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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. For what they're worth, here are my current reads: Nato: Suspicious. His behavior fits the Mysterious Person, methinks. Nevermore: The Green Ninja. Manducus, Rylinth and Automaton: Ninja. Voxumo, Probable Ninja, more data needed. Fishers: Decidedly shifty, methinks she's the Pyro, but she could well be a Ninja. Ajna/JiMing: Suspicious: "Trends are useless to me, so I'll go with the trend!"
  2. As longtime players can attest, I am, as a matter of course, meticulously honest in my lists, regardless of my role. Now, would I have posted that list if I were the killer? That's another question, but I wouldn't put it past me.
  3. Hmmm... Burnmad's death is suspicious. It points towards a longterm, Type 1 player. So: Myself Voxumo Shadowhawk Taka Nuvia RG Portalfig Underscore. Tiragath also springs to mind.
  4. I didn't categorically state you were the Mysterious Person, only that I suspected that you were. Your defense isn't helping you. If you were so convinced that they were Innocent, why didn't you vote for other players, instead of doing nothing? Anywho, here's a summary of Day One's votes and such: Please let me know if I've missed anything. Danke!
  5. Nato, I suspect, is the mysterious person. He made far too many comments on voting without, as far as I can tell, actually doing so. If I'm right, we might want him on our side.
  6. EDIT: @Burnmad. Hear hear! EDIT 2: Though to be more precise, it is a murder mystery, simply one in which the killers are not Batman Villains.
  7. Oh come on, die with a bit of dignity. Heck, you are quite the Type 2. Meaningless destruction is practically your raison d'être. While I do get the feeling we've fallen for a misdirection, on Voltex's part, it's not as if clues in BZP Mafia have a history of being incredibly subtle. Remember the one for Burnmad, in the Voltex Constant, Phase I? Or the one for Blade, in Hail the Mad King?
  8. I killed Petewa last game, albeit by lynching. EDIT: And how would that implicate Pahrak?
  9. Hey! I'll have you know that cost me seven months worth of lunch money! I went hungry to get it! And it was the MK V Little Latin and Less Greek model! You insult me! It's worth at least 40$, MINT condition.
  10. Sheep! Where? I will not rest until I have plunged my lance into the hearts of every woolly vermin from the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli to Botany Bay to Timbuck Tu and back again! Ah! The windmills, they burn my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinndddddd
  11. I can't help but agree here. Luroka's clue seems way too obvious. It feels like a setup. While I can't say I remember Luroka having a record like Blade's, I will say that I just realized that the "no less, no more" bit could apply to Nevermore.
  12. So wait, I'm the Medic? why u no pm me, vlotx? I vote Luroka (because large numbers) for the death of my avian kin, and Vicarath for Petewa's demise (poor chap, round one deaths are becoming a running joke with him.)
  13. Thank you Mario, but our Princess is in another castle! Gaaah, ninjad by the Jakkai!
  14. Ah, messing with the dip switches. Is there any other way to play?
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