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Nato G

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Everything posted by Nato G

  1. IC: Avinus - Streets Of Tajun Heroics? Avinus found herself staring at the younger Glatorian for a moment, her expression one of dumbstruck surprise. Fortunately, his attention seemed focused more on the other Glatorian in the crowd than the one at his side, leaving Avinus hopeful that he hadn't noticed. When she'd been around his age all she'd thought about was the fame and the glory that came with a career in the arena. Inspiring people, helping the Agori... that had all come after. It had been incidental, part of the package, and a small part at that. If young Luka had chosen this career out of a desire to help others, then he was simultaneously wiser and more naïve than Avinus had been. She doubted such a worldview would survive the tournament, but there was no need to say as much to Luka's face. Innocence was such a rare thing in this world. She didn't want to be the one to kill it. "That's a nice way of thinkin' about it," she finally replied. "You should hold onto it. A lotta folks in this line of world are more... cynical. All they care about is winnin' their fight and takin' home their prize." I should know... I'm one of 'em. @Emzee
  2. Heroic sacrifices being permanent is also a well-established thing, though. I'd argue it's even more common than characters getting to come back to life, even within the genres where such technology or magic could feasibly exist. While I agree that the Red Star is problematic and cheapens a lot of past deaths, I wouldn't say the rules are arbitrary at all. No body = no resurrection is a pretty straightforward requirement, one that's common to resurrection mechanics in other literature and franchises as well. In a setting where resurrection exists, death can become cheap and meaningless if it's not handled properly. There has to be a cost for sacrifice and loss to be meaningful, for the story to have stakes. Especially when the sacrifice in question is being made to cause a resurrection, like in Matoro's case. Especially given that Matoro himself had already died and been restored once before.
  3. It's very hard to have a consistent discussion when you keep shifting the goalposts like this. You've asked people for their opinions, and instead of actually responding to people's comments you keep offering up these hypothetical situations to force the outcome you want and ask if that would change people's feelings on the topic. At this point I can't help but feel that you're unable or unwilling to take no for an answer (especially since I saw you post the exact same question to Reddit a few days ago and delete it after only four comments when no one would take your side wholesale). There's a vast gulf of difference between Endgame and what you're talking about. As emotionally-devastating as the ending of Infinity War was for some viewers, we as audiences knew the deaths weren't going to stick. It was obvious to anyone with a modicum of genre-savvyness that Thanos' victory would be undone somehow in the follow-up film. There was never a question over if all of those characters would come back, only how the surviving Avengers would manage to do it. The return of those characters was a baked-in expectation of the story, due to the nature of their deaths and the natural course of the narrative. That's simply not the case with Matoro. The whole point of a sacrifice is to give something up. Matoro's death was meant to be a moment of selflessness and acceptance to show the cost of heroism. The fact that he still didn't believe he was a hero even in his final moment is meant to feel tragic and unfair. His loss was meant to hurt. It was meant to leave a hole in his team. It was meant to leave a mark in our memories as readers. Bringing him back for no reason would take all of that away. That's not to say resurrecting Matoro couldn't work, somehow, but I personally can't think of a way to execute that without cheapening or ruining his past story.
  4. It's always a slippery slope when you allow resurrection to exist within a story. Death becomes cheap and inconsequential if it's not handled correctly. Sacrifices especially are meaningless if death is just a revolving door. Personally, I feel like Bionicle was starting to get to that point given that two members of the Toa Mahri - Jaller and Matoro - had already died and come back to life in the space of just a few weeks in-story. Which was what made Matoro's final death so powerful and impactful. The story made it abundantly clear that his was a true sacrifice, with no room for a return. Even the late Red Star retcon didn't walk it back. Matoro's sacrifice was tragic, and emotional, and meaningful. Besides, what would Matoro even do if he came back? Where would his story go from here? He fulfilled his Destiny, so he'd come back as a Turaga, not a Toa. Would he just be relegated to the background like most Turaga characters are? Would he go back to being Nuju's translator? Would he resume moping around grappling with his self-worth? Would he become arrogant and boastful in his new role as the ultimate hero? Would he be wracked with remorse for his role in allowing Teridax to take over the universe? I don't see a way for his story to continue that would live up to what he's already done. Just let the poor guy rest in peace.
  5. Sounds good. Hopefully more folks get involved.
  6. I hope the creator releases the instructions for that head someday because it looks absolutely fantastic.
  7. No. Matoro is gone, body and soul. By all of the established rules of Bionicle, there's nothing left of him to resurrect or revive. I don't understand this obsession so many fans seem to have with undoing the one truly meaningful sacrifice in the entire storyline. Matoro's death is supposed to be permanent, to show the price and pain of heroism. It's meant to be tragic, and unfair, and sad.
  8. The biggest villain is whoever on the story team decided to turn Rocka into a Mary Sue at the expense of all the other established characters.
  9. Good luck to everyone who's still working on their entries.
  10. I think the powers being contained in the armour lines up more with what's been established in past lore. Based on Iden/bodyswap examples, we know that a being's powers are determined by both the "software" of their spirit and the "hardware" of their physical body. Two Toa could use Idens to swap bodies and still use their original powers, but when Tren Krom swapped minds with Lewa he couldn't use a lot of his powers because a Toa body doesn't have the ability to use those powers. Similarly, we know Makuta normally lose access to a bunch of their Kraata abilities when they possess a mechanical body, again due to the hardware being incompatible. Based on those examples, for Tahu to have the Kraata powers himself would mean he's been physically altered or mutated in some way by the experience (and potentially somehow infected with antidermis as a result). The powers being contained in the armour would be simpler, continue Bionicle's trend of important macguffins, and would make it easier to execute Greg's intention to have Tahu eventually lose access to the abilities.
  11. IC: Gayle - Iron Canyon Like Tueris, Gayle didn't view the presence of the carrion creatures as an omen. It was a sad, simple fact of life out here in the wilds: death was the only constant. The only things that could survive were the predators who took life and the scavengers who squabbled over the scraps. "I suppose there's some comfort to be found in that," she said quietly. "If they're here waiting for us to die, it means there's not a giant pile of bodies in Ferrum for them to feast on." Unless, of course, the village had already been completely picked clean... @Burnmad @oncertainty @~Xemnas~ @Toru Nui @a goose
  12. Sounds like a fun concept. I look forward to seeing what people come up with. EDIT: quick question re. the year restriction. Are we limited specifically to parts that came in sets from the 2001 to 2004 lines only, or can we use versions of those parts that were released in later years? For example, parts like Nuva shoulders and Metru legs were produced in other colours in later years.
  13. I've been a big fan of Mootroid's work for years now, and it was really cool seeing him get to work on a project like this. He makes a lot of other awesome Bionicle-related stop motions as well, so I highly recommend checking out his channel.
  14. This still feels like a massive stretch. Your whole argument is "some reddish gold masks exist" and "this one image has a funny colour". To conclude that all of the parts for Takanuva exist in reddish gold somewhere based solely on those two pieces of information just doesn't make sense to me. Iruini and Lhikan are also sets that come in flat dark gold, but promotional images of them feature colours that look very similar to this Takanuva picture you've posted. Again, based on what I can find online, there appear to be only a very small number of those reddish gold Avohkii's floating around. Black6 here on BZPower received eight of them in a massive bag of prototype parts he got back in 2009, and I've seen a few other people online claiming to have them as well (though they may have gotten them from B6 through contests or giveaways, I haven't done a deep enough dive on what he did with them). If, as you claim, there are shoulders and chestplates to go with those masks, then there's at least 24 of these reddish gold pieces that have somehow never seen the light of day, anywhere in the world, despite the diligence of the Bionicle community to track down rare parts and prototypes. Given that B6 got eight of the masks in his haul, one would expect he would have wound up with at least one of the other pieces as well, if they existed. Because parts, especially masks, were frequently prototyped in odd colours.
  15. You had me until here, but this conclusion is a real stretch. From what I can find online, less than ten of the Reddish Gold Avohkii's exist. If a single Nuva chest or shoulder piece had shown up anywhere in the world in the past twenty years in Reddish Gold as well, then you might have something to base your statement on, but as far as I can tell that isn't the case. A single digital render that has clearly been enhanced and edited isn't enough to make this conclusion. Further, I had a look on Bricklink, and while Reddish Gold had previously been used for rubber pieces like Krana and Kraata, its first appearance in solid pieces was in a single part in a single Duplo set in 2003. It was then used for a handful of parts in the 2004 Knights Kingdom line, before seeing more widespread used in Knights Kingdom and other lines in 2005. Based on that, a Reddish Gold Takanuva in 2003 seems unlikely, as it doesn't line up with the way Lego was producing and using the colour at the time.
  16. I’m caught up on everything that’s currently in the doc, and I’ve been really enjoying the story so far. I’m loving the darker, more mature ideas that have been introduced here, with the corruption, classism, conspiracies, and crime families, the new lore around Quaza, Makuro being more of a manipulative mastermind, etc. I also like the way you’ve described the heroes as each having a different body type and physicality compared to each other, instead of them all basically being clone builds like the sets were. Everyone’s got their own unique fighting style, and gets their chance to shine. I appreciate the way the villains have been given more depth and characterisation as well, rather than the very basic way most of them were portrayed in the original story. Naming some of the ships and locations after Bionicle G2 characters was a nice touch as well. My biggest criticism at the moment is that the prologue explains too much, too soon. With the story being mainly about the rookies, we could’ve learned more about the world through them. Key themes like the financial and class inequality are signposted plenty of times through the rest of the story, so we didn’t need to have it all infodumped in the prologue. Us readers knowing a lot of the big reveals and twists long before the heroes do takes a lot of tension and mystery out of the story. The worldbuilding for all of the planets and locations is excellent, but I also would’ve liked to see more of that for the Hero Factory tower itself. After the early training and Core Hunter encounter things jump forward a few months to the main plot threads that keep the characters away from the Factory, so it would’ve been nice to see them spend a little downtime there beforehand. All said, though, it’s a really interesting take on the Hero Factory story, and I look forward to seeing where it goes from here.
  17. IC: Gayle – Iron Canyon While the two Glatorian jostled for the unenviable duty of taking the lead, Gayle settled in towards the middle of the group’s procession. The decision was motivated as much by common sense as it was self-preservation. She was one of the smaller beings present, and her axe didn’t offer the greatest range. Taking up a defensive position better-suited to someone with longer reach would only put all of their lives at risk. And in the eyes of any prowling predators, she was the smallest and most appetising snack, so having Glatorian on either side of her would certainly improve her chances. She left her axe holstered for now. Though she knew the time it took her to draw her weapon could be the difference between life and death, gripping the weapon for hours on end would lead to tired arms, sweaty hands, and cramped fingers, and that could get her killed just as easily. She angled her gaze upwards as she walked, keeping her focus on the sky and canyon wall above the group. Unexpected attacks from above had ended the lives of many an unprepared traveller, and Gayle had no desire to join them. When she faced death – whether it was today, tomorrow, or a decade from now – she intended to look it in the eyes, and go down swinging. ______________________________________________________________________ IC: Somok – Precipere The party from Vulcanus had become little more than indistinct splotches of colour shifting in the shadows of the floor of the canyon below, but still Somok stood and watched. At his side stood the captain of the guard, Giltu, nervously turning his spear in his hands. “What do we do now?” Giltu asked. “What we’ve always done.” “But if there truly is a plague-” “Then we will ensure it doesn’t reach our village,” Somok said, turning away. “Make certain your guards have eyes on the canyon at all times. Inform me the moment they see any one or thing approaching from the canyon below.” ______________________________________________________________________ IC: Skrall – Bone Hunter Stronghold The stronghold wasn’t at all what he’d expected. He’d spent so much time thinking about the cities of The South that he now realised he hadn’t given any consideration to the first destination on their journey. He’d expected a ramshackle camp, maybe some primitive fortifications, but this was a true, thriving settlement. They had infrastructure, diversity, commerce, and far greater numbers concentrated in this one location than he’d expected. Though they were collectively referred to as Bone Hunters, Skrall had long believed his cousin tribe to be little more than scattered bands of scavengers, undisciplined and drug-addicted. The well-maintained fortifications and organised marketplace he’d just witnessed spoke to something more cooperative and competent... almost civilised. As the carts came to a stop and the group disembarked, Skrall’s first instinct was to let someone else shoulder the responsibility of escorting the prisoner so he could explore the marketplace. But a selfish, sudden realisation changed his mind. As intriguing as the marketplace was, it was clearly something the Bone Hunters had no qualms about letting their visitors see. But the opportunity to get a glimpse behind the scenes and learn more about how this place was run… Atakus was only extending that offer to one volunteer. As small a responsibility as it was, as flippant as Atakus seemed to be about it, it was a position of privilege that Skrall was eager to embrace. Skrall stepped up behind the prisoner and gave him a firm, forceful nudge with the blunt end of his spear, in the direction Atakus was going. “Move.” ______________________________________________________________________ @Vezok's Friend @a goose @oncertainty @Toru Nui @Burnmad @~Xemnas~ @BULiK
  18. The Myths and Legacy continuation of The Powers That Be threw out the idea of Velika being the one to kill Jovan a couple of weeks ago. It was a cool reveal that worked within the context of that story, as the Toa needed to encounter someone who knew Velika's identity as the secret GB in order for the narrative to move forward. But ultimately it's up to our own interpretation as to how/why he died. Personally I don't feel that there needs to be a deeper explanation to why one old man perished in a horrific natural disaster that killed hundreds of others across the universe. Not every death and tragedy in the entire Bionicle universe needs to directly tie back to the secret villain that Greg retroactively added to canon after the story was finished.
  19. The community here is small enough as-is. Excluding people from taking part in giveaways if they don't meet some arbitrary post quota will just encourage spam, or drive people away altogether.
  20. It looks like there's multiple Tumas running around in the trailer, so I guess whichever studio did this just dived into Lego's old 3D models for some "robots" to use as generic villains. Tuma and Surge 2.0 are weird choices to represent their respective themes. EDIT: Now that I've actually watched the special I'm not so sure about my earlier theory. Both Surge and Tuma have new system-build hands (which somehow use mixel/towball sockets to attach to CCBS ball joints), and there's a bunch of other weird little changes to Tuma's design (including some stuff that's assembled wrong, and some details that are definitely not physically possible with real parts). The changes come across as a little rushed or unfinished in some places. For example, the changes to Tuma's torso mean that the hordika neck ball joints on his upper legs don't have anything to attach to, but they've still been left there. If the goal was to simplify the design for easier rigging of the model, I don't understand why they changed the torso and legs but left all of the spikes and complicated assembly on his back and shoulders.
  21. If anything, I'd expect the Pit Mutagen to be more widespread than ever. If it's just created by salt water being exposed to radiation/energy from the Matoran Universe, then the crash of the GSR at the end of the story could have effected the groundwater beneath Bara Magna (depending on its salinity), or even reached the oceans of Aqua Magna.
  22. Taller =/= bigger. You're right that (aside from Whenua) most of the Turaga figures work out as a little taller than the McToran (or a lot taller in Onewa's case), but the McToran are all still wider and stockier. Even then, the McToran build is meant to represent the Matoran in a diminished state from their time in the Matoran Spheres. Compared with the more accurately-sized 2003 or 2004 Matoran, the Turaga Metru sets are puny.
  23. IC: Gayle – Rock Bottom Ordinarily, Gayle would have relished a view like this. The fresh breeze and open air, the dappled shadows cast by the sunlight filtering down into the canyon, and the promise of adventure that awaited on the sandy floor below. But today wasn’t an ordinary day, and this wasn’t an ordinary mission. Gayle was used to working alone, and she hadn’t realised just how easily working in a group could bring down the mood. She saw no smiles on the faces of her companions, no eager anticipation or hopeful enthusiasm for the journey ahead. Most of them weren’t even looking at each other, just staring down at the canyon floor. For a brief moment she contemplated cracking a joke, but the grim demeanours of the rest of the group didn’t look especially receptive to mirth. The elevator platform shuddered for a moment before resuming its unsteady descend into the canyon, and Gayle’s knuckles went white as she tightened her hold on the gnarled rope at her side. Her other hand shifted to grip the handle of the axe hanging at her side, an irrational instinct that ignored the fact that a fall from this height wasn’t something she could fight off. “So, where to from here?” She turned to Tueris, asking more to distract herself than anything else. “To Ferrum, obviously-” she added quickly, realising how stupid the question sounded, “-but what kind of approach did you have in mind?” @~Xemnas~, @a goose, @Burnmad, @oncertainty, @Toru Nui
  24. Given the horrific track record the Great Beings have for not disposing of dangerous creatures and experiments properly, I'd put 50/50 odds on your heroes accidentally unleashing some horrific monster on the universe when they open this place up. But in terms of physical loot, macguffins of some sort definitely make the most sense. What exactly might be there would depend on what you intend the purpose of this fortress to be; eg. a laboratory might contain viruses or mutagens, an armoury would contain protosteel weapons or prototype tech, a forge might have powerful Kanohi or Kanoka, an archive or library might have ancient designs and lost knowledge, etc. I'd recommend checking out the objects page on BS01 for some ideas.
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