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Everything posted by silo

  1. IC: Snake - Malebranche I follow the others, head throbbing.
  2. No, the toa had elemental powers before they got their Golden Masks, they just weren't as strong. It's like how the protector of fire can make fireballs and use an elemental blaster, but can't shoot massive beams of fire like Tahu. On a related note, I'm pretty sure Pohatu can control sand with only his hands: he's clearly shown in his character video as clenching his fist, and a tornado of sand appearing round it. Don't tell me that's just a convenient breeze
  3. Oooh, so many to choose...quick-travel would be useful, but telekinesis takes the cake for everyday practicality
  4. Quite a few of my friends vaguely know that I am/used to be into Bionicle, and one or two of them know I'm on BZP, but I honestly don't talk about it all too much for the simple reason that people I know aren't all too interested. Quite a few of my primary school friends used to be into Bionicle, and we'd trade pieces like mad and combine our collections to make hideous super-MOCs, but they inevitable grew out of it one by one. These days I occasionally have a conversation that mainly involves someone I know saying something along the lines of "Oh, bionicrons, they were really cool." and me trying my best not to correct them
  5. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche "Yeah..." I mutter in reply to Kat, barely audible. My head is still spinning as I try to make my memory make sense.
  6. Pohatuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  7. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I'm snapped back into consciousness, but the unnerving feeling doesn't fade.
  8. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche My head's spinning, reeling, audio flickering and fading in and out of consciousness. A part of me realizes that it's just the physical and mental shock of the kaita's dissolution, but in this half-dream state, the world takes on a surreal edge. I'm vaguely aware of the others talking, arguing, but I feel like I'm in bubble, inputs distorted as they try to reach me. I look up, and I see myself, admitting it doesn't know, while yet another Snake talks bitterly. I feel...not exactly separated, but somehow... ...stolen from... ...like a part of my psyche has been torn out, held in another's hands, being stared at, toyed with. I'm not in control. They...they know. I look up at my mirror images as the shimmer and melt into Jayar and Shield. They...know. The thought lingers as I pass out.
  9. Really like the colour scheme, not to mention the feature - nice work!
  10. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I open my mouth. I close it again. Then I speak: "Prove it."
  11. purplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurplepurpl...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. user-402520536


      Violet. Not purple. Violet.

    3. Dane-gerous
    4. Ghidora131


      I like violence because they smell so nice.

  12. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I realise the staff is shaking in my hands. Be strong..."So...you're against the Makuta?" I ask cautiously. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I feel like I'm being shredded, metal warping and muscle stretching like rubber. For a second I lose consciousness, drifting into a dreaming state. Images flash through my mind as I slowly float to the surface, the sky of consciousness above me moving towards me faster and faster. Pictures of people I know, but from a different perspective. Death, death of friends, and all the intricacies of relationships and rivalries I've never known. Faces flutter across my vision...all seem familiar, but oddly...displaced. Each image leaves before I have time to examine it, but I have a strange feeling of having been in this place before, with these people. The thought drifts just out of reach, like a half remembered dream. I sigh, and resurface into the world of the living, gasping for breath.
  13. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I hear Nymph taking something out of his bag, but I can't turn to look. One false move, and they'll kill us. Trying to stay as calm as I can, I manage to force a sentence out: "Just...tell us who you are." I say through gritted teeth.
  14. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah Suddenly my staff is in my hand, pointed directly at the rahkshi. What?! How did that get there? What am I doing? an idle, non-frenzied part of my brain thinks. I hear a voice nearby, its tone harsh and cold: "Come one step closer, Makuta-spawn, and you will be nothing but splinters." It takes me a second or two to realize that the voice is mine.
  15. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I can hear voices, but I can't risk looking out from behind the patch of undergrowth that's obscuring us. I just hope against hope that these Makuta-servants will leave. IC: Kamanau (Snake) - 4th Tier, Malebranch But...working together can be a weakness, too. Not only good qualities and useful skills are shared between a group. Corruption spreads like a forest wildfire when the trees are so close together...
  16. IC: Vandal - Near the Vault, Kini-Nui "What is this place?"
  17. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I curse under my breath when Nymph drops the sword, but run into the woods as quickly and quietly as I can. My heart skips a beat when I hear the voice. It sounds unassuming and not too aggressive, but more importantly it's in the rahkshi tongue. Then I remember that the Makuta are masters of trickery...and even if this is a rahk, its most likely one loyal to those tyrannical beings. I hunker down next to Nymph, exchanging a glace with him.
  18. Ooh, this looks awesome! Name: Silo Gender: Male Element 1: Gravity Element 2: Psionics Other: Silo is a bounty hunter, specializing in stealthy assassination. He carries a sniper rifle. He's logical and deadpan.
  19. IC: Olis - Ruins of Ascension "Aargh!" I grab my head, shaking it as if to dislodge the voice. My eyes open again. What...do you...want? IC: Zeleran - Circadian Vahi... "I have...heard that name once before...in a legend, perhaps?"
  20. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah My mind races. The best we can do is get out of here and hope for the best..."Head for the trees." I say under my breath, making a hopefully subtle gesture to the edge of the small clearing.
  21. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I sit on a stump of decaying wood, unfolding the map before my face. The tree stump has a sawed off look, but no trees nearby appear to have been harvested like this one. Strange. I contemplate the fact that every object has a story to tell, not to mention every being. I know my mind is making idle thought to keep itself off my panic, but I'm somehow comforted by the fact that my observational skills, even at the most irrelevant level, have remained intact since my...change. They are cold and emotionless skills, true, but I will need every ability I can muster to get myse-- us through this. I open my mouth to speak to Nymph, sitting near me, about the locations we could head for. Then I hear it. A voice. Close. For a moment I freeze, not sure if my audio receptors are deceiving me, but the voice is getting louder, rapidly. I can tell Nymph has heard them too, and I manage a hissed "Get down!". Apprehension invades my brain as I realize our very obvious camp is set up all around us. If we tear it down, we'll make a noise. If we leave it, they - and whoever "they" is, I doubt they're friendly - will come and investigate. My eyes wide and heart pounding, I give a questioning look to Nymph, hiding next to me behind the log pile. OOC: Vlad, Doubt, Revenge etc. etc. etc. ETC. ETC.
  22. IC: Vandal - Kini-Nui I stay watchful.
  23. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro Indeed.
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