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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. I don't see my vote for Kyle, up there.
  2. By rng, I vote for this person. Suspicious RNG is suspicious. Rylinth is a newbie with a sibling playing the game. That's a probable impetus to send him, if you ask me. I vote Kyle for the death of Pohatu, and Vox for the death of Taka. The plot, it thickens... EDIT: Are y'all really voting for ToaK, based on such flimsy reasoning? EDIT 2: I vote Rylinth, by the way.
  3. Destiny? What Destiny? Destiny of the Daleks? Destiny War? Unity, Duty, and Destiny? Goodness, I never realized how weird that word is. After seeing it five times, in quick succession, part of my mind wants to rearrange it to "density." As somebody who hosted four different games with a cult (three can still be found: 1 2 3) I would recommend that you have only one successor, and only if the Cult Leader Voodoo Master dies during or before Round 3. By that time they will have recruited at least 3 players, and allowing a successor later than that could tip the game too far in the cult's favor. Thanks! So, in lieu of any objections, I'll try to get XXVII up tomorrow. Those across the pond (for reference, I'm an 'Murican) or potentially otherwise occupied, feel free to reserve a spot!
  4. Quisoves Potoo

    bad habits

    As someone who once endured a none too enjoyable diet ('twas supposed to give me more energy, though it failed to deliver,) I can sympathize. On the bright side, you don't have to observe six other family-members eating much more enjoyable fare (though my father was also on it, so a lot of dinners were diet-friendly.) Exercise is a beautiful thing. If, like me, you enjoy gloomy weather (something of a rarity for me, right now) then I imagine that you'll have plenty of incentives to go walking. If not, then you'll just have to focus on the greenery. =P Anyhow, keep up the good work, screw your courage to the sticking place, don't get discouraged and [insert platitude here]! On a non-facetious note, you'll be in my prayers.
  5. If you can act, then it's easy as pie. If not, then simply don't discuss the game with your sibling. Either way, it's not too complicated.
  6. Also, it occurs to me that, rather than merely give the Cult a fighting chance, as I had intended, the constant presence a Voodoo Master makes it nigh-unbeatable. So I suppose I should limit it to one successor. Does this seem reasonable? Destiny? What Destiny? Destiny of the Daleks? Destiny War? Unity, Duty, and Destiny? Goodness, I never realized how weird that word is. After seeing it five times, in quick succession, part of my mind wants to rearrange it to "density."
  7. This is a good deal simpler than Damage Control (which had three layers of play, plus a weather system,) so at worst, I should be able to fudge a scene and post something like "X, role Y, killed by Mafia on Night W . 24 hours to vote."
  8. Ah. I felt I was forgetting something. One overrides the other, so it's possible for a player to switch back and forth between them.
  9. That's the idea. I initially had an alternate fate for targeted Mafiosi, but I figured that would overcomplicate things.
  10. I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for XVII. Here's the idea: ┴odsʎʇnɹʌǝʎpoɯ Any comments, queries, suggestions?
  11. I was Lancelot, if memory serves.
  12. Yeah, this one's really a no-brainer. Also, apologies for my entry (#7) It was a rush-job, and as such, I couldn't get any decent photos of it. It looks much better in person (though I do think the eyes were a mistake.) Mind, it's quite outclassed by the likes of #8 and Deevee's entry, regardless.
  13. You rang? I have ascended to sea-monsterhood! My sonorous cries now echo through the abyssal depths of the Pit. I am... Urutax, Barraki of MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
  14. It's a pity that had to happen. Ah, well. If you decide to reboot this, I'm game!
  15. That was a nightmare. That was glorious. Reading that game again, I was surprised when Vox turned out to be Innocent. =P
  16. It took me a mite too long to realize that the names for the polls weren't BIONICLE-themed. =P
  17. You're back! I do hope university's not keeping you down.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I am, and trying my best to keep it that way (at the moment I am mostly able to deal with university stuff on time, so I guess I'm fine)

    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      also, it's nice to hear feom you again! :)

  18. Only self-interest. But even a polyhang would reveal his identity, no?
  19. No, no, it makes perfect sense. Good old process of elimination!
  20. I do hope you've considering making a career out of this (yeah, the pay ain't necessarily great, but if you do hit it big...) Barring the appearance of an even more flabbergasting entry, I'll be surprised if this doesn't win, slinky torso or no.
  21. You know, Blade, this makes my games look positively unsanguine. =P I wonder if the twist here will be anything like Damage Control's.
  22. *Ahem* Is this thing on? Well, isn't this a motley crew? No, I'm quite partial to tomatoes, but not so ripe, thank you very much. I'll just be a minute. I'm sure some other chap needs your produce more than I do. Hey! My feathers stain easily, d'ya hear? Member: Quisoves Potoo Image: Topic I trust this is the proper format?
  23. Centuries ago, two brothers sought to outdo each other in the art of mask-making. Now, after millennia of slumber, they're more partial to conquest, or the hindering thereof. Not exactly a healthy relationship, if you ask me. Anyhow, this be my entry to that there Journey to Amazon-Prime contest, or whatchamacallit. Just so you don't think I can actually draw, this was all accomplished using GIMP. Thanks to BS01, and of course the original LEGO artists, for providing the (now heavily augmented) images. Cheers!
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