterday. There’s somethin’ down there, I’m tellin’ ya!”
    “And what did this ‘something’ look like?” Takua pressed, “You need to give me something to go on beyond ‘big’ and ‘scary’, otherwise no one’s going to believe your story.”
    “They’ll defin’ly believe it if you’re the one tellin’ it.”
    “That may be so, but I don’t believe your story right now, either. You need to convince me to convince everyone else.”
    “I dun’t get it,” the drunkard frowned, “You think I’m lyin’ to you?”
    “No, I think that you think that there’s something down there… which doesn’t mean that there’s actually something down there. Belief doesn’t equal fact. You need to give me proof.”
    “If my word aint good enough for ya, then there’s nothin’ else I can do.”
    Takua sighed loudly. “Which way is the mine?”
    It was the last question he ever asked.
    Po-Koro, Dark Alleyway (Three Days Ago)
    Ahkmou was dying. He was slumped against a wall in a desolate backstreet. A spiked dagger was buried up to the hilt in the centre of his chest. Blood was seeping into his lungs. This was the end.
    He hadn’t expected to die like this. In truth, he hadn’t expected to die at all. He was protected, shielded from age and injury. Or so he’d thought.
    “I’ll take that,” his assailant bent down to pry a gleaming black object from his clenched hands. It was a Comet, one of the cursed Kolhii balls that Makuta had used to spread a terrible plague through Po-Koro almost one hundred years ago. It was, as far as Ahkmou knew, the only vestige of Makuta’s power left on the island, and somehow, it had kept him safe and ageless for all these long years he’d spent in hiding.
    He coughed up a mouthful of red. “How did you find me?”
    “You’re not the only one with Makuta’s blessing,” it was a woman’s voice, “He thanks you for your past service, by the way.”
    His response came out in a breathless wheeze. “Why?”
    “Because you stopped serving, Ahkmou. You hid yourself away, and exploited Makuta’s gifts to prolong your own miserable existence.” She slipped Ahkmou’s Comet into a pouch tied to her belt, and smiled coldly at him. “You squandered the blessings he bestowed upon you, so I’m taking them away from you. Along with your life.”
    “Wh- who… are…”
    “Who am I?” She purred, leaning in close to give the handle of her dagger a sharp twist, “I guess you can think of me as your… replacement.” Without warning, she ripped the dagger free. It was a cruel weapon, hewn of shimmery black metal, and covered in thorn-like edges. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Ahkmou. Goodbye.”
    The Po-Matoran was too dead to compose a reply.
    Ga-Koro, Docks (Present Day)
    Tuyet stepped off the ferry and made her way into Ga-Koro, unable to hide the growing smile on her face. Makuta was pleased. Everything was progressing as planned.
    It was good to be home.
  5. Nato G
    Two years have passed since the events of BZPMN Season 1, and a lot has changed in that time. This blog post will fill in some of the blanks regarding the mythology of this series (which was hinted at in Season 1, but was never fully explained), as well as detailing what has transpired in the aftermath of Season 1.


    In the early eras of existence, seven powers held dominion over the world. Two Brothers, one benevolent and kind, the other malevolent and chaotic. Two Queens, insatiable in hunger, who existed only to devour all they could, and destroy what they could not. A Viceroy, who wished to dominate and control, and an Empress, whose desire was to distort nature’s creations to suit her own twisted whims. There also existed an Other, enigmatic and aloof, a force that remained impartial, refusing to interfere in the affairs of its compatriots.
    For eons, these seven powers remained amiable, each ruling over a separate portion of the planet. However, having reduced their own allotted lands to barren wastes, the Queens grew greedy, and journeyed to the island that would later come to be called Mata Nui, where the Brothers resided. While the Brothers had their differences, they still banded together to fight off this mutual threat. In the end, their combined might was enough to defeat, but not destroy, the Queens – they were imprisoned deep below the island, and their children, the Bohrok, fell into a dormant slumber. The Brothers combined their power to give life to eight sentient Seals – called Krana – which could be used to siphon some of the Queen’s power, wresting control over their Bohrok. Impressed by this display of power, the Viceroy, Empress, and Other all wisely chose to honour the agreed-upon borders.
    For hundreds of years afterwards, the Brother’s island existed in a delicate balance between good and evil, with the benign Mata Nui (after whom the island had been named), and his brother, the malignant Makuta, fighting in an endless stalemate over the souls of the Matoran inhabitants. Both required the belief of the Matoran – faith and fear, respectively – to hold onto their power. But, as time went by, the people’s belief in their legends wavered, and Makuta seized advantage of this to cast his weakened brother into an endless slumber, giving himself the freedom to wreak havoc across the island.
    All was not lost, though, as seven prophesised champions, the Toa, rose from obscurity to combat Makuta and reawaken Mata Nui. However, fate played a cruel trick on these heroes. The stories foretelling their destiny had been misconstrued, distorted, and skewed. Under the direction of the embittered, vengeful Turaga, the Toa ventured into Makuta’s lair beneath the island, and slew him.
    They never returned.
    Their mission had been to reawaken Mata Nui, and restore balance to the island. By destroying Makuta, they had instead destroyed what little balance remained, bringing about a disaster more catastrophic than anything Makuta alone could’ve managed, and opening the way for far darker, more destructive powers to rise to prominence.
    With both Brothers out of play, the magic that had kept the Queens imprisoned began to waver. The island underwent an immense tectonic upheaval, tsunamis battered the coastlines, fissures ripped apart the ground, and the Mangai Volcano erupted, shrouding the land in ash. The villages survived the chaos, save for one; as a result of Ta-Koro’s attempt to redirect the lava flows away from destroying their own village, the jungles of Le-Wahi burned, and Le-Koro burned with them.
    While the Queens still remained trapped, the Krana alone were no longer enough to contain their power. Gradually, they were able to recover enough of their energies to reawaken some of the Bohrok, which began to search for the Krana. However, beings such as Makuta do not die easily, for while his body was gone, the tattered remains of his weakened spirit remained, seeking refuge in infected Masks and corrupted Kolhii balls, covertly influencing events in an effort to prevent the utter destruction of the island… and ensure his own return.


    With almost half the island incinerated, and much of the fertile land spoiled by the fallen ash, Ga-Koro soon came to hold the monopoly on water and food. With only limited land available to grow food and crops, they struck up a partnership with Po-Koro, who worked to maintain farms and fields on Ga-Koro’s behalf. This remained a peaceful partnership until ten years ago, when Ga-Koro caught wind of rumours that Po-Koro was planning to invade and seize sole control of the food and water trade, and pre-emptively poisoned their next water shipment, slaughtering half of Po-Koro’s population.
    In the aftermath, the rulers of Ga-Koro made it clear that they would do the same to anyone else who crossed them, and even threatened to burn the fields and poison the water stores if they were invaded… a threat that, if carried out, would likely doom much of the island’s population to starvation. Since this incident, the people of Mata Nui lived in a tentative state of tension. But such a state cannot last.
    50 years after the cataclysm, the villages had finally recovered from the ravages of the cataclysm, their defences repaired, their populations growing, but resources remaining just as scarce. Ko-Koro, having been quiet for years, began rapidly militarising, while the people of Onu-Koro had become even more elusive than usual, retreating into their defensive tunnels. Civil strife in Ga-Koro resulted in the despotic leadership responsible for the poisoning of Po-Wahi being overthrown, leading to unrest and uncertainty across the island, as the other villages waited to see if these new rulers would be better or worse than those that came before them.
    Rumours began to spread of strange artefacts being discovered across the island – fragments of broken masks and armour, and shattered tools, all allegedly belonging to the fallen Toa. With increasing frequency, miners and explorers from various regions reported discovering unnatural tunnels or fissures in the earth, sometimes accompanied by sightings of unknown insect-like creatures. Tales of whispering masks and cults devoted to old gods filled the taverns, and stranger still, there were reports from all over the island of Matoran vanishing from their homes, wandering out into the night with unusual Kolhii balls clutched in their hands, never to return…
    Of the six Turaga of old, the ones who summoned and misled the Toa, the only Matoran left alive who knew of the old legends and the true threats, only one remained. Matau perished in the incineration of Le-Koro, while Onewa met his end ten years ago at the claws of Nui-Jaga, in the act of hiding one of the Krana in their nest. More recently, Nuju was betrayed by one of his own people, while Nokama was assassinated by agents of Makuta during a riot in Ga-Koro. Vakama was imprisoned and tortured to the point of insanity by the demented ruler of Ta-Koro, leaving only Whenua to safeguard the secrets of ancient times.
    But secrets can never stay hidden forever. In time, fragments of the truth began to come to light, but too little, too late, to prevent calamity.


    During this time of crisis, a great many events of significance transpired. Discoveries were made, ancient powers were harnessed, civil wars were fought, and lives – both innocent and guilty – were lost. Following the slew of disasters, remaining Krana were uncovered, and the Bohrok were either enslaved or retreated back into hiding. For several months, an uncertain peace held sway over Mata Nui… until the Gahlok attacked en-masse. New Le-Koro was swept away in a matter of hours, and the settlers were forced to once again relocate.
    Soon after the Gahlok attack, attacks from other Bohrok began to occur with ever-increasing frequency. Land travel become more and more difficult, exacerbating tensions that were already near breaking point. Thanks to their force of enslaved Kohrak, Po-Koro was no longer dependent on Ga-Koro for water or protection, but wielding the power of diplomacy, they remained on amiable terms with their neighbour, working together to tend and the fields of crops that still supplied food to much of the rest of the island.
    While Po-Koro attempted to extend the hand of friendship to Onu-Koro, the underground village refused to accept their help, citing Po-Koro’s friendly relationship with Ga-Koro as a cause for concern. While no culprit had ever been confirmed for the poisoning of Onu-Koro, there was little doubt in anyone’s mind that the poison had originally come from Ga-Wahi, leaving a lingering animosity between the regions.
    With Onu-Koro too focused on rebuilding their own stability to honour their previous alliance, Ko-Koro was left largely isolated. They remained justifiably distrustful of Ta-Koro, who was equally isolated, and equally suspicious of their icy neighbours. While it was public knowledge that the madwoman Elittra had been driven away from Ta-Koro, the atrocities that she’d committed had also become commonly known across the island, leaving many to wonder how such crimes had been allowed to continue for so long, and whether the people of Ta-Koro had secretly supported their leader’s barbarism.
    And so, the stage seemed to be set for the next phase of Mata Nui’s history – the militarily mighty villages of Ta and Ko Koro stood alone, and apart, while Onu-Koro retreated into seclusion, and the fallen masters of Ga-Koro worked alongside the former slaves of Po-Koro… all as the Bohrok steadily grew in strength and number, gradually reducing the island to a barren, uninhabitable wasteland.
    Everything changed with the unexpected arrival of massive arks on the shores of Mata Nui, similar to the ones that had previously been glimpsed near the site of New Le-Koro. These immense vessels bore Matoran hailing from elements the likes of which had never been seen on Mata Nui before. The newcomers claimed to be fleeing from a war that had ravaged their distant homeland, pleading for asylum on Mata Nui, the first habitable island they’d encountered in over four years of voyaging.
    Reluctantly, the disparate villages of the island accepted these new arrivals into their midst, the integration serving to break down some of the long-held social boundaries that had held sway over the island. No longer was a village’s citizenship exclusive to Matoran of a lone element. Now, anyone could make anywhere their home. Some of the more conservative, elitist Matoran swore to preserve their perceived purity, and attempted to construct villages of their own elsewhere to the island. But without the numbers and defences of the major villages, these smaller settlements were soon swept away by the Bohrok swarms.
    One new village did, however, manage to assert itself. Kra-Koro, the city of the Makuta-worshippers, built on and around the ruins of what had once been the temple of Kini-Nui. From this new stronghold, the self-proclaimed Turaga Tuyet began to preach her promise of salvation – if Makuta could be revived, Mata-Nui could be reawakened, and the Bohrok Queens could be vanquished.
    Wary of the old legends of Makuta, and rumours of thefts and murders that had been committed by Tuyet and her followers, many dismissed her claims as the ramblings of a madwoman. But as resources grow scarcer, the Bohrok increase in number, and the island drifts ever closer to disaster, madness may be the only way forward…
  6. Nato G
    BZPGOT Season 2 has begun.
    Being both a survivor, and a winner, from the first season, I have a lot of obligations on my plate, and after landing myself with the role of General, I got to thinking that I ought to come up with a home more suited to my character. After Tex informed us that the largest harbour in the Ice Region was situated in the lands of House Greavesy, I decided to incorporate that as well, and wrote out a rough draft for some of those ideas. Whether any of this gets used in-game is entirely out of my hands, but I felt like sharing it anyway:
    Situated at the Northernmost point of Okoto, Rollor’s Reach was constructed shortly after the conclusion of Pulse’s rebellion at the behest of Nato the Traveler, so that his allies in the Water Region could travel directly to the lands of House Greavesy to meet with him.
    However, as the years passed, the simple settlement grew into a thriving port, and after Nato was promoted to the position of General within the Ice Region, further expansions were carried out to develop the city even more, quickly turning it into the largest harbour in the Ice Region.
    As to be expected of a medieval city, Rollor’s Reach is encircled by a large, thick wall. Hewn of black rock and reinforced with metal, this wall not only serves to protect the city in the unlikely event of an attack, but also to shield the city from the harsh elements native to the Ice Region, and the relentless winds and waves of the open ocean.
    In the centre of the city, protected by a second, taller defensive wall, is the citadel, where General Greavesy has made his home. Although little more than a singular tower, it nonetheless serves as a testament to the General’s paranoia; the windows are barred, rendering them un-openable, and there are two guards positioned on both sides of every door – measures he believes will be enough to prevent infiltration from Skull Spiders, or beings concealed by Masks of Stealth.
    Due to being the Ice Region’s largest harbour, and the General’s home, Rollor’s Reach has a high military presence, many of whom are, by necessity, experienced sailors (although the Ice Region currently lacks any ships outfitted for military use). A titanic lighthouse stands resolute at the mouth of the harbour, and it – along with the city’s seaward-facing walls – are equipped with ballistae for defence against seaward attack. Although not nearly as impressive or imposing as the Ice Region’s capital city, Rollor’s Reach is nonetheless a formidable military outpost.
    However, there is one aspect of Rollor’s Reach that truly sets it apart from the other settlements within the Ice Region. Nestled deep in the city’s heart, shrouded in secrecy and rumour, is a unique building referred to only as the Temple of Luck. While its outer sections are open to public access, its innermost sanctum is accessible only by Nato and a handful of his trusted advisors.
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