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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. There are four players left: @Dapper-Sama, , , and . So either the two remaining Mafiosi kill each other off (which is possible, since one is the permanent Mafioso,) and the village wins, or the Cycle A Mafia wins.
  2. This is so exciting! At long last, my patience will be rewarded! They scoffed, they called me fool, they ignored me. Now who's laughing? This is the best news I've heard all year! If ever anything LEGO was needed to return, this is it. LEGO has a media juggernaut on its hands! Believe me, I will watch all of the tv show and the movie, I will eat bag upon bag of the limited edition licensed Planter's Peanuts, I will buy all of the ceramic mugs (don't ask me how I know, I don't want my source to lose his job ) At long last, a new generation can experience that glorious lumen, that product by which all other LEGO products are measured, Hiker Mike! I've gotta get me a pair of walking sticks and some beef jerky and celebrate! I might just be making a pilgrimage to the Grand Canyon. I mean, it's not as if LEGO would bring back Galidor, or that silly Throwbots clone they made (whatchamacallit, Skull Caps of Voya Mata?) Though in all seriousness, if Friday's reveal is Bionicle, that makes sense of the claim that the NYC reveal will be a "brand new theme." #HIKERMIKE2015 confirmed!
  3. The votes came in, and it became clear that the villagers were no more risk-averse than they were the previous day. Five votes were cast, one to a villager. The villagers gathered in the center of Brakas' Jest. The sentence was pronounced: ", @Unit#phntk#1, , @-Toa Lhikevikk-, and , you have been condemned to death, not for any guilt of which we are yet certain, but because of the harshness of the universe. Even under Mata Nui's gaze, certainty is no constant. Life must go on. We only hope that your deaths will allow for it to do so. Farewell, villagers of Brakas' Jest." In turn, each deceased-elect knelt on the ornate mat, where the snickersnee met his neck. After the sad dispatches, the remaining four villagers waited in silence for the stars to come out. Cycle A: Night Four The unhappy task of star-reading commenced: Of those executed, but two were of significance. @-Toa Lhikevikk- was a sometimes Detective, while was one of two responsible for 's demise. With fear and trembling, the remainders of what was once a thriving village retired to bed, each one all too aware that he might not awaken the next morning. , Innocent, executed. @Unit#phntk#1, Innocent, executed. , Innocent/Mafia, executed @-Toa Lhikevikk-, Detective/Innocent, executed. , Innocent, executed.
  4. Don't feel too bad. While I appreciate a player keeping interest in the game after his demise, since this game has no means of revival, it isn't strictly necessary. Alright, here's the next scene. I'm sorry for not writing it earlier. Twas' the middle of the night. A hut-door slowly opened, and a being came through it. The being was about to decapitate, with a handy battleaxe, the occupant of the hut, as he slept. The murderer paused, however, having noticed the entrance of another via the hut's rear window. "Oh, it's you! You gave me a fright!" "Yes, it is I. I suppose you were expecting Tren Krom, tentacles ablaze, come to drag you off to Karzahni? I imagine that you are here for the same purpose as I am." "It does rather seem so. Perhaps one of us should choose a different target?" "Too risky. Why, pray tell, did we not convene prior to carrying out our nightly task?" "Unfortunately, a series of ill-timed events conspired to prevent me from meeting with you. First, I was roped into participating into an odd sort of game at the hot-springs. It involved a wooden mask-." "You will omit the precise details, if you know what's best for you. Now, if we continue prattling, our target will wake. Best to perform the dispatch immediately." "But which one of us will-" "We shall both kill him. Now, on the count of three..." Cycle B: Day Three The villagers awoke to find that an unusually excessive murder had occurred. 's head had been cleaved from his body, and that was thoroughly charred. They had taken a chance, and fate had not been kind. And so, they met in the arboretum, where they would once more vote. , Innocent, killed by two Mafiosi.
  5. Non c'est pas mal. Attempting a re-imagining can be a tricky business, what with the temptation to dote on the similarities and differences in respect to the source-material, so I'm impressed with what you've shown so far of your world. The writing's not half-bad, either. Onewa is definitely well characterized. I'm not so sure about Dushka. He comes across as somewhat generic in the first chapter, but then, Onewa does most of the talking, so I shall have to wait for more exposure of his personality before I pass judgement. All in all, I look forward to the following chapters of this saga. It could easily go wrong, but done well, it could go marvelously well. P.S. You say that "Greg mucked up the feel and lore after 2003." What aspects of the feel and lore are you referring to? Greg may have been the lead writer, but he didn't decide a lot of the feel or the lore. You are entitled to your opinion, obviously, but I hate to see Greg blamed for all of Bionicle's woes, as if he were the sole director of Bionicle's story. P.P.S Is the word "Toanga" connected in any way to the word Tohunga?
  6. Unusually, no votes were cast that morning. The villagers of Brakas' Jest were making a gambit, it seemed, in the hopes that the permanently malevolent one among them would kill, or be killed by, the other surviving murderers. Cycle B: Night Three The appearance of the stars was not greeted with the usual trepidation. The villagers retired to bed with slightly more hope than usual, praying that their inaction would be rewarded. Night roles, send in your PMs.
  7. No doubt it would. Now if only a Great Being stowed away on board it as well... There are other ways glitches could come about, no doubt, to produce full sapience in the robot's nanotechnology.
  8. Not necessarily. The remaining members of the Mafia will either determine the identity of the permanent Mafioso, and vice-versa, or they will kill him, or vice-versa. Even one Mafioso still stands a chance of winning when there are less than ten players.
  9. My apologies for not getting the scene up earlier. Here goes. @Rahkshi Guurahk was awakened by a noise in his hut. He then looked with horror as a shadowy figure at the end of his bed swung a curved, wicked blade down on him, cleaving him in two. @Makuta Luroka walked out of the hut, wearing an expression of twisted satisfaction. As he did so, a Zamor Sphere made contact with his body, and he melted away in an instant, his body now but a noisome puddle. His killer noticed the scimitar on the ground. Now, what's going on here? Perhaps the interior of Rahkshi's hut will elucidate me. If I can only find a lightstone. Ah, here's one. Oh, I see now. Well, that was interesting... What's a being to do? If you can't avoid being killed, then you really ought to reconsider your murderous activities. Live and learn, or else you do neither. @Rahkshi Guurahk, Innocent, killed by @Makuta Luroka. @Makuta Luroka, a Cycle A Mafioso, killed by the permanent Mafioso. Nota Bene: A Mafioso can only target another Mafioso if he is unaware of his identity. That is, if one of them was from another Cycle before being made permanent. Cycle A: Day Three Brakas' Jest awoke to find the disgusting results of the previous night's work. After respectfully soaking up Luroka's cadaver, they gathered in the arboretum. Voting commenced once more.
  10. "Aiwendil!" "Rahskhi Guurak!" "Rahskhi Guurak!" Booing. "Aiwendil!" "Aiwendil!" Raucous cheers of approval. "Aiwendil!" "Aiwendil!" Aiwendil shivers. "Aiwendil!" The bell is rung, voting is at an end. Aiwendil, hoping to die with dignity, begins to speak: "There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities..." He stops. No, that won't do. "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far..." He stops again. Dash it all! Can't I find the words to express myself properly? "Fellow villagers of Brakas' Jest, friends, companions, do not blame yourselves for what you are about to do. How can you, when the condemned was the first to motion the taking of his own life? I am just as much judge, jury, and executioner as the rest of you. If I am deserving of death, then you can sleep peacefully, secure in the knowledge that my death was not in vain. If I am but an innocent, then mourn no more than you must. You must go on with your lives, lest you loose them. Villagers of Brakas' Jest, I bid you farewell. You have been good to me. Now then, do with me what you must." Cycle A: Night Three The stars came out, revealing that, alas, 's sacrifice was that of an innocent. , Innocent, executed. Night roles, send in your PMs!
  11. Aukat: The Makuta sounds pretty important, whoever he is. And since being a shadow carries very little status, it might be easier to ingratiate oneself with the natives by pretending to be someone with status. They don't know what he looks like, so you might as well take advantage of their credulity. And hey, "Makuta" is almost an anagram of "Aukat." Maybe there's some sort of connection between you and him. Maybe you are the Makuta. Takua really wasn't too sure of who he was. Maybe he's the Atukam. Kapura: Hurry (slowly) back to Ta-Koro... Maku: Takua seems pretty naive. He shouldn't have to die, and hopefully he won't, but hey, it's a tough universe. He's quite colorful, and not nearly as important as you are, so he'd make a great distraction for the Tarakava attacking your village. Explain the plan to him, and should he agree (and why shouldn't he? He wants XP, after all) take him back to Ga-Koro with you to put the plan in action. Takua: You're going on a quest. You don't remember much, but you feel that if are to be a questor, you should really acquire a 2.2-bio pole. You just know you're going to need one.
  12. Wait, I thought that he just died. Or is RG not Manducus?
  13. Careful, m'boy. You wouldn't want me to sic Hiker Mike on you, would you now? I don't imagine you'd like that! He's a dab hand with a walking stick. Best not to anger him, eh?
  14. Cycle B: Day Two The morn came, and a conspicuous absence, more disturbing in a way than the corpses of previous days, was noticed. was gone from his hut, nowhere to be seen, while his spiked helm lay on his bedside table. The villagers knew all too well what this meant. One of them was now permanently malevolent. On the bright side, they were free of another murderer, so things were not so different than they were yesterday. , Mafia/Innocent, killed by the Mafia. Once more, the arboretum was filled with the remaining villagers of Brakas Jest. Cast your votes, y'all!
  15. You are waiting for Hiker Mike to fall from the sky and save you all. But barring that, you're waiting for the Night to end.
  16. A traveler to the village of Brakas' Jest could have been forgiven for thinking, on the evidence of his ears, that the village arboretum was, appropriately, inhabited by Brakas. Such was the noise coming from the place as the villagers voted upon whom to execute. After much heated argument, Ehks decided the matter by switching his vote from to @Trijhak (aka Pulse.) Thus, tied for the most votes, two villagers were sentenced to death this day. "...certainty is no constant. Life must go on. We only hope that your deaths will allow for it to do so. Farewell, villagers of Brakas' Jest." And with that, and @Trijhak passed from this life. Cycle B: Night Two The stars came out, and this time, their message tempered tragedy with hope. For while was Innocent, @Trijhak led a double life, and would this night have killed another. , Innocent, executed. @Trijhak, Innocent/Mafia executed. Night roles, send in your PMs.
  17. The dead voting for the dead. That's pretty nifty. What will they think of next? A YMCA-macabre?
  18. Was this even Greg's call? He may have been the head writer, but I'm under the impression that most of the world-building was done by Faber et al, while more particular major story elements (e.g. which Hordika fell under Roodaka's influence) were determined democratically, by a story council (of which Greg was a part.) As for the fixed genders, while I too find them frustrating for the limitations they placed on the story, I'm not so certain that they actually limited the amount of female characters we got. 2005 and 2008 aside, whenever sets had no in story necessity to be female, none were (unless we're counting Pewku .) Roodaka was the only female titan, as far as I recall, and come 2006, when the first wave of canister sets weren't Toa, all six were male. Ditto the Barraki the next year. 2008 bucked the trend somewhat by giving us Gorast, a female non-Matoran/Toa/Turaga character with green and black armor. But come 2009, when there were no in-story gender restrictions whatsoever, we got a wave of Matoran-and-Toa analogues who were entirely male. Even Berix and Tarix, despite being blue-armored, were male. The only female set-character in 2009 was Kiina. On the evidence of all this, I am inclined to think that had Ga-Matoran/Toa/Turaga not been all female by necessity of the story, we would have had even less female characters.
  19. Is Pulse the alternate title of someone playing, or is voting for him simply a humorous way of abstaining?
  20. Once, in a valley which was but a ravine, which was but a crack in the ground, was a village. There lived beings, caught in all but a rut. Going round and round, putting their noses, six to a villager, in the same kind of business day after day, with but a sliver of hope for progress. The giants who watched them, their silver hides gleaming in the sunlight, going about their redundant cycle of life, must have thought them nature's toys, so lacking in what was commonly considered life, and yet fascinating, strange, exotic, wonderful. The giants would not for a moment fathom being one of the silver creatures, and yet they would have felt the world poorer for their absence. And yet the giants never realized that just as they marveled at these miniscule organisms, these flecks of life, they were themselves regarded as exactly that. Their violet fur and onyx eyes were curiosities to beings greater still. The observer was just as much the observed. @Pupwa21 often thought of this crack in the ground, not knowing whether it was a memory, or a fantasy, or whether that mattered at all. He would lie awake at night, formulating hypotheses and theories about the lives, cultures, and histories of this microcosm. Such was his activity when, this last night, he was plucked from his bed by the hands of a malevolent being, who should have been his equal, but sought to rise above him in the order of things. Half awake, Pupwa's last thought as he was hurled into the village trash pit was that perhaps his death might do some good, that his body might become a new world, a new home, for a race of smaller beings. Alas, so falls another Innocent. No time for thought was allowed poor . A bucket of silver liquid was poured about her sleeping form, and, as was destiny's decree, she burned. Another senseless killing, another Innocent gone. Cycle A: Day Two Though Brakas' Jest was now more used to fresh horrors in the morn, yet were the sorrow and the fear still there. The villagers, hoping to rid themselves of their afflictions, gather in the arboretum once more to vote...
  21. The second round of voting was a good deal more orderly than the last. The votes came in quickly and had, alas, the majority. He was taken to the center of the village, and off came his head. Cycle A: Night Two The stars gave their dread message: was Innocent. All virus victims, switch back to your Cycle A roles. My apologies for the sparse death scene, I assure you all that the next will be more sumptuous. Pleasant dreams, or happy hunting, or happy detecting, as the case may be...
  22. If you don't mind my asking, what's this voting Xaeraz business? First Toa K, now you. I'm certain he never joined. Or is this all an obvious joke that I'm missing?
  23. @MT Zehvor slept, his mind filled with shoddy yet eerie amalgams of time and space. He was observing with great fascination the pet Muaka of a curmudgeonly Turaga of the Green, marveling at its peculiar hues, when his head was smashed in by a warhammer, and he dreamed no more. Alack, poor Innocent. As @JAG18 slept, a vial of virus was poured into his audio receptor. So died another Innocent. @TBK stirred, and then opened his eyes to the bizarre sight of an aggravated Hoto being placed upon his head. He saw no more. So died another Doctor. Cycle B: Day One The horror of this new round of killings washed away any reluctance on account of the previous day's lynching. The villagers of Brakas' Jest would not sit idly by as they were exterminated. Once more they gathered in the arboretum... It's voting time again!
  24. Just to clarify, if you have not received a PM during Cycle B, you are simply an innocent, through and through. Oh, and by the way, I'm extending Cycle B: Night One, seeing as I neglected to give the Mafiosi the identity of their partners. They have now been given.
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