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  1. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140330010648/warframe/images/6/67/MOAsDE.png
  2. My own variant of MOA enemy from video game Warframe. Weapon is supposed to be built into corpus. (You will need to use some imagination for this part) It's supposed to bo Micro Waves emiter to disrupt shields and heat up stuff very fast. I wanted it to be incorporated into body and i don't plan to change it. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/017/8/6/main_by_nernoh-d8e8mgj.jpg Heres link to imgur gallery: http://imgur.com/a/5bjsf My DeviantArt http://nernoh.deviantart.com/ My Mocpages http://mocpages.com/home.php/100243 My Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/127181733@N07/
  3. Images are too big to put them there so ill leave links instead. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/287/d/5/main_by_nernoh-d82su12.jpg http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/287/e/7/2_by_nernoh-d82suej.jpg And small comparision to Onua Mata. http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/287/e/e/11_by_nernoh-d82swbv.jpg My DeviantArt http://nernoh.deviantart.com/ My Mocpages http://mocpages.com/home.php/100243 My Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/127181733@N07/
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