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Everything posted by Tea-rex

  1. Ic: "Nah, it's just me."
  2. Ic: As Hashan walked towards the rahk she quickly turned around with her weapons out-stretched. "Woah there, put away the weaponry!" Hashan said to the Rahk. Keeping a wary distance he said "My name's Hashan. What's going on here is that there's a new assignment, and people have to make teams to compete in it. So I was wondering if uh... You an I perhaps?" He said, moviglng his index finger between him and her. Ooc: sorry, my social anxiety is ebbing through a bit here, just imagine I said something along those lines but better.
  3. OOC: Still, it missed, so does it matter?
  4. IC: (present). Of course Chekquars comes and ruins everything. As usual. Hashan was about to give up when he saw quite an attractive Rahk walk onto the Causway. This could be good. He walked up to her. "Hey there!" He said to her. OOC: That's you Scorp.
  5. Oh hohohoho, oh man, there is a lot of Bionicle stuff around since it was re-announced. I've gotten: Toa Matau Toa Vakama Toa Nokama Tahnok Kal (All with boxes and instructions complete!) As well as all 4 movies, Bionicle Heroes, and a metric tonne of in complete Bohrok's.
  6. Ic: Garnu (Ko-Koro). Garnu had been wandering this God forsaken island for hours now. Luckily he had now come across what appeared to be a settlement. Or, what was left of it. "Vengeance will be swift to these heathens." He said to himself. He entered the village, his broken sword slung over his shoulder, hand on its hilt. He trudged through the broken city looking for life. Ooc: open for interaction.
  7. Ic: Garnu (Ga-wahi beach). Along the beach, there were various pebbles, rocks and turtles. Today a Vortixx joined their aloof ranks of beach wash-up. This Vortixx was very large, with a heavy hammer attached to his belt on the side, a medium sized sword on his back, wearing a white overcoat. The Vortixx coughed, took in a long breath, and then opened his eyes. He stood up and rubbed at them. He looked around the beach. It was a nice beach, but the problem was, where was this beach? "Where the Karz have you taken me this time brother?" The Vortixx said to himself. He started to wander up the beach. Ooc: open to interaction.
  8. Also to chime in on a late discussion (why do people hate European time so much?), the only person who drinks alcohol for me is Krakant. (Plus I may or may not have a small story line planned out for the adventures of a drunken Skakdi).
  9. Ic: (past) As he was charging towards Chekquars, he created a field if shadow around himself, blinding Hashan more. Hashan stopped and then felt an arrow whizz past his face. He turned towards where the arrow had come from.
  10. What should be known that isn't? oh, just simple things like nearly the entirety of 2006-2010 locations, cultures and fauna. The locations are much easier to say than say... 2001 - 5.The cultures... They could do with a little work. Fauna... Mostly explained.
  11. OOC: yeah, matoran. There's a link to my profiles in my sig. Also, we should wrap this up quickly, Ko is currently closed until the time skip. If there's something particular you want, pm me. IC Tarkahn(Ko-Koro, Market District, Something Different) I smile and gesture widely, "Just about anything you can think of! And a few things you can't~" I furrow my brow, "of course, if you have your own design, I should be able to put something together for you. Within reason, of course. I'm not able to access certain.... Advanced materials." IC: (Something Different)"Yeah, I have something along like my own design." Krakant replied. "'Course, that is unless you have something more... Elequant." Ooc: To the PM! *nananana*
  12. screw you and your one word display name!Sush BlueUnlikd.
  13. >people want us to continue fighting in past and have present posts. >people want us to continue fighting in past and not have present posts. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ACr0KDp5X_w
  14. Fine, we'll just see how the fight goes and then decide what should happen in the present. (So just ignore the "present" posts).
  15. Ooc: I'm not there again ffs. IC: Alsorate stood back and let the others re-build the bridge. As he walked across it, he looked down at the lava
  16. Lolwut where did you have his arms connected? Well, on instruction #4, it says to put that one weird piece facing upwards, but I had it downwards, making his arms move back and forward.
  17. Oh man, imagine what Palma would think of the scene going on outside the infirmary then (now?)!
  18. IC: (Hashan's train of thought, past). Well this has gone well. Firstly I have been hit in the arm with an arrow, then in my eye, and now in my body. ​Just brilliant. Went Hashan's train of thought, as he narrowly missed Vir's sword. Recovering from this though, he pulled out the one from his chest, snapped off the one in his eye, got out his staff, turned towards Chekquars, available eye twitching rapidly, and said: "I... am going... to murder the out of you." Not at all elequant, but enough to get his pint across, before he charged headlong into Chekquars, staff first.
  19. Ic: Hashan didn't see the arrow, but he did see Chekquars arm move towards him. Little too late, as the arrow got him straight in the eye. Hashan recoiled backwards off of Checkquars, hands on the arrow, screaming in pure agony.
  20. Words cannot describe how utterly confused I am at this... Thing.And I've listed to Thomas the Tank Engine theme goes with anything.
  21. I just now found out that Nocturn's lower arms were not supposed to swing loosely left - right and right - left, instead is supposed to be attached to the thing that connects his two body pieces together.
  22. Well, there's a bit of a time-skip, so Hashan is now on the causeway looking for a team (wouldn't it be just if he had to go with Vir!), as well as fighting Chekquars in the infirmary in the past (during when students are going to their dorm).
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