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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. Grainy dog (Australian shepherd, mayhaps) with a glowing red orb perched in the indentation between its nose and forehead.
  2. not allowed May I inquire which spots I am allowed, then?
  3. I didn't realize we'd be getting this so soon. No complaints from me! Spot whatever. *Mumbles under his breath* Curse you Luroka!
  4. That was quite fun. I'm trying to remember the last game I enjoyed quite that much. It might have been XX, though Luroka Constants Phase I was also pretty good. I look forward to the sequel. Well, we lost our Medic and our Detective (both roles of admittedly rather variable usefullness) on the first Night, so things weren't initially rosy for us. I'm curious, how many folks actually voted for ToaK because of the clue? Did only one person catch it? I don't believe that anyone voted for Shadow_Ignited/Deemo.
  5. This looks like fun! Thanks for getting this up on such short notice! Spot 2, if you will.
  6. I'm pretty sure that it was established that time flows differently in different dimensions in Bionicle. Takanuva could have simply arrived before Mata Nui got to Bara Magna the second time and fixed everything, in theory. I could be mixing it up with the Paracosmos version in my head, however... Nope, it does work that way. The problem is that the DM universe is established as running more or less concurrently with the main one:
  7. The oddity of the Toa Empire Universe is that the Makuta never rebelled, and as such, Mata Nui never fell asleep. Now, if that never happened, Mata Nui should have returned to Bara Magna a millennium ago, ala the alternate universe in which Vezon met Tarduk. Which begs the question of why Tuyet still rules the MU. I can understand the Great Beings not wanting to release its inhabitants because of the evils of Toa Empire, but it seems odd that they'd stand idly by for a thousand years. You'd think they might send in Marendar or simply switch off all the Toa. Surely the likes of Angonce wouldn't let their innocent creations suffer under Tuyet's yoke? Perhaps the Nui Stone debacle happened earlier, in that universe.
  8. Bother, I upvoted the wrong post. Ah well. Ah, novice delusions...
  9. What do you think this is, Irregular Webcomic!?
  10. A speedy victory? Perhaps we should do this more often!
  11. Can I please be bumped up to XXVIII? I've been in a health-induced funk for the past week, and it's showing no immediate signs of letting up. I'm terribly sorry for testing your patience like this.
  13. I'm tempted to leave you in the dark, but I'm not cruel like that. Here you go. By rng, I vote for this person. Suspicious RNG is suspicious. You made a classic mistake. What mistake? I didn't know who anyone I could've voted for was, so I pulled up an RNG. That's the thing. If you'd been a Type 1 villager (and you've been around for too short a time to be pegged as Types 2 or 3) you'd probably try to either deduce the identity of the killer or follow a bandwagon. You only cared about ToaK not being lynched, so you just needed to vote for someone else. While you were perhaps an unusual case, in that you actually used an RNG, the principle is the same. It's unlikely that anyone other than a person interested in the deaths of innocents would ostensibly shoot blind. Type 1s, by the way, are those players who try to win the game for their side. Type 2s want chaos and Type 3s are mixes of the first two Types. Kewl, I guess next time I'll not vote when I don't know who's up for lynching. Or you could follow a bandwagon, or come up with convincing (but insincere) reasoning for voting for someone other than your comrade.
  14. I'm tempted to leave you in the dark, but I'm not cruel like that. Here you go. By rng, I vote for this person. Suspicious RNG is suspicious. You made a classic mistake.
  15. Perhaps the Pyro is good friends with the Nindroid whose father you murdered in cold blood. Voltex, Nindroids don't have blood!
  16. Can I just say that, should the Pyro survive the Day, he'd better up his game? Honestly, I started the bandwagon on Petewa and pointed out that he was acting shiftily. Would a fellow Nindroid really have done that?
  17. I've only been assassinated, so what the 'eck. I want the full experience! I vote Quisoves to be devoured by the Helix!
  18. Heh, I was right in thinking I'd be killed tonight, just not by which role. =P Also, Pahrak as Zane just seems so right.
  19. Tomorrow afternoon, at the latest. I've got the banner made, and I'm in the process writing up the OP. Sorry about that!
  20. Quisoves Potoo

    bad habits

    I don't know how much they cost, but I think there are products you can buy that carbonate water. Might be an investment to look into for your health, if you want to give up soda but crave the fizziness. *Snaps fingers* You can't go wrong with a gasogene!
  21. I just discovered that Vaughn Williams set some poems of John Skelton. Way cool!

    1. Sumiki


      [sumiki likes this]

    2. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day

      Waluigi Likes this.

  22. I forgot to mention it, but this whole thing smells of a classic Voltex set-up. Look at the role descriptions again, folks.
  23. So that's what I saw in the preview. It's a shame I can't remember the names, but I can probably figure them out from other players' posts. Perhaps I've got that page pulled up in an older window... That is a rather blatant clue, no? Yeah, it was hidden, but even so, it imbalances things. I don't like clues, as they tend to detract from the psychological element of Mafia, and this one is no exception.
  24. Ah, but you needn't despair yet. Ten players have yet to vote. EDIT: Why on earth would people want to be me, I can assure you it's not a good thing. Because Toads can be awesome.
  25. Sorry about that. That was a criminal neglection on my part. My reasoning is as follows. Whomever killed Taka Nuvia was either new, and thus not inclined to go after someone more active, or the sort of regular who is wary of shifty, less overtly active players like Taka. There are a lot of newer players this game, so someone from the latter camp seemed a safer bet. EDIT: They're voting you because Pulse was being a Type 2, and they're either acting in kind, or perhaps trying to save themselves, or their comrades, from from the hangman's noose.
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