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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. You could compare it to the minecraft theme but the difference between the two in terms of popularity is very different. Rovio has since had to lay off over 30% of it's workforce, whilst minecraft (whilst not quite as big as it was back in 2012) still has relevance and Mojang are doing fine. I can still find minecraft merchandise quite easily, whilst recently I saw a kid in an angry birds T-shirt... that was first time I'd seen anything angry birds in a long time. Plus at my local video game store I've seen copies of angry birds for PS3 going for quite a low price and still not selling. And it's not just where I live I've heard similar things said by many others online.
  2. These things are just... weird. I don't really see much point in their existence. Most of the sets are vehicles that already exist (and have been done much better). The pig city thing looks like it was created for one function. The ship looks awkward and doesn't look like it can hold many minifigures. The castle look kinda interesting but there's just far better out there. The film itself looks like your average cliched animated family film (and once again I don't see the point of it's existence). The minifigures look like a mutated version of the rock monsters and does not translate well into lego. I don't expect this to last beyond one wave.
  3. So has anyone noticed that when you look into the background of the kopaka + Melum set you can see some shadow traps. They look the same as the one you get with Ikir but they have blue legs instead of orange. So is this just for the box or are we getting more shadow traps this year?
  4. All these mistakes are making me worry about my sets. Hopefully mine will be fine.
  5. I think the yellow submarine will pass as it would be the easiest to make with an affordable price and is very iconic.
  6. OOC: Alright. I thought my objective may be over with what with the mission ending. I've edited up the post.
  7. This sounds like it could have been interesting. I probably didn't notice it as I didn't go on the website much. You might be able to find it on the wayback machine.
  8. IC: Kavok Quake "Wait, I have what I need, what do I owe those criminals? No I'll go for the heroes directly" He started to walk back to where he came hoping no one would notice him.
  9. I'd say a transparent red version of the mask of control.
  10. People really don't like Melum. And whilst I can see why (and do understand) I'd like to point out that Vizuna and Nilkuu are almost the same model. They have the same body structure and nearly all the same parts (just arranged a little differently). Not that I have a problem with people criticizing Melum but I'd just like to point out that the same thing happened in 2015.
  11. Hey do the protectors show any unique personality traits in the book?
  12. I actually kinda like the look. It makes him look like he's lost a tooth.
  13. And for that matter what does the mask of creation do? I mean both Makuta and Ekimu could create masks so it can't be the ability to create masks. At this point I'm starting to think that all the important masks (masks of creation, control, ultimate power, and time) just give their user super strength.
  14. IC: Kavok Quake There it was, the nuclear substance he needed. He walked up to the substance, took the tube out of his weapon and began to extract it into his ammo pack. It briefly stopped. "Work you stupid thing!" He punched the tube which made it work again. "This thing always screws up" He got what he needed and continued on.
  15. Although I believe it's incredibly unlikely Ben 10 is due for a reboot so I think it is possible (although unlikely) that lego would look into producing Ben 10 sets. I mean with Scooby Doo (seemingly) cancelled I think lego may look into producing sets based off of one of CN's 2016 reboots (which will be either powerpuff girls or Ben 10).
  16. I'd say Gali and Akida. The blasters on her shoulders look really good (I love blasters on shoulders) and the fish tail at the back almost makes her look like a mermaid.
  17. I imagine that mask is what gave Ekimu and Makuta their powers. It was mentioned they didn't know all the powers it had so I imagine it's just one of those mysterious things that's just always been there.
  18. Well looks like the 2016 sets are finally starting to be listed on amazon.co.uk. http://www.amazon.co.uk/LEGO-Bionicle-71300-Creature-Jungle/dp/B012NOJC22/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1451644692&sr=8-1&keywords=bionicle+71300
  19. Happy new year and all that.

  20. OOC: So let me get this straight. As of now I am in the tunnel way and you are not preforming that wrestling move? If that is the case then I'm sorry for possibly breaking the rules and let's just say Quake is gonna get a little easier to deal with.
  21. Attention all UK users! They're in! http://shop.lego.com/en-GB/BIONICLE-Theme
  22. OOC: One of those times when timezone differences sure do suck. But anyway I didn't know where exactly this underground part of the police station was so I just assumed it could be accessed from near the police station. So the idea is that Quake just blows up part of the floor and gets in. So he's still in this underground part of the police station near the radioactive chemicals. The last thing I've done with the character is have him grab one of his bombs to use as a threat against the character who (I think) is about to slam him to the floor.
  23. It's nearly 2016 but still nothing in the UK! There has been no listing on amazon or anywhere other then the official lego shop.
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