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Daniel the Finlander

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Everything posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Cove, tunnels | Tahtorak's Fist) She noticed the smoke thinning and smiled inside the cockpit: It was time to fight. The Wraithknight moved forwards, its pilot spotting enemies ahead, people she hadn't seen when their team was gathered on the clifftop. Two Toa and a taller purple being that looked like a warlord from Stelt. She approached from behind, so it was unlikely that they had spotted her mecha yet and that she would surprise them. So why not use the most destructive weapon she had to maximise the damage? The Doom of the Wicked rose and unleashed a storm of bright liquid fire of the stars themselves.
  2. What on earth is this supposed to mean and why is it on the first page of the discussion topic is it something new and shiny we'll be getting is there supposed to be hype
  3. I had a really good idea for what I should write here, but I forgot what it was

  4. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Cove, Tunnels | Tahtorak's fist) A shout echoed in the tunnels. A shout that no one from her team had any reason to make: an order for movement or attack. Alarmed, the lifeless titan turned around and moved towards the sound, almost running. The tunnels weren't too spacious, and some of the passages had to be ignored because of their small size, but she was making progress. When she saw clouds of ominous smoke, the mecha stopped, its pilot considering what to do next. Was she protected from the fumes inside the Wraithknight in the case they were dangerous? Instead of risking it she decided to prepare for combat by drawing out the huge yet elegant blade.
  5. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Hospital | With Brontes and Bohrei) "Enough." For an unsettling moment, he continued to stare at him. "I did not come here to hear your explanations, as if they would justify your deed in any way. At first my plan was merely to ask for a humble apology.. But then this friend of yours", he gestured at Bohrei with his hand, but didn't look at her, "revealed that you're a guardsman now. So instead, I will ask you to do something.. And unless you want to tremble before the immortal might of Ak'rei'an, you will do it, no matter what it is. Understood?" IC: Dartakh (Ta-Koro, Forger's home | With Enforcer, Forger and Vandal) He frowned when he saw the interior of Forger's house. After the Fe-Toa left, he said to no one in particular "Not only does he have a roof over his head, but numerous rooms, a shop, a garden and a luxurious kitchen? Why on earth did he leave all of this behind to gather dust?" He noticed the stone slabs beneath the aged branches of the weary tree, but because of his illiteracy and because burial was extremely uncommon amongst the commoners of his homeland, he ignored them, uncertain about their purpose.
  6. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Thespian and Char) Was that.. Poetry of some sort? Not only that, but he abandoned the posh language and now talked casually. What was he trying to do? Pretending fit the stereotype of an arrogant and foolish snob? Does he consider that stereotype admirable in some way? Disgusting! But what am I doing? Letting despise and hatred freely flow through me? I should be ashamed. Usually I manage to control my emotions, but this unfamiliar situation of being surrpunded by strangers with their own opinions and values.. It stresses me out, making me lose the capability of self-control as a result.. Oh, looks like the stout Rahkshi with the colours of gold and blood ignored my advice and instead joined the conversation. Her uncaring dismissal of the deaths of fellow Rahkshi is unsettling, so maybe I should stay away from her.. But first I need her to answer my questions. "Do you know if deaths are commonplace here? Not that I can see any other memorials nearby, but I want to assure my assumptions. And where can I find Tridax? If I remember right, he's the headmaster, isn't he?"
  7. FallenAtlas must feel overwhelmed, holy cow. 10 different people immediately smothering him with advice and links.
  8. IC: Holistic (Causeway | With Char and Thespian) I turn to look at the Rahksi who talked to me. Puny, bulky, bright yellow and dark red. Looks more like an ugly Matoran than a Rahkshi, but I suspect there are others who look even stranger. Unless I want to create a flock of foes who hope I'll die as soon as possible, I must avoid insulting them. Although this Rahkshi's logic annoys me.. "Can't you just move around? I doubt that I am a formidable obstacle, so it shouldn't be too difficult to just.." A purple and grey Rahkshi approaches and greets me in the snobbiest way imaginable with a strange accent. But this one is friendly as well, and at least he didn't say anything stupid. I nod in response and say "Yes, I am. Why did ypu ask?" I ignore the short Rahkshi for now and hope she'll just follow my advice.
  9. This is a finely-crafted gabbro memorial to a wagon. The slab reads "In memory of a wagon / scuttled in the year 2015".
  10. IC: Holistic There it is. The Corpus Rahkshi academy, alone on its own little island, surrounded by a seemingly endless grey ocean beneath the iron sky. A home for several dozen fellow Rahkshi, all with their own dreams, values and ambitions. And now it is my home as well, at least for some time. I'm unsure as to how I will fare without the guiding hand of Master, but perhaps it is time for me to taste independence, freedom and responsibility. It pains me to not know if I'll relish the flavors or be disgusted by them, but there's only one way to find out: Descend the hill, cross the strange rock pillars and begin a new life inside that castle. As I move towards the school, I notice Rahkshi gathered on the causeway. What are they doing out here? I approach the group, many of its members more colourful than I'm used to. Aren't all Rahkshi black? Then I see the grim monument they are surrounding. Looks like I arrived just when a memorial service was about to start. Some would think that this is a bad omen, a sign that it was a grievous mistake to come here. But who would organize such an unlikely coincidence? A god? Nonsense. Coincidences happen all the time, and there is no reason to think that a greater being would be behind them, pulling all the strings of the world. No, the world is random, absurd and utterly uncaring. But this still makes me worried. Master mentioned nothing about the dangers of this school, but I know he adores me and wouldn't send me into a dangerous place. Was he misinformed? Did he think that witnessing death would make me appreciate life more? Or were the deaths of these Rahkshi rare and unfortunate events? I can only ask questions and receive no answers.. All these new people, just as complex and unique as me.. They make me somewhat nervous. I must suppress that feeling and avoid thinking about it too much. Maybe later I can try talking to one of them and perhaps find out where the headmaster is, but for now I decide to wait and see what happens next. OoC: Feel free to interact with her if you want.
  11. I want to ask, what's happening at the academy right now? Apparently there's a funeral of some sort?
  12. Fine then, let's see what happens I vote that purple speaker guy, I don't like him (Nah jk, I vote Null #7, he or she is very suspicious)
  13. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Hospital | With Brontes and Bohrei) The cold Toa ignored the Skakdi and focused his gaze on Brontes' eyes. He chuckled dryly after a moment of staring. "Don't you remember me? I was the Toa who had to defend the gates of Ko-Koro alone, while cowards like you ran and hid. Or were you slain and resurrected by Ak'rei'an's faithful and are now just an undead husk, without any memory of the past? Although to be honest, I can see from your eyes that the craven soul is still housed within you.."
  14. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff tunnels | Tahtorak's fist) The tall knight stood silently for a moment, the expression of its pilot out of sight. Then, the gun lowered and the mecha stepped to the side. "Very well then", Feli said, "I believe that you are being truthful. Take the passage to the left, follow it for a while, turn right, climb upwards and you should arrive at the clifftop. And by the way, where are those enemies that attacked him?" The mecha raised its hand and pointed at Hryfon. "Is any assistance needed out there?"
  15. So uh how do I know who to vote without any proper clues?
  16. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff tunnels | Tahtorak's fist) Beneath the light blue armour, Feli frowned. The Wraithknight remained expressionless and turned its gun to point at Hryfon. "What do you mean? From what team is he from?" Feli asked the Puppetmaster. OoC: @Tiragath Does Hryfon's mask affect anyone in the vicinity? How quickly does someone affected by it begin to feel attraction towards Hryfon?
  17. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff tunnels | Tahtorak's fist) Feli tensed when she heard the sound of footsteps echoing in the tunnels. Someone was coming, so she prepared her mecha's weapons and moved towards the sound. Soon she saw a pair of strangers. "Halt", her stern voice said through her mecha's opened vision slit, "Are you part of Halken's army?" She pointed the plasma weapon of her mecha at them, ready to shoot if needed. Of course, the enemy could lie to her, but she kept a close eye on their expressions. Liars were easy enough to spot most of the time. OoC: Talking to the Puppetmaster and Hryfon
  18. This is the review topic for Knightfall - Rise of the First King. Feedback will be appreaciated. Link to the Epic
  19. Knightfall RISE OF THE FIRST KING Link to RPG (Not yet complete) While I'm not a huge fan of fan fiction and english isn't my native language, I still wanted to write a prelude story for my Bionicle RPG Knightfall. Because I don't consider myself a very good writer, feedback is appreciated. I'm also not sure if I should tone down some of the scenes. If I should, please notify me and I'll do it. Review topic -Prologue- The dead forest was quiet and still, shrouded in white mist beneath the grey sky. This peace was broken when the sounds of twigs snapping, dead leaves rustling and travellers speaking echoed amongst the leafless trees. "We should've stayed at that deserted town", one of them said. "Torroon, how many times do I need to ask you to shut up? If you didn't want to come then you should've stayed there", a fiery voice responded. The group temporarily descended back into silence and moved forwards. There were four of them, apparently of three different species. One of them was looking at a small and circular metal cylinder in her hand. "Are you sure that thing works?" the flaming voice asked. "It's a blessed artifact, of course it works. Always pointing at the same direction, no matter how you turn it. It's really great! Don't you agree, Otakata?" She received an irritated sigh in response. "Don't care about him, Asho", said another feminine voice near her, "Some people just don't want to be happy, I guess." The group arrived at a large, ruined building. Judging by the piles of rubble and the collapsed towers, it had been even larger once. Why was it here alone, in the middle of the forest? The serious man shattered the silence once more: "Alright, it was right where the scouts said it was. Torroon, use your Mask of Vision to scan the entire building and its surrounding area. Iruka, ready your crossbow because those things take ages to load. We'll search the rubble after Torroon tells us what we can find. Understood?" The tall reptilian man, Torroon, nodded but the other two didn't. "While I like your plan", the taller woman with the crossbow said, "Shouldn't we plan things together?" Otakata glared at her. "That way nothing gets done. A strong leader makes everything easier and quicker. I will not listen to complaints." He paused and looked in the eyes of each warrior. "I ask again, did you understand my orders?" For a tense moment, Iruka tried to draw out her knife, but changed her mind when Asho grabbed her shoulder and kindly asked her to calm down. The tall woman grunted and nodded quietly to the white and orange man. "The beast in the stairway should be lured out", Torroon said as the group stood before stairs that led underground into the darkness beneath the ruins. "There's not enough space there for us to fight effectively." Otakata nodded and turned to face the lime green woman. "Asho, go down there, awaken it and escape by using your Mask of Speed." Iruka stepped forwards. "No. I don't want her to get into danger. Can't we just throw a rock at it? Plenty of those around." Torroon shook his long head and said "It's a big creature. I doubt a tiny stone will awaken it. Although, uh, a bolt or a ball of plasma might work." Otakata rolled his eyes and formed a glowing sphere of liquid fire in his hand. "Get ready then, for this will anger it" He threw the ball down the stairway, which illuminated it and revealed a massive green snake slumbering on the steps. It unleashed a terrifying screech as fire engulfed its head, but didn't give in and instead launched itself up the stairs, its large mouth open and fearsome fangs revealed. Otakata pulled out his two-handed axe from the creature's throat. A crossbow bolt jutted out of its slimy skin that had also been cut with a sword. The snake no longer breathed. Torroon rubbed his long jaw. "I estimate the beast weighs 500 stones. Enough meat and organs to feed five Matoran for over thirty solar cycles. But because Asho had to slash it with her poisoned swords, all of the meat has been rendered inedible." "I do get a bit too excited sometimes, hehe!" Asho replied with a smile. Iruka chuckled. "And who would carry a dead body so heavy? We're more than a dozen kio away from the nearest portal and half a dozen from the nearest camp. Don't worry about it, Asho, you didn't do anything wrong." "Quiet, Torroon spotted treasure down there. Let's take as much of it as we can and return back to camp. It's getting late" Otakata said and entered the stairway, lighting his way with a floating sphere of plasma. They entered a dark hallway with a door on each wall. The one opposite the stairwell was decorated and seemed to lead into an important room. Otakata lead the way and said "We'll go through that room, grab whatever valuable we find and leave. Unde-" He turned around to face his companions, but paused when he didn't see Asho anywhere. Her voice echoed from the dark hallway to the left. "I saw something here guys! I'll just quickly check it out, don't worry!" Otakata burst with anger and shouted "For Artakha's sake, get back here! I didn't order you to go there!" Iruka pushed him. "Don't shout at her like that!" "She's a careless fool who endangers her own life! Why should I-" "We don't need to follow your orders! No one elected you to be our leader, we don't even need one! And don't you dare to insult her!" "Shut up! A group cannot function without a leader, and the rest of you were too cowardly to take up this task!" Torroon pointed at the hallway. "Uh, is Asho alright? I can't hear her footsteps anymore" Both of them turned to look. Iruka seemed worried while Otakata spat on the floor and muttered a curse. But then Asho emerged from the dark hall, making Iruka breathe a sigh of relief and embrace her. "I was worried for a moment! Thank Artakha you're alright! Don't do that ever again, okay?" Otakata chuckled dryly and glared at Iruka. "It's fine, there was nothing there. Now let's grab that treasure and get out of here!" Iruka, however, frowned. "You're cold. Is everything okay?" Asho remained silent for a moment. "Yes." Otakata kneeled before an altar in the room behind the decorated door. It was adorned with silk and golden trinkets, a beautiful icon of a humanoid figure extending its arms placed in the middle. "A shrine of the Great Spirit itself! Thank Artakha!" He closed his eyes and prayed. Iruka whistled as she examined the valuable figurines and icons on shelves near the walls of the room. "So how much treasure are you planning to keep?" she asked the group and picked up several amulets and bracelets. "I'll keep it all, maybe even wear some of the prettier trinkets!" Asho laughed, but Torroon muttered something to himself: "These seem to be Altet-type items. They've been found on four Dying Worlds so far. Characterized by round shapes, gilded surfaces and embedded gems. Very valuable." "Hear that?" Iruka asked Asho. "We'll be rich after this! Or well, even richer than we were before." Asho smiled, but there was something wrong with her smile. It was more like a malevolent grin. Iruka frowned. "Is everything alright?" A black tentacle burst out of Asho's back, closed the door behind her and locked it. Iruka dropped all the baubles and covered her open mouth with one of her hands. Torroon yelped and took two steps backwards. Otakata continued to pray quietly, unaware of what was happening behind him. Asho's grin widened, too much, and ripped apart her mask, unleashing a writhing mass of black tentacles, as black as blackness can be, which immediately dived towards Iruka and Torroon. The reptilian man managed to swat away the tentacles with panicked slaps while trying to pull out his sword with his other hand. Iruka fell on her knees and started sobbing, muttering Asho's name in grief before a tentacle plunged into her mouth. Otakata stood up and turned around, finally, but barely managed to grab the handle of his axe before another tentacle burrowed into his mouth as well. Torroon screamed in terror and leaned against the wall, still trying to get his sword out of its sheath. He closed his eyes. 'A Shadow. A Nightmare. A Wraith. A Dark Knight. Death and doom, standing before me.. They can shapeshift. Oh Artakha, they can shapeshift, it's true. I can't die. I must write this down, pass down this knowledge.. Artakha help me, give strength to my arm, banish away my fear..' He opened his eyes. Iruka and Otakata were limp, hanging from the black tentacles, the colour of their bodies slowly turning black. Their eyes and heartlight no longer glowed. Asho was no more, her body having turned into a pillar of pure darkness. Torroon closed his eyes again and finally managed to draw out his sword. 'Karzahni, Tren Krom, anyone, help me! I don't want to die! If any of you can hear my prayer, help your humble creation! Please, be merciful! No one deserves such a cruel fate!' Iruka and Otakata had turned into lumps of blackness that were absorbed into the Shadow. Several other tentacles were consuming various trinkets and items in the room. Torroon took a step forward, his sword shaking in his hand. 'I'm a Knight. I can't be afraid, for the gods are with me, even if they remain silent. I can kill this vile abomination.' He didn't believe his own lies. The sword fell on the floor, covered with blood. Torroon soon fell backwards on the altar, breaking it and shattering the icon of the Great Spirit, hand grasped around his bleeding throat. He had difficulty breathing and moaned in pain and regret. The last thing he saw was a tentacle starting to approach him. He closed his eyes and relaxed, for he had made the right choice. This way the Shadow wouldn't get his soul. And then he took his last breath.
  20. ..Are you saying that every country in Africa has a mafia infestation?
  21. IC: Masome (Sado, Northern docks | With Somei) She looked at the Datsue's carving for a moment before grabbing her satchel and digging through its contents. "Yes, yes I am! Just wait, I carry my heirloom with me. It's somewhere here.." The seaching took a while longer, but in the end she did find her carving. It was a figurine of a Kanohi dragon, its wings extended and mouth open, crafted out of both wood and crystal. "It's an honour meeting you, Somei. Uh, my name is Masome. And I wanted to ask, what are your friends doing at the prison? Was it them who blew it up?"
  22. IC:Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | Arma Virique) "Understood. And by guerilla tactics I assume you mean skirmishing and evading the enemy? Alright, then." He turned around and walked deeper into the jungle, disappearing amongst the trees.
  23. IC: Lehti (Kini Nui | With the Toa Akari, the Heretic and the Recluse) Lehti rubbed her chin and stared at the ground. "Uh.. What god was worshipped here again? I don't remeber its name, but I guess our friend here is trying to tell us that people have lost their faith in it. It's clear that civilization has corrupted them and made them believe in progress and industry instead. They should tear down their cities, return to the nature and once again embrace thier god. Wasn't the deity also related to light? Is that why darkness is strong on this island?"
  24. What´s on your mind?

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