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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. Any semblance of order or restraint in the village arboretum was shattered the moment voting commenced. Scarcely had uttered the words "I'll vote for right now" when about nine other villagers started screaming their assent. Twas' not long before they broke into a bizarre sort of line-dance, swerving around villagers and trees alike with shouts of "Kill da SV!" and "Choo choo!" (an archaic Matoran exclamation.) Some others, attempting to make themselves heard over the cacophony, cast votes for and @TBK. The dance was finally stopped, much to the dismay of the dancers, by the combined force of the other villagers. There was a minute of silence, which was broken by @Trijhak: "If I can, I'd like to switch my vote from ShadowVezon to Voltex. I've been told that lynching SV would have dire effects." There was much murmuring. Some were dissuaded from voting for , while others were unconvinced. briefly became a new popular candidate, before heroically chose himself, drawing two other votes for his demise. was the last voter, deciding upon @Xaeraz, which was rather strange, given that no-one by that name was known to reside in Brakas' Jest. Ultimately, the sacrifice was to be 's. Nine votes had doomed him. He was led to the center of village, where his sentence was pronounced: ", you have been condemned to death, not for any guilt of which we are yet certain, but because of the harshness of the universe. Even under Mata Nui's gaze, certainty is no constant. Life must go on. We only hope that your death will allow for it to do so. Farewell, villager of Brakas' Jest." With that, the snickersnee met his neck, and his life was at an end. Night came, and the stars gave up that knowledge, secret til a being's death, which shewed the village the depth of its tragedy. Not only Doctor, ShadowVezon was, but Detective also. Brakas' Jest was now even less certain of its future. Cycle B, Night One, begin. You have twelve hours. Virus victims have now received their PMs.
  2. I see now. I misunderstood you as saying "the Mafias' targets would have to be determined by RNG." I like your idea. It would definitely increase the element of obfuscation.
  3. Why would RNG be needed? If every player chooses a target, the kills will be determined by the targets of players who are part of the Mafia. The trick would be figuring out, in the event that your target is killed, whether or not you were the one who killed him.
  4. How about a side game in which all the players are ignorant of their roles and everyone picks a target at night? It would be interesting to see a game of Mafia without the normal certainty of personal innocence or guilt. Obviously, said game would have no Detective role.
  5. I'm allowing one vote switch per day, if that's not too few.
  6. Don't despair yet, you still have three others, one left for A Cycles and two for B Cycles.
  7. Very good then, here goes. Cycle A: Day One The dawn, often a symbol of hope, was an ironic harbinger of terror for the village of Brakas' Jest. Twenty-five villagers retired to bed last night, twenty-three awoke this morn. @Chro's body was still bed, albeit conspicuously lacking its head. That could be found all too easily, mounted on his hut's back wall, the grotesque trophy of a twisted individual. A search of his dwelling turned up nothing out of ordinary. He was untouched by the dread virus. Alas, had also been visited in the night. His dark heart-light and mutilated form evidenced that terrible fact. A perusal of his hut turned up an unusual profundity of herbs, a few tablets with musings on anatomy, and other evidence of a medical profession. He had been leading a double-life, it seemed, one whose end had been not only tragic, but deeply unfortunate for the village. The twenty-three surviving villagers spent an hour or so speaking and arguing in fearful voices in the village arboretum. Finally, they agreed upon one dread thing: They must take justice into their own hands. Every day, they would vote upon a villager to execute. Ties would not be a problem. They would simply mean the death of more than one being that day. An outside would likely have been surprised with the alacrity with which the villagers of a place as peaceful as Braka's Jest had decided to kill their fellow beings. It was not, however, that they had previously been opposed to such pragmatic killing, only that they had never required it. And so, one-by-one, the inhabitants of Brakas' Jest cast their votes, hoping that their sacrifices would not be in vain. @Chro, Innocent, killed by the Mafia, on Cycle A, Night One. , Doctor/Innocent, killed by the Mafia, on Cycle A, Night One. Y'all have twelve hours to vote. Good luck!
  8. It's been more than twenty-four hours, and I should really begin Day One, but I am worried by the fact that one Mafioso, both Doctors, and the Detective have not sent in their moves. Is this a common occurrence on BZPMafia, or am I at fault?
  9. Interestingly enough, MNOLG was originally going to feature a seventh, covert, Makuta-worshiping tribe, to which the character who eventually became Ahkmou would have belonged.
  10. Cycle A: Night One It is the second night of the Harvest Festival of Brakas' Jest. The twenty-five villagers are gathered around a large, round, onyx table, enjoying a myriad of fruits and other delicacies, such as boiled lava eel, and, most prominent of all, a roasted catapult scorpion. They are busy stuffing their hands when an eerie voice surprises them. Sounding quite like the wind on a stormy night, it belongs to a creature that defies categorization: Scaly wings, of uneven length; one leg vaguely ursine, one quite avian, one like a biped, and a fin where the fourth should be; a head, resembling a warped, reptilian version of a Kanohi Pakari; and supporting all these features is a gravely misshapen body, seemingly derived from every species imaginable. "I come bearing ill tidings, villagers. My master, a being of great power and intellect, and to whom I owe my... deformity, has cursed your village in a terrible way. He has developed a virus, designed to strike down a being's very personality, and to replace it with another. He, thank Mata Nui, released but twelve vials of it upon you." As the villagers sit, stunned both by the being and his claims, he continues: "Fortunately for you, they were faulty. Having examined the virus, in his absence, I have discovered that it only creates a personality, one that must compete with its victim's original. I assure you, it is very probably not a benevolent one. There are, I am almost certain, some among you wish your village harm. Not that they will always do so. The personalities created by this virus alternate with the originals every twenty-four hours. The viruses released comprised two batches, the first of which took a day longer to set in. Be..." With that the being collapses. The joy of the Festival is forgotten as the villagers rush to tend to him. They know not whether to believe him, but the mere possibility that his story is true chills them to their cores. His tale's veracity is evidenced in a most unnerving manner, when he is found stabbed and beaten, in the hut in which he slept. Before he expires, he offers one last piece of information: "The viruses that work most, that make malevolent their victims, they can serve as an antidote of sorts, provided one has the proper amount. However, they can also make permanent the effect..." It is with great fear and sadness that the inhabitant's of Brakas' Jest retire this night. The Harvest Festival is to be postponed, lest there be no villagers to celebrate. Since this is the first night, it shall last twenty-four hours, all other nights shall last twelve. Night roles, PM me your actions.
  11. The problem is that Ackar wasn't about to die 100,000 years back, and he hasn't died yet. If Velika deemed him an especially useful agent, I doubt that he would have decided against obtaining millennia-worth of intelligence from him. Yes, he was more likely to die than other 2009 characters, but as long as Velika had could replace him with a younger agent (either recruited beforehand or later, by Ackar, at Velika's behest,) his age should not have been a problem.
  12. Corrections and clarifications 1. There are a maximum of twelve virus victims, but as few as six are possible. 2. The possibility of all three dormant Mafiosos being killed by the active Mafiosos never occured to me. I have added a rule to deal with this: Well, I don't want to keep you all waiting too much longer on account of a single, unfilled slot. So, I'm giving it twenty-four hours, and if no-one takes slot #25 by then, we'll begin anyways.
  13. 13's already been taken, so I'll round you up to 14.
  14. I assume that you mean that you haven't played Mafia before. Or do you not understand the experimental side of my game? This should give you a good idea of how to play Mafia. Please note that the Cop is the same thing as the Detective. This game is what's known as a "Side Game," an experimental take on Mafia. I'll add you in, but please pull out if you decide that this isn't your thing. Dormant players can cause complications.
  15. Mafia: Personality Crisis In a placid valley, not so far from BZKoro, lies a settlement by the name of Brakas' Jest, a peaceful, secluded, idle place where civilization and nature balance each other gracefully. This existence of this village is largely unknown, a fact that the villagers mind not at all. Alas, this same seclusion makes Brakas' Jest an ideal laboratory for those unscrupulous beings desirous of hiding their heinous experiments from the universe at large. One such being was Makuta Yewvanahk, who visited upon the village a virus of novel and horrible design. This virus was designed to utterly obliterate the personality of a being and to replace it with another, more to the Brotherhood's liking. Yewvanahk had only just shattered several vials of the virus when a Nivawk landed at his side, carrying news of a multi-species rebellion elsewhere in his dominion. The rebellion, though eventually quelled, did result in his untimely demise. His successor was unaware of his terrible experiment, and so Brakas' Jest was spared a second visitation by the Brotherhood of Makuta. As for the virus, it was partially successful: While it did not eradicate old personalities, it did generate in several unfortunate villagers a second personality. And thus, every twenty-four hours, those unfortunate ones experience a change of mind. Some of these new personalities are benevolent, even more skilled than their counterparts. Others are, however, malevolent beings with no less a goal than the eradication of all peace-loving villagers. Brakas' Jest shall not remain peaceful for much longer. RULES: The rules are the same as normal Mafia, save that, every twenty-four hours, certain players switch roles, and then back again the next day. The roles are quite simply as follows: Innocent, Doctor, Detective, and Mafia. The the Mafia are six in number (three for each twenty-four hour cycle,) the Doctor four (two per cycle,) and the Detective two (one per cycle.) For the virus victims (min. six, max twelve,) any combination of roles is possible. Please note that when the Detective investigates a villager, he only learns of his current role. For a sometimes Mafioso to win, he must either be a villager when the last of the other three Mafiosos is hanged, or the final non-Mafioso must be eliminated while he is a Mafioso. If a Mafioso kills a dormant Mafioso, he will become a permanent part of the Mafia (though his identity will still only be known to his original two partners in crime, making it possible for him to be killed by an unwitting murderer, with the same results as the death of a dormant Mafioso.) If a player does not send in his action or vote on a certain round, it will simply not occur. It will not be randomly generated. The Mafiosos only know the identities of the Mafiosos in the same cycle. Any questions, comments, or concerns? Slots (25) 1. 2(427135.) @Makuta Luroka Mafioso/Innocent 3. 4. 5. @-Toa Lhikevikk- Detective/Innocent 6. @TBK Innocent/Doctor 7. 8. @JAG18 9. Innocent/Mafioso (transformed into permanent Mafioso.) 10. Mafioso/Innocent 11. @Rahkshi Guurahk 12. 13. 13.1. @Unit#phntk#1 15. @Pupwa21 16. @Dapper-Sama Mafioso/Doctor -17. 18. 19. Doctor/Innocent 20. Doctor/Detective 21.1.@Trijhak Innocent/Mafioso 22. (2.) @Chro 23. @MT Zehvor 24. Innocent/Mafioso 25.
  16. I imagine that Velika would have required a separate agent to spy on the Skrall, given that they were isolated from the rest of Bara Magnan society for thousands of years. There are four possible agents: Tuma, Stronius,Branar, and Atakus. Tuma, being of the Skrall leader class, seems unlikely. Velika would have risked too much by contacting him. In the event that he decided not help Velika, he would be in a position to root out whomever ultimately served as Velika's agent. After all, he wouldn't want spies for foreign powers running about. Stronius seems to have the wrong personality for an agent. He's too rash. Also: This seems too rash to be Velika's initiative, and I doubt that Stronius would have done this if he was following instructions from Velika. This leaves us with Branar and Atakus. At the time of the Core War, neither was very important. Branar was merely a Skrall warrior and commander, while Atakus was, at most, a gate guard. Branar's role and rank would give him access to more vital information than a mere gate guard. So Branar seems most likely. As for other agents, Vastus is a definite possibility. He feels much guilt for his actions in the Core War, and he may well have felt guilty during the War. If Velika were to approach him with a purported opportunity to atone for his sins, he would leap at the chance. Metus is another possibility. It's possible that allowed himself to be captured by the Skrall, so as to further Velika's plans by aiding them. This hinges on the Skrall figuring into Velika's plans, of course. Though as Bonesii said, it makes sense of the timing of the Skrall's invasion. Also, it occurs to me, if the Skrall invasion was a hindrance to Velika, surely his agents would have warned the other villages?
  17. Just so y'all know, I have not forgotten about hosting the next side game. I should have the topic up sometime tomorrow. Cheers!
  18. Ah, but the Toa Inika never defeated the Piraka, not even when they were Mahri and the Piraka were sea-snakes. If you don't believe me, check BS01. The Toa Nuva actually came much closer to defeating the Piraka. Had it not been for Brutaka, they might have succeeded the second time round.
  19. I'm puzzled as to why there is any debate over the Hero Agori's gender if Raid on Vulcanus described him as male. But that said, if we choose to ignore Raid on Vulcanus, I would prefer the gender of the Hero Agori to be left indeterminate. After all, this is a player character with no given dialogue or personality traits. Simply saying "Hero Agori is male" doesn't affect the way MLN users played the Bionicle campaign. And even if the Hero Agori was confirmed to be female, I hardly think that would constitute a victory for female representation in Bionicle. If the character's traits are largely indeterminate, it's not as if feminine behavior is being better portrayed in story. The number of female characters is only as relevant as the variety of portrayals it allow for. You could hypothetically have 99% of all characters be caricatures of true femininity, or have 1% of all characters be good portrayals of women. It's far more than a matter of numbers.
  20. Then he would be Voriki, Toa of Lightning.
  21. Quite true. However, there are persons who study the intricacies of ant culture, simply to gain the knowledge of it. Mata Nui was a sapient being. It is plausible that he, in the same way an entomologist studies ants, studied the fighting techniques of various lifeforms out of curiosity. In fact, if I recall correctly, one of the primary reasons Mata Nui was overthrown was that he paid most of his attention to alien cultures, and not enough to those within him. Furthermore, there were beings with fighting skill in the Matoran Universe. Mata Nui had the ability to wipe his inhabitants of six months of their memories, so it seems perfectly feasible that he could access and copy their memories and skills. It's possible that he may have uploaded information from a warrior's mind, for some reason or other, and, as a side effect, gained some of his fighting skill.
  22. I'd be up for hosting the next side game. I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to do.
  23. While you did a good job once you were in charge, I fail to see how any of our problems were leader related. All of our leaders acquitted themselves admirably. We had other problems. I'm glad to see I was right about Pupwa's identity.
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