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Daniel the Finlander

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Everything posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD and by 'god' I mean our lord and saviour Armok, who forged all dwarves in the bright fires of his holy forge. Also, elf blood is preferable. oh and when will the game begin, we're all getting a bit impatient as you can see
  2. You know nothing about the dwarf fortress community. Say, want to hear a tale about Obok Meatgod? Or perhaps a lovely story about mermaid bones? There's always the legend of Boatmurdered as well, in which case I hope you like miasma.
  3. Aha! You're trying to coinvince us that you don't have a role by telling us that only Nulls have roles, while in fact it's YOU who has ALL the roles! Am I playing this game right guys
  4. IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | Arma Virique) He first looked at Zakaro, then at Noroi, and shrugged. "As you wish, madam. Do you have any further orders? I'd prefer to do something instead of sitting on my bum and waiting for the enemy to come. Maybe patrolling the area, for example?" OoC: Talking to Noroi IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cove | Tahtorak's fist) She was sitting inside her mecha, waiting. She would've preferred their team to go on the offensive at least partially, but the cove and the cliff were very defendable positions. If all of their team defended it for now while the other two teams battled each other, they would have an advantage later. Besides, she was a patient woman. She could wait.
  5. IC: Masome (Sado) She stood there for a moment. She had never worked with criminals or taken unnecessary risks. Would Ashka and her companion keep her safe from harm? She hadn't been promised anything regarding that. Wouldn't it be wiser to just continue living the life of a bard? She'd come to this market to buy food before heading to other islands to sing songs to people. Why should she abandon these plans? Should she care about her clan members if they're criminals? ... She turned around and headed towards the docks. Somei was a Datsue who was hopefully wearing the colours of her clan, so she shouldn't be too difficult to find. The journey lasted for a while, but trying to find the Datsue took almost as long. After breathing a sigh of relief, she approached her, stopped, bowed and said "Uh, greetings. Ashka sent me here. I assume you're Somei?"
  6. Come on, I already bought a coffin for MuP. Do I now have to sell it or should I try to get a refund?
  7. IC: Masome (Sado | With Ashka) Her eyes widened after she heard the name 'Ashka'. After the Menti finished talking by asking a question, Masome hastily bowed in respect. "Lady Ashka, I've heard your name before! And only good things along with it." She paused for a moment. "Oh and I almost forgot, it's an honour to meet you, eh, m'lady." She still hadn't made eye contact with her and rubbed her hands together nervously. "So, uh, as for your question, I.. I think it might not be very legal to blow up a prison in the first place, so I'm not sure what to do. If I help you, m'lady, others might think I'm a criminal, but.. I haven't seen any members of my clan in a very long time. And you said Somei is alive? The masterful crafter of our clan? I'd be.. I would like to meet her. But like I said, I don't want to get into trouble because of this. Can you, uh, m'lady, promise that I'll be safe?"
  8. Knightfall updated to version 0.7. Some polishing. I added dungeons to castles and a justice system. I think the game is 99% ready now. After Matoran und Panzer ends, I will let Miras and his pals post Y60k in the judging thread first. Thinking about writing a 'prologue' background story and posting it on the Epics forum. Any feedback would be nice.
  9. IC: Masome (Sado | With Askha) Masome gasped when she was pulled by an invisible force and stumbled. After regaining her balance she looked at Ashka, her expression a mix of anger and confusion, but didn't say anything. She followed the Menti into an alley and said "I never thought I would meet another Mashtet, m'lady. Sorry if I interrupted anything. I just.. got a bit excited, that's all. I'm also nervous, because.. Erm, do you know what that explosion was? I heard that it might've been the prison blowing up. Do you know anything about it?"
  10. IC: Dartakh (Ta-Koro | With Enforcer, Forger and Vandal) He grunted and said "Do it quick then, although I'm still not sure why you mourn about a building so much. Don't forget we're here to gather supplies." The hot air of Ta-Koro was burning his lungs, but he didn't complain. IC: Dahkapa (Ta-Koro Hospital) A man entered the hospital, but didn't talk with the doctors and appeared perfectly healthy. Instead, his purple eyes scanned the room looking for someone. His gaze focused on a Toa in the distant corner, whom the Ko-Toa approached with a quick pace. He stopped two steps away from him and said "Greetings", his tone and expression lacking any emotion. OoC: Talking to Brontes (he hasn't moved anywhere from the reception area, right?)
  11. Rest in peace Matoran und Panzer, it was fun while it lasted. The tanks were cool. The uninspiring legend of Jatikko and her motley crew can still reach its conclusion in a short story. Like I said in the skype chat, you can use Derkahn as long as you have him drink alcohol once every 5 paragraphs.
  12. IC: Masome (Sado, Market district) "No, wait!" she said and followed Yukie. However, she quickly lost sight of him as he disappeared amongst the crowd. Masome stopped and froze, not knowing where to go next. The crowd around her was suffocating, so she tried to get off the street and inside a quiet, peaceful shop, but getting through the throng proved to be difficult for a short and stout Dashi. Despite her efforts all she managed to do was to receive bruises from others when they tried to push her aside. A Dasaka woman nearby easily moved through the congregation of people, making Masome wish she was taller.. Her eyes widened. "Excuse me, m'lady!" she shouted and pushed towads her, once again being bruised by others in the crowd who were trying to move forward. "You there, with a Mask of Water Breathing! I must ask you something!" Her progress was slow, but she hoped that the Menti would hear her and stop. Only a member of her own clan would have a broad knife like that strapped to the bottom of their back, handle facing left. It might've been a coincidence, but it had been too long since the last time she had talked to a fellow Mashtet. She wouldn't let the chance pass by. OoC: Talking to Askha Edit: Apparently Askha isn't wearing her robes and has a different mask. The knife thing was Keeper's idea.
  13. Do you guys think that the skill system is fine? I'm not sure if I should leave it alone, remove it or try to improve it. Also is the whole feudalism thing easy enough to understand? I think I should rewrite the whole section again
  14. IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | Arma Virique) "I'm right here, Clumsy Brakas" said the Vortixx to Zakaro, using the nickname he had come up with when he had seen the Onu-Toa fall from a tree. He assumed that the Iron Maiden had given him leadership duties and wasn't very happy about it. As a mercenary he preferred strong and determined leaders who lead their men to victory, but this man's attitude rubbed him the wrong way. He hoped that the Toa was more capable than he seemed to be.
  15. I honestly feel like the planning phase should've lasted a bit longer, Halken's and Noroi's armies barely got to form basic battle plans, don't know about Kopen's army because I don't have characters there
  16. Might as well try this out Viktros A fortress located on Zakaz, built by Skakdi on the site of a battle where the builders had been victorious. It lasted for an entire century before being destroyed for the first time. The small town that had formed around its walls was burnt and abandoned. For fifteen centuries it remained deserted until the warlord Kull brought a group of workers to rebuild it. It became his primary castle, and once again a settlement formed around it. It only took decades before Kull's rival, Akashu, lead a warband to besiege the fortress. Kull managed to request help from his ally, a warlord named Nektann. He ambushed the camp of the besiegers and slew them, for it wasn't practical to keep Skakdi as prisoners. Relieved, Kull opened the gates of his fortress and prepared a feast for Nektann and his warriors. However, Nektann used this opportunity to massacre Viktros' garrison. Kull himself was slain in a lengthy duel. Nektann pillaged the castle and left. It remained deserted for centuries, only inhabited by Rahi. After the Battle of Bara Manga, when the Skakdi of Zakaz travelled to Bara Manga, the fortress was forgotten forever. Eshla Dor
  17. Man this game is really interesting shame that the players don't seem to be very active
  18. Is there anything besides the profile template that is difficult to read?
  19. IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle) He nodded. "Sure thing." He looked around, trying to find people who weren't trudging through the thick vegetation. In fact, the Onu-Toa the Swordthrower had just spoken to seemed to be climbing the trees like an actual Brakas. He approached and shouted "You there! Go to the stronghold! The Iron maiden wants to speak with you!" OoC: Talking to Zakaro
  20. OoC: Miras: Arma Virique is moving to the stronghold, some are going to talk with Noroi. Not much else, really IC: Dartakh (Arena, Jungle | With Langmuir) He stopped cutting the vegetation when he heard a woman shouting. "Sounds like the Iron Maiden wants to speak with you, Swordthrower" he said to the Fe-Toa. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff Stronghold | With Halken, Eryard, Kat, Riss, Venga, Kotak, Miras, Elittra and Vinra) The room was getting crowded, and Feli didn't find it too pleasant. "Could some of you please move outside? It would be far easier to form plans without everyone cramping inside the same room and talking at the same time" Feli said, somewhat irritated. She decided to stay in the room and continue to listen to the conversation. She was a mecha pilot, after all, an important asset for her team. She deserved to stay in the room and hear the officers' plans. In fact, she should be the one making the bridge."Sir, may I suggest that I create the bridge myself? Crystal is more resilient than ice, and in addition it doesn't melt"
  21. Knightfall Eternal Gods, Dying Worlds Version 0.8 Inspired by (read: ideas shamelessly stolen from) Crowfall Table of contents I. Lore 1. Introduction 2. Locations 3. Beings II. Rules and Gameplay 1. Character creation 2. Gameplay 3. General rules LORE Introduction 'We all have a place in the world. Some of use serve, others pray and the mightiest rule. We all bow before our three gods, who created us, who protect us, who love us and who will never abandon us. How can anyone be unhappy in such a harmonious world?' This world, called the Undying Lands, may be barren and lifeless, but it is safe from the ruinous Shadows thanks to three mighty gods who protect us mortals. Occasionally a world appears in the Void, where we may travel through ancient portals and gather resources we need in order to survive. These Dying Worlds are bountiful, beautiful but oh so fragile, for the gods are unable to save them from the hungry Shadows. Why don't the gods move and create a new home for us all on one of these worlds? It is not known, like so many other things about the universe. The Dying Worlds are far from safe, so we workers are protected by the champions of the gods, who are called Knights. However, the truth is that they care little about our safety and are instead much more interested about fighting 'infidels' (i.e. each other) while trying to find relics, artifacts and treasures from abandoned ruins. After the campaign is over and the world is left for the Shadows to consume, the Knights return to their castles to heal their wounds and estimate the value of their loot, while we commoners pray to gods that we have enough food to keep us alive until a new world appears in the Void. Such is life. Locations The Undying Lands The Undying Lands is the name given to an arid world inhabited by thousands of Matoran and many Knights. The world's landscape consists of massive plateaus of beige rock, large mountains and poisonous seas. The rock below the surface lacks any useful or valuable minerals. There are no animals or plants anywhere, except possibly in the depths of the oceans, if anything can even survive in them. Yet despite these flaws many live here, because this world is the only one protected from the Shadows who consume all worlds they find in the Void. The protection comes from three gods: Artakha, Karzahni and Tren Krom. Together (although Karzahni has contributed less and less in recent times) they combine their telepathic powers to form a massive, invisible bubble around the world, unbreachable to the Shadows. There is a cycle of day and night, for a glowing orb of pure white light spins around the world. Metru Magna, the Holy City of the Gods The only city in the world is Metru Magna, for almost all Matoran live in small villages near castles. The city, ruled by the gods themselves, is located on a seaside cliff and has massive stone walls. The city itself is filled with hundreds of huts built from wood and stone. The feuds between the servants of different gods do not matter here and wielding weapons is forbidden for citizens and visitors. The Goldenguard, whose members are the only ones allowed to carry weapons, maintain order in the streets. Due to gods' immense influence of energy, Knight powers are nullified in the city. -Locations in Metru Magna- The House of Gods A gigantic temple with a golden roof, located on the edge of a cliff and is divided into four sections. Those who aren't High Priests are only allowed to enter the middle one, for the gods themselves dwell in the other sections. This neutral ground is a gorgeous church decorated with gold. In the main hall, countless statues, paintings and shrines can be found, with numerous scented candles burning all the time. Often many Matoran are here praying, reading holy texts, listening to preachers or talking with the priests. A large room is located behind the hall, inaccesible for the common people, where the gods gather to create new Knights or Matoran. The Golden Market A large area in front of the House of Gods is dedicated to trade and commerce. Many stands, stores and warehouses contain goods brought from the Dying Worlds and items made by the craftsmen of the city. Merchants from distant villages come here to trade while people crowd the streets and the sound of loud bartering fills the air. There is no dedicated currency, so trade is done by barter. Gold nuggets and gems are the closest equivalents to money. If one desires something, they are likely to find it here. House of Life While Matoran and Knights cannot die from old age, various accidents, Skrall raids or the dangerous nature of the Dying Worlds might prove lethal, and injuries are even more common. The House of Life was built for the dead and the wounded and a large group of priests, shamans and Knights help those in need. The dead may be resurrected through an elaborate ritual, where a group of priests invoke the powers of the gods. These services are free, for commoners already pay more than enough tax to the church. The House of Knowledge A massive stone building located near the centre of the city, housing most of the knowledge in the entire Undying Lands. Thousands of books, scrolls and tablets can be found here, although one isn't allowed to borrow them or to take them away because most tomes are deemed highly valuable and fragile. Some of them are alien tomes recovered from the Dying Worlds, many of which remain untranslated. The Observatory Located outside the city on a rocky hill, this stone building is unique because of its large bronze telescope. Scholars use this artifact to study the stars above and to notice any new Dying Worlds when they appear. Future is sometimes predicted by examining the constellations. These predictions have surprisingly often been correct. The common populace isn't very fond of the astrologists living here, for despite their important task of finding new worlds they are seen as hermits, sloths and bringers of bad news. The House of Learning The only proper educational centre in the world, the House of Learning is where all Knights learn the skills necessary for their duty. They spend at least a decade here, learning simple things like writing, combat and basic mathematics or more complex ones like stewardship, diplomacy and tactics. Every Knight chooses one skill they specialize in, although Vortixx Knights often master an additional skill. Thanks to an artifact, Knights are able to use their powers inside a glass dome near the building, where they learn to use them. The House of Justice Usually Knights act as judges and follow the Sacred Law of the gods when passing judgement to criminal commoners. But when a Knight commits a crime they are taken by the Goldenguard to the House of Justice, where a group of priests will determine the punishment for their misbehaviour. All Rogue Knights have been here once, for the gods can read the minds of their creations and detect any rebellious thoughts. The usual punishment is to take away the Knight's holding and forbidding them from entering the House of Gods. Other punishments include seizing of valuable items, mutilation, torture, imprisonment or a holy ordeal. One of the more severe punishments is being killed by a god, or in the case of Karzahni's followers, receiving horrible mutations. The Drunken Knight The most famous and wealthiest tavern in the Undying Lands, the Drunken Knight has a good reputation and is known for its exquisite selection of drinks made from the exotic plants from the Dying Worlds. But despite the wealth and reputation, the place isn't very luxurious and is built out of wood. Most of the furniture is old and tends to break unexpectedly and the building looks like it will collapse at any moment. Still, many love the place for its joyous atmosphere: bards, storytellers and dancers from far away lands gather here every week to entertain the visitors and the staff is very friendly as well. Both Knights and Matoran peasants like to visit this place and forget their different ranks, for a while at least. Dying Worlds Dying Worlds are already doomed to be destroyed when they appear in the Void. It is not known why entire planets appear out of nowhere, but it is said that the Undying Lands are located in a hellish plane of cosmos where all abandoned worlds come to be consumed by the Shadows. Gods can do little to protect them, for they already expend a majority of their powers to protect the Undying Lands. These worlds have no inhabitants, numerous ruins and mysterious portals that allow travel to and from the Undying Lands, although the Shadows are unable to use them. Because these worlds contain artifacts and vital resources such as food, protodermis and minerals, campaigns are launched from the Undying Lands in order to recover everything valuable. Beings The Knights I am a Knight, who will always remain loyal to his god, always protect the weak, always watch over them, always be just, fair and wise, and never abandon his tasks, for only in death does duty end. ~Knight Kolem's oath In order to govern the large population of Matoran, gods created various species to help them with this task. Members of these species are called Knights and rule from mighty castles in the countryside. They are below the clergy when it comes to ranks of power, and must obey them at all times or face punishment. Their other task is to protect Matoran workers when they gather resources from the Dying Worlds. All Knights have supernatural abilities, such as elemental powers or the ability to use Masks of Power. They receive extensive training in the House of Learning and are both skilled warriors and governors, often choosing one or two disciplines to master. Knights usually compete with each other, which has resulted in conflicts in the Undying Lands, although the gods do not seem to care as long as Knights fulfill their duty and remain loyal to them. Some months ago Knights adopted feudalism after Avicus granted captured castles to those who swore oaths of loyalty to him. It is likely that other Knights will seek to form powerful kingdoms of their own. If a god is particularly fond of a Knight, they might turn them into a demigod. These very powerful beings are called Sacred Champions, and have weaker versions of their god's powers. This transformation comes at a cost, however, for the Knight will lose their original powers, their holding and most of their free will. Champions are fully loyal to their god and accomplish various tasks for them. Sometimes a Knight refuses to worship any of the three gods, abandons their duty of a lord or doesn't join any campaigns. These Knights are called Rogue Knights or Landless Knights, and if they're atheist or heretical aren't allowed to own castles, enter the House of Gods and the House of Life. They are outcasts of the society, travelling from castle to castle, sometimes becoming bodyguards or advisors. Their lives might be lonely, but it is a small cost for freedom. The Barbarians We fight. We win. We take. WE ARE SKRALL!! ~Translated barbarian war cry Far away from the civilized lands, in a hidden valley amongst the mountains, thousands of sapient beings live in an isolated community, worshipping their own god and following their own laws. They call themselves the Skrall. They are as large as Knights are, wear black armour and carry fearsome weapons. They have no special powers, but are still very skilled, strong and certainly outnumber the Knights by a great margin. They sustain their society through raiding, although some scouts have reported that they have a malfunctional portal leading to the Dying Worlds. Because they have been occasionally sighted there, the portal functions sometimes. Despite being split into numerous tribes, occasionally a strong warlord unites them and leads a horde to pillage the lands of the Kngihts. More commonly small warbands gather and raid villages. They are the reason for Knights dwelling in fortified castles, for during a raid the commoners hide behind their lord's walls. Skrall raids are common and not very devastating, but when a horde gathers and invades most Knights rally to defend the realm. It is not known how the Skrall are able to resist the influence of the three gods, but some scholars say that they have some kind of immunity, are too stupid to understand the concept of religion or are ruled by their own god who is similar to Artakha, Karzahni and Tren Krom. Whatever the reason is they are still a serious danger to the civilized people. The Gods There are three gods who rule the Undying Lands and create new Knights and Matoran by combining their powers, often rather reluctantly. These gods rule over the land by giving orders to the ruling clergy via telepathy. Artakha and Karzahni compete with each other, so Knights who thrive in battle against against Knights of opposing faith will be rewarded, while Tren Krom will favour those who make sure that servants of neither side defeat the other in the Dying Worlds. If a god is particularly fond of a Knight, they might ascend and become a Sacred Champion. Some legends tell that these gods were actually created by an even greater god, often called the Great Spirit. There is no proof of this, and the gods themselves refuse to tell the truth. King Avicus does claim to be an heir and son of the Great Spirit, but refuses to say if the gods themselves are its children as well. All gods, excluding Avicus, live in the grand temple located in Metru Magna. Few are ever permitted to see them. -Artakha: The God of Light and Creation- Artakha is traditionally depicted as a male humanoid wielding a large war hammer as a weapon and a tool. He is a highly skilled creator, capable of creating or repairing various objects with ease. His duty is to create the bodies of Knights and Matoran, but struggles greatly with creating animals. Legends say that he wears the fabled Mask of Creation, a beautifully decorated golden mask. He is believed to have powers of teleportation and telepathy as well, able to read the thoughts of his worshippers. Few have ever seen his physical form, but it is said that his armour is gray-green decorated with ancient symbols. Artakha is a benevolent but reclusive god, more interested in observing the world rather than affecting it directly. Because creation is seen as the opposite power to the destructive Shadows, he is believed to be a god of light. A Toa named Avicus claims to be the true God of Light, but few believe his words. His servants value life and creation, and want to save Dying Worlds from Shadows by any means necessary. Some of them seek to discover a cure for mortality or at least more effective ways of healing the wounded. Healers in the House of Life consist entirely of Artakha's servants, and as such may be hesitant to heal Karzahni's followers. Virtues are highly valued, and there are many strict rules forbidding a life of vice and sin. -Karzahni: The God of Darkness and Destruction- Karzahni is often depicted as a monstrous male humanoid wielding flaming chains, covered in scraps of armour and wearing a large black cloak on his shoulders. He is believed to be the brother of Artakha, a god of Destruction instead of Creation. Karzahni believes that the Shadows will consume all who they think are hostile, and as a result believes that Shadows should be contacted and negotiated with. This has made him to be associated with Darkness. His followers see destruction and death as a natural part of life, necessary for its continued existence, and as such are more willing to accept death than others. They know that creation is part of life as well, but refuse to worship Artakha, a god of pure creation. They want to let Dying Worlds be consumed by the Shadows after all resources have been scavenged. They are more lenient than Artakha's servants when it comes to life philosophy, thinking that life should be enjoyed to the fullest while it lasts. Karzahni himself is malicious and insane, finding those who disobey him by reading their thoughts and giving them horrible mutations. Sometimes he is kind and friendly but can unpredictably become cruel again. His task is to create the emotions of Knights and Matoran, both good and bad. He wears the Mask of Alternate Futures that shows him visions of possible upcoming events. It's commonly believed that Karzahni saw a vision of the Shadows breaking through the protective barrier and consuming the Undying Lands, making him decide to avoid opposing them directly in order to make peace with them and save the realm. -Tren Krom: The God of Balance and Order- Tren Krom is usually depicted as a fully organic being with a terrifying appearance. It is believed to be the oldest god, its followers seeing it as the creator of both Artakha and Karzahni. It wears no mask, but has the powers of telepathy, mental blasts, disintegration beams and body swapping. It can sometimes take direct control of a being who allowed it to do so. When in control of someone, it is unable to use their powers and abilities. Its task is to create the minds of Knights and Matoran and giving them the ability to think. It is seen as a god of order and balance, that makes sure neither Artakha or Karzahni ever overcome the other or fight in the grand temple, so the barrier never collapses and the Shadows stay out of the Undying Lands. Few have ever seen its physical form, but it is said that those who had seen it turned insane and committed suicide. It is seen as a wise, just and arrogant god who punishes lawbreakers by disintegrating them into dust. Its followers see balance as the most important thing in life, and thus seek to live a life on the 'golden mean', avoiding a life that is too virtuous or too sinful. Meditation, moderation and self-control are highly respected among Tren Krom's servants. -King Avicus: The Claimant God-King of Light- Avicus isn't exactly a god, but a Knight and the King of Ava, the first kingdom in the Undying Lands. He is a Toa of Light, the only one known to exist. This makes his claim of godhood somewhat legitimate, but he lacks the telepathic abilities of the true gods. Nevertheless he is worshipped by a small cult in his lands. The cult has no formal regulations or an organized priesthood. He claims to be the son and heir of the Great Spirit itself. The Shadows Next to nothing is known about the Shadows. It is known that they eventually appear in the Dying Worlds and consume them entirely. Few have ever seen them and those who have tell different stories about them. To some, they are globs of darkness, to others living shades and to a few, shapeshifters. The commoners know nothing about them, with the exception of high-ranking members of the clergy, and Knights prefer to avoid talking or even thinking about them too much. They are sometimes called Nightmares, Wraiths or Dark Knights. _________________________________________________ RULES AND GAMEPLAY Character Creation Before you may join the game, you must create a character profile and post it in the discussion topic to be approved. Here's some detailed information about some of the less self-explanatory sections. Species Custom species are allowed, and will be approved if they aren't overpowered. Almost all sapient species from canon Matoran Universe will be approved, as long as they aren't too powerful. Bara Magna species are not allowed. Here are the most common species in the Undying Lands: -Toa- The legends tell that the First Knight was a Toa, a member of a race known for their elemental powers and sacred masks. It is told that this First Knight used to be a Matoran, who was so faithful to all gods that she ascended and became the first Toa and protector of the common people. Because of this myth, Toa are often seen as ascended forms of Matoran. Many tales about heroic Knights have Toa as the main characters, and the peasantry tends to respect Toa more than other species. May have one elemental power and one Great Mask. Note that these Toa are weaker then their canon counterparts and are, for example, unable to Nova Blast, unable to create Toa stones and have less elemental energy at their disposal. -Skakdi- The brutish Skakdi are seen as strong, brave but selfish warriors. They tend to use violence as a solution to problems more often than other Knight species and many of them disrespect decorum and modesty. They are also seen as the less faithful servants of the gods, and many folk stories feature them as the fallen heroes, who are corrupted by the forces of evil. There are Skakdi who do not exhibit these traits, but unfortunately must learn to live with this prejudice against their race. One elemental power (can only be used in conjunction with another Skakdi) and one vision power. -Vortixx- Tall and intelligent, Vortixx often excel in the House of Learning and learn better than other students. They however lack any special powers, forcing them to rely on their intelligence in difficult situations. Vortixx also tend to be very deceptive and cunning, and there's a common saying "Trusting a Vortixx is about as wise as jumping off a cilff" among the Knights and the peasantry. They are skilled tinkers and engineers, and sometimes wear modified masks of power. May have one Great Mask and one extra skill. -Akuta- Akuta are strange beings and one of the more powerful Knight species. They have begun to appear recently and the records in the Great Library have no mention of their race. They wield the power of Shadow, which has caused most Matoran associate the Akuta with the destructive Shadows. They don't have a unified look and often have an ominous appearance. Because of these reasons, the peasantry is afraid of them. They are usually arrogant and confident. Nobody knows why the gods have started to create them, although some priests say it's part of Karzahni's plan to ally with the Shadows, or possibly to use their own powers against them. Shadow powers and one additional elemental power. -Matoran- The most common species in the Undying Lands. They aren't Knights, but commoners. Matoran may be crafters, merchants, guards, priests, travellers, bards etc. but true military and administrative tasks are always left to the Knights. They are rather short compared to the Knight species, often half the size of a Toa, and lack any special powers. They wear powerless masks that keep them alive. During Dying Worlds campaigns they travel to them and harvest resources such as food and protodermis. No Matoran has ever been a lord and never will be. No special items or powers. NOTE: Your character's skin might be made out of protodermis, but protosteel can cut through it like iron can cut through human skin. As such it's treated like human skin when it comes to deflecting attacks. This means that your character needs armour in order to survive. Powers Knights are able to use various supernatural powers allowing them to accomplish wondrous things, like create and control an element, defeat enemies by simply gazing at them or use the powers of Great Masks. However, the amount of energy required for use of these abilities is rather great, so Knights can't provide everyone with endless amounts of resources by using thier elemental powers, making campaigns to Dying Worlds necessary. Most elemental powers, Rahkshi/Makuta powers, vision powers and masks from Bionicle canon will be approved. Some of them (e.g. gravity and magnetism) must be nerfed in some way before use. Custom powers will also be approved as long as they're not too powerful. Skills Characters have, over the years, mastered one or two skills. A skill represents what the character is really good at doing. Skills may give bonuses or simply help building the character's background. Of course, having only a single skill doesn't mean that the character can't do other things as well. Because Matoran don't receive training from the House of Learning, their skills tend to not be combat-related or complicated. Example skills: -Healing- You know much about the anatomy of all the different species and are familiar with a large variety of diseases and injuries that you have learned to cure. May effectively heal the injuries of yourself and others. -Looting- You do not shun to touch the dead. You know how to remove masks, where people hide their valuables and when it is clear that they are still alive. May take one item from a single dead character during a Dying Worlds campaign. -Priesthood- You have spent much of your life in a temple, studying sacred tomes and praying to your chosen god. Able to ask one of the gods for help in dire situations. They may or may not help, depending on their mood. -Training- You're a wise mentor, having taught many Knights combat skills in the House of Learning. This skill allows two additional bodyguards. Gear and Artifacts Items you can have in the beginning include various trinkets, tools and objects that aren't too technologically advanced. Most items from Bionicle canon will be employed as artifacts, and thus won't be available by default. Metal and bamboo disks like the ones seen on Mata Nui are fine though. Trading items with other characters and NPCs in Metru Magna's Golden Market is allowed and recommended. Gold, gems and other treasures found in the Dying Worlds can be used as currency. Knights may have weapons and armour made out of protosteel in the beginning, although Matoran can't, because protosteel is rare and valuable. Relics and artifacts found in ruins may be kept or given to the clergy in order to receive rewards and please the chosen god. Gameplay The Dying Worlds campaigns Sometimes entire worlds appear in the void beyond the Undying Lands, full of resources. Travel to these bountiful worlds is possible through portals that somehow already exist on the surface and are connected to several existing portals in the Undying Lands. Once there, the Knights will set up a base camp and scout the nearby area. A rough overview of the surface area will be given to the characters. The map will be split into multiple areas such as forests, plains or ruined towns that can be entered. Characters in the same area can freely interact with each other. These areas may contain artifacts, treasure or beasts. Instead of exploring, Knights can choose to protect Matoran workers, for they might be attacked by the native animals of the world. All worlds have four seasons of life: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Once all sites have been scavenged, which shouldn't happen until winter, the world will be abandoned and left for the Shadows to consume. All dead players will be resurrected by the gods in the Undying Lands if their bodies are brought to the House of Life and aren't too badly damaged. Shadows may consume unprotected dead bodies. It is not known what happens to them, but those characters are presumed dead afterwards. Found treasure will be shared, although sharing functions differently on different worlds. If there's an uneven amount of treasure, the highest ranking feudal lords take away as much treasure as necessary until the number of remaining treasure is even. Every world is different, with various biomes, animals, plants and landscapes. In addition elemental powers may be nullified or enhanced, the world may be large or small, alliances might vary and there may be special sites or enemies that can be found. Whenever a new world appears, its distance from the Undying Lands defines the amount of influence of the gods and the Shadows. Justice and Law The highest authorities in the Undying Lands are the three gods. Below them is the clergy, who in turn are above Knights. Matoran commners are lowest in terms of authority. All must obey the Sacred Laws. Should a law be broken, the criminal will be punished fittingly. The most important Sacred Laws are: -Killing of Knights is considered a serious crime and punished with death if the slain cannot be resurrected, while wounding a Knight will be punished with confiscation of all valuables. However, killing and wounding is considered acceptable if the Knight perishes or is wounded a) in a fair duel b) during a campaign. Matoran Knightslayers will not be executed, but instead tortured for at least thirty solar cycles and forbidden from entering the House of Gods. If a Matoran murders a Knight for the second time, they will be executed. -Taxes may consist of crafts, items, food and protodermis. Commoners pay taxes to their landlord Knight unless they live in Metru Magna, where taxes will be paid directly to the clergy. The amount of tax is set by the Knights [...] Knights pay taxes to the clergy and are asked to give any artifacs and relics found in the Dying Worlds to them. -Killing of Matoran is punished with mutilation. Matoran are not allowed to carry dedicated weapons or work as soldiers or guards. Those hiring Matoran will be punsihed with blinding while the hired Matoran will be punished with five solar cycles of torture. Feudalism King Avicus introduced feudalism to the Undying Lands by taking castles and giving them to those who in return swore oaths of allegiance. Vassals serve lieges who grant them a castle. High-ranking lords can afford to build larger and more formidable castles and rule over larger areas of land. A liege may have as many vassals as they want to have, who in turn may have their own vassals. Vassals must worship the god of their liege and vice versa. The leader of a feudal realm is the Knight with no liege. Here are the different feudal ranks: (Landed) Knight < Count < Duke < King < Emperor. When a Landed Knight becomes the vassal of another Landed Knight, either willingly or not, their liege becomes a count. Same with counts becoming lieges of other counts and as a result becoming dukes etc. Emperors may not be vassals. Lords may have personal bodyguards who may be either NPCs or player characters. NPCs are played like proper characters but can be killed without their player's consent, although they should still be challenging to kill. All other rules that apply on player characters apply on them. Lost bodyguards can be replaced pretty much immediately, although you may want to leave a spot open for a stronger player character bodyguard. Inheritance Every Knight can nominate an heir. An heir will gain the holding, vassals and items if the Knight perishes in the Dying Worlds. This means that a Knight can have multiple holdings if they are heirs of multiple Knights. Landless Knights may arrive in the court of an owner of multiple castles, and ask to receive one and become a vassal. Should a Knight pass away without a designated heir, their belongings will be taken by the clergy. Any possible castles will be given to the next Knight created by the gods. Duels Because Knights aren't very numerous and Matoran aren't warriors (The Sacred Law forbids them from becoming soldiers), differences between Knights are resolved by duels instead of wars. A duel is a battle between two combatants and often take place in the courtyard of a castle. The challenged is obliged by the Sacred Laws to accept the challenge, although they may choose a champion from amongst their vassals and bodyguards to fight in their stead. People may die in duels , but it's very rare and the dead may be resurrected in the House of Life. Injuries and wounds are more common. A combatant wins the duel when the enemy surrenders, remains unconcious for a long time or dies. The winner of a duel can now force the loser to become their vassal. If, for example, Duke Tahu defeats King Kopaka in a duel, Tahu will become the new King while Kopaka becomes a Duke. They switch places, so Tahu's vassals will become Kopaka's vassals and vice versa. In addition, the winner may alternatively choose to imprison the loser, take their castle (thus making them landless) or take their artifacts. Castles Knights very commonly own personal castles. These are mostly status symbols and storages for their belongings, but are fortified because of possible bandit, barbarian or peasant attacks. A Knight may only own one castle, additional ones gained through inheritance or duels must be granted to other Knights or given to the clergy. A castle has several tiers, each with its own buildings. Each castle tier is associated with a feudal rank, larger ones being more heavily fortified and able to sustain larger bodyguard groups. Even if your rank degrades, the castle tier remains the same. -Tier 1- Motte and bailey All landed Knights have these. A small wooden keep on a hill surrounded by a fence. -Wooden Keep (You live here. May contain rooms like kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms, offices and libraries) -Wooden fence (to keep the Skrall away) -Small shrine (for storing certain relics. Max. 1 relic. May also contain memorials of dead Knights) -Storage room (Can hold enough food for a 1 OoC day siege) -Small guardhouse (Enough room for a single bodyguard) -Tier 2- Hill Fort Owned by Counts. Similar to a motte and bailey, hill forts have buildings built out of stone and larger walls -Stone keep -Wooden walls -Wooden gate -Storage (food for a 3 OoC day siege) -Shrine (Max. 3 relics) -Guardhouse (Enough room for 3 bodyguards) -Cell (Can hold one imprisoned character) -Tier 3- Castle Owned by Dukes. A proper castle with stone fortifications and buildings. -Large stone keep -Stone walls -Wooden gate, reinforced with metal -Small storehouse (food for a 5 OoC day siege) -Small temple (Max. 9 relics) -Small barracks (Enough room for 6 bodyguards) - Small dungeon (Can hold two imprisoned characters) -Tier 4- Citadel A large, heavily fortified castle owned by Kings. A small town has formed around it, inhabited by hundreds of Matorans who migrated from nearby villages. -Small manor -Two thick stone walls -Protosteel gates -Storehouse (food for a 7 OoC day siege) -Large temple (Max. 18 relics) -Barracks (Rooms for 9 bodyguards) -Dungeons (Can hold three imprisoned characters) -Castle town (Can include various buildings such as markets or forges) -Tier 5- Fortified palace A massive complex with luxurious living quarters. The town around the castle has grown into a small city. -Fortified manor -Three massive stone walls -Protosteel gates decorated with gold and gems - Expansive storehouses (food for a 9 OoC day siege) -Cathedral (Unlimited amount of relics) -Royal Barracks (Rooms for 12 bodyguards) - Prison (Can hold four imprisoned characters -Castle city ______________________________________________ (I'm thinking about putting this in the discussion topic rather than here. There will also be a list of kingdoms and important NPC characters there.) Send a profile to be approved before you start playing. Here's a template, with unnecessary sections marked with *. You may have additional sections. Name: What is your character called? Species: You may choose any sapient species from canon Matoran Universe or create your own, in which case you should include details about it Powers & Skills: Choose the special powers of your characters. Your character may also choose a skill they've mastered over years of training. *Personality: How do they react to different situations? What do they value in life? What habits do they have? Answers to questions like these are included here. You may mention their gender as well, although there are no biological genders. As a side note, love is always considered platonic, because Knights and Matoran are unable to reproduce and thus can't.. well, you know what I mean. *Biography: What has happened to your character in the past? Knights usually spend a decade in the House of Learning and have often joined several campaigns. Appearance: What does your character look like? What do they wear, if anything? What does their armour look like? Gear: Weapons, armour and special items like trinkets, relics, treasure and masks owned by your character. NO GUNS, not even muskets. Gunpowder isn't a thing. Keep technology of gear 'medieval', please. Artifacts found in ruins may be more advanced and include items from Bionicle canon. *Deity: If your character doesn't worship a god, they can't be a vassal of a religious person. Choose between Artakha, Karzahni or Tren Krom. Your character may worship Avicus as well, but he's not a god. Or is he? *Liege and Vassals: Knight characters start out as Landed Knigths and can raise in rank by gaining vassals. An independent liege can name his or her own realm and give it a motto and a symbol/coat-of-arms. Vassals don't gain as much loot as their liege does. Your other personal characters can't be each other's vassals or lieges. *Bodyguards: A Knight may have a retinue of warriors to protect them. They may be either NPCs or characters of other players. Include short profiles here listing their name, species, gear and powers. It's preferable that you include a link to profiles of player characters. *Castle: If you're a feudal lord, you can have a castle. Include the tier and name of your castle. You may give a detailed description. *Heir: If you have nominated an heir, tell their name here. This character will gain your character's holding, items and vassals if they die permanently. ____________________________________________________ General Rules 1. All BZP rules apply. Think of the children. 2. Use "IC:" in your post to show when your character is speaking/doing things, and use "OoC:" when you are saying something. 3. Your characters aren't gods. They have very few supernatural powers, they don't know things they shouldn't know, they have many flaws, they can't create items out of nowhere and they make mistakes. Follow the laws of logic and science (powers are an exception). Don't dodge every hit, and bleed if you're wounded. Pain is a thing as well. Your character should die when they should die. 4. No auto-hitting/controlling other characters. The other player will control their own characters and decide how their character was affected by your attacks. Items are considered parts of characters, so they can't be damaged without the consent of their owner. 5. Characters cannot be played as until their profiles are approved 6. No Expies. I don't want to see a biomechanical Eddard Stark, thank you. Be creative.
  22. I'm in is that what I'm supposed to say oh gods what am I even doing let's just hope everything goes alright
  23. IC: Feli Gemshimmer (Arena, Cliff Stronghold | With Halken, Eryard, Venga, Kat, Vinra and Riss) She frowned. Their general was friendly, but his behaviour was somewhat disappointing for a nobleman. He even used the honorific address 'sir' incorrectly! "Sir Halken, I think the correct usage of the word would be 'madam'. But more importantly, such titles aren't used in our order. We consider humility a virtue, after all. And no thank you," she gestured at the cigarettes, "We are not allowed to use products like alcohol or cigarettes. They corrupt the soul."
  24. Why do Arkie and the Carpathian have Mk V mechas? Are those typos? If not, there should be some mention in the lore about MK Vs.
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