Now, I know my profile says that I'm a chill guy, but please allow me a small burst of emotion due to me finally being able to cave in and join this game... I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING I'M JOINING All right, that's enough. NAME: Luffy VARIATION: Elasticity LEVEL: 2 GENDER: Luffy identifies as a male. GEAR: Gauntlets- Two over-sized black gauntlets on Luffy's forearms. The left one has blue details, and the right one has red.Razor Cards- A small pack of playing card-sized metal rectangles with sharp edges, for use as projectile weapons. They are marked with Luffy's personal emblem on both sides.APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Elasticity, Luffy's natural armor coloration is tan. His armor is a tad sparse, revealing his black robotic skeleton. His left eye is blue, and his right eye is red. Upon his shoulders, he has painted his personal emblem, a hollow circle divided diagonally by one blue line and one red line. His knuckles are frequently bandaged, and his tongue is almost always dangling from his mouth. It's actually kinda cute. PERSONALITY: Despite technically being the oldest of his siblings, Luffy acts like the youngest. He is very childlike, with little knowledge of how the world outside his birthing tube works. He lacks refined fighting skills, preferring to use his stretchy arms to grab things or hug others instead of punching. When he does lapse into proper, Rahkshi-like anger, it's usually for childish reasons. BIO: Luffy was sheltered from the moment he was conceived. As his Makuta's first successful Rahkshi in a while, it would do no good to damage it so soon. This later turned out to be a big mistake; the sheltering turned Luffy from a creature to be feared into a creature to be cuddled. If the other Makuta knew about this, then they'd have a fit. So Luffy's "dad" shipped him off to Corpus Rahkshi in the hopes that the harsh environment would mold Luffy into the being of nightmares he was meant to be. NAME: Kri VARIATION: Silence LEVEL: 2 GENDER: Kri identifies as a female. GEAR: Butterfly Knife- A small knife. The blade is permanently stained with blood; whether it's hers or someone else's is best left ambiguous.APPEARANCE: As a Rahkshi of Silence, Kri's natural armor coloration is gray. It is a dark shade of gray, however, that can often be confused for black. Yellow-green details swirl about her face and shoulders. Her eyes are an odd magenta color, and traces of this same magenta can be seen around her fingers and feet. Her spines are underdeveloped. PERSONALITY: Kri is a masochist, pure and simple. Insults or pain inflicted from someone else will drive her into ecstasy. For this reason, she will often go about picking verbal or physical fights with other students in hopes of pain being inflicted upon her. If others are unwilling to do so, she'll find some hidden corner and inflict pain upon herself. The more debilitating, the better. BIO: Kri named herself after the sound her Kraata made when it was first called into existence. She was eager to get into Corpus Rahkshi, because she heard about the intense, often painful training regiments that the students had to go through, and being the perverse creature of shadow that she is, she wanted to revel in the pain of others. When she experienced her first training session, however, she found something: the pain of others was all right, but experiencing the pain yourself... was euphoric.